Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Development and Quality Assurance (ICED-QA 2020)

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108 articles
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Mentoring and Coaching in Teaching Business Planning

The Case of Universitas Andalas

Donard Games
Business plan course has become an essential part of entrepreneurship education in entrepreneurial universities. Universities nowadays are required to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit as a way to adapt to current trends and public demands. Therefore, it is important for universities to work together...
Proceedings Article

Problem Based-Learning: Method of Enhancing and Encouraging the Motivation of English Department Students at English Pragmatics Class

Ike Revita, Reschie Andriani, Farah Anindya Zalfikhe, Rovica Trioclarise
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the teaching methods implemented at Universitas Andalas to achieve the objectives of teaching and accelerate the teaching and learning process. PBL is considered suitable to encourage students to be more active in the class. This article reports research on the...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Blended Learning as the Alternative of Learning Process in Pragmatics Class at English Department Universitas Andalas

Ike Revita, Dhiant Asri
Blended-learning is a learning strategy in which the class activities are carried out by combining technology-based learning and information that is done online with classroom-based or face-to-face learning. Traditionally, the learning process is done in the classroom, even in the era of 4.0 where every...
Proceedings Article

Constructive Learning to Increase the Integration of Students’ Knowledge and Skills in the Numerical Methods Subject

Susila Bahri, Budi Rudianto
Constructive learning is applied to Numerical Method lectures. The lecture is held online using Zoom Meeting. The day before lectures begin, the lecturer provides lecture materials, some examples of cases and solutions. In order to encourage activity and improve student skills, some real cases were also...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model and Co-Op Co-Op for the Improvement of Students’ Learning Outcome in the Environmental Epidemiology Subject

Taufiq Ihsan, Tivany Edwin
This study aimed to determine the improvement of the Environmental Epidemiology Subject’s learning outcomes through Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) and Co-op Co-op learning model strategy. This study was a classroom action research and compared the scores in the semester of the academic year 2018/2019 (conventional...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Student’s Understanding in Feasible Study Subject by Using Blended Learning Methods (Mind Mapping, Project Based Learning and Coursera)

Winny Alna Marlina, Devi Yulia Rahmi, Rizki Antoni
Business Feasibility Study is a mandatory subject that students learn in Management Department to determine a business feasibility. Teaching method in Business Feasibility Study use Student Centred Learning. The result of this method shows that students grades are below average. The aim of this research...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Blended Learning on Introduction to Accounting 1 Subject

Rita Rahayu, Indah Permata Suryani, Efa Yonnedi
This study aims to evaluate implementing a blended learning method on the Introduction to Accounting 1 subject. Blended Semester Learning Plan (SLP) has been developed and implemented on this subject since September 2020. Three indicators were used to evaluate the implementation of blended learning on...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Methods (Youtube, I-Learn, Zoom Application) in Operation Research Subject

Winny Alna Marlina, Devi Yulia Rahmi, Rizki Antoni
Operations Research is a compulsory subject in Management Department, Faculty of Economics of University Andalas. During Covid-19, the teaching methods migrated online through the used of applications such as Youtube, Zoom and Whatsapp. The aim of this research is to know the best application according...
Proceedings Article

Undergraduate Medical Students’ Perspective of Online Lecture

Indah Puspasari Kiay Demak, Nur Syamsi, Andi Alfia Muthmainnah Tanra
Online lectures provide easier and more effective access, a wider amount of information, autonomy and reflective thinking, and flexibility. This study aims to assess medical students’ perspectives on the online lecture. It is a descriptive observational study that was conducted from March to June 2019....
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning: Impact on Student Motivation and Understanding

Inda Mustika Permata, Bima Jon Nanda
Blended learning is a combination of learning or a combination of face-to-face and online learning elements in a coherent manner. This method can be a solution to the impact of a pandemic on lectures. Therefore, this paper seeks to describe the impact of using the blended learning method on student motivation...
Proceedings Article

Digitizing and Evaluating Quality Assurance Documents at English Department, Faculty of Humanities

Novalinda, Marliza Yeni
This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction and effectiveness of digitizing quality assurance instruments such as the online form for thesis registration, proposal registration form, templates of some forms in English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University. The survey was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Small-Group Presentation as Medium for Students to Practise Analyzing Literary Works

Rima Devi, Rachmidian Rahayu, Aulia Rahman
Analyzing literature work using literary theory for students in the Undergraduate Program of Japanese Studies, Universitas Andalas has not become prevalent. Students still focus on the subject related to Japanese language skills, which is an absolute requirement to graduate and hold a bachelor’s degree....
Proceedings Article

Student’s Soft Skills Enhancement Through FBS Foreign Exchange Trading Online Simulation

Rayna Kartika, Annisaa Rahman
Foreign exchange trading using hedging methods is one of the core topic in International Financial Management which is one of selective subjects in Accounting Department, Universitas Andalas. During this pandemic Covid-19, the class is conducted through online learning and as the consequences of the...
Proceedings Article

A Thematic Analysis: How Can Online Learning Systems Boost Students Moods?

Rayna Kartika, Annisaa Rahman
The pandemic Covid-19 has changed the way of learning from face to face meeting to online classes. As a consequence, the form of long-distance learning in this situation has given significant impacts on learning methods particularly to students and teachers. This research aims to investigate the factors...
Proceedings Article

Small Group Discussion and Discovery Learning in Indonesian Course Learning

Leni Syafyahya, Efri Yades
The Indonesian language learning method used so far will be developed in a better direction. The application of the small group discussion method, in which student learning will be formed in small groups. The lecturer provides discussion topics that will be discussed by each group. In addition, discovery...
Proceedings Article

Problems and Challenges of Online Lectures in Indonesia During the Pandemic COVID-19

Sonezza Ladyanna, Aslinda
The impact of the Covid19 pandemic on education is forcing lectures to be carried out online. The purpose of this article is to explain the problems and challenges of online lectures in Indonesia at the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic. Sources of data in this study were Undergraduate students of Andalas...
Proceedings Article

Strategies for Improving Basic Japanese Grammar Skills Through Acrostic Techniques

Lady Diana Yusri, Idrus
This article is about using acrostic techniques to improve understanding of basic Japanese grammar. This research focuses more on changing the form of ~ te in Japanese. The subjects of this study were 40 students taking The Introductory Japanese Language course. The implementation of this learning model...
Proceedings Article

Development of Kampus Merdeka-Merdeka Belajar Method for the Sejarah Indonesia Kontemporer Course Through Student Independent Project: A Research Report

Yudhi Andoni, Wannofri Samry
The focus of this research is the experience of students taking contemporary Indonesian history courses with the independent project method to see if the method is an effective, efficient, and inspirational way of learning for students in the context of developing Kampus Merdeka-Merdeka Belajar at the...
Proceedings Article

Indirect Assessment of Program Student Outcomes Through Student’s Learning Experiences at the Faculty of Engineering

Dedison Gasni, Haznam Putra
This paper is to investigate the relationship between the learning experiences of students and achieving program student outcomes (PSOs) based on ABET Accreditation of undergraduate study programs at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Andalas. A questionnaire consisted of seven PSOs, which represent...
Proceedings Article

Intermestic Approach Implementation in International Regime Learning Process through Group Investigation Cooperative Model

Anita Afriani Sinulingga, Putiviola Elian Nasir
The purpose of this article is to describe students’ learning outcomes after the development of group investigation type, cooperative learning method, in the International Regime course. The application of this method through intermestic approach is expected to contribute to the image of international...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Model Development in Conflict Management and Resolution Course

Anita Afriani Sinulingga, Putiviola Elian Nasir
The purpose of this study is to describe the application of the blended learning model in the Conflict Management and Resolution course. Through the application of this method, it is hoped that the findings will be in the form of an analysis of the effectiveness of blended learning. The focus of learning...
Proceedings Article

From Conventional to Blended Learning: Learning Technology Development for Plant Pest Science Course

My Syahrawati, Yunisman
Plant Pest Science is a compulsory course of the Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Andalas. In the previous year, we teach students conventionally, standing in front of a class, and interact each other in the same place. This semester, we prepared the blended learning class...
Proceedings Article

Medical Students Perception About Implementation of Video-Assisted Blended Learning in Ophthalmology Clinical Clerkship During COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Hendriati, Muhammad Syauqie
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted teaching in a variety of institutions, especially in medical schools. Electronic learning (e-learning) became the core method of teaching the curriculum during the pandemic. This study explores the clerkship medical student’s perspective toward the e-learning method...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Formative Assessment on Students’ Academic Achievement

A Case Study of English Students of Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia

Ferdinal, Isramirawati
This study identified the effect of formative assessment on a group of Indonesian students undertaking the class “Introduction to Australian Culture.” The study also attempts to identify the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards applying this type of assessment in the class. This eight-week study...
Proceedings Article

Applying Self-Directed Learning Method in Augmenting Student’s Competence and Motivation in Entrepreneurship Class at English Department of Universitas Andalas

Dhiant Asri, Shilva Lioni
The aim of this course is to augment student’s mindsets, attitudes and personalities in order to be creative and innovative in entrepreneurship. Students were trained to plan, start and manage a new business. In this case, Self-Directed Learning (SDL) method was applied in the entrepreneurship course....
Proceedings Article

Redesign of the Curriculum for Improvement of Graduates and Lecture Career of the Animal Science Study Program

Khalil, Adrizal
The challenges facing the animal science study program of Campus II Payakumbuh in implementing the learning process were poor knowledge and skills of students and graduates. The academic grades did not reflect the actual skills needed to work in the livestock areas. This research redesigned the curriculum...
Proceedings Article

Improving Students English Vocabulary Using Kahoot!

Ayumi, Al Maghvirah Chan
Acquiring vocabulary is compulsory for students to apply them later in their university year when writing their thesis. The combination of traditional and interactive to enhance student’s vocabulary can show a significant result. This article aims to see how Kahoot! contributes to students’ vocabulary...
Proceedings Article

Cooperative Model Type STAD and Its Effect on Student Learning Outcomes at Sustainability Accounting Courses

Asniati Bahari, Elvira Luthan, Winda Azmi, Alya Ledias Anshar
This study aims to determine the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) cooperative learning model’s effect on student learning outcomes in sustainability accounting courses. This research is a quasi-experimental study involving two groups of students at Andalas University with a total sample of 47...
Proceedings Article

Application of Blended Learning Model to Increase Motivation and Student Learning Outcomes in Accounting Theory Subjects at Fekon Unand

Elvira Luthan, Fauzan Misra, Luciana Luthan
This research is a comparative descriptive study which aims to determine the effect of the application of blended learning on student achievement in the Accounting Theory course. The form of research used is quasi-experimental, namely by trying out a treatment. The characteristic of experimental research...
Proceedings Article

Learning Technology Development Through Podcasts for Auditory Learning Styles

Berri Brilliant Albar, Indah Maya Sari
Students have a variety of learning styles, with most of them being auditory learners. Auditory learners need at least a sound learning tool, while the available tools are written in a more visual form. Audio podcasts are a solution for auditory learners to understand and improve their understanding...
Proceedings Article

Medical Student’s Perception of Online Learning in Tadulako University During COVID-19 Pandemic

David Pakaya, Vera Diana Towidjojo, Indah Puspasari Kiay Demak
The online system applied during this pandemic changes the interaction pattern between lecturers and students and will affect the learning environment. Therefore, researchers are interested in knowing students’ perceptions while participating in online culture in terms of their interactions and learning...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Student Satisfaction Assessment Instrument Towards Academic Service in Mathematics Department, Andalas University

Hazmira Yozza, HG Izzati Rahmi, Monika Rianti Helmi
The Mathematics Department, Andalas University need to provide good service to ensure their students satisfaction toward academic services. This study aims to design an instruments to assess student satisfaction related to the quality of academic services and to analyze student satisfaction toward the...
Proceedings Article

Examination of Business Student’s Satisfaction to Use E-Learning; Empirical Study during Covid 19-Pandemic in Universitas Andalas

Yulia Hendri Yeni, Vera Pujani
This study examines the influence of Ease of Use and Attitude toward Students’ Satisfaction to Use e-learning. Four hypotheses are proposed to investigate the linkage of three variables. Data were collected by using Google form. One hundred thirty-five students of the Accounting and Management Study...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Blended Learning Method to Achieve Independent Learning in Nursing Communication Course

Yulastri Arif, Esthika Ariany Maisa, Feri Fernandes, Rika Sarfika
Blended learning is proven to be able to increase learning independence in the Nursing communication course which is observed through classroom action research. Student learning independence in cycle one is quite good with an average score of 81.14, and it increases to 92.94 in cycle two so that it becomes...
Proceedings Article

Teaching English Through the Medical or Healthcare Process and the Role Play for the Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University

Ayendi, Eva Najma
This research is to see the extent to which teaching English through medical/healthcare and roleplay can improve the interpersonal speaking skills of Andalas University of medicine undergraduate students in the odd semester 2019/2020. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. The finding...
Proceedings Article

Medical Undergraduate Students Response of Learning Process Using Drawing and Animation Videos

Aisyah Elliyanti, Dian Pertiwi
This study aimed to determine students’ perceptions of understanding learning material using the drawing method. Ten undergraduate medical students participated in creating cardiovascular material based on their topic of discussion. The materials convert to animation videos. Thirty-eight students participate...
Proceedings Article

How to Improve Student’s Creativity in Learning Japanese Language Using Numbered Head Together Method (NHT)

This article describes the empirical experience of researchers in teaching Chukyu Nihongo II with face-to- face and online teaching. Using descriptive qualitative methods with purpose to determine the creativity of students, and to know the system in expressing ideas, asking questions and respect other’s...
Proceedings Article

Types of Word That Are Frequently as Gairaigo Words in Japanese From English

Adrianis, Dhiant Asri
The writing of this paper is a description of the Japanese gairaigo contained in the children’s story 白 雪 姫(ShirayukiHime). Gairaigo is a loan word taken from a foreign language. This study is a morphological study that discusses the word, the data is taken from the children’s story 白雪姫 (ShirayukiHime),...
Proceedings Article

Cooperative Learning Method for Improving Learning- Outcome in Digital Signal Processing Course

Rudy Fernandez, Mumuh Muharram
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is a mandatory course for students of the Electrical Engineering Department in Universitas Andalas. The course is to provide an understanding of concepts of digital signal processing as well as its application. Teacher-centred Learning was used to deliver the course materials,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Online Learning Video for Blended Learning in Teletraffic Course

Rudy Fernandez, Eka Putra Waldi
Teletraffic is an optional course for students of the Electrical Engineering Department in Universitas Andalas. The course used to delivered in offline learning mode and now is developed to be in blended learning mode. This article is aimed at describing the development of learning videos as a media...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Project Based Learning Method with Speech Analyzer App for Oninron Course

Dini Maulia, Darni Enzimar Putri, Rahtu Nila Sepni
Oninron Subject is compulsory for second-semester university students majoring in Japanese language and literature at Andalas University. This subject is categorized as specific linguistic course that discusses the theory of sound in language. This paper focuses on the implementation of Project Based...
Proceedings Article

Long-Distance Online Learning During Pandemic: The Role of Communication, Working in Group, and Self- Directed Learning in Developing Student’s Confidence

Fauzan Misra, Ihsani Mazelfi
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the learning process being carried out online, even on campuses with face-to-face traditions such as Andalas University. Although Unand has initiated the development of blended-learning, compulsory implementation of online learning is a challenge for lecturers and students....
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of OBE-Based Management Accounting Learning

Riwayadi, Denny Yohana
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of OBE-based management accounting learning. The research type is applied research. The population is the students who are taking management accounting courses This research uses census sampling. It is found that OBE-based learning...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Online Learning on Student Practicum Skills

Ulfa Farrah Lisa, Feni Andriani, Dian Ahzaliza
The learning method is one of the supporting techniques for the achievement of graduate competencies. One of the ways is e-learning, which is called online lectures. The research objective is to determine the effectiveness of online learning on student practicum skills. This type of research is a quasi-experiment...
Proceedings Article

Development of Evaluation Instruments for Learning Midwifery Skills; E-Learning Based Rubric

Ulfa Farrah Lisa, Feni Andriani
Assessment using rubrics can assess students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains when performing midwifery skills. Evaluation instrument analysis software has been developed a lot developed by Andalas University, namely, through web e-learning. The research objective was to produce an evaluation...
Proceedings Article

Developing Learnability of Disaster Epidemiology and Emergency Response Subject Through Whatsapp and Google Classrooms

Yessy Markolinda, Syafrawati, Sawirman
This article discusses the subject development of Disaster epidemiology and Emergency Response through Whatsapp and Google Classroom. This is one of the mandatory subjects at the study program of the Master’s Degree Program of Epidemiology at Faculty of Public Health at AndalasUniversity. I use a method...
Proceedings Article

WhatsApp: How it is Used to Support the Blended Learning in Linguistics and Research Classes in the Pandemic-Era Classroom

In the new global classrooms, WhatsApp mobile application has become a central issue for the learning process. This paper attempts to show how WhatsApp Group (WAG) can support blended learning in linguistics and research classes. A qualitative case study was used. The data were drawn from 85 individuals,...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Moodle Learning Management System to Extend Discourse Class and Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) makes teaching more interesting and effective. The article proposes 12 steps as a framework to use Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) and Interactive Learning (Ilearn) of Universitas Andalas to extend discourse class and research during the Covid-19 pandemic....
Proceedings Article

Video as a Tool in Improving Pharmacy Student’s Knowledge and Skills About Tonicity

Uswatul Hasanah, Lili Fitriani, Erizal Zaini
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed in-class courses into the online class. A web-conference software program was mostly used to deliver the learning activity. But this method was ineffective due to lack of cognitive engagement. This study aims to improve students’ ability to solve the tonicity problems...
Proceedings Article

Development of Student Centre Learning Methods in Block 4.3 (Elective) Through Student Exchange as Innovative Learning

Rika Susanti, Rahmat Syawqi
Learning on block 4.3 gives students the opportunity to understand concepts: Sports medicine, Hospital management, Biotechnology and biomolecular, Tradisonal cuisine minang, Article writing, Traditional medicine, Clinical management, Interactive learning design. The contribution of this block to the...
Proceedings Article

Development and Implementation of Blended Learning (PPBL) in Block 3B. Midwifery Care During Childbirth

Yulizawati, Miranie Safaringga
Block 3.B, which is entitled Midwifery Care for normal delivery, is the second block that must be studied by third semester students in the Undergraduate Program of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. This study uses a comparative study. Bivariate analysis was categorical correlative...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Preceptorship Implementation Process and Application of the Philosophy of Midwifery in the Cycle III (Midwifery Care for Physiological Delivery) at the Midwifery Independent Clinic (PMB) at the Clerkship of the Midwifery Professional Education

Lusiana El Sinta Bustami, Erda Mutiara Halida
One of the ways to develop the quality of clinical learning is by applying suitable preceptorship methods. So far, the implementation of clinical learning activities still needs special attention. Clinical learning methods have not been implemented optimally. Some of the problems that still occur in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Methods for Student Center Learning with Problem Based Learning Through Blended Learning in Block 6.C Infection and Neoplasms of the Reproductive and Breast System

Yulizawati, Miranie Safaringga
Achievement of the learning objectives of a student with the method of learning problem based learning (PBL), can be influenced by the results of extracting their peer information in small groups because the information obtained by students will be discussed to perfect the knowledge gained. This study...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Video Presentation Techniques on Learning of Security Studies Concepts in International Relations Department of Universitas Andalas Indonesia

Zulkifli Harza, Maryam Jamilah
Security study is one main course in the international relations discipline because it consists of an important conceptual framework that is crucial in understanding the relationship between states and global politics. Previous learning method which has applied to this course demand domination of lecturers...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning in Financial Management 1

Denny Yohana, Dian Yuni Anggraini
Blended learning is a combination of conventional learning models usually done directly with e-learning internet network-based learning models. This method provides several conveniences in the teaching and learning process, both process and materials. It is hoped that this method can improve student...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Gender and Agribusiness Development Course and Its Impact on Students’ Learning Process

Yuerlita, Rudi Febriamansyah, Vonny Indah Mutiara
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the widely implemented active learning method. This study aims to describe implementation of PBL, analyse the effect of PBL in teaching and learning and describe students’ satisfaction in gender and agribusiness development course, undergraduate level. This study...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Project Based Learning Method in the Digital System Course Based on IlearnUnand

Darwison, Syukri Yunus, Syarkawi Syamsuddin, Mumuh Muharam, Darmawan
The rapid development of science today requires the application and innovation of online technology in the teaching and learning process.UnandIlearn is used as a data center and activities both online and offline for digital systems courses.By applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) method in these...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Blended Learning-PjBL in the Sensor Course Based on Ilearn Unand

Darwison, Rudy Fernandez, Mumuh Muharam
With the rapid development of science today, it is necessary to apply and innovate online technology in the teaching and learning process. By developing blended learning in sensor courses that emphasize the Project Based Learning (PjBL) method with data centered on Unand ilearn, it can improve the assessment...
Proceedings Article

Development of Project-Based Learning Methods in the Digital System Design Course

Ratna Aisuwarya, Rian Ferdian
The brief description of the Digital System Design course discusses the basic principles of digital system design, digital system design parameters, analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential logic circuits, use of state diagrams in digital system design, modeling and simulating systems designs,...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning Development of Non-Communicable Diseases Dietetics Subject

Hafifatul Auliya Rahmy, Azrimaidaliza, Eva Yuniritha, Rifza
The Corona Viruses Diseases outbreak made the government decide that all zones’ learning methods must be implemented online. For this reason, it is necessary to change from conventional learning to internet-based learning, one of which is blended learning. Dietetics of non-communicable diseases is one...
Proceedings Article

Mixed Assessment Method for Distant Learning: Challenges and Future Works

Rima Novirianthy, Novi Maulina, Marisa, Zulfa Zahra, Ika Waraztuty, Dedy Syahrizal, Maryatun
Online teaching due to pandemic Covid-19 significantly impacted to medical education institution. In this study, we described our first experience of using mixed online student assessment methods in the setting of Covid-19 and evaluated student’s perceptions about the examination, as challenges and future...
Proceedings Article

Students Perception to Video Media for Vibration Theory Subject in Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Andalas

Masrilayanti, Febrin Anas Ismail
Nowadays, online learning is a must to be conducted for students because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Lecturers should find a media or a tool to deliver the material to the students, so that they are still able to obtain knowledge and understand the subjects. One of the media widely used for online learning...
Proceedings Article

Students Perception to Course Work Effectiveness for Enhancing of Mechanic Subject in Civil Engineering Department Universitas Andalas

Masrilayanti, Jati Sunaryati
Mechanics is known as one of the most difficult subjects for engineering students, especially in civil engineering department. However, this subject is the core of the students to become a good engineer in the future. Therefore, the lectures or team teaching usually are trying so hard to explore their...
Proceedings Article

Experiential Learning Method and Hands-on Approach for Optimizing Learning on Signal and Systems Course

Nefy Puteri Novani, Lathifah Arief
The development of learning methods carried out in this study is a hands-on approach applying experiential learning to students. The cycle begins with a student’s learning experience, followed by an opportunity to reflect on that experience. Students can conceptualize and further what they experience...
Proceedings Article

Improving Learning Electrical Engineering Student Activity via Computer Simulation

Hanalde Andre, Amirul Luthfi, Baharuddin, Rizki Wahyu Pratama
Student activity in learning is an important part of achieving outcome course. This research concerns about improving learning student activity via computer simulation in the academic year 2019-2020. In general, the learning media here is anything that can be used to stimulate the thoughts, feelings,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Blended Learning Method an Accomplishment Way for Learning Outcomes on Training Course at Psychology Department

Lala Septiyani Sembiring, Meria Susanti, Nelia Afriyeni, Izzanil Hidayati, Siska Oktari, Yantri Maputra
In optimizing accomplishment for learning outcomes in a subject, it is necessary to do various appropriate method. Especially for courses that have a lot of material content and long study hours, then the blended learning method can be used as an alternative. In this study, the blended learning method...
Proceedings Article

Politeness Strategy in Directive and Expressive Utterances as Found in Jane Eyre Movie

Yalmiadi, Yossy Iddris
This study discusses politeness strategies in directive and expressive speech, which are found in the Jane Eyre movie. The study is aimed at observing politeness strategies in conveying the intention or purpose of the speaker. The data are taken from the Jane Eyre movie. They are then collected through...
Proceedings Article

Readiness of Health Faculty Students Towards the Implementation of Interprofessional Education

Laila Isrona, Rika Susanti
Interprofessional Education (IPE) is defined as two or more professional learnings altogether to improve the collaboration and quality. The IPE is also a solution to the issue of professional fragmentation. Health faculties around the world already implement IPE into their curricula to improve of health...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning in Public Service Course During the Pandemic Covid-19

Roni Ekha Putera, Ria Ariany
In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, face-to-face learning had to be eliminated and replaced with online learning. To support this online learning, Andalas University encourages the use of the Learning Management System (LMS), which was adopted from the Modular. This paper discusses blended learning for...
Proceedings Article

Development of Stylistics Course Based on YouTube Video

Elly Delfia, Fadlillah, M. Yunis
Stylistics is one of the compulsory courses in the Indonesian Language Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University. Stylistics is the subjects dual paradigm (literature and linguistics) that needs to be developed because of a lack of interest by the students. The development of this course...
Proceedings Article

Student Responses to Learning Using Blended Learning Method: Study of Political Behavior Theory Subject at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Andalas University

Asrinaldi, Tengku Rika Valentina
This article explains how students of the Political Science Department, FISIP, and Andalas University follow the Political Behavior Theory (TPP) course using the Blended Learning method. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach through a survey to determine student responses related to the...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Modification E-Learning and Collaborative Learning Methods in the Public Health Nutrition Basic Course

Azrimaidaliza, Resmiati, Welly Famelia, Idral Purnakarya, Firdaus
In this 4.0 era, the use of internet in the learning process in higher institutions cannot be avoided, and the number of it increases rapidly since the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation makes face to face learning difficult or even impossible to be carried out. Therefore, universities in Indonesia have...
Proceedings Article

The Use of PowerApps to Design Archive Management for Internal Quality Standard Audit in Quality Control Group (GKM) of Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University

Purnama Dini Hari, Cesar Welya Refdi
PowerApps is a low-code platform from Microsoft that enable user to create a simple mobile application for business use. Here, we tried to design an application named SiData THP to manage evidences for internal quality standard audit on Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural...
Proceedings Article

Application of Learning Method Small Group Discussion (SGD) in Seed Pathology

Ujang Khairul, Darnety, Martinius, Haliatur Rahma
Seed pathology is one of the elective courses in Plant Protection Departement. Seed pathology studies about plant diseases transmitted through seeds, the mechanism of infection in seeds, survival time and factors that affect the survival of pathogens in seeds. The number of topics taught in the course...
Proceedings Article

Applicationof Vlogs in Introductory Ecology Courses

Ryan Budi Setiawan, dan Zulfadly Syarif
This study aims to determine the role of vlogs in learning introductory ecology courses. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The data source is some vlogs available on youtube. The results showed that the use of vlogs was able to improve students’ understanding of learning materials. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Preferences and Perceptions on Kampus Merdeka Experiential Learning Programs

A Survey in a Private University in Yogyakarta

Yosephine Suharyanti, Lucia Asdra Rudwiarti, Paulus Mudjihartono, Alexander Jatmiko Wibowo
Kampus Merdeka concept of providing work experiences to students is basically an experiential learning approach to support the achievement of learning outcomes. The effectiveness of experiential learning requires some factors. One of those is student readiness, which is affected by student preference...
Proceedings Article

Empowering the Quality Assurance (QA) in Encounter National and International Accreditation

Hendra Lukito, Harif Amali Rivai
This study aims to determine the role, main tasks and functions of the Quality Assurance (QA) in the Master of Management study program, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas. The approach used in this research is literature review and the source of the data in this study is secondary data collected...
Proceedings Article

Application of Blended Learning (Discovery Learning, Small Group Discussion, Case Study, Role Play & Simulation, Cooperative Learning, and Collaborative Learning) to Improve Learning Activities and Achivements in Lobby and Negotiation Course

Yesi Puspita
The excellent education need evaluation, changes, curriculum development, facilities and infrastructure, good educational management that includes innovative and creative of method and learning model. The practice of Blended Learning on Lobby and Negotiation studies on third year is necessary to improve...
Proceedings Article

Midwifery Skills Block 6.C (Infection and Neoplasm in the Reproductive and Breast System)

Aldina Ayunda Insani, Uliy Iffah
Midwifery education uses a new paradigm, namely the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method. In connection with the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the issuance of Permendikbud No. 109 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of Distance Education in university, technological advances in Universitas Andalas...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of the Effect of Implementation of Blended Learning and Peer Education Methods With the Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes in Block 4.C Course (Midwifery Care in Labor and High Risk Postpartum)

Aldina Ayunda Insani, Uliy Iffah
Midwifery education uses a new paradigm, namely the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method. In connection with the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, technological advances and the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, a renewal of the learning method was carried out, namely the Blended Learning system...
Proceedings Article

Development of Numerical Method Multimedia Content in Online Learning Environment to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Syafii, Heru Dibyo Laksono
Multimedia content based on online learning is needed for education in a pandemic era and new normal period. This article describes the development of numerical method multimedia content in online learning environment to improve student learning outcomes. The results of the Numerical Method Course development...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Formative Assessment With the Ilearn Method on the Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes

Laila Rahmi, Rafika Oktova
Advances in science and technology and in the face of the Globalization Era have increased public demands for higher education including midwifery higher education. Blended Learning is a development of the e- learning learning model that allows lecturers to provide a more comprehensive learning experience...
Proceedings Article

Developing Blended Learning With the Use of I-Learn in Block 1.A (Introduction to Midwifery Education)

Rafika Oktova, Laila Rahmi
Blended learning is a development of the e-learning model, which combines face-to-face learning models with online learning. With the existence of blended learning allows lecturers to provide a more comprehensive learning experience for students, increase access and convenience for students in accessing...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Video Streaming as a Means of Online Learning for Indonesian Political Thinking Courses

Tamrin, Indah Adi Putri, Mhd. Fajri
There are two online learning goals; as the most effective means of achieving learning objectives and as an effective means of teaching and learning (TnC), and as the most effective means of achieving learning goals more related to a form of flexibility that can encourage learning motivation. Whereas...
Proceedings Article

Application of Collaborative Learning Method: Interactive and Online Learning to Improve Effective Communication Based on Online Media and Website Government Public Relations Learning

Emeraldy Chatra, Ilham Havifi
The Government Public Relations or G-PR course which is the object of research is a course in the Department of Communication, Andalas University. This course not only provides hard skills and but also soft skills with a combination of theory and practice where the portion of practice is comparable to...
Proceedings Article

Development and Implementation of Online Learning Blended Learning in Business Communication Courses

Revi Marta, Ilham Havifi
The Covid-19 pandemic makes online development and implementation research vital as the development of the industrial era 4.0 requires lecturers to be able to develop technology-based learning content and be able to develop learning and assessment methods by utilizing Information and Communication Technology...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Instructional Videos as a Learning Medium for Understanding the Subject of Earthquake Engineering

Jati Sunaryati, Ruddy Kurniawan
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the use of instructional videos for the Earthquake Engineering course in the Civil Engineering Department, Andalas University. The method of making videos is by editing files using Camtasia Studio. Students who are the target of learning are students in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Teaching Materials for Elementary Linear Algebra Through the Blended Learning Method

Yanita, Nova Noliza Bakar
This paper discusses the learning process of Elementary Linear algebra using blended learning which is carried out after the midterm exam. Learning is designed initially by providing additional explanation in the form of additional information that is used in such a way for a material. Furthermore, the...
Proceedings Article

Development of Problem-Based Learning and Inquiry (PBL) Learning Methods in the Form of Mass Media-Based Case Studies on Integrity and Anti-Corruption Subject

Dewi Anggraini, Didi Rahmadi
Integrity and Anti-Corruption subject are entered into the KKNI based curriculum in 2018 and are mandatory subject at Political science department given to second semester students. In this subject we are discussed several important topics on the concept of integrity and anti-corruption attitudes which...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Perception of Blended Learning Implementation for Plant Structure and Development Courses and Their Influence on Student Grades in Biology Department of Andalas University

Tesri Maideliza, Ahmad Taufik, Mansyurdin
Nowadays, information technology (internet) has a major influence on the world of education. The application of various learning media or “blended learning” has been carried out in the Plant Structure and Development course in the Biology Department, Andalas University. In its application, several obstacles...
Proceedings Article

Students’ Online Learning Satisfaction on Learning Management System

Ares Albirru Amsal, Meuthia
In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, face-to-face learning had to be eliminated and replaced with online learning. To support this online learning, Andalas University encourages the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) which has been adopted from the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Satisfaction and Perceived Usefulness of E- Learning: The Role of Interactive Learning and Social Influence

Ares Albirru Amsal, Siska Lusia Putri, Febri Rahadi, Mellyna Eka Yan Fitri
Understanding the factors that influence the satisfaction of e-learning is critical. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between interactive learning, social influence, and perceived usefulness on perceived satisfaction with e-learning. Seventy-three students taking online learning...
Proceedings Article

Improving Student Learning Liveliness Using Cooperative Learning Methods

Sarmiati, Elva Ronaning Roem, Ongky Andriawan
Research about the improvement of student learning liveliness used cooperative learning methods was motivated by the fact that many students who were not interested in the learning activities carried out. This study aimed to develop a learning method that can improve the quality of the process and learning...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Contextual Learning Methods to Improve Students’ Softskills

Verinita, John Edwar
The Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, offers Services Marketing courses in the even semester. However, evaluation of the previous class indicates that students have difficulties in discussing cases that occur in businesses that manage services. Even though the...
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning in Improving Self-Regulated Learning and Student Quality in Islamic Microeconomic Course

Neng Kamarni, Hadi Rahadian
The implementation of the blended learning method aims to create a learning system that requires students to learn more effectively and have the appropriate abilities needed in the world of work.The blended learning method also triggers students to be creative and enthusiastic, especially in the Islamic...
Proceedings Article

Development of Learning Technology in the Course Marketing Management 1

Verinita, Yanti, Ratni Prima Lita
Teaching of Marketing Management 1 courses has been using the method of exposure to marketing management concepts and theories. The lecturer explains the concept or theory in class. The next week the lecturer gave the case and the students discussed the case. The case is determined by the lecturer. So...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Blended Learning: The Impact of Student’s Characteristics and Digital Literacy on Student Performance

Venny Darlis, Dessy Kurnia Sari
Blended learning plays an important role in providing flexibilities to study in terms of time and place. This paper scrutinizes the impact of student characteristics and digital literacy on student performance. It is intended to evaluate the significant predictors of student characteristics and digital...
Proceedings Article

Development of Monitor and Evaluation System of Learning Process Towards ASEAN University Network- Quality Assurance Criteria

Venny Darlis, Dian Rani Yolanda, Verinita
In this globalization and internationalization era, a university is required to improve its performance. Likewise, the Management Department of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, prepares itself to go global to obtain certification on the quality assessment of a study program that is recognized...
Proceedings Article

The Application of the Peer Tutoring Method in the Basic Nursing Science II Course

Dewi Murni, Nelwati, Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri, Esthika Ariany Maisa, Ilfa Khairina, Sidaria, Yuanita Ananda
Peer tutoring is a flexible, peer-mediated strategy that involves students acting as tutors and academic tutors. The Study Lab tutors serve as guides and mentors to help students become successful independent learners. Tutors support students in developing attitudes, behaviors, and understanding of the...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Implementation of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and Self Efficacy of Students in Improving Economic Literacy

Ambuy Sabur, Dadang Saepuloh, Siti Subaidah, Deri Firmansyah
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of HOTS learning and self efficacy of students on economic literacy, the population of grade XI SMAN 11 Tangerang city as much as 109, sampled using Proportionate Simple Random Sampling through sloven formula so as to be a sample number of 90 students....