Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

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173 articles
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Model Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) with Multimedia and Creative Thinking Abilities on Learning Outcomes of Vocational Learning Design

R. Mursid, Harun Sitompul, Abdul Hasan Saragih
This study aims to determine the differences in HOTS-based learning models for learning outcomes of vocational learning design, differences in the ability to think creatively towards learning outcomes in vocational learning design; and the interaction between HOTS-based learning models with multimedia...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Communication and Self-Efficacy Skills Students at Integrated Islamic Middle School Nurul 'Azizi Medan

Sri Ramadhani, Sahat Saragih, Amin Fauzi
This study aims to describe: 1) the validity of device-oriented learning models based on the developed model, 2) learning devices oriented to the development of learning problem models, 3) the effectiveness of device-oriented learning developed problem-based learning models, 4) improved communication...
Proceedings Article

Improving Teachers’ Classroom Action Research Proposal Preparation through Academic Supervision FGD Technique

Budi Syawal Bancin, Darwin, Sahat Siagian
This research is focused on the teachers’ ability in doing classroom action research because it would be affected the students achievement during teaching learning process. Thus, this research is aimed to find out the teachers ability in arranging classroom action research proposal through focus group...
Proceedings Article

Computer Based Exam Development on PJOK Course Knowledge Aspect Curriculum 2013 at SMA Swasta Sinar Husni Helvetia

Iskandar Fahmi, Novita, Albadi Sinulingga
The purpose of this study is to develop a computer-based exam on aspects of PJOK curriculum subjects 2013. This research was conducted at the Sinar Husni Helvetia Private High School by using the Research and Development (R&D) research method which consists of three steps, namely 1. Research and information...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Devices Based on Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills

Fitriani Sitopu, Sahat Saragih, Hasratuddin
This study aims to: 1) Find effective tools in mathematics learning that are developed based on the PBM model; 2) Finding an increase in students' mathematical communication skills by using learning tools based on the PBM model; 3) Finding students' responses to learning tools developed based on the...
Proceedings Article

Human Resource Management of Contract-Based Teachers and Education Staff to Ensure Quality Education of Senior High Schools in North Sumatera Province

Zahraini, Benyamin Situmorang
The purpose of this study was to describe the human resource management system used in the senior high schools to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. It was a qualitative approach with the data obtained from observation, interviews, field studies, and documents. The subjects were principals...
Proceedings Article

The Values of Achievement at the Gayo Traditional Horse Racing Sports in Bener Meriah

Putra Arima, Tarsyad Nugraha, Agung Sunarno
This study aims to determine the values of achievement that exist in the traditional Gayo horse racing sport. Because during this time the horse race was only considered as people's entertainment, which was initially held at the edge of the lauttawar lake of Takengon to enliven the success of the rice...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Practical Guide Based on Inquiry Approach toward Students’ Achievement on pH Scale and Use of Indicator Subjects

Predi S. Perangin-Angin, Wesly Hutabarat, Saronom Silaba
The purpose of this research was to observe the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry approach toward student achievement on the subject of pH scale and the use of indicators. The research was carried out in the chemistry education study program, Universitas Negeri Medan. Before the hypothesis...
Proceedings Article

Development of Care Learning E-Module for Discovery Learning Based on Students of Makeup Studies Education Program, Medan State University

Dwiyati Wuri
The study is intended to : (1) determine the feasibility of e- module learning care agency based discovery learning, and (2) determine the effectiveness of the e- module learning care agency based discovery learning . Type of research this is the research development using the product Borg and Gall were...
Proceedings Article

Developing Mobile Learning Media Integrated of Problem Based Learning In Chemical Equilibrium Materials at Unimed Chemical Education Study Program

Nora Santi, Zainuddin Muchtar, Ajat Sudrajat
This study aimed to understand level of feasibility of learning media mobile learning for special topic of chemical equilibrium; and to know the differences of the improvement learning outcomes of students is problem based learning in learning chemical equilibrium studied by using media of Mobile Learning...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Improve Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Outcomes Through The Audio Visual Media

Rizky Puspa Sari, Amir Supriadi, Nurkadri
The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in rhythmic gymnastics learning outcomes through audio-visual media. The method used is CAR (Classroom Action Research). CAR has two cycles, namely in the first cycle making action plans, carrying out actions, observations and reflections. The results...
Proceedings Article

Development of Research Based Book on Mendel Genetics In Biology Major Universitas Negeri Medan

Naimatussyifa Daulay, Tumiur Gultom, Martina Restuati
The aim of the study was to produce a product in the form of a textbook based on research about Mendel genetics on Drosophila melanogaster that are suitable for use in Genetic course. The development model used in this study is the Thiagarajan (4D). The test subjects were genetics material expert, language,...
Proceedings Article

Awareness of Conversational Implicature of Different Academic Year Students of English Department of Faculty of Language And Arts State University of Medan

Fitri Rahma Handayani, Berlin Sibarani, Sumarsih
Conversational implicature is the inference by assuming that speaker and addressee knows and accepts the communicational norms (maxims). The study attempted to explore the students’ awareness of conversational implicature and to give the reasons of students’ awareness of conversational implicature. The...
Proceedings Article

Developing Reading Materials Through Local Based Needs at SDN 100107 Lobulayan South Tapanuli North Sumatera

Ade Efrina Nasution, I WY Diregeyasa, Zainuddin
Nowadays, the developing and appreciating material based on students local based needs is very attractive. The purposes of this study are: 1) To find out the existing English reading materials used for the students of sixth grade at SDN 100107 Lobulayan in South Tapanuli regency; 2) To find out English...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Childhood Social Development to Single Parents

Paradita Kumala Lemmy, Asmin, Anita Yus
The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant relationship between: (1) achievement of social development in childhood who have single parents, (2) how is the social behavior of children who have single parents, (3) how childrens social behavior who is cared for by a single...
Proceedings Article

Development of Passing Technique Training Model in Private Junior High School Extracurricular Athletes in Medan

Muhammad Aditya Prawira, Suprayitno, Imran Akhmad
In research on the development of basic futsal passing techniques for athletes in the Private Middle School extracurricular club in the city of Medan. This is a process used to develop and validate learning products. Research and development in this study uses the development model Subject analysis needs...
Proceedings Article

Super Jabber Game Development in Increasing Learning Interest in Kindergarten Students in Medan

Ernida Eva Saulina Tamba, Suprayitno, Amir Supriadi
Research and development of super jabber games is applied to the interest in learning in kindergarten children, specifically there are several objectives, among others: 1) To obtain in-depth information about the process of implementing basic motion learning in kindergarten. 2) Develop and implement...
Proceedings Article

Development of Ludo Game for Elementary School Students 'Motion Material

Janri Mahasan Sihotang, Sanusi Hasibuan, Albadi Sinulingga
The purpose of this study is to produce a product in the form of a game module that contains ludo games with text-based media for elementary school children, so that it can complement existing learning at this time. This research was conducted at several Private Primary Schools in Medan Johor District,...
Proceedings Article

The Difference Of Learning And Trusting Models On The Results Of Learning Bullet Styles Ortodoks Junior High School Students

Pangihutan Butar-Butar, Imran Akhmad, Rahma Dewi
The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction between learning models and students' confidence in class VIII SMP. This research was conducted on eighth grade junior high school students. then the treatment location was at Bandar Setia Ujujng Private Middle School, Jl.Pengabdian No. 75 Bandar...
Proceedings Article

Different Effects Between Cooperative and Sociometric Learning on Lower Passing Learning Outcomes in Volleyball Games of Grade VIII Students at SMP Negeri 14 Medan

Muhammad Arfa, Imran Akhmad, Tarsyad Nugraha
This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This research was carried out in 2019/2020 Academic Year. The stages of this research included collecting data on sociometrics, applying cooperative learning treatment, and collecting data about the results of learning under passing in volleyball games...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Under the Volley Passing Material Learning Models in Elementary School Students in Medan City

Ayumi Adetya, Amir Supriadi, Tarsyad Nugraha
These studies are developmental studies that aim to produce learning model products. The subjects of the small group trial were 24 students of Public Elementary School 060927 Medan, the subjects of the large group trial consisted of 44 students from the Public Elementary School 060928 Medan. The ultimate...
Proceedings Article

Ideational Taxonomic Relation of Surah Al-Baqarah in English Translation

Siti Isma Sari Lubis, Sri Minda Murni, Zainuddin
This study investigates the types of Taxonomic Relation of Surah Al-Baqarah in English Translation. The Objectives of this study are to investigate the types of taxonomic relation used in English Quran translation of Surah Al-Baqarah. It was presented in a qualitative data analysis. The source of data...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teachers Creativity in Developing Teaching Method

The objective of this research is to find out the indicator of teacher’s creativity which is useful in developing teaching method supported by innovation desire. To realize this objective, then the research is done by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) method, in which the result of the research process...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Character-Based Industrial Work Practices in SMK Arina Sidikalang

Din Oloan Sihotang, Paningkat Siburian, Darwin, Panigoran Siburian
This study aims to determine the process of management of industrial work practices at Arina Sidikalang Private Vocational School. This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collected using questions and observations. The study population was the Vice Principal in...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematical Problems based Learning Styles in Class VIII Middle School Students

Iwan Jepri, Bornok Sinaga, Hermawan Syahputra
This research aims to obtain an overview of students' learning style at St. Peter's secondary school in Medan, then analyse the students' mathematical creative thinking skills in the problem of solving the study style of the accommodation, Divergent, convergent, and learning assimilation styles. In addition,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Petanque Training Pointing and Sport Shooting

Hotma Doli Parlindungan, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun, Imran Akhmad
The purpose of this study is to produce a variation of petanque training books for pointing and shooting training models in petanque sports. find out the validity of the petanque exercise variation book for the Petanque pointing and shooting exercise model, know the effectiveness of the petanque exercise...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Locus of Control, Work Environment, and Innovative Behavior on Teachers Work Commitment

Leo Sartika Pasaribu, Sukarman Purba, Wanapri Pangaribuan
This study aims to determine the effect of locus of control on innovative behavior, the effect of the work environment on innovative behavior, the effect of locus of control on work commitment, the effect of the work environment on work commitment and the effect of innovative behavior on teachers work...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Organizational Culture, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Teachers of SMP Negeri in North Tapanuli

Torus Manuntun
This research aims to study: The Effect of Organizational Culture, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Teachers of SMP Negeri in North Tapanuli. This study aims to determine, The Effect of Organizational Culture on Achievement Motivation, Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Symbolic Modeling Technique Guidance Service and Group Guidance Service for Achievment Motivation Based in Anxiety Levels in the Physically Challenged Athletes of North Sumatera PPI NPC

Ahmad Zaki, Budi Valianto, Albadi Sinulingga
The aim of the study to find out the influence between symbolic modeling technique service and group guidance services in increasing achievement motivation based on anxiety levels on the physically impaired athletes of North Sumatera PPI NPC. This study used expost facto method. Data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Journal Writing Training on Self Efficacy and Attitude of Postgraduate Program Students in Writing Scientific Publication Articles

Dimyati, Ashadi, Hariyanto
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of journal writing training on the attitudes and self efficacy of Postgraduate Masters (PPs) students at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) in writing scientific publications in the form of journal articles as a graduation requirement. The method used...
Proceedings Article

Development of Two-tier Multiple Choice Instrument to Measure Higher Order Thinking Skills

Rifka Annisa Girsang, Wawan Bunawan, Rita Juliani
The study aims to develop Two-tier Multiple Choice (TTMC) test to measure students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in material Momentum and Impulse to standard qualifications of good test based in validity, reliability, difficulty index, discrimination index and effectiveness distractor. The type...
Proceedings Article

Development of Water Play Activities Model Based on Knowledge to Train Children Smooth Motoric

Anita Yus, Neklan Simbolon
This study aims to: (1) determine the effectiveness of knowledge-based water play activities models in fine motor training for children aged 3-4 years based on indicators of children's fine motor skills and (2) to measure the feasibility of knowledge-based water play activities models in training fine...
Proceedings Article

Literation Instruments Learning Physical Student Education Through Student Worksheet (SW)

Akbar Zahriali, Tarsyad Nugraha, Hariadi
This study aims to determine literacy skills in reading students by using Student Worksheets (SW); to find out the learning outcomes of students through SW on physical education subjects in school education; to find out the difference in literacy skills of reading students at junior high school level....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Private Teacher Protection Policies

Fahriza Marta Tanjung, Restu Darwin
This study aims to determine the application of the private teacher protection policy in Medan based models Mazmanian and Sabatier. The object of this study is Permendikbud Number 10 of 2017 on the Protection of Teachers and Education Personnel. The data collection was done by interview, observation,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Service Information System in the Use of Practicum Tools and Materials in Physics Department Laboratory of State University of Medan

Arman DS Tumanggor, Abdul Muin Sibuea, Sukarman Purba
This study aims to determine the process of theoritical service in the utilization of laboratory tools and materials and to produce an information system design that can improve the utilization service of laboratory tools and materials in Physics Laboratory of State University of Medan. This type of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Chemical Practicum Private Vocational School of Senior High School XII Class Based on Projects and Characters

Bajoka Nainggolan, Rianto Sitanggang, Wesly Hutabarat
This research is descriptive with the aim of developing project-based chemistry practicum guides and the characters of Redox and Electrochemical Reaction materials according to BSNP standards. The sample consisted of 2 lecturers and 2 chemistry teachers, 30 students experimental class and 30 students...
Proceedings Article

Development of Instruments for Creative Thinking Skills Tests on Momentum and Impulse for High School Students

Mawarni Saputri, Eva Marlina Ginting, Togi Tampubolon, Rajo Hasim Lubis
The purpose of this study is to find out the steps for developing instruments and characteristics of creative thinking skills test on momentum material and impulses. The research subjects were students of class X IPA 1 Cut Nyak Superior High School Dhien Langsa who had received momentum and impulse material....
Proceedings Article

Effect of Scientific Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Mind Mapping on Science Process Skills Student

Tria Anggreini, Togi Tampubolon, Wawan Bunawan, Rajo Hasim Lubis
The purpose of this study was to analyze the science process skills and creative thinking of students who were taught by the scientific inquiry learning model using mind mapping. The study was conducted on the eighth-grade students of Tunas Harapan Private Middle School in Sayurmatinggi Village, Ujung...
Proceedings Article

Improving Teacher Competence in Making Class Action Research Through Assignment, Feed Back, and Revision Workshop

Rasmin Simbolon, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Julaga Situmorang
Teachers in State Junior High School 30 (SMP Negeri 30) Medan still has particularly low competence to make proposals of Class Action Research (CAR). The aim of this study is to determine the competence of teachers in making CAR. The hypothesis of this study is the competence of teachers in making CAR...
Proceedings Article

The Active Role Of Fostering The Regional Indonesian National Sports Committee In Badminton

Fitrah Miko, Albadi Sinulingga, Suprayitno
The research aims to find out the active role of KONI in Central Aceh Regency in the badminton sport in 2016. The study used a survey method with research subjects KONI management, PBSI management, club management, coaches and athletes. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire. Data...
Proceedings Article

Improving Passing Chest Pass Results Through a Variation Approach to Learning

Windi Naully, Nurhayati Simatupang, Tarsyad Nugraha
This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes of passing chest passes through a learning variation approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects were 35 students, consisting of 21 students and 14 students. The research instrument observation sheet...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students Science Process Skills

Siska Evriani Depari, Hasruddin
Inquiry models are commonly used to assess students problem solving and discovery abilities. However, there are several resistance to Inquiry syntax that can improve students' science process skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the Inquiry model of students' science process skills. This...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Physical Education Learning in Down Syndrome Students at SLB YPAC Medan

Akhmadi Malaon Lubis, Indra Kasih, Nurhayati Simatupang
The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of physical education learning in mentally retarded students at YPAC Medan Special School (SLB). The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were physical education teachers and mild tuna students....
Proceedings Article

The Difference Between Certified and Non-certified PE Teachers Performance Based on Range of Service Period

Wahyo, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang
This research was conducted in junior high schools (SMP) in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province. This research has been conducted for 2 months, namely October to November 2018. The population in this study were all physical education teachers who taught in the SMP throughout Deli Serdang District....
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation 2013 Batubara District

Mauluddin M Noor, Albadi Sinulingga, Sanusi Hasibuan
The implementation research of Curriculum 2013 in Batubara Regency found many obstacles at the beginning of its application. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Coal District. The components of the evaluated curriculum implementation include: the condition of the student,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of School-Based Management (Study case in SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, Dairi Regency)

Saut Mian Naibaho, Syawal Gultom, Wildansyah Lubis
The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the implementation of school-based management in SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, Dairi Regency, with a focus on; a) knowing the management process, b) the process of management implementation, c) problems and solutions in the implementation of management, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Approach and Self-Efficacy on Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability in Fifth Grade Student of Gracia Sustain Private Elementary School Medan

Anita Rebekawati, Waminton Rajagukguk, Zulkifli Matondang
This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of realistic mathematics approach on student mathematics problem-solving ability; (2) the effect of self-efficacy on student mathematics problem-solving ability; (3) the interaction between realistic mathematics approach and self-efficacy on student mathematics...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Difficulties in Learning Physical Education in Children with mild Developmental Disabilities in SLB Binjai City

Anggun Lestari Tanjung, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang
This research approach is carried out qualitatively, meaning that research procedures produce descriptive data in the form of words from people or observed behavior. The subjects of the study were Physical Education teachers in SLB Binjai City and several Tunagrahita class students. This is because Physical...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of PDDB Online Implementation Policy (Case study at the Sunggal Branch of the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office)

M. Basir Hasibuan, Wildasyah, Din Oloan Sihotang
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the use of resources used related to the implementation process of New Student Admission Policy (PPDB) and To find out the organization related to the implementation of Online New Student Admission (PPDB) policy in Upper Middle School in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Table Tennis Game Rules Through Modification of Game Rules Model Ams32 in Class VIII Middle School Students

Amal Syahril Sihombing, Suprayitno, Rahma Dewi
This study aims: (1) Provide an alternative table tennis learning model; (2) Increase the spirit of play; (3) Enriching student movements; (4) Improving effective student movements; (5) Provide input to sports and health physical education teachers for table tennis learning material. Subject collection...
Proceedings Article

Development of Multimedia Lectora Inspire Integrated Problem Based Learning on Carbohydrate Topic for Department of Agrotechnology Students

Nuraini, Murniaty Simorangkir, Saronom Silaban, Erwin Pane
A standard learning material can be designed as a learning media to facilitate the students with complete information from the appropriate sources and can be accessed anytime and be able to facilitate students to learn independently. This study aimed to provide a multimedia Lectora Inspire integrated...
Proceedings Article

Preparing an ICT Innovation using Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Buffer Solutions for High School

Erika Siska Yolanda Siagian, Widya Irfani, Ramlan Silaban, Mahmud
This study aims to obtained ICT based Lectora Inspire media as learning media for buffer solution in high school class XI and to determine the feasibility of ICT based Lectora Inspire media according to national education standards board. This study uses research development method with Borg & Gall modified...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model and Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw type on Creative Thinking Skills Based on Students Learning Motivation

Pratiwi Bernadetta Purba, Bornok Sinaga
The aims of this research are to acknowledge the effect of Problem Based Learning model and Cooperative Learning model jigsaw type on creative thinking skills and the interaction between learning model and learning motivation on students creative thinking skills. The kind of this research is quasi experiment...
Proceedings Article

Preparing an ICT Innovation with Lectora Inspire as Teaching Media for Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions for High School Class X

Widya Irfani, Erika Siska Yolanda Siagian, Nurfajriani, Ramlan Silaban
This study aims to determine ICT based Lectora Inspire media as learning media for electrolyte and non-electrolyte solutions in high schools according to national education standards board. To achieve the objectives, research development was conducted referring to ADDIE modified model. The feasibility...
Proceedings Article

education, life skill, meta-synthesis

Khairani, R. Mursid, Samsidar Tanjung
This research and development aims to: (1) Produce learning games for educational games Ludo Word Game based on literacy that worthy to use (2) know the effectiveness educational game learning media Ludo Word Game based on literacy that developed on German learning in improving student learning result....
Proceedings Article

Education Model Based on Life Skill (a Meta-Synthesis)

Aswin Bancin, Biner Ambarita
The problems that will be examined in this study are (1) How the concept of education based on life skills (2) How education management based on life skills (3) How the education management model based on life skills.This research was carried out in the form of meta-synthesis, also referred to as systematic...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Dubido Based on Contextual in Improving Students Achievement on The Topic of Electrochemistry

Angeline Viska Ayu Rosalia, Saronom Silaban, Zainuddin Muchtar
The goal of this research was to know the gain of student achievement that taught by using dubido. The research has been done in Chemistry Educational Study Program in Unimed. The experimental class was given treatment with teaching by using dubido media based on contextual. The experimental class has...
Proceedings Article

Android Based Speed Light Implementation of Saq (Speed, Agility and Quickness) Improvementson Futsal Atlet U-16 League Aafiregional Medan

Dody Yogaswara, Rahma Dewi, Amir Supriadi
The purpose of this research is to produce speed, agility and quickness training which are progressive exercises that lead to the development of the main movement abilities to improve the ability of players or athletes so that they are better (faster) at their skills. Another opinion is that speed, agility...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Teaching and Learning Process of Physical Education Sport and Health (PJOK) Subjects Using the 2013 Curriculum in State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) at Medan City

Netty Zakiah
This study aims to determine the implementation process and effectiveness of the implementation of teaching and learning evaluation on Physical Education Sport and Health (PJOK) subjects in the 2013 Curriculum at State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Medan City in 2018/2019 Academic Year. This study...
Proceedings Article

Linguistic Characteristic of Narrative Text Written by Male and Female Students

Nurul Hasanah, Zainuddin, Anni Holila Pulungan
Language is a reflection of speakers. A person can guess the identity such as the origin, character, or behavior of the interlocutor of the language he uses. Gender affect the use of language, both oral and written language. As Lakoff said that male and female groups have different linguistic characteristics....
Proceedings Article

Development of Problem Based Learning Tools To Improve Visual Thinking And Self Efficacy of Seventh Grade Junior High School Students in Besitang

Meli Rama Yunita, Edy Surya, Edi Syahputra
This study aimed to describe how: 1) the validity, practicality and effectiveness of learning materials using problem based learning, and 2) the improvemet of visual thinking ability and self afficacy against mathematics by using the learning materials. This type of research is development research....
Proceedings Article

Euphemism of Political News in Republika Online Mass Media

Yuliana Ridwan, Sri Minda Yuliana, Didik Santoso
News is presented not only through printed media but also in the form of online media. Many kinds of news such as, economy, business, law, politic and etc. In presenting a news can use a language that is fairly rough and very fine language. In this study, news is presented in the form of online news....
Proceedings Article

Gender Differences in Teaching Learning Process Based on Inquiry Model

Maharani Dalimunthe, Anni Holila Pulungan, Zainuddin
This research deals with gender differences of male and female teachers in teaching learning process at SMP AL-WASLIYAH 29 TELADAN. The objective of this study was to investigate types of utterances of male and female teachers in teaching learning process based on inquiry model. Case study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Euphemisms in Article Online on Konsultasi Syariah

Rindi Puspita, Sri Minda Murni, Sumarsih
Euphemism is a word or an expression which is delicate and inoffensive and is used to replace or cover a term that seems to be either taboo, too harsh or simply inappropriate for a given conversational exchange and is the substitution of a more pleasant or less direct word for an unpleasant or distasteful...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Biology Teacher Teaching Style with Students Learning Outcome

Winda Zuwanna Zufri, Herbert Sipahutar, Syahmi Edi
Teaching style was very varied and required in learning. Teaching style considered important in improving students learning outcome. A teacher should be creative and critical in teaching style to produce conducive classroom situation. Monotonous learning environment could reduce student’s interest in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Research Based Field Guide Book about Dragonfly Diversity (Odonata)

Nurul Sallia Mairiella Lubis, Syarifuddin, Ashar Hasairin
This research aimed to develop a field guide book material diversity of dragonfly (Odonata) research based on the subjects of entomology. This field guidebook was developed by using Four-D model of Thiagarajan (4D), namely stages: define, design, development and dissemination but in research only until...
Proceedings Article

Development of Field Guide Book to Insect Pollinator of Herbaceous Plants in City and Residential Area in Medan

Emy hariati, Mufti Sudibyo, Syarifuddin
This research was conducted to develop field guide of herbaceous plants insect pollinators in city and residential area in Medan for entomology course. This book was developed according to Thiagarajan 4D (define, design, development, dissemination) model, minus dissemination steps. This book was validated...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Project Based Learning in Teaching French

Farahdiba, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Naeklan Simbolon
The aim of this research is for knowing the effect of learning model and learning motivation on French’s learning outcomes. The learning models used in this research are Project Based Learning and Contextual Teaching and Learning. The research method was quasi-experimental study using factorial 2 x 2...
Proceedings Article

Classroom Action Research: Measuring Integration of Character Education in Language Learning

Titim Eliawati, Dina Irmayanti Harahap
Language teachers are supposed to understand how to integrate character education into language learning in a class. On the other hand, it is an important issue for teacher to measure character values that student absorbed and practiced in daily life. There are many methods available for teachers when...
Proceedings Article

Learning of Silc Pencak Silat Learning with Game for Muhammadiyah Tanjung Sari Elementary School Students in Medan City

Muhammad Andri Fahrian, Nurhayati Simatupang, Suprayitno
Learning of Pencak Silat Basic Motion With Games For Muhammadiyah Tanjung Sari Elementary School Students in the city of Medan.This research is motivated by the absence of standard (national) teaching materials for pencaksilat students for Muhammadiyah elementary school students, regarding pencak silat...
Proceedings Article

Difference of Critical Thinking Ability and Ability to Solve Mathematical Problem Students of SMP Negeri 3 Sibabangun using Metacognitive Learning Model and Inquiry

Amii Mardiyah Sipahutar, Bornok Sinaga, Edy Syahputra
This study aims to understand: (1) Differences students' critical thinking skills at SMP N 3 Sibabangun who taught with the metacognition learning model with inquiry learning models, (2) Problems problem solving ability of students at SMP N 3 Sibabangun who are taught with metacognition learning models...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing the Capability of Language Teachers in Developing Lesson Plans Through Academic Supervision of Personal Conversation Technique

Satria Kris Ratna Waruwu, Yasaratodo Wau, Sukarman Purba
This study aims to determine whether academic supervision of personal conversation technique can improve the ability of language teachers in developing lesson plans. The action hypothesis of this study is through the implementation of academic supervision of personal conversation technique, the ability...
Proceedings Article

Types of Language Style Used by Teachers in Classroom Interaction

Muhammad Hasril Fakhrurrozi, Amrin Saragih, Syahron Lubis
This research was conducted to investigate language style in classroom interaction. The objective of this research was to find out the types of language style used by teachers in classroom interaction. The subject of this research was three teachers who teach in the same class. The teachers’ utterances...
Proceedings Article

Establishment of Character Through Boarding School Education in Students in Pondok Pesantren

Babby Hasmayni, Farida Hanum Siregar, Azhar Aziz
This study aims to create a description of the formation of character through boarding school education in students in pondok pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) and to see the achievement of pesantren in instilling the value of these characters. The values ​​of characters to be seen and implanted such...
Proceedings Article

Management Models of Educators and Educational Staff in Improving the Quality of Education (Case Study at SMAN 3 Medan, SMAN 2 Lubuk Pakam, SMA Unggul CT Foundation Deli Serdang, and SMAN 1 Perbaungan)

Astri Novia Siregar, Benyamin Situmorang, Zainuddin
The purpose of this study is to determine the management models of educators and educational staff in improving the quality of education in senior high school. The study is based on qualitative research method. The data is obtained based on observations, interviews, and documentation. The research has...
Proceedings Article

Development of Colored Shuttlecocks as a Badminton Learning Media

Devi Fitriyanti, Nurhayati Simatupang, Agung Sunarno
This research was conducted at the Medan Sinar Husni Private Middle School and the process of making shuttlecocks in Malang. The research at Sinar Husni Middle School in Medan will be conducted in February 2018 and the manufacturing process will be in December 2018. The stages of this research include...
Proceedings Article

Qualitative Analysis of Metacognition Ability and Creativity Thinking with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Model

Ratu Natalia Perangin-angin, Bornok Sinaga, Edi Syahputra
This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This research is a type of research that aims to describe the quality of metacognition abilities and the creative thinking ability of students who get a jigsaw type cooperative learning model. This research was conducted in Grade VIII An Pancur Batu Middle...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of Lecturer Performance in Participation in the Field of Research and Scientific Publications (Study case at D-III and D-IV in Midwifery Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan)

Efendi Sianturi, Eka Daryanto
Lecturers are important elements that play a role in the Tri darma of higher education. Lecturers are professional educators with the main task of transforming, developing, and disseminating science, technology, and art through education, research, and community service. The purpose of this study was...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance System (Case study at Midwifery Major of Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan

Rismahara Lubis, Eka Daryanto, Restu
The purpose of this study was to analyze the policy of the Internal Quality Assurance System in the Midwifery Department of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan using the G.Edward C.III theory. The research method used is to use a policy analysis model approach according to George C. Edward. The procedure of...
Proceedings Article

Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Through Geogebra-Aided Problem Based Learning To Improve Solving Capability Mathematical Problems of High School Students

Nurmillah Br Sembiring, Asmin, Edy Surya
This research is a study of the development of learning devices. This study aims to analyze how the validity, practicality and effectiveness of mathematics learning tools through Geogebra-assisted problem-based learning are developed and analyze how to improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities...
Proceedings Article

The Development of E-Learning Based Instructional Model in Learning English

Lona Marlina, Efendi Napitupulu
In the current era of globalization, the development of technology is very rapid. Basically the concept of educational technology is still focused on efforts to give solution of learning problems. In accordance with the development of education and learning at this time, one of them is learning in electronic...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Worksheets-PBL Improve Students Critical Thinking Ability

Rizki Aulia Elissa, Reh Bungana Perangin-angin, Dede Ruslan
This study aims to: (1) produce a problem based learning based worksheet that is suitable for thematic learning in grade 5 of elementary school; (2) knowing the students critical thinking skills by applying the participants worksheets in the class. his student worksheet is compiled using the 4D model...
Proceedings Article

Analysis Policy Implementation of New Student AdmissionsZone System (Case studi In SMA N 1 Sunggal Deli Regency Serdang, 2018/2019)

Asaaro Laia, Ekadaryanto
This study aims to reveal the application of communication, resources, and implementation of the bureaucracy in the PPDB zoning area system policy. In SMA 1 Sunggal, Deli Serdang Regency. The data was obtained by using a tiered interview technique, namely the North Sumatra Province Education Office,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Media Based on Problem based Learning in Prakarya

Ahmad Dahlan Siregar, Mukhtar
This study aims to: produce appropriate Compact Disc (CD) learning products according to material experts, media experts, design experts and users and find out the usefulness of products through the completeness of student learning outcomes. This research is development research conducted in two strages....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning in the Order of Contextual Learning in Microbiology Lectures on the High Order Thinking Skills of Biology Students in FMIPA UNIMED

Hafidatul Husna, Hasruddin, Tumiur Gultom
This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of project-based learning and problem-based learning to the students’ High Order Thinking Skills in the fifth semester of biology education undergraduate students in FMIPA UNIMED. This study used a quasi-experimental method with one dependent...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Contextual-Inquiry Based Worksheet in Water Microbiology Material for Students’ Scientific Process Skills in FMIPA UNIMED

Diah Kesumawati, Hasruddin, Mufti Sudibyo
This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of contextual-inquiry based worksheets on students’ scientific process skills in the sixth semester of biology education undergraduate students in FMIPA UNIMED. This study used a quasi-experimental method with one dependent variable with 3 (three)...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis Implementation of 2013 Thematic Learning Curriculum (Case Study in Primary School St. Thomas Medan)

Johannes Sohirimon Lumbanbatu, Zainuddin, Din Oloan Sihotang
the purpose of this study was to determine the condition of students in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in thematic learning at St. Thomas Elementary School in Medan in 2018/2019 academic year, to know the condition of teachers in the implementation of thematic learning 2013 curriculum, to...
Proceedings Article

Designing Big Book as Media for Learning English Vocabulary

Susanti, Amrin Saragih, Anni Holila Pulungan
This study aims to produce English learning media for elementary school students in the form of Big Book as a medium of learning English vocabulary for fourth grade students and determine the feasibility of the media produced based on the assessment of material experts, media experts, design experts,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Science Teaching Books Based on Fun Experiments for Early Childhood (5-6 year-olds) in the Kindergarten of Kutalimbaru Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency

Hestika Dewi Sitepu, Rosmala Dewi, Wildansyah Lubis
This research is motivated by the availability of textbooks that are not in accordance with the needs and conditions of the child's environment, so that the introduction of science learning for early childhood has not been carried out optimally. The aim of this research is : 1) To know the feasibility...
Proceedings Article

Competency Analysis of Science / Biology Junior High School Teachers that Have Passed Certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency

Nilawati, Ely Djulia, Syahmi Edi
Descriptive of this study aimed to analyze the competencies of science / biology junior high school teachers who have passed certification in Aceh Tamiang Regency. The population and sample in this study were 58 science / biology junior high school teachers who had passed certification from all junior...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Model and Creative Thinking at Vocational High School 7 Medan

Nani Rahmawati, Mukhtar R Mursid
An abstract is a brief summary of to analyze: (1) Comparison between student mathematics learning outcomes taught by Realistic mathematical approach model with Means Ends Analysis model (2) comparison of mathematics learning outcomes of students who have high creative thingking skills and low creative...
Proceedings Article

Differences in Students Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Given Guided Discovery Learning and Cooperative Learning STAD-Type

Nova Yanti Sinaga, Mukhtar, Syafari
Problem solving is a basic activity for human beings and becomes one of the goals in learning mathematics. The goal can not be fulfilled if the classroom learning does not pay attention to the problem solving ability. Guided discovery learning and cooperative learning STAD-type can be used to meet the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Guided Discovery and STAD Learning Models on Students’ Critical Thinking and Scientific Process Skills on Environmental Pollution Topic in MAPN 4 Medan

Ayyub JW Prayogi, Ely Djulia, Syahmi Edi
This study aimed to determine the effect of Guided Discovery and STAD learning models on students’: (1) critical thinking skill; (2) scientific process skill in grade X of MAPN 4 Medan. The research method used was quasi-experimental with a sample of 3 classes determined by cluster random sampling. ...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model and Group Investigation Learning Model on Students’ Cognitive Skill and Critical Thinking Skill in the Ecosystem Topic at SMA Bhayangkari 1 Medan

Ahmad Fauzi, Ely Djulia, Idramsa
This study aimed to determine the effect of learning models on students: (1) cognitive skill and (2) critical thinking skill in the Ecosystem topic at SMA Bhayangkari 1 Medan. The method used is quasi experiment research with a sample of 3 classes randomly determined using cluster random sampling technique....
Proceedings Article

Development of Character-Based Thematic Student Worksheets

Nur Wahyuni, Wisman Hadi, Abdurrahman Adisahputra
This study aims to: (1) produce character-based student worksheets that are suitable to be used for thematic learning in the sub-themes of singing and dancing for grade 1 elementary school; (2) knowing the large increase in students interest in learning by applying the participants worksheets in the...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis of the Free Education Program Implementation (Case study in Medan 1 Public School)

Ilyas Suharto Sitorus, Eka Daryanto
The purpose of this study is to find and obtain data that can provide information about the implementation of free education policies in Junior High School 1Medan using the theory of public policy by SyaifulSagala, and find out the obstacles faced in implementing the Education Policy Free 2017/2018 school...
Proceedings Article

Transitivity Shifts in Translating of the Novel Laskar Pelangi into English

Mia Fitri Tinambunan
this research was conducted investigated transitivity shift in Laskar Pelangi Novel. The Objective of the researcher was to find out types of transitivity shift used by Laskar Pelangi Novel. The researcher used transitivity of Halliday (1985) and transitivity shift of Calzada Perez (2007) as the tools...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Policy for Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Institutions in Medan City

Ditta Manullang, Eka Daryanto, Zainuddin
The Education Policy for the Implementation of Inclusive Education is regulated in the National Education Ministers Regulations of Indonesia No. 70 of 2009, and the North Sumatra Governor Regulation No.29 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Inclusive Education. However, in its implementation various...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Instructional Strategies and Social Interaction on Social Science Learning Outcome

Fitri Amelia Ritonga, Abdul Muin Sibuea
This study aims to: (1) know the learning outcome of students in social science who are taught with problem based learning strategy and two stay two stray strategy, (2) know the social science learning outcome of students with cooperative and competitive social interaction (3) know the interaction between...
Proceedings Article

Development of Biochemical Practicum Guides Integrated Discovery Learning

Ucia Mahya Dewi, Marham Sitorus, Ajat Sudrajat
Practical guide is a learning resource that can minimize the role of lecturers, making students more active and have creative thinking and skills so that it is easier to carry out activities in the laboratory. This research was aimed to obtain Biochemistry practicum guides integrated discovery learning...