Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)

Session: Education Issues and Policy

3 articles
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Elementary School

Bambang Yulianto, Faridahtul Jannah, Ms. Nurhidayah, Prima Asteria
The Launching of School Literacy Movement (SLM) is intended to involve schools, academics, publishers, mass media, and the public in order to support the reading habituation of students. Data were taken in SD Laboratorium Unesa and SDN 21 Ampenan at West Nusa Tenggara. The research involves the im-plementation...
Proceedings Article

Normalization strategy as the concept of power in the dutch-indies literature: michel foucault critical discourse analysis perspective

Ida Sukowati
The background of this research problem is an attempt to prove that literature as collective consciousness product, in this case the Indies Literature, is not an isolated production form, but always influenced by certain power, social and economic system, so it is a discourse that can be used as a tool...
Proceedings Article

Understanding how teacher perceived teaching professionalism

Siti Siti Ina, Riza Khoirunnisa
This research aims to obtain a quantitative description of teacher's perception on the meaning of teaching profession. The data were collected using a questionnaire given to 22 randomly selected subjects of primary schools in Sidoarjo, Indonesia. This research employed descriptive statistical analysis...