Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)

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145 articles
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Social Capital Through Social Economic Mitigation Based on Local Wisdom

Tetep Maskur, Asep Supriatna
The Covid 19 pandemic has weakened communal power and the world economy. Various countries have taken various ways to save the current socio-economic situation. Using a qualitative approach, this research was carried out to analyze a model for strengthening social capital in Garut, Indonesia, through...
Proceedings Article

Student Financial Literacy: A Review of Gender Differences and Parent’s Income

Dadang Saepuloh, Disman, Suwatno, Eeng Ahman
Competition in 21st-century society is very tight. To survive the competition that occurs, there is a solution to develop: financial literacy. Indonesia is one of the countries that are relatively low on financial literacy com-pared to other countries, according to The World Bank survey results in 2015....
Proceedings Article

Effects of Inflation and Exchange Rates on Stock Prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Gunardi, Nugraha, Mayasari
This study aims to examine the effect of macroeconomic factors, namely the exchange rate and inflation, on the stock prices of PT Bank Negara Indonesia. This research is based on Kwofie and Ansah’s study, which states that most investors do not consider the macroeconomic influence on stock prices. Previous...
Proceedings Article

The Determinant of Islamic Bank Profitability and Stability in Indonesia Periods 2010-2017

Dedi Supiyadi
Indonesia is the largest Muslim population globally, but literacy of Islamic finance and banking is still limited, which impacts the development of sharia banking in Indonesia, including literature on Profitability and Stabil-ity in Islamic Banking. The aim of this study was to determine the profitability...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Govern on Stok Index of LQ45

Tiar Lina Situngkir, Isro’iyatul Mubarokah
This research aimed to investigate the macroeconomic factors, represented by interest rate Bank Indonesia and exchange rate rupiah to US dollar in influencing volatility of LQ45 stock price index on the Jakarta stock exchange. The data was collected from secondary data. The periods were January 2013...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Neighboring Country’s Stock Indices Affect the LQ45 Stock Index

Tiar Lina Situngkir, Nugraha, Ikaputera Waspada, Mayasari
This study investigates the macroeconomic factors represented by inflation and the neighboring countries’ stock price index (the Singapore stock price index or STI) in influencing the LQ45 stock price index’s volatility on the Jakarta stock exchange. The data used are secondary data from the period of...
Proceedings Article

Defining and Measuring Microblogging Sentiment Investors on Stock Market: A Literature Review

Putri Fariska, Nugraha, Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi
The purpose of this paper is to review microblogging sentiment investors on a literature-based. Focusing on defining and measuring online sentiment investors and understanding their impact on financial market behavior—using scholarly articles to analyze, define, and measure microblogging sentiment investors....
Proceedings Article

What Can Be Done by Overconfidence Bias and Optimism Bias on Investor Decisions?

Suhono, Nugraha
This study aims to analyze the relationship between overconfidence bias and optimism of investment decision bias. One approach of investors is to support investment decisions by integrating excessive trust in reasoning, judgment, cognitive abilities, and emotions. To benefit from investment activities,...
Proceedings Article

The Performance of Protected Mutual Funds in Indonesia During Covid-19 Period

Tinjung Desy Nursanti, Nugraha, Maya Sari, Ika Putera Waspada
Mutual funds are considered the right choice for investors who have limited time, ability, and knowledge in calculating the risk of investing. The more widely disclosed information obtained is inseparable from the application of digital technology related to the marketing strategy of mutual fund products...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Easy of Use and Actual Usage of Online Payment and Transaction Data Reconciliation Process

F. Kosadi, N. Sayidah, K. Berliani
The research objective is to analyze the influence of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (POEU) on the actual usage (AU) of online multi-platform payments on e-commerce and digital data transaction reconciliation processes. Respondents are business actors who have used e-commerce and...
Proceedings Article

Drivers of Portfolio Equity Flows to Emerging Market Countries

Wilman San Marino, Nugraha, Ikaputera Waspada, Maya Sari
In recent decades, international diversification has increased the portfolio investment flows to Emerging Market Countries (EMCs). This paper examines why investors diversify in EMCs and what drivers of portfolio investment flow. This paper employed descriptive analysis with a literature review approach....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Exchange Rate Factors and Interest Rate on Stock Price of Pharmaceutical Companies in Indonesia

Cases During Covid-19 Pandemic

Dewi Kartikaningsih, Nugraha, Maya Sari, Ikaputera Waspada
This study aims to determine the effect of Indonesia’s exchange rate and the interest rate on the stock prices of pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. This research used secondary data from pharmaceutical companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the period July 2019 to May 2020. The population and...
Proceedings Article

Gender Differences in Investment Biases

Tia Yuliawati, Maya Sari, Y Netti Siska
This research investigates differences in investment bias based on the gender perspective among investors in Indonesia. The investment biases analyzed were overconfidence and herding. These two investment biases were found in many individual investors and often led to suboptimal investment decisions....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Financial Distress Altman Z-Core Method and Springate S-Core Method in PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk

This study aims to predict, analyze and determine the level of potential bankruptcy and improve its financial performance based on the results of a discriminant analysis using the Altman Z-Score and Springate S-Score methods at PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk for the period 2015 - 2019. The research...
Proceedings Article

Does the Analysis of Altman Z-Score Model, Zmijewski Model, and Springate Model Impact the Financial Distress?

Study on Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2011-2017

Santi Damayanti
Financial distress has a significant impact on the company that will potentially suffer losses, but also investors, creditors, and communities. There are some tools used to detect bankruptcy, namely Altman Z-Score, Zmijewski, and Springate model. This study uses descriptive and verification methodology....
Proceedings Article

Accuracy Level Analysis of Pricing Model on State-Owned Enterprises Stocks

Kurniawan Putra, Dony Abdul Chalid
This study evaluates and compares the Capital Asset Pricing Model and Fama-French three-Factors (FF3) performance to explain the excess returns on state-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results showed that the Fama-French Three-Factor Model was better than the Capital Asset...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Macroeconomics on Stock Market Index in Brazil

Endang Mahpudin, Reminta Lumban Batu
A country’s economy can develop rapidly if there are investments in various economic sectors. Investment has a role as one of the essential components of national income in promoting economic growth. One of the means of development in each country is the capital market, which has the function of monetary...
Proceedings Article

Income Smoothing as Dysfunctional Behavior Strategy to Develop Public Opinion of Good Performance

Deni Hamdani, Devyanthi Sjarif, Nugraha
Naturally, income smoothing is defined as management intervention in external financial reporting to benefit himself (manager). Mostly, this is an unplanned and direct process carried out by management. On the contrary, intentional income smoothing occurs because of interference from management. This...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Influence of Credit Service Quality of Credit Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Loyalty

Case Study of Credit Customers at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Sentra in Bandung

Astrin Kusumawardani, Yoyo Sudaryo, M. Iqbal Alamsyah, Tjipto Sajekti
Banks are the heart and pulse of the trade and economic development of a country. Therefore, banks become one of the financial institutions that have an essential role in driving a country’s economy, including Indonesia. The management of government banks has not comprehensively improved the quality...
Proceedings Article

Dividend Policy and Solvency Effects on Stock Returns of Manufacturing Companies

S. Sulastri, Maya Sari, E. Rismayanti
This study aimed to analyze dividend policy’s effect in the proxy with Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) and solvency in the proxy with Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on Stock Returns of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014 to 2018. Ratio analysis is one of the analyses used...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Liquidity and Leverage on Profitability in Agricultural Sector Companies

Yusuf Murtadlo Hidayat, Budhi Pamungkas Gautama, Cindy Sri Arianti
This study aimed to determine the effect of liquidity and leverage on company profitability. The research method used in this research is a descriptive verificative method. The data used is secondary data, namely the type of data obtained indirectly from the first source (company) in the form of a summary...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of the Multiperiod Mean-Variance for Asset Allocation of Pension Fund

Rudy Irawan, Bona C. Siahaan
This paper investigates the application of multi-period mean-variance methods for optimal asset allocation in pension fund institutions by considering mortality factors and changes in contributions. The selection of assets used to find portfolios is using Treasury Bills as a risk-free asset and using...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Asset Under Management, Sharpe Ratio, Inflation and IHSG on the Performance of Stock Mutual Funds and Fixed-Income Funds for the Period 2012-2017

Dian Windu Pratama
This thesis examines the internal and external factors of return on mutual funds, fixed income mutual funds. The sample used is stock mutual funds and fixed income mutual funds listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and actively traded from January 2013 to December 2017. The number of mutual funds that...
Proceedings Article

Idiosyncratic Risk on Stock Performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange

Andiasa Adesia, Bona Christanto Siahaan
In this paper, we present the relation between idiosyncratic risk and Indonesia’s stock performance using asset pricing models. We use a unique data set containing daily returns of 80 Indonesia equity of KOMPAS100 index on a 7-year period to measure stock performance. We formed portfolios based on market...
Proceedings Article

The Caps and Floor Limits on Premium Periodic Unit-Linked Insurance with Minimum Guarantee

Putu Febani Wisanta, Bona Christanto Siahaan
Unit-linked endowment insurance with a minimum guarantee not only provides life protection to customers until the end of the insurance contract period but also provides investment protection, especially stock investments that have high returns and high investment risks, so call options are needed to...
Proceedings Article

Bankruptcy Prediction for Oil and Gas Companies in Indonesia Using Z-Score Method

Aditya Ramadhana Djaja
Global oil price condition for these past few years has been fluctuating and has reached the lowest level. This condition will affect oil and gas companies’ financial health. This thesis aims to predict the bankruptcy probability of Indonesia’s oil and gas companies from 2011 to 2017. The observed companies...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Altman Revised Z-Score Four Variables and Ohlson O-Score as A Bankruptcy Prediction Tool in Small and Medium Enterprise Segments in Indonesia

Adhy Pramudita
The small-medium business segment is currently growing in Indonesia, contributing more than one-fifth of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product, making this segment is very potential to be developed more. Domestic and foreign banks view this small-medium business segment as a promising segment, and the majority...
Proceedings Article

The Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy to Analyze Intention in Mutual Fund Product Investment

Safira Amalia Hapsari
Mutual funds in Indonesia face rapid growth in total asset under management (AUM), the number of products, and the number of investors. The growth is supported by digital innovation, making people comfortable accessing information and doing mutual fund transactions using the internet. Besides the appearance...
Proceedings Article

The Size of Asset of Private Company’s and Its IPO’s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016

Dwi Armaya, Buddi Wibowo
This paper is conducted to examine the influence of the company’s size (assets) on IPO’s underpricing in Indonesia. The sample used is stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and actively traded during the period January 2010 to December 2017. The number of stocks that meet the research criteria...
Proceedings Article

Working Capital Management Effect in Indonesia and Thailand Manufacturing Sector

Amalina Syaharani, Dony Abdul Chalid
This research aims to analyze working capital management in selected manufacturing firms in Indonesia and Thailand. Database of 216 companies is selected for the ten years from 2008-2017. The cash conversion cycle is the measuring tool to calculate the efficiency of working capital management. Tobin’s...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Motor Vehicle Insurance Claim Reserve Using Robust Chain Ladder

Desnu Anggara Suwardi, Yogo Purwono
In a non-life insurance business, an insurer often needs to build up a reserve to ensure the company can fulfill its obligation. Chain ladder is one of the most widely used methods in claim reserving. However, the chain ladder method is very vulnerable to an outlier. This study focused on claim reserving...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Profitability and Tangibility on Capital Structures

S. Sulastri, Putri, Heraeni Tanuatmodjo
The aims of this study to determine the overview of the profitability measured by Return On Equity (ROE), tangibility, and the capital structure measured by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and to know the profitability and tangibility of the capital structure. The research methods used are descriptive and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of DER, EPS, and Underwriter Reputation on Initial Return with Interest Rate

Lasamanah, Disman, Nugraha
This study aims to analyze the effect of EPS, DER, and underwriter reputation on initial returns, which is moderated by the interest rate on IPO issuers. Statistical data analysis is logit regression analysis. The results showed that EPS, DER, and underwriter reputation, which were moderated by the interest...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affected the Decline of Indonesian Coffee Competitiveness in Export Market During 2009-2018

Arief Darmawan, Adhie Surachman, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This research is intended to develop model that is able to map the most related and affecting factors to the decline of Indonesian coffee export market share. This research used a quantitative approach based on time-series data. The analysis using time series techniques included variables that represented...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian Customer Attitude Towards Green Hotels

Purnomo, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This study aimed at examining the connection between the subjective norm, customer green purchasing attitude, and green purchasing intention in the green hotel. The research model and methodology were based on the TRA and the TPB using explanatory approach. This research conducted online sampling through...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance

G. Agustina, S.E. Nurhayati, L.A. Wibowo, Nandang Djunaedi, Feby Febrian
This study aims to analyze the effect of employee empowerment on the performance of lecturers at one private university in Bandung. In this study there were two variables, namely employee empowerment and performance. The method used in this research was descriptive and verification methods. The data...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Firm Innovation Through Innovative Work Behavior

Yen Efawati, Eeng Ahman, Disman, Kusnendi, Harmon Chaniago
This study aims to investigate the relationships between entrepreneurial leadership and innovation and the mediation effects on innovative work behavior. The survey data were based on a sample of 120 employees from 60 Moslem fashion industry sectors in Bandung-Indonesia and analyzed using structural...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Leadership Spirituality in Increasing Employee Engagement with Leadership Communication as Moderator

Rahayu Sri Purnami, Syamsul Hadi Senen
Employee engagement is an important factor for employee’s performance. However, employees dissatisfied with their supervisors were disengaged. This research is an exploratory study with the type of research is literature studies. Leadership is needed to increase engagement at work. Spiritual leadership...
Proceedings Article

Women’s Leadership in the Health Sector Organizations (A Case Study of Top-Level Management in Private Health Colleges at STIKes Immanuel Bandung)

Linda Widyastuti, Suwatno
Gender is not only a gender difference, but also differences in character, social role, and also identity in society. When a woman can lead an organization, it will be interesting to find out how they plan and organize existing resources by influencing and directing others people to achieve optimal performance....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Talent Management on the Performance of Educational Employee in Higher Education Institutions

Dyah Purwaningsih, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Disman, Janah Sojanah
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of talent management on the performance of educational employee in higher education. The approach used for this research was a quantitative approach. The sample used in this study was 61 talented educational employees from higher education in West-Java...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Human Resources Management Information System on Employees’ Career Planning

Rony Susalit
One effort to encourage employees’ progress is by providing opportunities for employees to plan their own careers. The role of career development is needed for the continuity of the organization in achieving the expected results for the achievement of organizational goals in providing fulfillment of...
Proceedings Article

Leadership Role of Director of Akamigas Balongan in Improving the Quality of Superior Human Resources

Ahmad Zaelani Adnan, Eeng Ahman, Tjutju Yuniarsih Disman, Rofi Rofaida, Nanang Fattah
This research aims to analyze the Director’s role of Akamigas Balongan Indramayu in building skilled human resources, mastering science and technology, and inviting global talent to cooperate with the government. The research method used in this research was a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis...
Proceedings Article

Improving Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Effect of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction

M. Masharyono, S.H. Senen, I. K. Asfarainy
This research aims to find out the level of employee engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. This research used quantitative methods. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The analysis unit was the employees of PT. Indorama Synthetics Tbk as many as 88...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employee Job Performance

S. Sumiyati, B. Widjajanta, M Masharyono, S.N. Izzati
The present study aims to find out the influence of workload through job stress and the influence of job stress through employee performance. The object of the study was used as an analysis unit employee at Clinic X. This study employed a verificative method using an explanatory survey with 63 respondents...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Organizational Culture on Motivation and Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at the Office of PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PT.PNM) Garut Branch

Syamsul Hadi Senen, Via Irhamny Az-Zahra
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of organizational culture on work motivation and job satisfaction and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at PT. National Capital Madani (PNM) Garut Branch. The method used in this study is quantitative. The sampling technique is...
Proceedings Article

When Employee Performance Affects the Quality and Quantity of the Company: What is the Role of Work Discipline and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

B. Lena Nuryanti, Masharyono Masharyono, Muhammad Faishal
The crisis of employee performance is a critical problem faced by management in the company. Employee performance problems are still widely faced by companies in various sectors in many countries, both engaged in the public and private sectors, in health institutions, education, banking, state-owned...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation Model of University Educators’ Performance

IZFS Ratu Dintha, Eka Prihatin, AZFS Raja Pasha
There are many models that could be used to asses the performance level of university educators. One of them is Evaluasi Kinerja Akademik (Evaluation of Academic Performance - EKA), which generates proper level of calculation, fairness and equality. It becomes an alternative model in calculating remuneration,...
Proceedings Article

LMX and OCB Civil Servants in Bandung, West Java

S.H. Senen, M. Masharyono, Sumiyati, S. Khotijah
The era of bureaucratic reform is now carried out in various government agencies. Therefore, the role of OCB is considered vital, especially in the government sector. Problems about the achievement of OCB that have not been optimal were experienced by National Civil Service Agency (BKN) at Regional III...
Proceedings Article

Design of Performance Management Business Process in State-Owned Enterprise in Field of Construction

Ridha Hanafi, Wawan Setiawan, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Higher business competition and increasing customer needs require companies to have excellent performance. Therefore, it’s necessary to have a mechanism for managing company and employee performance that can follow the direction of dynamic company environment. This mechanism must be implemented thoroughly...
Proceedings Article

Determination of User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking Services Using the Information Systems Success Model (ISSM) Perspective

Moh. Riky Saadilah, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
This study aims to determine the effect of Systems Quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality on User Satisfaction in Mobile Banking (M-Banking) users. The research method used was a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 117 respondents of Mobile Banking users. Data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Information Technology and Organizational Climate in Higher Education

Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani, Teten Mohammad Sapril Mubarok
Information technology is a component that can accelerate business processes in every organization if it is managed properly, including in universities. Information technology is a business strategy for some Indonesian universities. However, some universities cannot maximize their performance properly....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Dominant Causative Variable for Project-Based Work Delay at PT. XYZ

Hutomo Kusmamadi Broto, Muslim Efendi Harahap
Project delays are common problem for project-based work at PT. XYZ. This paper analyzed which variables that become dominant for causing project-based works delay. Data variables were collected from previous study and analyzed based on actual case study at PT. XYZ (EPC company). The research was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Modelling National Medicine Inventory System Using System Dynamics

Patih Fathin Rizal, Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty, Mursyid Hasan Basri, Nurul Rachmania
The availability of national medicines in Indonesia in the era of the national health insurance (JKN) has become a polemic that cannot be overcome instantly, such as medicine shortage and overstock. This situation will affect patient safety and continuity of health service by provider. Various stakeholders...
Proceedings Article

Quality Management System Analysis in Toll Road Construction (Case Study: Bogor Ring Road Toll Road)

Manggala Kusumo Wijayanto, Anton Wachidin Widjaja
One of the ways for Indonesia to gain economic equity is by building toll road. Toll road becomes one of the National Strategic Projects (Proyek Strategis Nasional - PSN) of Indonesia to connect all areas expanding from the suburbs to the cities. PT.Marga Sarana Jabar is one of them, connecting Bogor...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Cost Control Process in PT. S’ Project Management on a 2018’s Work Package: Constructing a 100-Tonne-Capacity Integrated Cold Storage Facility in Kampar District

Sarah Shahnaz Ilma, Nofrisel
Integrated Cold Storage facilities are much needed by the Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Ministry. The construction of ICS facility in Kampar District by PT. S in the fiscal year 2018 proved that effective project management (PM) must be implemented. One way to measure the performance of PT. S’ PM is...
Proceedings Article

Causative Factor Analysis of Construction Delays on Sports Infrastructure Projects. Case Study: PT. ABCD, Indonesia

Abidzar Basaib, Nofrisel
Infrastructure development is the main priority of government’s objectives in recent years in Indonesia. The budget is growing significantly, and one of the biggest projects is the infrastructure of Asian Games 2018. The development involves a lot of contractors under the Ministry of Public Works, and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Transportation Network Design with Time Window Delivery and Milk Run Method

Niche Evandani, Nofrisel
The flavor business has a high complexity because the materials are unique and specific for most customers. Many variables affecting the shipping cost become a challenge for PT XYZ as one of Flavor House in Indonesia. Thus, it is important for PT XYZ to conduct further analysis of the transportation...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Content Quality and Perceived Enjoyment on Subscribe Intention in YouTube Channel

Fajar Ramadhan, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
Subscribe Intention on Raditya Dika’s YouTube channel can be influenced by Content Quality and Perceived Enjoyment, where Content Quality contained on a website or platform can influence consumer consideration in making subscription decisions (subscribe intention). The purpose of this paper is to find...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis and Its Effect Towards Brand Equity

Perwito, Agus Rahayu, Heny Hendrayati
Gojek is one of the transportation platforms, food and beverage delivery services, in running for business implementing Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), the usage of applications on cell phones or smartphones based on internet technology will provide convenience in service and communication...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Social Influence: Intention to Use e-Wallet

Femmy Effendy, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
Research on the acceptance of the use of information technology often uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theories of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, which provide an excellent theoretical basis for understanding consumer intentions to use non-cash payment transactions....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Brand Identification and Sense of Community on Brand Love (A Survey of Kaskus Trading Forum Users in Bandung)

Fajar Gumelar Maulana, Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo, Bambang Widjajanta
Online trading forums are becoming viral in Indonesia, but many failures experienced by startup companies, especially in the trading forum. Research on brand love has become a trend in several research studies in trading forum startup companies, especially in overcoming online trading forums. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust of Indonesian Frozen Food Products During Covid-19 Pandemic

Ery Adam Primaskara, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati, Tika Annisa Lestari Koeswandi
The Indonesian government has made a policy of work from home and social distancing when the Covid-19 Pandemic occurred until the middle of 2020. This led to the closing of food stall, and frozen food transforms into new products trend in this era. However, many consumers choose to cook at home instead...
Proceedings Article

A Study of E-Loyalty on Virtual Hotels Operator (VHO)

Agus Alwindrajudi, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
The hospitality industry in the era of technological development is now fallen, where access to information to get things related to hospitality is very easily obtained by users through smartphones commonly known as Virtual Hotel Operators (VHO). Thus, users can easily know the condition of the hotel...
Proceedings Article

Does Digital Marketing Affect Millennial Purchase Decision in Covid-19 Situation?

Tika.A Koeswandi, Lili.Adi Wibowo, Mira. Nurfitriya
This study aims to figure out how digital marketing affects Indonesia’s millennial purchase decision during the Covid-19 era. This study is a descriptive-quantitative that involved 100 millennial costumers in West Java, Indonesia, as a sample who had social media and purchased at least once in the fashion...
Proceedings Article

Factors That Affect the Election of Higher Education in Holistic Marketing Point of View

Nurfitriansyah, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
The research goal is to determine the factors that influence students’ selection in choosing universities. The study used a quantitative approach using questionnaires and using Partial Least Square for data processing. The results of the study indicated that all the holistic components of marketing influenced...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Marketing Areas: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Bibliometric Analysis Approach

Heri Purwanto, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
The Internet of Things (IoT) is now turning into a global infrastructure that enables sophisticated services by connecting various things (physical and virtual) based on information system technology. This research reveals the role of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in business and marketing. Specifically,...
Proceedings Article

Student Acceptance of E-Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic

Laksmi Sito Dwi Irvianti, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
This study was conducted at Bina Nusantara University and had the purpose of determining the student acceptance of the e-learning system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data used are secondary data from articles and journals and primary data collected by distributing an online questionnaire to 100...
Proceedings Article

Brand Positioning Fuel Stations on High-Tier Fuel Category

Gusti Anggara Permana, Tengku Ezni Balqiah
Companies need to build and maintain a competitive advantage. In the retail industry, the competition landscape will change when global brands enter the market, i.e. gas stations in Indonesia. Hence, it is essential to identify brand positioning in consumers’ minds compared to competitor brands. This...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Brand Awareness Measurement in Amil Zakat Institution of Nu Care Lazisnu Bandung

Linda Mauliani Purnamasari, Ratih Hurriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Amil zakat institutions must continue to compete positively by maintaining a positive image or making people aware that this institution can manage ZIS funds properly. To be known and remembered by the public, an institution must create and increase brand awareness. The method used in this research is...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Millenials’ Intention to Use the OVO E-Payment

Fenny Damayanti, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
Technologies have developed rapidly since the internet invention. Collaboration to collect information is now easier. Thousands of applications have emerged and helped business activities become more efficient and effective. The financial industry also explores this development. The government is utilizing...
Proceedings Article

How to Promote the Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu as A Tourist Destination Area

Yuli Diani Rahmawati, Ratih Hurriyati, Nandi
The Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Attractiveness is one of the tourist attractions in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, Indonesia. It is coming in the form of varied tourist attractions; the location is also served a complete tour in Java and offers expanse views coral reefs and some beautiful mountain waterfalls....
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Subjective Norm on the Intention to Use of the Online Shopping Customers in Bandung

Rini Larasati Irawan, Ratih Hurriyati
In this generation, online shopping is no longer considered taboo. This is supported by various applications that are familiar to people around the world. The pressure and influence of the people around can be one of the main reasons for it. Subjective norms and intention to use are the two variables...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Price & Product Quality on Purchase Intention of Samsung A10S Mobile Phone

Fadhlan Ridhwana Sujana, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati
In this generation, online shopping is no longer considered taboo. This is supported by various applications that are familiar to people around the world. The pressure and influence of the people around can be one of the main reasons for it. Subjective norms and intention to use are the two variables...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Relationship Marketing Dimensions on Satisfaction (Case of ASN in Pemda KBB)

Moch. Lukmanul Hakim, Ratih Hurriyati, Mokh. Adieb Sulthan, Lili Adi Wibowo
The marketing strategy that involves companies and customers continuing to experience development and is relevant to the current business situation is the Relationship Marketing strategy, a marketing strategy that seeks to foster closer relationships with customers. This strategy aims to create, maintain...
Proceedings Article

E-Servqual: How E-Servqual Can Influence E-Satisfaction in Shopee

Ramayanti Yusuf, Heny Hendrayati, Riana Dewi, Jusuf Nurdin
This study aims to identify the influence of e-servqual on e-satisfaction on Shopee app users. This research utilized descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The study used two variables, namely e-ServQuality and e-satisfaction. Data collection was obtained through online questionnaires (e-questionnaires)...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Discount on Repurchase Intention

Devira Qibtiyah, Ratih Hurruyati, Heny Hendrayati
Repurchase intention in a company shows that the company has credibility and existence in providing services and providing good experiences to consumers. CV. Risman Wijaya Keramik is a company engaged in the field of pottery. Over the last three years, sales have decreased. Therefore CV. Risman Wijaya...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention (Evidence from Indonesia)

Sutopoh Kusumo, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati
The use of social media today in the marketing world is superior to other advertising media. Some social media that are often used, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, websites, and others, are used dynamically from year to year. Social media can increase consumer knowledge and can increase the...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Perceived Value to Purchase Intention: Evidence of Maliqa Product in PT. Alghaniy Faza Utama

Pajar Machmud, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati
Today’s consumers are more thorough and selective before making a purchase. Today’s consumer behavior is more “demanding” and quickly moves to other providers because they can easily make comparisons from the internet. Consumer Perceived Value is vital to compete with other competitors. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Factors in Modified UTAUT on Millennial Generation Customer Satisfaction

Agus Kurniawan, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati
Today’s consumers are more thorough and selective before making a purchase. Today’s consumer behavior is more “demanding “ and quickly moved to other providers because they can easily make comparisons from the internet. Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is the key to...
Proceedings Article

Self-service Technology Behavioral Intention: Indonesian Air Passengers

Echo Perdana Kusumah, Ratih Huriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This research aims to better understand air travelers’ expectations concerning the dimensions of rapid travel options. The analysis proposed an adaptive model that incorporates the advantages of self-check-in kiosk, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, passenger attitude, and behavioral intentions....
Proceedings Article

E-Promotion in The “Kopi Kenangan” Customers’ Purchase Decisions

Echo Perdana Kusumah, Ratih Huriyati, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
E-promotions on social media can influence “Kopi Kenangan” customer purchasing decisions. Personal Relevance, Brand Familiarity, Message, and purchasing decision are variables to be studied, in this case, using the attention model. This study population is the resident of the city of Bandung, with a...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Purchase Intention Through Brand Personality

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari, Shofiah Sholehah, Bambang Widjajanta
This study aims to determine the influence of brand personality on purchase intention. Data were gained by using explanatory survey involving 200 respondents as the samples and analyzed by using the Structure Equation Model (SEM). The findings of the study revealed that brand personality has a positive...
Proceedings Article

Post-Usage E-Banking Behavior on BNI 46 Customer Loyalty in Kabupaten Garut

Intan Permana, Lindayani
Cashless transaction tools in finance digitalization era has been directing to cashless society. However, the recent survey revealed that the rate of internet penetration for transferring money online was still low. This causal design research aimed at explaining the low rate of internet penetration...
Proceedings Article

Bandung City Image as A Halal Tourism Destination

Vanessa Gaffar, Yeni Yuniawati, Lili Adi Wibowo, Oce Ridwanudin
This research aimed to analyze tourist perception towards image of Bandung City as one of halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. It measured some factors including food, accommodation, attraction and local people. The research method used was quantitative research design. In data collection, the research...
Proceedings Article

The Influential Factors in the Modified Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology on Customer Satisfaction for Adopting BJB Digi

Ahmad Faizal
Nowadays, the consumers are more precise and selective before making a purchase. Their behaviors are more complicated and easily moved to others because they can easily make comparisons from the internet. Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is the key to competing with...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of the Implementation of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (E-CRM) Towards Customer Loyalty

Graha Noviana
The presence of customers is the most important component in a business. For this reason, customer loyalty to the company must be maintained and improved so that the business can survive and grow. This research is a quantitative study that aims to look at the relationship between electronic customer...
Proceedings Article

What Influence Indonesian Millennial to Have Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behavior?

Dwi Anggraeni, Tengku Ezni Balqiah
Environmental issues have attracted academics to enhance understanding about the driving factors of consumers to support it. This study aims to investigate which factors of environmental knowledge (EK), environmental concern (EC), perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE), and religiosity (RG) influence...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Social Media Marketing and Brand Image on Choosing Decision of A School of Business in Bandung

Erza Karamang
In the era of digitalisation, the need for social media marketing and brand image in various industries is very important, including in the Higher Education industry. Online marketing efforts and activities are needed to influence prospective students in choosing a School of Business Bandung. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Effect of E-Service Quality on Hospital Customer Satisfaction (Study of E-Service Quality Hospitals in West Java, Indonesia)

Anggono Raras Tirto Sakti
Research on the analysis of e-service quality (ESQ), on customer satisfaction hospitals in West Java has been conducted at Advent, Immanuel, Santo Yusuf, and RSUD Bandung City Hospital. This research was conducted on 200 respondents. The data processing method used in this study was SmartPLS 3. The results...
Proceedings Article

Coral Business in the Era of Covid-19; A Review from the Perspective of Consumers’ Purchasing Intention

Rizki Adriansyah Rubini, Heny Hendrayati, Siti Aisyah, Ratih Hurriyati, Disman, Mochamad Achyarsyah
Business-related to marine life has the potential to be developed. People, especially the upper-middle class, really admire the beauty of these corals and marine ornamental fish through a hobby known as reefer. The coral or saltwater aquarium business is up-and-coming from a business perspective. However,...
Proceedings Article

Modern Marketing Management and New Trends in Marketing

Elshad Mammadbayov, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
Marketing in businesses is one of the most critical business functions that enable the business to survive and move forward with firm steps. It is not possible to think of a business without marketing. So much so that today, competition conditions have become challenging in the globalizing world in parallel...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions

Survey of Mayoutfit Bandung Consumers

Anita Dewi Rachmawati, Heny Hendrayati, Vanessa Gaffar
The study aims to determine the effect of brand image and brand awareness on purchase decisions on Mayoutfit Bandung’s consumers. The population in this study were all Mayoutfit Bandung Consumers. The sampling technique uses a simple random sampling method with a total sampling of 50 people. The measurement...
Proceedings Article

Trust in Seller and Trust in Website as A Determiner of Consumer Buying Interest

Lisnawati, Agus Rahayu, N. Fadilah
The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of trust in sellers and trust in the website is shaping repurchase intention. The type of research used is descriptive verification by drawing, and exposure of the variable-variables studied and then drawing conclusions. The research...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention in Online Marketplace

Agus Rahayu, Dian Herdiana Utama, Ririe Novianty
This study aims to determine the description of online customer reviews on Blibli website visitors in Indonesia, knowing the description of purchase intentions on Blibli website visitors in Indonesia, and to find the magnitude of the influence of online customer reviews on purchase intention on Blibli...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Information Technology User Behavior Model by Creative Economy-Based Entrepreneurs

A Study of Information Technology Application in Creative Industry in Bandung

Ratih Hurriyati
The research aims to predict Internet technology acceptance by creative industry entrepreneurs in Bandung, by using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by adding social and self-efficacy variables. These variables were the antecedent of other TAM behaviors which were perceived usefulness and...
Proceedings Article

Description of Perceived of Usefulness and Continuance Intention in Users of Electronic Money Cards in Indonesia

Lisnawati, Kamal Ibrahim, Bambang Widjajanta
To find out the description of the level of perceived of usefulnesss and continuance intention in electronic money card user Indonesia. The design of this study is cross sectional method. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. A total of 400 respondents were selected...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Online Booking Intention in the Online B2C Travel Agent Industry in Indonesia

A. Pujianti, Lili Adi Wibowo, Lisnawati
The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of online customer review on online booking intention in milenial use online travel agent B2C in Indonesia. A total of 200 respondents were using probability sampling. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect data from respondents....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Brand Image Towards the Purchase Intention on Family Car

Lisnawati, Lili Adi Wibowo, D.F. Suhendro
Car is a very needed transportation and much demand by the community. Competition of business automotive in Indonesia is attractive. The purpose of this research is how the influence of the brand image on purchase intention. The type of this research are verificative. The method used is cross sectional...
Proceedings Article

Experience Through Digital Branding in Improving the Brand Loyalty Casual Restaurant

Lili Adi Wibowo, Lisnawati
This study examines the influence of brand personality on brand loyalty restaurant casual among the millennial generation as a strategy in improving the economy in the tourism industry sector. The result of this research is the measurement model of the company’s competitiveness in getting consumers who...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Ease of Use on Purchase Intention of Mobile Commerce Application

Dienur Muhammad Rahadian Fachrulamry, Heny Hendrayati
The use of mobile commerce applications by consumers in the process of online buying and selling activities in Indonesia is still low, which happens because of a lack of interest in using mobile commerce applications. Therefore, this study was conducted to obtain an overview of the effect of perceived...