Proceedings of the Achieving and Sustaining SDGs 2018 Conference: Harnessing the Power of Frontier Technology to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (ASSDG 2018)

Session: Good Governance and Institution

2 articles
Proceedings Article

Kelurahan as Data Source for Sustainable Development Goals

Adityo Pratikno Ramadhan
One of problems in SDGs implementation is about data. It is often found that the data are not valid or need to be updated regularly. The data play a decisive role in policy including the ones related to SDGs. In Indonesia, in terms of data rely on Indonesia Statistic Board. However, another source of...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Transparency and Community Participation through the Open Government Partnership in Bojonegoro Regency

Deru R Indika, Nike Vonika
Open government is not just the obligation of government and right of a citizen. It does require not only transparency and participation but also synergy and collaboration of many parties. Collaboration among Academician, Businessmen, Government and Community (ABGC) has been carried out in Bojonegoro...