Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2019)

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178 articles
Proceedings Article

Organizational Change, Organizational Performance, and Management Accounting Practice Change in Sharia Banking

Nanik Wahyuni, Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana, Indah Yuliana
This research is aimed to examine the influence of organizational change towards organizational performance mediated by management accounting practice change. This research used the method of a survey with a quantitative approach (positivism). The analysis unit in this research is individuals who work...
Proceedings Article

Institutional Model and Financial Management of Karawo Artist Based on Local Wisdom Values of Gorontalo Society

Niswatin, Hanisah Hanafi, Sahmin Noholo
This study was aimed to offer a concept of institutional and financial management of Karawo artist based on local wisdom values of Gorontalo society. It was conducted by using a qualitative method with a Focus Group Discussion approach that involved academics, sociologist, humanist, local government,...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Reasoning Skills Among Arabic Secondary School Students and Its Relationship With Teaching Styles of Arabic Secondary School Brunei Darussalam Teachers

Noor Shah Saad, Eng Tek Ong, Akhsanul In’am
This survey research aims to gauge the levels of students’ scientific reasoning skills and teachers’ teaching style at three Arabic secondary schools in Brunei Darussalam. The research design employed was that of a survey research. Using the stratified random sampling, a total of 60 students and 60 teachers...
Proceedings Article

The Economic Performance of Indonesian Rice in The Integration of The Asean Economic Community (Mea) Free Market

Nugrahini S Wisnujati, Koesriwulandari, Indarwati, Jajuk Herawati, Endang Noerhartati
Indonesia, a member of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) group, is now facing challenges, although it has been widely known as a specialist in the trade of natural resource-based products. In the integration of AFTA, Indonesia is one of the best-prepared countries, together with Malaysia, Thailand,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Economic Literacy on Impulsive Teenager Behavior: Evidence from Indonesia

Nunung Nurastuti Utami
The research aims to analyze the influence of economic literacy on teenager's impulsive behavior and prepare them in the face of globalization, given that globalization has a significant influence on teenager's impulsive behavior. The method used is by distributing questionnaires and using multiple regression...
Proceedings Article

The Existence of Kerapatan Adat Nagari in Minangkabau Community, West Sumatra for the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

Nur Rochaeti, Pujiyono
The existence of customary justice in Indonesian society today is still recognized as one of the efforts to resolve the criminal problems, violations of customs, and juvenile delinquency. Indigenous people generally use norms that are very close to the reality of everyday life, because the norms are...
Proceedings Article

Social Identity of Millennial Generation: A Study on K-Pop Community of College Student

The background of this research comprises; (1) K-Pop fever extends to all over the world, (2) the development of communication and technology accelerates the alteration within society, (3) unique social identity is expressed by the millennial generation. The statement of the problem in this research...
Proceedings Article

Development of PPKn Learning Media Based on Android

Nurul Zuriah, Naufal Muhammad Kautsar
Pancasila and Citizenship Education or PPKn is one of the subjects given for elementary to higher education (PT), this provides teaching about how to be smart and good citizens (smart and good citizenship). PPKn subjects seem to be missing meaning when many of the students do not like the subject. One...
Proceedings Article

Sekaten Tradition; Preservation Through Commodification

Nuryani Tri Rahayu, Warto, Bani Sudardi, Mahendra Wijaya
This study intends to describe the commodification practice in the sekaten traditional ceremony in Surakarta, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This study is important because the tradition has been going on since the XV century and is a medium of inheritance of local wisdom that is loaded with moral...
Proceedings Article

Justice Creation for Indigenous Community in Palm Oil Plantation Investment in West Kalimantan

Purwanto, Annurdi
Investments carried out by various companies in Indonesia are expected to play a role in the efforts of Indonesia's economic growth, which is currently one of the sectors that are excellent investment is the palm oil plantation sector. However, it was found that the increase in investment of palm oil...
Proceedings Article

Accountability at Krama Adat

Rahayu Indriasari, Masruddin
This study aims to understand the concept of accountability in the traditional Balinese Krama Adat organization in the village of Malakosa. Krama Adat is one of the traditional organizations in the Balinese community that has the authority to manage the customary fund. It is this authority that creates...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Spiritual Learning at an Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMPIT) Insan Kamil, Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Rangga Sa’adillah S.A.P
This research aimed to describe the implementation of spiritual learning at the Integrated Islamic Junior High School Insan Kamil, Sidoarjo. The data were obtained from key informants, rolled like a snowball targeted the data collection of other supporting informants. Data collection method were interviews,...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Madrasah Principal’s Leadership and Teachers’ Work Motivation on Learning Effectiveness in Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah

Rasman bin Saridin
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of principal's leadership and teachers’ work motivation on the effectiveness of learning in Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah Religious school in Singapore 589 Sims Ave, Singapore 387600. The method used is a type of quantitative research that aims...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Recovery Policy towards Women Victims of Marital Violence as to Mental Care in Central Java, Indonesia

Ratna Herawati, Ani Purwanti, Sekar Anggun Gading Pinilih
Indonesia has Law No. 23 of 2004 or Marital Violence Eradication Act (MVEA) to curb the crime rate, protect the victims, and facilitate their recovery from trauma due to marital violence. The act comprises not only the penal regulations of marital violence but also regulations as to the state responsibility...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting the Timeliness of Compiling Cooperative Financial Statements

Reni Dwi Widyastuti, Endang Kristiawati, Jaurino, Risal, Febriati
This study aims to find out what factors influence the timeliness of the preparation of cooperative financial statements so that each cooperative can report on the progress of the cooperative from the financial statements that are owned according to the time set. The method of this research is a case...
Proceedings Article

Lawson Instrument: Analyzing Student’s Scientific Reasoning Skill in Junior High School

Retno Cahyaningrum
The ability of scientific argumentation is an ability that must be mastered by students in this century. The level of scientific argumentation of students is obtained through 24 items of Lawson instrument tests. The subjects in this study were 106 students, with age range 13-15 years old, at the first...
Proceedings Article

Implication of Constitutional Court Decisions No. 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018 Concerning Judicial Review of General Election Laws on the Existence of Representative Institutions in Indonesia

Riris Ardhanariswari, Muhammad Fauzan
Changes in Indonesian state administration after the amendments of the 1945 Constitution included changes relating to people's representative institutions. After the amendment to the 1945 Constitution the representative body of the people consisted of the People's Consultative Assembly, the House of...
Proceedings Article

Preparation of Learning Implementation Plan Islamic Education for Early Childhood Based on Inclusive Education

Rizka Harfiani
Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) is a very important first step to give the right direction in implementing the learning process, including in Early Childhood Education (ECE). This study aims to analyze the preparation of the LIP of Islamic education for early childhood based Inclusive Education. This...
Proceedings Article

The Formation of Students’ Akhlakul Karimah and Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies at The Muhammadiyah University of Sumatera Utara

Robie Fanreza
The purpose of this study was to form students’ morality through Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah Studies at the Muhammadiyah University of Sumatera Utara. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation, literature studies, and documentation of activities....
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of leaf Apium graveolens L. Extract: An Exploration of Celery Potential as Hand Sanitizer

Roimil Latifa, Sri Wahyuni, Devi Sulvia Lestari, Diani Fatmawati, Endrik Nurrohman, Ahmad Fauzi
Exploration of natural resources use as a hand sanitizer main material needs to be conducted. The use of alcohol as the main material has been giving negative effect in some certain conditions. This research aimed at observing antibacterial activity of leaf celery (Apium graveolens L.) extract toward...
Proceedings Article

Portfolio Assessment Problems in Islamic Learning: A Case Study in Islamic Senior High School 1 Model Bojonegoro

Roli Abdul Rokhman, Tobroni, Akhsanul In’am, Moh. Nurhakim
The purpose of the present article is to explore and transform science into Islamic education system comprehensively, especially to improve the implementation of assessment portfolio in Islamic institution. This study is done using a case study approach. Data collection is derived through questionnaire,...
Proceedings Article

The Revitalization of Structural Criminal Responsibility of Indigenous Peoples in the Reform of the Criminal System in Indonesia

Pujiyono, Nur Rochaeti
The customary institution is recognized for its existence in the criminal justice system. Explicitly, the existence of indigenous and tribal peoples in all its aspects, including their legal life, is recognized and guaranteed in the constitution. This is stated in Article 18B of the 1945 Constitution...
Proceedings Article

Lesson Study for Learning Community in Teaching Human Body Skeleton Material in Muhammadiyah 8 Junior High School Batu

Eko Susetyarini, Ainur Rofieq, Roimil Latifa, Cantia, Sri Wulan
This current study aimed at describing the implementation of Lesson Study for Learning Community in Muhammadiyah 8 Junior High School Batu, to be particular in teaching human body skeleton material. This study was conducted by employing qualitative design by means of case study with naturalistic characteristic....
Proceedings Article

Spiritual Quotient, Coaching, and Extrinsic Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at Multinational Companies in Banten

Santi Riana Dewi
Employee performance is the output of every work activity that has been carried out by human resources in the company. Achieving employee performance is a key thing that must be continually improved to improve company performance. The research aims to determine the magnitude of the impact of spiritual...
Proceedings Article

Non-Dichotomic Islamic Education: Eclective Study on the Integrative and Multidisciplinary Approach as an Antithesis of Educational Dualism

Septiana Purwaningrum
In this fully disruption era, the practical Islamic education learning gained a lot of criticism and challenges. One of which comes from the symptom of the knowledge dichotomy that attacks the Islamic educational practice. Various parties have tried and synergized to find the best solution. Experts have...
Proceedings Article

Application of Creative Learning Models in Teacher Profession Course

Siti Fatimah Soenaryo, Reni Dwi Susanti, Beti Istanti Suwandayani
The purposes of this study were to analyze the application of the creative learning model in the Teacher Profession Course, describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the application of the creative learning model in the Teacher Profession Course and describe the efforts to anticipate...
Proceedings Article

Law Waging Protection for Putting Out System Workers

Siti Kunarti, Sri Hartini, Kartono
Wages as workers’ compensation often become an issue in an industrial relationship. It is shown in the research on the Putting Out System workers waging protection that has less attention from the government. It is caused by the existence of the workers (or them whose job is in the production field)...
Proceedings Article

Driver Compliance to the New Traffic Warning Signs Installation

The current installation of traffic signs is placing on the shoulder of the road and above the road. New traffic warning signs installation are installed at the back of the vehicle. So when the vehicle moves, the back of the vehicle can be seen by the following driver behind. The installation...
Proceedings Article

Compliance Problem Within Sosek-Malindo Cooperation Regime Between East Kalimantan and Sabah

Sonny Sudiar, Bambang Irawan
Sosek Malindo cooperation is a mutual agreement between Indonesia and Malaysia that concentrated in the field of socio-economic development in border areas. The main objective of Sosek Malindo cooperation is to improve the welfare of the people who live in border areas of each country. Sosek Malindo...
Proceedings Article

Service Quality, Customer Relationship Marketing, and Institutional Trust to Engender Customer Loyalty

Sri Isfantin Puji Lestari, Retnoning Ambarwati
The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of service quality and the ustomer relationship marketing (CRM) to the institutional trust as well as its impact on the customer loyalty in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). The result of this study shows that the service quality and the customer...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Experiential Learning Model to Improve the Understanding of the Special Ray Concepts and Formation of Images

Sri Wulan Romdaniyah
This study aims to improve the understanding of concepts in science subjects about special rays and image formation by applying manipulative assisted experiential learning. This research is a classroom action research conducted 2 cycles. This research was carried out at 8th Grade Muhammadiyah 8 Junior...
Proceedings Article

Acupoint Manipulation in Elderly with Comorbid Disorders

Sudjiwanati, Suparno
Health problems in the elderly are a natural thing to experience because there is a decline in the function of the organs of the body. Health problems in the elderly can be a serious problem because there are disorders of several diseases that occur simultaneously or known as comorbidity, not only physical...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges Encountered by Thai Students in Learning Bahasa Indonesia as Second Language

Sujinah, Rokayah Luebaesa
People nowadays should master more than one language. Therefore, they are not left behind by the advancement of languages and technology. One of the languages that is in demand by various nations in the world is Bahasa Indonesia. This study describes the challenges encountered by Thai students in learning...
Proceedings Article

An Urging Need for Improving Knowledge and Values of Conservation Education in Indonesia

This present research was conducted in the locations in which the figures of Islam, the doers of the natural resources and environmental conservation, have received some awards at the local, national and international levels, in 2015 and 2016. A phenomenological qualitative approach with an emphasis...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Augmented Reality to Introduce Wijaya Kusuma Flower

Sukian Wilujeng, Dina Chamidah, Emmy Wahyuningtyas
This paper describes the use of AR technology to develop multimedia learning material for the introduction of plant morphology structure, especially Wijaya Kusuma flower to college students. The subject of the research was 2nd-semester students. The framework to analyze the material against the students’...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening of Mathematics Character Education Students (Teacher Candidates) in Facing the Challenges of the 21st Century

Sunismi, Abdul Halim Fathani, Muhammad Baidawi
In the 21st century, professional mathematics teachers are very necessary for developing of mathematics education. To become a professional mathematics teacher, there are several competencies that must be mastered by teacher-candidate students when studying at LPTK, which are knowledge, practice, and...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Al-Islam Learning Outcomes based on the Use of Jigsaw Puzzle Media at Muhammadiyah Elementary School

Learning Al-Islam is a distinctive feature in Muhammadiyah education. On the other hand, the learning outcomes of Al-Islam, including the materials on believing in angels and their duties at the third grade students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Bangil, are still underrated the minimum completeness...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Hedonism Culture in The Regional Community on Political Issues

Social change is closely related to the process of globalization, one of which is the culture of Hedonism . In this study, the writer wants to know that the culture of Hedonism is an impact of globalization, which has spread in Indonesia, not only in big cities but also in remote areas. This study was...
Proceedings Article

Marketing Strategy for “Biofarm” Liquid Organic Fertilizer

Sutawi, Indah Prihartini, Budi Purnomo, Aniek Iriani
Increasing the production and the consumption of organic agricultural products requires the support of the availability of solid and liquid organic fertilizers. "Biofarm" is a trademark of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) produced and marketed by PT Biosel Agrosolusi in collaboration with biotechnology...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment Model of Fish Breeder through Development of Catfish Breeding Using Biofloc Technology

Suwarsito, Hindayati Mustafidah, Ratna Kartikawati
Catfish breeding in Limpakuwus has been initiated by several breeder groups, but its development is still slow. The slow development is because of the low skill, knowledge, and technology of fish breeder. The catfish production is low, so this condition decreases the income of catfish breeders. Recently,...
Proceedings Article

Improving Professionalism of Scout Coaches Cub through “Gelang Ajar” Activities in Sukoharjo District in 2019

This study aims to describe the increasing professionalism of scout coaches cub through “Gelang Ajar” activities in Sukoharjo Regency in 2019. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject of the research was the scout coaches cub and Cub scout in Sukoharjo regency, the object was the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of General Education in English Education Curriculum in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Tanzil Huda, Bahtiar, Fitri Amilia
Education should be able to develop students’ 3Rs plus abilities which comprise reading, writing, arithmetic and algorithm. Those skills are required by the students to face their life. However, those skills seem to be not adequate since the era develops rapidly, known as Industrial Era 4.0. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement of Local Citrus’ Competitiveness to Strengthen the Rural Community Economy

Teguh Hari Santosa, Mochammad Chabib Is, Henik Prayuginingsih
The competitiveness of local citrus from rural communities is generally low, in which it results in a weak economic community. The efforts to increase the competitiveness of local citrus was through improving the cultivation technology, market structure, and industrial structure, and demand conditions...
Proceedings Article

Multidimensional Relations Between Islam and Christianity in Indonesia

Religion has a large dimension in human’s life, and it’s not only about the ritual and spiritual aspects. Discussing the relationship between Islam and Christianity can also be seen from different dimensions: theology, philosophy, historical, social, political, and cultural. The history of relationship...
Proceedings Article

Attitude of EFL Teachers towards Their Dormant Consultative Forum

Tono Suwartono
Attitude constitutes an important factor underlying an individual behavior. This paper presents results of a study on EFL teachers’ attitude towards their area consultative forum. An area consultative forum is one where teachers of the same subject in a certain area gather to learn, practice, and share...
Proceedings Article

The Economic Disparity on Environmental Security, Social, Economic, and Rural Development Index Perspective in Three Typology Regions of East Java Province

Totok Hendarto
Economic development should be benefited and enjoyed by all people in various regions. Economic disparities between regions are considered as an imbalance in economic growth. Inequality provides implications for the level of inter-regional welfare that affects government policy formulation. Regional...
Proceedings Article

The English Needs of Islamic Studies Learners: ESP Speaking Course Model

Rafika Rabba Farah, Puji Sumarsono
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has attracted experts in the educational field as an effective program to learn English at tertiary level. Need Analysis (NA) serves as the determinant factor for successful ESP program. This research aims at exploring students’ needs in speaking course in the Faculty...
Proceedings Article

Religious Maturity in Boarding School Students: The Effect on School Connectedness

Tri Na’imah, Rosyid Ahmad Faruq
It is essential to have a study on school connectedness of boarding school students. School connectedness is attributed to the students, sense of security, and the students’ comfort in school. This study aimed to determine the correlation between religious maturity and school connectedness of boarding...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamics of Jothakan: How it becomes a conflict resolution in Javanese context

Tri Rejeki Andayani, Faturochman
This study aimed to explain the dynamic of jothakan as a conflict resolution in Javanese friendship. Participants of this research consisted of five Javanese adolescences who were familiar with and had experienced jothakan. Data were collected through in-depth interview and analyzed using content analysis....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Digital Map Innovations in the Learning of Islamic History

Triono Ali Mustofa, Syamsul Arifin, Abdul Haris
Education is a series of mutually sustainable activities that have an impact on change for a person who has gone through the education process. Teaching is responsible for leading this process so that the goals of change can be achieved. Roughly, this education encourages students to acquire the personality...
Proceedings Article

Gender Gaps in Students Leadership at a University in Portugal

Trisakti Handayani, Wahyu Widodo
The purposes of this research are to know: 1) the proportion of women and men in the students’ bodies at a university in Portugal, 2) the proportion of women and men to be leaders in the students organization at a university in Portugal, and 3) gender gap in the students leadership at a university in...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Religiosity and Psychological Wellbeing on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Ugung Dwi Ario Wibowo
This paper describes the effect of religiosity and psychological wellbeing on organizational citizenship behavior. The research hypothesis is that religiosity and psychological wellbeing have a partial or simultaneous effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The populations are 34 teachers...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Rahmatan Lil Alamin Education in The Asean Community: Madrasah Education Context (Ideas and Implementation in Educational Institutions)

Umi Kultsum Karja
Rahmatan Lil'alamin is a term popularized by the Qur'an to refer to the main purpose of proselytizing promoted by Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. This religion is a religion that is peaceful, loving, tolerant, and loving-kindness. In Islamic teachings, it is stated that Islam is a religion that brings...
Proceedings Article

Implementing the Project Based Learning Technique on English Narrative Text for 10th Grade Students of Veteran Vocational High School Sukoharjo

Veronika Unun Pratiwi
The learning model used in this study is Project Based Learning. The instruments of data collection are in the form of observation guides, assessment rubrics in presenting the analysis reports and power points, and written tests on narrative texts of folk legend. Data collection techniques use process...
Proceedings Article

The Flashcard Media to Reduce Reading Difficulties of First-Grade Elementary School Students

Vera Yuli Erviana, Rita Andriani
The study aimed to find out the steps in developing Flashcard Media to decrease reading difficulties and the feasibility of the Flashcards Media in reducing the reading difficulties of the first-grade elementary school students. The current study was a research and development using qualitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Oral Story of Ulemas’ Legend in Bangil, Pasuruan Regency to Teach Positive Life Values

Wachyudi Achmad
This essay investigated the reasons behind the dominant oral culture of Ulema’s legends in Bangil, Pasuruan regency. This study focused on finding, analyzing, and rearranging the stories of the Islamic scholars in Bangil, Pasuruan. The researcher collected a variety of stories related to Islamic scholars...
Proceedings Article

Strategic Management, Competitive Advantage and Community Empowerment

Wahyuningsih, Husnah, Rostiati Dg, Rahmatu, Asngadi
This study aims to examine relationships among strategic management, competitive advantage and community empowerment. The determination of community empowerment strategies has been drawn based on potential of local resources that are very unique and provide feasible value-added. This is a conceptual...
Proceedings Article

Design System of Small and Medium Industry Performance Measurement Based on Balanced Scorecard and Quadruple Helix Method

Wiwik Sulistiyowati, Isnaini Rodiyah, Ika Ratna Indra Astutik
Currently, the contribution of the small-medium industry has an important role in Indonesian’s economy. However, the small medium industry should increase its competitiveness and quality product. These efforts can be done by concerning two aspects: improving internal and external factors. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Planned Behavior and Motivation on Pay Tax Compliance

Yayuk Ngesti Rahayu, Wulan Murni Sulianti, Samiadji
The community phenomenon captures business opportunities existing around the centers of Higher Education. One of which is renting rooms with VIP facilities to attract prospective tenants. The purpose of this article is to analyze the room owner’s compliance in reporting and paying income tax from room...
Proceedings Article

Switching Behavior of Customers from Conventional Bank Services to Islamic Bank Services

Yayuk Sri Rahayu, Nur Asnawi, Siswanto, Ustatun Hasanah
The development of Islamic banking has given a new alternative for customers who have long been using the services of conventional banks. The widespread of Islamic banks has also been found in areas which major population is non-Muslims. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that encouraged...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Creative Stages and Their Media Products through Project-Based Learning (PjBL)

Yuni Pantiwati
This research aims at: 1) describing student’s creativity in creating instructional media through Project-Based Learning; 2) describing the creativity of media products created by the students through Project-Based Learning. Descriptive research design by means of qualitative descriptive approach was...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Education and Science-Based Elementary School: A Case Study on Yayasan Lentera Hati Mataram

Problems related to morals happen to a big number of Indonesian teenagers, and it has been a social concern as it indirectly affects all sectors of life. The causes of those problems have been in question and would it be possible to change the education paradigm since the recent education process has...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Maju School Principals in Curriculum Development to Realize an Excellent and Independent School

Agus Tinus
This study aimed to describe the role of quality school principals in curriculum development to create quality and independent schools. The approach was qualitative by employing a case study design. The researcher acted as the main research instrument, while the informants were representatives of quality...
Proceedings Article

Drug Rehabilitation Based on Islamic Religious Education: Case Study at Pondok Tetirah Dzikir Berbah Rehabilitation Institution, Sleman Yogyakarta

Toha Machsun
This study aims to describe: (1) the rationale for the importance of rehabilitation of drug addicts using Islamic religious education; (2) the Islamic Education model used for the rehabilitation of drug addicts; (3) the constraints of Islamic Religious Education in the rehabilitation of drug addicts...
Proceedings Article

Impact of Implementation Crashes between Lesson Study and K-13 Curriculum in Educational Services at School: A Case study in Batu, East Java, Indonesia

Abdulkadir Rahardjanto
Lesson Study (LS) which developed in Japan, has been adopted by various countries as a means of improving the learning process. The development of Lesson Study in Batu, East Java, is an effort to develop the quality of learning in schools on an ongoing basis. The research that has been carried out is...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support to Employee Performance at University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital

Dicky Wisnu Usdek Riyanto, Mohd. Zulkifly
Employees’ performance in organization plays important role to organization’s growth. Quality of performance may determine the sustainability of organization. Meanwhile, the performance is influenced by personal and environmental dimension. This study aims to analyze the effect of self-efficacy, perceived...
Proceedings Article

The Growth of the Latest Indonesian Novels in Perspectives of Universalism Human Rights, Moral, Values, and Freedom of Writers

Arif Budi Wurianto
The growth of the latest Indonesian novels in the development of the themes raised has led tothe values of human life, both those related to welfare, freedom of opinion, equality of rights,and ecological and environmental issues. Based on the results of research on novels with the theme of human rights,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of ATM Services in Borneo

Dina Octaviani, Zulfahmi, Windi Pratiwi, Sigit Sugiardi, Dini Oktarika
The purpose of this research is to determine the quality of ATM care services to the satisfaction of customers who use ATM maintenance services. and determine the service model for ATM maintenance services that can provide satisfaction to customers. The research method uses quantitative and descriptive...
Proceedings Article

Growing Life Skill through Accounting Learning in Millennial Era

Djalal Fuadi, Joko Suwandi, Harun Joko Prayitno, Sutama, Fahmi Johansyah, Sharul Effendy Janudin
This research aims to implement the learning model with the perspective of life skill in Accounting learning so as to make the graduates have the qualified life skill ability.The learning model is started from the syllabus, RMP, and the implementation Life Skills-based Accounting Learning in Teaching-Learning...
Proceedings Article

Comparing the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom and Online Learning on Improving Critical Thinking Skills in High School Physics Learning

Dwi Sulisworo, Khusnul Basriyah, Lustiana Sari, Moh Toifur
This study aims to see the impact of applying the flipped classroom to improve students critical thinking skills. The research design was the pretest-posttest controlled group design which consists of three groups taught different learning. Teacher applied direct instruction learning at the control group....
Proceedings Article

The Big Possible Future Use of Military Power in ASEAN

Hendra Maujana Saragih, Ramlan Siregar, Zainul Djumadin
This paper will predict and describe the possibility for ASEAN to provide an important mandate and full trust in its members to use military force in total against conflicts that occur between member countries in this regional organization or outside members of this organizations which of course can...
Proceedings Article

Managing Literacy Classroom through Prezi

Herwina Bahar, Aswir, Iswan, Fitri Nuraini
A learning must be more effective than is achieved. Therefore, managing a classroom needs a valuable tool to meet the need of course objective. In literacy classroom, i.e., writing class for basic level, a helpful tool, like Prezi was required as an effective tool to manage literacy classroom. This pilot...
Proceedings Article

Social Empowerment Based on Mosque

Ibnu Hasan, A. Sulaeman
The perspective to see mosque from the spiritual aspect and a place for worship is not appropriate. Actually the mosque can be used to become a basic social empowerment. Using an activity in the mosque, social community can be developed into several aspects such as participation, collaboration, and independence...
Proceedings Article

E-learning in English Language Learning for Increasing Students’s Motivation

Ima Frafika Sari, Dwi Sulisworo
The objective of this study at reveling: the E-learning, the new trends E-learning in 21st century, and the effectiveness of E-learning in teaching and learning. It used qualitative research to explain the E-learning for increasing the student's motivation in English learning. There is still a lack of...
Proceedings Article

The Internalization of Profane and Sacred in Forming the Character of Islamic Santri in the Islamic Boarding School of Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo

Abd. Aziz, Imam Qalyubi
This paper will describe the internalization of profane and sacred values in shaping the character of santri in the Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic boarding school the regency Probolinggo. The internalization of the values of education has been more to the application of profane things such as how a student...
Proceedings Article

Instrumental and Relational Understanding Analysis of 5th Grade Elementary School Students on Integers Addition

Dwi Priyo Utomo
This research aims to analyze and describe students' instrumental and relational understanding of the addition of integers. The research employs qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The subjects in the research were three students of the 5th grade at SD Insan Amanah, Malang, Indonesia: one subject...
Proceedings Article

The Construction Meanings of Costs in Maudu Lompoa Rituals

Nina Yusnita Yamin, Nurlaela Mapparessa, Fariyatul Rahma
Maudu Lompoa is a celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad by the community of Sayyid and its followers in Cikoang Village, Takalar District, South Sulawesi. This study aims to construct the meaning of costs in the Maudu Lompoa Ritual. This research employed the interpretive paradigm with phenomenology...
Proceedings Article

Effect of The Learning Aproach of Realistic Mathematics Education on Problem Solving and Mathematics Communications Effectivity

Turmudi, Azkia Maulida
Realistics mathematics educations (RME) has succeeded in shifting behavioristic mathematics learning to more constructive. RME deals with the process of learning, which helps the students to think and communicate mathematically. Therefore, RME is helpful in promoting student’s problem-solving skills and...