Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science (ICAS 2017)

Session: Administration Theory and Practices in Islamic Perspective

3 articles
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Halal Tourism in Indonesia National Park

Bhayu Rhama, Mochamad Doddy Syairul Alam
Halal tourism is a new phenomenon based on demographic factors and needs to be taken into consideration by tourism destinations. Nature tourism, especially tourism in national parks, in this case, also has the potential to become a halal tourism destination. However, the parks' halal value still requires...
Proceedings Article

The Need of Public Administration -- An Islamic Perspective for Higher Education in Indonesia

Wisber Wiryanto
Public Administration is a branch of Social Science disciplines taught at universities in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country that is predominantly Muslim. However, the education system faces problems of secularization that is split between education and religion. This can be seen in the teaching of public...
Proceedings Article

Legal Uncertainty of Islamic Personality Principle by Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 8 Year 2010

Rahadi Wasi Bintoro, Tedi Sudrajat
The increasing competence of religious courts in Indonesia still creates a polemic for its competence of other judiciary institutions. It happens due to the clash of rules and the issuance of Supreme Court circular letter. This paper discusses the solution to the clash of rules and shows the existence...