Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA 2019)

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60 articles
Proceedings Article

Innovation of Public Service Based on E-Government:

A Study on SMS Gateway Website Application of Pulosari Village, Bareng Sub-District, Jombang District

Aizzatun Nabilah
Indonesia’s development has now been centered on rural communities. It is proven by the Village Law, which was passed by the government on January 15, 2014. One of the articles in the Village Law, Article 86 No. 6, 2014, discussed that the village information system is managed by the Village Government...
Proceedings Article

Reduction of Corruption Through Innovation

Study on the Implementation of Traffic Ticket Delivery Services in Surabaya Attorney Office

Kurnia Vinda, Sulikah Asmorowati
The public has been aware that in the administration of traffic violations, it is often characterized by peaceful actions on the scene and bribery committed by traffic violators. Accompanied by advances in information and technology, the government created technology-based public services. One of them...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Usability on Dataverse in Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Kamaludin, Abdurrakhman Prasetyadi
Repositori Ilmiah Nasional/RIN (The National Scientific Repository) is a means to share, preserve, explore and analyze research data, developed by the Center for Scientific Data and Documentation-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PDDI-LIPI). This study aimed to evaluate RIN at LIPI by using Usability...
Proceedings Article

Does Intellectual Capital Improve Bank Performance?

A Comparative Study of Indonesian State-Owned and Private Banking

Rachma Bhakti Utami, Nila Firdausi Nuzula, Cacik Rut Damayanti
The main purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Intellectual Capital on the financial performance of Indonesian state-owned and private banking from the period of 2001 – 2018. The study used proxies such as; Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), Relational Capital...
Proceedings Article

Tourism Planning Development of Border Territory Rote Ndau Islands Indonesia

Adi Suryanto, Nurliah Nurdin
Indonesia is a country with the largest number of islands in the world. Tourism with thousands of beaches should not be a problem. Rote Ndau is one of exotics tourism at the southern border territory of Indonesia nearby Australia. Somehow, the development of tourism is still far behind. Hotels, transportation,...
Proceedings Article

The Empowerment of Post-Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Family Through a Productive Migrant Village Program (Desmigratif)

Lely Indah Mindarti, Farah Anggraeni
The Productive Migrant Village Program (Desmigratif) is a breakthrough effort by the Ministry of Manpower in collaboration with various institutions to empower, improve services and provide protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers/Migrant Worker applicants in villages that become migrant worker enclaves....
Proceedings Article

Risk, Stock, and Bond Value in Indonesia Public Companies

Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Nila Firdausi Nuzula
Indonesian stock market are unpopular sources of capital for companies. Stock market have 2 main products that is stock and bond. Bond is much more unpopular than stock. This study will examine the relations between risk, stock return, and bond returns relation in Indonesian Public Companies. Sample...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy Implementation of Muarajambi Temple Tourism Object Development by Tourism Department of Jambi Province

Anisya Gita Prasehana, Anggie Parawitha Lucca
Jambi Province, with its abundant natural and cultural wealth, can be one of the true potentials in advancing and developing its region. The beauty of its nature and culture can attract local and foreign tourists to visit Jambi Province. One of them is the Muarajambi Temple tourism, which is a cultural...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Innovation Capability

Detha Alfrian Fajri, Aulia Luqman Aziz
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of intellectual capital on innovation capability. This study uses a quantitative approach. The independent variables studied included intellectual capital created from human capital, and structural capital. The dependent variable is the company’s innovative...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Attitudes Towards Entrepreneurship, Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioral Control in Creating Entrepreneurial Intention

M. Kholid Mawardi, Aufa Izzuddin Baihaqi
Many studies have discussed entrepreneurial intentions, but only a little research can be used as a reference in measuring the overall university in creating student entrepreneurial intentions in Indonesia. This research is focused on examining attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms and perceived...
Proceedings Article

Designing Virtual Tourism Experience for an Ancient Temple:

Yay or Nay?

Aniesa Samira Bafadhal
As the oldest ancient temple in East Java Province, Indonesia, the Badut Temple have a dualism of function of space where as a building of religious rituals, cultural preservation as well as tourist destinations. Therefore, it is necessary to manage heritage tourist destinations that can maintain the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Work Behavior

Silvia Indra Mustika, Kusdi Rahardjo, Arik Prasetya
This research was conducted to determine the effect of perceived organizational support on knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior, and uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. A proportional random sampling method was used with a sample of 121 non-medical staff Lavalette Hospital...
Proceedings Article

Coral Reef Management Information System (CRMIS) for the Sustainable Management of Coral Reef in Indonesia

Priti Swasti, Bayu Prayudha, Susetiono
The Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (COREMAP), a program in the Research Center for Oceanography of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences has the task of collecting data on coral cover and its related ecosystems, such as seagrass and mangrove. Collected data comes from baseline surveys...
Proceedings Article

Safer City:

Public Services Improvement Through Emergency Management System

Alina Sari Hartono, Sulikah Asmorowati, Antun Mardiyanta
Tulungagung District succeeded in developing a technology-based integrated emergency management system called Public Safety Center (PSC). This success brought Tulungagung District to receive various awards and became a model for other districts because it was considered successful in implementing integrated...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of E-Government Policies

Case Study of Goods and Services Procurement in Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi

Muhammad Ahsan Samad, La Husein Zuada, Vhany A.Is. Baculu
This study aims to determine the implementation of local government policies in the procurement of goods and services based on e-government that have occurred in 2018 and determine the inhibiting factors and factors driving the implementation of government policies in the procurement of goods and services...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Dimension of the Quality of Health Services on Patient Satisfaction

Study in Community Health Centre of Kemaraya Sub-District

Nasrul, Riski Amalia Madi, Patwayati
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality dimensions which included physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy for the satisfaction of Kemaraya Community Health Centre patients. The samples in this study were patients who had been treated there....
Proceedings Article

Local Tourism Diversification Through Cultural Heritage

A Research on Tourism Development in Malang City

Supriono, Dahlan Fanani, Achmad Husaini
As stated in the Tribina Cita of Malang City, tourism sector is a potential sector that can be developed as the identity of Malang City. Malang has been known as the city of industry and education, yet it has not yet been known as a tourism city. Therefore, the government of Malang has started to focus...
Proceedings Article

Transformational Leadership Approach in Effort to Achieve Good Corporate Governance

Study at PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Ngagel

Anggie Parawitha Lucca, Ridho Asarday Putra
Leadership is one of the factors determining the direction and goals of the company. Leaders must have the ability to provide a constructive influence on others. In this case the leader influences subordinates to carry out a cooperative effort in order to achieve the ideals of companies that have been...
Proceedings Article

Challenges of Regional Government in the Disruptive Era:

Implementation of Online Single Submission (OSS) in Sidoarjo Regency

Muhammad Fajrus Shodiq, Eka Kurniawan Putra
The industrial revolution 4.0 resulted in the impact of digitalization which increasingly urged the public sector to expand. The development of governance today must be in line with developments in the global context, if not then organizations in the public sector will always encounter obstacles in answering...
Proceedings Article

Conflict of Land and Spatial Transfer Policy in Surabaya City:

Advocacy Study of Land Transfer Policy Sepat Reservoir

M. Zainal Arifin, Bintoro Wardiyanto
The environment has an important role in the success of the life of the people around it. Therefore, environmental problems can also trigger a conflict. This study discusses the advocacy of the refusal of land transfer conducted by the Surabaya City Government on the issuance of Surabaya Mayor Decree...
Proceedings Article

The Success of Surabaya City in Collaborative Governance: The Case of Development of Old Kampong Maspati

Devie Afrianto, Rizky Wijayanti, Ramaditya Rahardian
Kampong is a social identity that is very important in aspects of human life, because there is the place all activities and the most micro interactions of human life are carried out. Today, in describing a problem or policy can not only rely on one party, it requires an interaction or cooperation in...
Proceedings Article

Innovation of Surabaya City Government in the Public Service Sector: Study of Command Center 112

Ramaditya Rahardian, Devie Afrianto
Public policies and services are a product of the state administration with the purpose to create convenience and prosperity for the wider general public. On the other hand, the effects of globalization in this fast-moving decade also require a government to always make innovation both in terms of policy...
Proceedings Article

Waste Problem: An Analysis of Development Policy Instrument of the Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2013 in Sampang Regency

Muhammad Syafi’i, Ramaditya Rahardian, Erna Setijaningrum
Today, environment is a problem that is always inseparable from the lives of the society, private sector, and government. The existence of problems or environmental damage will always be in contact with other aspects of life. The waste problem is the main problem in environmental issues, especially for...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Governance: Synergity Among the Local Government, Higher Education, and Community in Empowerment of Communities and Management of Potential Tourism Village

Case Study in the Umaurip Ecotourism Area, Timpag Village, Tabanan Bali

A.A Gede Oka Wisnumurti, I Made Wimas Candranegara, Dewa Ketut Suryawan, I Gusti Ngurah Wijaya
Tourism villages have enormous potential in supporting poverty alleviation programs in the community, especially in areas that are difficult to reach by conventional tourism. A tourist village will be able to run well when getting support from relevant stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders...
Proceedings Article

Public Service Mall of Badung Regency:

Product Bureaucratic Reform of Badung Regency in Public Services

I Made Wimas Candranegara, I Putu Eka Mahardhika, I Wayan Mirta
Bureaucratic reform is interpreted as a major change in the paradigm and governance. Bureaucratic reform includes changes in bureaucratic structure and repositioning, changes in the political and legal system as a whole, changes in mental and cultural attitudes of bureaucrats and society, as well as...
Proceedings Article

Does Transformational Leadership Need to Enhance Effectivess of Natural Resources Management?

Firda Hidayati
The transformational leadership is proven essential in securing organizational performance. The leader who posses the transformational characteristic is able to foster the folower to adapt in very fast changing environment that characterized any modern organization. The culture in organization is developed...
Proceedings Article

Halal Tourism Industry in Indonesia:

The Opportunities and Challenges

Onni Meirezaldi
Halal tourism becomes the most promising industry, including Indonesia. Springs up about a decade ago when Muslim travelers were beginning to be identified as a specific segment with particular needs. Muslims tourists are exploring new destinations and unique experiences. Their desire has made Muslim...
Proceedings Article

Organizational Culture as an Intervening Variable of Spiritual Leadership With Organizational Commitment and Ethical Behavior

Riane Johnly Pio, Sontje Manuel Sumayku, Danny David Samuel Mukuan
This study aims to determine the effect of spiritual leadership on organizational culture, organizational commitment and ethical behavior of teachers of Christian and Catholic Education Foundations in Manado, Tomohan, Minahasa Regency and South Minahasa Regency. It was done in a quantitative manner with...
Proceedings Article

Exploring the Implications of Social Media Usage on Negative Consumers’ Emotion and Behavior

Anni Rahimah, Suharyono, Andriani Kusumawati
Social media have emerged as powerful platforms in addressing the issue of consumer and brand connection. A miscellaneous of benefits have been obtained from social media by the brand. Nevertheless, the topical approach of the research identifies the gloomy view of social media usage. This research provides...
Proceedings Article

Improving Safety Behavior in the Workplace

Hamidah Nayati Utami
The aim of this study is to examine and explain the influence of organizational culture and leadership to improve safety behavior in the workplace. This study used explanatory research to find the causal relationship between the variables. The unit of analysis was employee at three electric power company...
Proceedings Article

Different Tests on 4 Types of Hospitals Related to QWL, Self Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

Study of Nurse Hospitals in Malang Raya

Ika Ruhana, Hamidah Nayati Utami, Tiwulida Afrianty, Endang Siti Astuti
This research is motivated by problems that arise in hospitals, especially those felt by nurses. The problem that often arises in hospitals is related to job satisfaction. With this research whether the nurse’s job satisfaction is influenced by organizational factors (QWL) or is influenced by personal...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Tourism Competitiveness in Malang City

Arik Prasetya
The tourism is one of the strategic and potential sectors in national and regional economic development. Various research results and studies have proven that the development of the tourism sector has been proven to be able to improve the welfare of the community. The purposes of this study are (1) to...
Proceedings Article

Media Literacy of E-Learning System in State Universities

Aulia Puspaning Galih, Anita Tri Widiyawati, Lestari Eko Wahyudi
Media literacy of OU and UB e-learning users is very important because in the learning process through e-learning system demands independency from the students who are fostered directly by the lecturers or tutors. E-learning system of OU and UB both use Moodle application. In using of Moodle application,...
Proceedings Article

The Community Perception on the Public Service Quality at Kediri City, East Java, Indonesia

Andy Fefta Wijaya, Martina Purwaning Diah, Ali Maskur
Development of civilization, the advancement of information technology and the rapid of social change have encouraged the increasing of the public demand for the public service. The Local Government of Kediri City had been developing the branding of service city in order to trigger the Local Government...
Proceedings Article

Village Innovation Based on Community:

Lesson Learned From Indonesia

Moh Said, Erlita Cahyasari
Discussions on village innovation have become the most recent topic. Village innovation is a great hope for social change that encourages community welfare. The creativity of the village government requires the support of other entities that produce a large force for change. Collaboration between actors...
Proceedings Article

Determinant of Tax Compliance Intention in Java-Indonesia:

Theory of reasoned action approach

Latifah Hanum, Dessanti Putri Sekti Ari, Heru Susilo
Tax reform in Indonesia changed the taxation system from an official assessment system to a self-assessment system. This means that taxpayers are required to calculate, pay and report their own taxes. However, that the self-assessment system, many taxpayers are not transparent in their tax reporting....
Proceedings Article

Literature Review on Digital Service Tax as Reference for New Business Model in Indonesia

Nurlita Sukma Alfandia
Technological development is one of the triggering factors of market globalization and production globalization. Market globalization has made the national market into a global market unit called international trade. The presence of the internet in international trade has led to the emergence of digital...
Proceedings Article

Tax Incentive on Subsidized Housing in Kupang City

Damas Dwi Anggoro, Rosalita Rachma Agusti, Katharina S. Sarman
Regulation of tax incentive is regulation issued by the government that aimed to provide easiness in taxation especially for process of subsidized houses ownership by applying the schedular Income Tax at rate of 1% and exemption of Value Added Tax. This paper provides an explanation for schedular income...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurial Behavior: Does Tax Policy and Financial Access Matter? Evidence From University Student in Malang

Priandhita Sukowidyanti Asmoro, Ferina Nurlaily, Edlyn Khurotul Aini
Over the past years, research in entrepreneurial context has growing quite rapidly in Indonesia. The past research has done study related the antecedents of entrepreneurial intention as their primary research purposes. This study expands the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in the context of entrepreneurship...
Proceedings Article

Problem Identification of Regional Development Planning Processes Utilizing Bottom-Up Approach in Malang City

Suhartono Winoto
The development planning meeting (musrenbang) in the urban village level is a stakeholder forum that generates proposed activities from the lower government level. Musrenbang often produces proposals not integrated with regional development priority. It occurs due to the community low understanding of...
Proceedings Article

Does Inflation Affect on Tax Receipts of Article 21 Income Tax With Unemployment as an Intervening Variable?

Mirza Maulinarhadi Ranatarisza, Mirza Yuni Arrendamento
Macroeconomic variables such as inflation and unemployment influence on income tax receipts Article 21. The economic situation that developed countries will be more vulnerable to shocks to the global economic crisis. Dependence of developing countries on the world economy and contribute to the economic...
Proceedings Article

What Factors Cause Financial Difficulties in Retail Companies?

Sri Sulasmiyati
Retail companies are currently facing technological advancements that have resulted in a shift in how people shop from offline to online shopping. The trend of shifting public shopping at malls to shopping on online sites has resulted in many retail companies closing. This phenomenon will lead to company’s...
Proceedings Article

RGEC Bank’s Performance and Value:

Evidence From Indonesia

Cacik Rut Damayanti, Muhammad Sahidu Saifun, Mukhibatul Hikmah
This research purposes to explore the influence of the healthiness of Indonesian commercial banks to enhance the banks’ value using RGEC (Risk, Governance, Earning and Capital) approach. Bank plays a significant role on Indonesian economics; therefore, the sustainability of its value is crucial. Shareholders...
Proceedings Article

City Promotion For Tourism Development:

The City Branding Theory and Concepts

Andriani Kusumawati, Supriono
City branding is a very interesting topic for scholars also policymakers. As cities seek to attract tourism, as well as investment and other purposes to be able to compete globally, brand strategy concepts are widely adopted from commercial domains by cities for regional development and quality of life...
Proceedings Article

Transformational Leadership and Digital Maturity:

The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture

Yudha Prakasa, Kusdi Raharjo, Iko Dian Wiratama
The digital disruption era constantly threatens organizations. Leadership capacities and the dynamic of organizational culture are organization key resources to enhance organization ability among uncertainty environment. The research approach used Explanatory Research. This study aims to analyze and...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian General Tax Authorities:

The Optimalization Strategies of Compliance Behavior by Using Joint Analysis Program

Kartika Putri Kumalasari, Astri Warih Anjarwi, Diana Khaira Ernengsih, Mohd Aliff Syahmi bin Abdul Rashid
The Tax Authorities is an agency that has the goal of optimizing state revenue and reforming tax administration. Then, this goal is outlined in the Tax Authorities at 2015-2019 Destination Statement. The policy set in 2018 is the Synergy of Agencies, Governments, Institutions, Associations, and Other...
Proceedings Article

Social Marketing as a Means for Socializing Individual Income Tax for MSMEs in Malang City

Hanifa Maulani Ramadhan, Nisrina Rafian, Rosalita Rachma Agusti
This study’s purpose is to determine the evaluation of the application of “APEL MALANG APPLICATION” (North Malang Tax Service Office Application). This application is one of the e-government services that is expected to improve the quality of taxation performance and user satisfaction. The main service...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Information and Documentation Management Officer in Public Information Disclosure Implementation at Local Government

(Comparative Study in Malang City Government and Batu City Government)

Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, Gani Nur Pramudyo
Currently, Indonesia adheres to open government system. The open government system has characteristic of transparency in bureaucracy, public participation in having state, and collaboration between state components. One of supporting factor is public information disclosure to public. Policies regarding...
Proceedings Article

Authenticating Balinese Craft:

Innovation and Product Development of SME’s Handicraft Product in Malang City for Tourism Market in the Island of Bali

Yusri Abdillah
Tourism is a sector with a broad multi-player effect and provides opportunities for the industry to flourish through services for tourist’s needs. This study discusses the role of handicraft industries in Malang City as souvenir supplier network in the Bali tourism market. In particular, the study was...
Proceedings Article

East Java Provincial Government Strategy in Improving Community Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Prevalence

Ike Arni Noventi
The problem of stunting or stunted toddlers is still faced by various countries including Indonesia. Indonesia has an average stunting prevalence of 36.4 in 2017. 7.8 million of the 23 million children under five are stunted. East Java Province ranks 4th highest stunting prevalence rate in Java. Lack...
Proceedings Article

Balanced Coopetition in the Establishment of a Village-Owned Enterprise

M. R. Khairul Muluk
This paper aimed to examine the phenomenon of coopetition in the establishment of Village-owned Enterprises (VoE). Coopetition is important in driving the progress of VoEs, as VoEs combine two different characteristics (cooperation and competition) in the process of empowering the local community. This...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurship Education at SMP IT LHI Yogyakarta Implemented Through Life skill Programs as a Strategy to Deal With the Challenges of Industrial Era 4.0

Anik Widiastuti, Endra Murti Sagoro
The 4.0 industry era poses its own challenges in the field of education. Education must be able to equip students with competencies to deal with disruptive innovation phenomenon. Schools as educational institutions must be able to equip students to face these challenges by facilitating the internalization...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Website Usability in the Pandemic Era:

Reflection of a Study of Internet Banking in Five Major Banks in Indonesia

Anggoro Sulaksono, Endang Siti Astuti, M. Almusadieq
The results of our research in 2016 showed that website usability is an important factor in the development of internet banking. It was found that website usability has a significant effect on service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. The current pandemic situation shows a significant...
Proceedings Article

Analyze the Implementation of Badung Regency Strategic Plan in the Year 2016-2021 Focusing on Tourism Potentials

A. A. Gede Oka Wisnumurti, I Made Wimas Candranegara, I Wayan Mirta, I Wayan Sudemen
The purpose of this study was to determine the process of implementing the Strategic Plan of the Badung Regency Tourism Office 2016-2021 and to find out how to evaluate the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Badung Regency Tourism Office 2016-2021. In this case the researcher uses qualitative...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Modern and Traditional Equipment Using Fisherman’s Revenue During Dry Season

Setya Prihatiningtyas
The purpose of this research is to measure and analyze about the influence of using modern fishing gear and traditional fishing toward the fisherman’s revenue in Kenjeran during the dry season. The population of this research is the fisherman which amounts to 228 people, and the sample used is as much...
Proceedings Article

The Cross-Generational Analysis For Consumer’s Expectations on One-Stop Shopping Center:

A Case Study of Bulak Fish Center

Febrina Hambalah, Selviana Puspita Sari, Lailatul Qomaria
Bulak Fish Center or Sentra Ikan Bulak (SIB) is the shopping center specialized in seafood products from Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya. This two-story building is a facility provided by the Government of Surabaya City to accommodate small vendors who previously held merchandises along the road Kenjeran. Established...
Proceedings Article

Can Institutional Capacity Building Improve Farmer’s Welfare?

A Case Study of Farmers’ Association of Water Users in Malang Regency

I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, Maulidia Khoirunisa
The success of the food security program is largely determined by the success of agricultural production. One supporting factor in agricultural productivity is the availability of good irrigation water in accordance with crop needs. This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze institutional capacity...
Proceedings Article

Performance of Integrated Capital Investment and Licensing Service of Batu City on Tourism Development With Pentahelix Perspective

Willy Tri Hardianto, M. R. Khairul Muluk, Sumartono, Muhammad Nuh
The issue of standardization in public services become more important to government institutions, not simply because of the individual nature of individual actor and lack of personal responsibility for bureaucracy apparatus. Furthermore, because the nature of work and accountability are the interests...
Proceedings Article

New Policy Model of Poverty Eradication Through Colloborative Governance

Alfi Haris Wanto
The issue of poverty has long been a matter of discussion by experts as well as being the center of attention of policy makers in countries that have been categorized in developed countries but governments in developing countries. Muhumman Yunus who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 said that if you...
Proceedings Article

Transboundary Smoke-Haze Disaster Mitigation Efforts:

Indonesian Case

Asti Amelia Novita, Selma Sumaya Awumbila, Siti Nursharafana binti Nazrey
The smoke-haze disaster is one of Indonesia’s annual disasters with the most hotspots on Sumatra Island and Kalimantan Island. However, the smoke-haze problem cannot be solved by Indonesia alone. Research shows that the haze disaster is a cross-border responsibility. The activities of several companies...