Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)

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181 articles
Proceedings Article

Improving the Capability of Prospective Primary School Teachers in Making Science-Based Science Teaching Materials Based on ICT Media Assisted Literacy

Jajang Jajang Bayu Kelana, Jajang Bayu Kelana, D. Fadly Pratama
In general, this study aims to improve the ability of prospective elementary school teachers to make science teaching materials based on ICT literacy based on ICT media. Specifically, to develop the ability of prospective elementary school teachers to make teaching materials based on scientific literacy....
Proceedings Article

Teacher Function in Class: A Literature Review

Abida Abida Ferindistika Putri, Abida Ferindistika Putri, Hana Andriningrum, Siti Khusnul Rofiah, Imam Gunawan
In order to increase the role of the teacher in the teaching-learning process and student learning outcomes, the teacher is expected to be able to create an effective learning environment and be able to manage the classroom. Because class is a learning environment and is an aspect of the school environment...
Proceedings Article

Informal Supervision Model “Managing by Walking About” in Improving Quality of Learning

Ahmad Ahmad Nurabadi, Ahmad Nurabadi, Sucipto Sucipto, Imam Gunawan
The principal must know all the teachers well, all the students, all parents of students, and the school community. To get to know all parties and their working environment, the principal must have an open door policy and managing by walking about (MBWA), namely managing by blusukan or also known as...
Proceedings Article

Standards of Competency of Head of School Beginners as Leaders in Learning Innovation

Ibrahim Ibrahim Bafadal, Ibrahim Bafadal, Ahmad Yusuf Sobri, Ahmad Nurabadi, Imam Gunawan
This study aims to describe the personal, social, and professional competencies that a novice must possess in order to effectively begin his performance as an innovative learning leader. This research was conducted with a quantitative. The targets of this study were 10 principals in metropolitan cities,...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Zapira Portable by Maximizing the Potential Source in Rural Area

Ika Ika Febriana Wati, Ika Febriana Wati, Eka Ajeng Fabela, Yunita Miftahul Jannah, Yuniawatika Yuniawatika
The electrification ratio in Indonesia reached 98.3%. Power plant technology innovations are needed, is it can be applied in rural areas with more environmentally friendly energy sources. One of them is rainwater. This is supported by the average rainfall in Indonesia which is quite high, which is 1000-4000...
Proceedings Article

Develop Educational Leadership by Applying Values and Ethics to Strengthen Student Character

Imam Imam Gunawan, Imam Gunawan
The role of the school principal cannot be ignored in the character building, because the principal has a role to foster professional teachers and students’ character. Values and ethical leadership shown by principal become the critical success of character education programs in schools. If you want...
Proceedings Article

The Principal’s Conflict Management Strategy Through Increased Community Participation in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Nova Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Mustiningsih Mustiningsih, Imron Arifin
The purpose of this research is to describe the conflicts faced by the school through increased community participation. The study used a qualitative approach, with a multisite research plan. The research site is at SDN Tunjungsekar 5 and SDN Ketawanggede. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Pancasila Values on Narrative Composition Material in Primary Schools

Ratih Ratih Asmarani, Ratih Asmarani, Murtiningsih Murtiningsih, Imam Nawawi
Intention of this research, that is to know: (1) the infinite value in composition of narasi student; (2) human value in composition of narasi student; (3) association value in composition of narasi student; (4) nationality value in composition of narasi student; and (5) justice value in composition...
Proceedings Article

Development of Peer Counselor Training Manual at State University of Malang

Siti Siti Nur Laila, Siti Nur Laila, Elia Flurentin, Irene Maya Simon
This research aims to develop a peer counselor training manual at State University of Malang. The researchers employ a research and development method in this research. The subjects of the product tryout were a guidance and counseling (BK) expert; a media expert; and a counselor of Guidance and Counseling...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Different Cognitive Abilities of Students Using Electronic Games

Susilaningsih Susilaningsih, Henry Praherdhiono, Putri Darawati Maharani
Electronic games in learning help teachers to easily convey material and create learning conditions that are not monotonous. Also, the aim is to improve student learning outcomes. With conditions of different cognitive abilities, are the effects of learning outcomes the same? The purpose of this research...
Proceedings Article

Developing E-Comic to Internalize Manners for Junior High School Students

Yuliana Yuliana Rasyid, Yuliana Rasyid, Arbin Janu Setiyowati, Elia Flurentin
This study aims to develop e-comics as a media to internalize the concept of manners for junior high school students who meet the criteria of of accuracy, usefulness, convenience, and attractiveness. This research method was adapted from the Borg and Gall (1983) procedural Research and Development (R&D)...
Proceedings Article

Role of Peers in Case of Self Suicide Peer Counseling: Youth Self Awareness to Suicide Cases

Zulfianti Zulfianti Rosyida Zahro, Zulfianti Rosyida Zahro, Chindy Ika Setyo Pratiwi, Hana Andriningrum, Nandy Wahyu Nur Setya
Suicide constitutes 1.4% of the causes of all deaths worldwide and continues to increase every year. Anxiety about the absence of life guarantees can lead to stressful behaviors that can trigger suicidal behavior. The majority of suicides are teenagers. Peer counselors can help in dealing with adolescent...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Implementation of School Based Management on the Values of Local Interests of Tri Hita Karana and Leadership of School Head Service on Performance Teacher

Anak Anak Agung Gede Agung, Anak Agung Gede Agung, Luh Putu Sri Utami
The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of school management implementation based on the values of local wisdom Tri Hita Karana (THK) and service leadership on the performance of junior high school teachers in Gerokgak Buleleng Subdistrict. This research is ex-post facto. This study...
Proceedings Article

Development of Self-Exhibition Through Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Models with Self-Management Strategies

Gede Gede Nugraha Sudarsana, Gede Nugraha Sudarsana, Ni Ketut Suarni, Ulan Sari
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral counseling models with self-management strategies to develop a self-exhibition of state junior high-school students in Singaraja City. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research design with Nonequivalent Post-test Control...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Counseling with Reframing Techniques to Intervene in Self Aggression

I Ketut I Ketut Dharsana, I Ketut Dharsana, Gede Nugraha Sudarsana, Ni Ketut Suarni, Wayan Eka Paramartha, I Wayan Tirka, Kadek Satya Gita Rismawan
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cognitive counseling with reframing techniques to intervene in self-aggression. The experimental design used was Pretest Post-test Control Group Design. The sample of this study was high-school students in Singaraja City who were taken randomly by 50...
Proceedings Article

Investigating The Mathematical Literacy of Primary School Students in Curriculum 2013

Komang Komang Sujendra Diputra, Komang Sujendra Diputra, I Made Suarjana, I Gusti Ngurah Japa
This research was based on the results of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) publication which showed the mathematics literacy of Indonesian students was still below the average set by PISA. The curriculum 2013 was implemented to follow up on the PISA report which based on identification...
Proceedings Article

Learning Models Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review Assisted Reading Children's Literature Improves Reading Ability of Interpretative Understanding of Class IV Elementary School Students

MG Rini MG Rini Kristiantari, MG Rini Kristiantari
This study aims to study the interaction of the Survey model, Questions, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review assisted reading of children's literature on the interpretive reading ability of grade IV elementary school students. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a nonequivalent control group design....
Proceedings Article

Psychological Data Information Specialization Services in Increasing Student’s Self Understanding

Ni Ni Ketut Suarni, Ni Ketut Suarni, I Ketut Dharsana, Gede Nugraha Sudarsana
This study aims to determine the effect of psychological data-based specialization information services in increasing student’s self-understanding of the choice of majors through Lesson Study for Public Middle School students in Singaraja City. This type of research is an experimental study with the...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Children’s Spatial Ability

Putu Putu Aditya Antara, Putu Aditya Antara
The aims of this research were to obtain empirical information from experiment on the effect of the method of creative games and art talents to the spatial abilities of children. This research was conducted toward children who study in group B of kindergarten at Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali Province, Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Modified Index Card Match to Enhance Social Interaction of Children with Intellectual Disability

Endang Endang Pudjiasuti Sartinah, Endang Pudjiasuti Sartinah, Flaviana Cindy Setyowati
This study aims to examine the effect of using the modified index card on the social interaction of children with intellectual disability. This study used a pre-experimental research of one-group pre-test post-test. The number of subjects in this study were 6 children with intellectual disability. The...
Proceedings Article

Children Motor Development with Authoritarian Parenting During the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Gunarti Gunarti Dwi Lestari, Gunarti Dwi Lestari, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha
Motor development is not an issue on the impact of parenting problems. Survey research has the aim to determine the development of children's movements in the industrial revolution era 4.0 with authoritarian parenting. This research method is to use a type of quantitative research with survey methods....
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Paket C Program in Improving the Learning Quality of Learning Citizens at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Cerme Gresik

I Ketut I Ketut Atmadja Johny Artha, I Ketut Atmadja Johny Artha, Indrawati Theresia, Widodo Widodo, Mustakim Mustakim
Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress of the times the improvement in the quality of education is directly proportional to the competencies of learning citizens. The Paket C program is a program in the non-formal education pathway that is organized...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Show and Tell Method on Children’s Confidence

Mallevi Mallevi Agustin Ningrum, Mallevi Agustin Ningrum, Muhammad Reza, Eka Cahya Maulidiyah
This study aims to determine the effect of show and tell method on self-confidence for students aged 4-5 years. This quantitative research uses Pre-Experimental Design with One Group Pre-Test Post-Test. The subjects were 25 children aged 4-5 years. Data were collected using observation along with its...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Literacy Programs in Basic High School Class

Maryam Maryam Isnaini Damayanti, Maryam Isnaini Damayanti, Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Endang Darmawati
Literacy programs develop the language skills of high-class students, especially reading and writing skills. For this reason, good understanding and the optimal role of all elements are needed so that the program can be further developed in a variety of meaningful activities. This study aims to describe...
Proceedings Article

Use of the Mini Book to Improve Expositorial Writing Skills of V Class Student of SDN Wonokusumo 1 Surabaya, Indonesia

Masengut Masengut Sukidi, Masengut Sukidi, Mohammad Husni Abdullah
To be able to convey and access information well, a person is required to have the ability to read and write. Reality in the field, which in this case in elementary schools shows conditions that are still far from reading habits to write. The habit carried out by the teacher, is to ask students to read...
Proceedings Article

Picture Based Problem Learning in Improving Children’s Communication Skills

Kamtini Kamtini, Damaiwaty Ray, Salsabila Hasiana Tanjung
The ability to communicate is one of the skills children have as individuals who live in the 4.0 era. The research aims to examine the implementation of learning by using pictures that have problems to improve communication skills in children. 70 children participated in this study. The study was conducted...
Proceedings Article

Development of Three Dimensional Media for Mentally Retarded Children

Mustaji Mustaji, Citra Fitri Kholidya, Devi Febryan
This study aims to produce three-dimensional media for number and color abilities for mentally retarded elementary school children at special school Tunas Kasih Surabaya. Three dimensionals media to help mentally retarded children recognize numbers and colors. This is based on the research background...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Text Structure Mapping Strategy to Improve Speaking Skills for Student Class Fifth SDN Babatan 4 Surabaya

Sri Sri Hariani, Sri Hariani, Asri Susetyo Rukmi
Learning Indonesian is aimed to increase the ability of learners to communicate using the Indonesian language properly and correctly, both orally and in writing (Ministry of Education, 2006:317). But the reality on the ground indicate that elementary school students' skills in communicating using the...
Proceedings Article

Cost Analysis in the Community-Based School Transportation Service

Syunu Syunu Trihantoyo, Syunu Trihantoyo, Mohammad Sholeh, Enis Setyowati
This study aims to analyze the magnitude of the costs and factors that influence the implementation of community-based school transportation services. Implementation of school transportation services as simple mass transportation as an effort to reduce congestion on the highway. The research method uses...
Proceedings Article

English Language Communication in PGSD Through the TPR Method

Ulhaq Ulhaq Zuhdi, Ulhaq Zuhdi, Mintohari Mintohari
This article aims to describe how the TPR method can introduce English to the Primary Teachers Education (PGSD) students or Primary Teacher candidate. In this research is focused on communication skill or speaking. On other words, students concentrate on listening and speaking skills in learning English....
Proceedings Article

Outbound Program Based Local Wisdom for Students in Pesantren Schools

Wiwin Wiwin Yulianingsih, Wiwin Yulianingsih, Najlatun Naqiyah, Nunuk Hariyati, Sayyidah Ulul Nabilah
The purpose of this community service is to improve the understanding of elementary school teachers in SAQO Islamic Boarding School Kraksaan Probolinggo about child development by providing stimulus to support the optimization of child development. The outbound kids training method was carried out with...
Proceedings Article

A Financial Management Application Approach towards “Industry 4.0 Revolutionary Era” in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo

Sitti Sitti Roskina Mas, Sitti Roskina Mas, Muhammad A. Sahada, Arwildayanto Arwildayanto
This research aimed to describe (1) the system flow of the financial management applications in Islamic Boarding High School of Insan Cendekia Gorontalo, (2) the benefits of using the applications for the school, and (3) the implications of using the applications. The approach used in this research...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Guidance and Counseling in Millennial Generation Character Building

Wenny Wenny Hulukati, Wenny Hulukati, Maryam Rahim
Character building for millennial generation is increasingly essential; particularly, in order to maintain the existence of the Indonesian generation as a generation that still based on the character Indonesian values as crystallized in Pancasila (the Indonesian philosophy). Guidance and counseling services...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Library Information System in Managing School Library in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Arifin Arifin Suking, Arifin Suking, Nelpiyanti Hulopi, Ikhfan Haris
This study aims to find out: the use of IBRA v.6 applications on the transaction system, print library systems, member systems, OPAC systems, and report systems in school libraries, the method used is quantitative. Techniques for collecting data using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The...
Proceedings Article

Management of Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Arifin Arifin
This article discusses teachers’ emotional intelligence management in realization of schools with characters and in preparing themselves to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The current study was designed as a phenomenology study. The subject of the study consisted of a group of principals and teachers....
Proceedings Article

Professional Monitoring in Achieving Teacher’s Quality Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0

Besse Besse Marhawati, Besse Marhawati, Ansar Ansar
This article discusses professional monitoring in achieving teachers’ quality learning in industrial revolution 4.0. A teacher is a critical point in education quality improvement. Therefore, teacher should achieve professional monitoring and guidance. Professional monitoring includes professional assistance...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Self-Confidence and Their Learning Achievement on Elementary Schools

Gamar Gamar Abdullah, Gamar Abdullah, Isnanto Isnanto, Ni Putu Yuni Vidiyanti
Self-confidence is a very important aspect for someone to be able to develop their potential. If students have good self-confidence, then students can develop their potential well. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between student’s self-confidence and the learning achievement...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Student’s Ability to Make A Creation in Learning Process of SBK (Art, Culture, and Skill) Subject

Haris Haris Mahmud, Haris Mahmud, Cristina Saidi
This research is intended to describe the application of STAD model in Art, Culture and Skill subject (SBK subject) at grade V students, SDN 1 Dulupi, Boalemo Regency. This research employed a qualitative descriptive method. The result indicates that there are 23 students out of 28 are successful by...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Subject of Basic Science Concepts

Irvin Irvin Novita Arifin, Irvin Novita Arifin
This study aims to determine the direct effect of prior knowledge on students’ learning outcomes in subject of basic science concepts in the Primary Education Department of the Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University. This study used a survey method, and the techniques of data collection were...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment in Business Learning Group Program in Community Learning Center

Misran Misran Rahman, Misran Rahman
The Business Learning Group Program (KBU) is one of the non-formal education programs that is expected to improve community welfare while reducing poverty. Basically, business learning groups focus on skill education and business training for low-educated and poor citizens. In the village of Lauwonu...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Factors Causing Homosexual Behavior Deviation Reviewed from Students’ Perception at Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo

Murhima Murhima A Kau, Murhima A Kau
The research objective was to analyze factors causing homosexual behavior deviation reviewed from a perception of students in the class of 2015/2016 at the Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo. This was quantitative descriptive research which involved 50 students at the Faculty of Education,...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Basic Data of Education (DAPODIK) in the Implementation of School Administration: A Study in Elementary Schools in Bilato, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Novianty Novianty Djafri, Novianty Djafri, Fory Armin Naway, Abdul Kadir Mauna
The objective of this research is to explore the use of Basic data Education (henceforth will be referred to as DAPODIK) in the administration of (1) facilities and infrastructure, (2) students, (3) teachers, and (4) learning outcomes in all public elementary schools in Bilato sub-district, Gorontalo...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teams-Games-Tournament on Short Stories Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Students: A Study at Elementary School SDN 4 Kabila

Rusmin Rusmin Husain, Rusmin Husain, Juliana Dj
The objective of this study was to find out the influence of team games tournament (TGT) on short stories learning outcomes of grade IV students; it was conducted in elementary school SDN 4 Kabila, Bone Bolango Regency. This quantitative (experimental) research employed a one-group pretest-posttest design....
Proceedings Article

Improving Social Skills of Early Childhood Through Modern Games

Setiyo Setiyo Utoyo, Setiyo Utoyo
The purpose of this research is to improve the social skills of early childhood through modern games. The subjects of this research were children of Group B TK Damhil Gorontalo. The study was conducted from October to December 2018. The method used in this study is classroom action research. The procedure...
Proceedings Article

The Strategy of Teachers in Developing Curriculum for Learning Process in Facing Challenges in Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Warni Warni Tune Sumar, Warni Tune Sumar, Nina Lamatenggo
The role of professional teachers in the learning is vital as students’ key to successful learning and creating qualified graduates. Professional teachers are competent teachers in building and developing good and effective learning process to be able to create intelligent students and qualified education....
Proceedings Article

The Effect Instructional Approach and Authentic Assessment Toward an Achievement in Mathematics

Agnes Agnes M. Goni, Agnes M. Goni
The objective of the research is to figure out the effect of instructional approach, and assessment authentic toward students’ achievement in mathematics after controlling students’ previous ability. The method used in this research is experimental method with 2x2 factorial design. The samples of this...
Proceedings Article

Pool Therapy to Reduce Aggressive Behavior of Autistic Children

Aldjon Aldjon Nixon Dapa, Aldjon Nixon Dapa, Henny B.A Kiriweno
The purpose of this study is to get an overview and the extent to which the effectiveness of the application of pool therapy methods in reducing aggressive behavior in children with autism. This study uses experiments in the form of Single Subject Research (SSR), with A-B-A research design research subjects...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of the Make A Match Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Bobby Bobby A. Lompoliu, Bobby A. Lompoliu
The purpose of this study was to improve social studies learning outcomes through the application of the Make A Match learning model in class V of SD Catholic 04 Brother Don Bosco Tomohon and this research was carried out in the form of classroom action research developed by Kemmis and Taggart with a...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Social Guidance Services to Consumptive Behavior of Junior High Students

Hans Hans Pontororing, Hans Pontororing
Consumptive behavior is behavior that is no longer based on rational considerations, but rather because of desires that have reached irrational levels again. Consumptive behavior is the human tendency to consume unlimited. Based on the observations of researchers at Brother Don Bosco Tomohon Junior High...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Caring Environment and Nutritional Status on Psychomotor Development of Children Under Three Years Old

Hasnawaty Hasnawaty Paputungan, Hasnawaty Paputungan
The objective this research is to obtain information concerning the effects of caring environment and nutritional status on psychomotor development of children under three years old. The research was conducted at sub-District Lolayan in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The sample is 120 children and the data...
Proceedings Article

Application of Role-Playing Methods to Improve Learning Outcome of Learning Indonesian in Class V Students Primary School

Hetty Hetty J. Tumurang, Hetty J. Tumurang
The purpose of this study is to improve role playing about drama in Indonesian language subjects for Imanuel Karatung Christian elementary school students. The number of students is 18 children, consisting of 11 male students and 7 female students, this research is classroom action research (PTK). PTK...
Proceedings Article

Learning Model of Picture Symbols in Improving Language Skills in Early Children

Jenny Jenny I Dengah, Jenny I Dengah
This study aims to describe the method of symbol symbols in improving language skills listening to early childhood. The research method used is the action research method, by carrying out two cycles. with media images show an increase in children's learning outcomes in each cycle, both in cycle I and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Instructional Model Problem Solving to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes Students Elementary School

Katrina Katrina Siwi, Katrina Siwi
This study focused on the study of the ability of teachers in preparing learning plans, implementing learning, student activities and student learning outcomes using problem solvingmethods . The method used is Class Action Research, which is a form of reflective research conducted by researchers,...
Proceedings Article

Number Head Together Model in Social Learning

Marien Marien Pinontoan, Marien Pinontoan
The purpose of this study was to find out how the application of the Numbered Heads Together learning model in grade IV Elementary School on social issues in social studies learning. This research method uses classroom action research proposed by Kemmis and Taggart, which consists of four stages, namely...
Proceedings Article

Meaning of Happiness of Parents Who Have Children with Cerebral Palsy

Meisie Meisie Mangantes, Meisie Mangantes
The purpose of this research is to describe the happiness of parents who have cerebral palsy children in Southeast Minahasa viewed from three aspects, namely acceptance, affection, achievement. This research uses a qualitative case study method. The subjects in this study were two people. The method...
Proceedings Article

Scaffolding Model in Learning of Writing of Essays, Based on Experience

Mersty Mersty Rindengan, Mersty Rindengan
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the scaffolding learning model on the learning outcome of writing essays based on experience. This study used an experimental research method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The dependent variable is essay writing skills based on...
Proceedings Article

Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes

Mieke Mieke Farny Tiwow, Mieke Farny Tiwow
This study aims to find out how to improve student learning outcomes through inquiry learning models in PAUD children. This research is a classroom action research (CAR), with the subjects in this study were kindergarten children totaling 30 people. Sources of data obtained from the results of tests,...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Leadership Style and Achievement Motivation to Productivity of Training and Education Participants in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Mozes Mozes M. Wullur, Mozes M. Wullur
This institutional research aim at to analyze and describe the relationship between leadership style with productivity; motivational achievement with productivity; and leadership style and motivational achievement simultaneously with productivity of the participants in training and education of Community...
Proceedings Article

Constructivism Approach in Science Learning

Roos Roos M. S. Tuerah, Roos M. S. Tuerah
The aims of this study were to determine the effect of the constructivist approach to science learning of material human respiration. This study uses the Classroom Research method with stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The Subjects of the Research were fifth grade students...
Proceedings Article

Utilizing Image Media to Develop Early Language Capabilities in Children

Thresje Thresje Tolukun, Thresje Tolukun
The purpose of this research is to Utilize Image Media to Develop Language Skills in Kindergarten Permata Bunda Manado Kindergarten. Media are all items used in teaching and learning activities so that they can stimulate smoothly, orderly, and efficiently so that the goals of early childhood education...
Proceedings Article

Development of Early Young Adults that have Autistic Characteristics

Tiersa Tiersa Undap, Tiersa Undap
The purpose of this study is to describe how the handling of parents of children with autism is seen from the attention of parents, knowledge of parents and assignments from parents to children. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological research method by looking at and observing the handling of...
Proceedings Article

Indonesian University Management in 21st Century (Issues And Challenges)

Zoya Zoya Febrina Sumampow, Zoya Febrina Sumampow, Widdy Rorimpandey
Entering a decade of the 21st century, after the Reformation, it turned out that most of the information media contained news of violence, robbery, corruption, collusion and nepotism, oppression, extortion, rape, infidelity, human rights violations, and other irregularities. Responding to this news,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Organizational Culture in School Councellor’s Motivation In State Senior High School Of Medan

Edidon Edidon Hutasuhut, Edidon Hutasuhut
School councelors need to have a high motivation, up to date and hands on references materials to deliver a better councelling. The purposes of this research are to investigate whether 1) School counsellor’s motivation was higher through using organizational culture. 2)There is interaction organizational...
Proceedings Article

Community Participation within the Implementation of the Senior High School Equality Education Program in PKBM Cahaya

Elizon Elizon Nainggolan, Elizon Nainggolan, Sani Susanti, Martini Dornauli Silitonga, Mahfuzi Irwan
The problem in this study was that community participation in the implementation of the senior high school equality education program in PKBM Cahaya has not been optimal, how is the form of community participation in the implementation of the equality education program. This type of research used in...
Proceedings Article

The Utilization of Tailoring Women's Clothing Technology as an Effort to Empower immoral Women

Sudirman Sudirman, Friska Indria Nora Harahap, Fauzi Kurniawan, Jhon Giatna Saragih
This study aims to analyze in detail the description of empowerment of prostitute women through the use of sewing technology for women's clothing as an effort to empower prostitute women in UPT immoral Women's Social Services Berastagi. This study uses a qualitative approach, using in-depth interviews...
Proceedings Article

Policies for Implementing Internship Study 1 and 2 in Improving Student Achievement Index in FIP UNIMED

Yasaratodo Yasaratodo Wau, Yasaratodo Wau, Rahmatsyah Rahmatsyah, Tri Andri Hutapea
This study examines the problem on: (1) how’s the impact of the policies on the implementation of Internship studies 1 and 2 programs in UNIMED (2) how to Increase the UNIMED Student's Learning Achievement Index. This study population consists all 2016/2017 academic year students who had conducted Internship...
Proceedings Article

The Identification of Implementation of Central Learning Models

Hendra Hendra Sofyan, Hendra Sofyan, Nyimas Muazzomi, Novi Lestari
This study aims to describe the implementation of the learning center model in Kindergarten, Sungai Gelam District, Muaro Jambi District. This type of research is descriptive through quantitative and qualitative approaches. Based on the results of research on the implementation of the learning center...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Work Environment and Work Motivation with Job Satisfaction

Mohamad Mohamad Muspawi, Mohamad Muspawi, Ruita Mudlikawati
This research aims at knowing the relation of work environment and work motivation with job satisfaction in Jambi Provincial Library and Archives Office. The researcher for this research used quantitative method in which the collected data is represented in variables X1, X2, and Y using questionnaire....
Proceedings Article

Model Guidance and Counseling by Using Role Playing Technique to Improve Students’ Leadership Character

Ahmad Ahmad Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy, Ahmad Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy, Herdi Herdi, Wirda Hanim, Dimas Kurnia Robby
This research is grounded by the phenomenon of the lack of respect, self-appreciation, carefulness, and leadership on other people, amongst young generation, especially teenagers and young adults. This research aims to obtain a guidance and counseling program by using role playing technique to improve...
Proceedings Article

Internal Factors of Statistical Learning Outcomes

Badrujaman Badrujaman A, Badrujaman A, Wening Cahyawulan
Statistics Courses in higher education Known as compulsory subjects that students do not like. This research aims to identify internal factors of student were affected learning outcomes of statistics courses at education faculty, Jakarta state University. The population of this research are students...
Proceedings Article

Assessment Models in Early Childhood Based on Android to Increase Competency of Pedagogic Teachers of Kindergarten

Sofiah Sofiah Hartati, Sofiah Hartati, Hikmah Hikmah, Niken Pratiwi
Assessment activities are important in the learning process in kindergarten. The results of the preliminary study were mostly carried out manually and limited to certain assessment techniques. This study seeks to draft a technology application for assessment in kindergarten. The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article

Evaluating the Outcome of Structured Teaching Intervention for Children with Autism

Suprihatin Suprihatin, Indina Tarjiah
This article is an evaluation of the structured teaching outcome, as the core feature of TEACCH, an intervention program specially intended for children with autism. The main components of structured teaching are organization of physical environment, visual schedules, work/activity systems and task organization/visually...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Decreasing the Rate of Stunting Through Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Training for Tutors/Parents of Early Childhood Education

Yenina Yenina Akmal, Yenina Akmal, Ika Subekti, Hikmah Hikmah, Ichtineza Halida Hardono
The health sector, with various problems, namely stunting, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and others, is still a priority that continues to be improved in Indonesia. The rate of stunting or failure to thrive in Indonesia is at 30.8%, which is above the WHO recommendation (20%). In 2017,...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Da’wah Based Islamic Guidance and Counseling Textbook and its Impact in Preventing and Resolving the Deviance of Students with Special Needs in Makassar

Abdul Abdul Hadis, Abdul Hadis, Nurhayati B
The crime rate in Indonesian big cities in general and particularly in Makassar increased every year (TVRI, Berita Malam, 2017). The increasing crime rate was triggered by the increasing rate of drugs distribution, trafficking, and users in Indonesia which endangered the safety and quality of Indonesian...
Proceedings Article

Internship Program as an Effort to Development Students Competence

Sri Sri Wahyuni, Sri Wahyuni
The research objectives are to analyze student competencies after doing an internship at Community Learning Center. The research methodology used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Research subjects were students, supervisors, and managers sof the Community Learning Center (CLC). Data...
Proceedings Article

Community Empowerment as an Effort to Preserve Batik with an Ecological Approach in Indonesia

Abdul Abdul Malik, Abdul Malik, Ghanis Putra Widhanarto
The emergence of conservative trends in the environmental field has encouraged batik artisans and entrepreneurs to play an active role in increasing the level of conservation in their environment. Through ecobatics which has become a trend in developed countries, encouraging the use of ecobatic methods...
Proceedings Article

Reducing the Intensity of Students Bullying Toward Children with Special Needs Using Puppet Show

Andromeda Andromeda, Aiza Fitri Hardianti
Bullying does not only occur in general schools, but also in inclusive schools and the victims are children with special needs. One of the factors is the lack of students' knowledge about children with special needs, causing misperceptions of special need children’s behavior. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Heritage to Build History for Life in Social Science Learning at Primary Schools

Arini Arini Estiastuti, Arini Estiastuti, Atip Nurharini, Kurniana Bektiningsih, Munisah Munisah
Strengthening cultural heritage can be conducted by recognizing and empowering the heritage to keep implementing the values and philosophical meanings of culture in human life. To maintain, preserve, and develop cultural heritage, the solution can be done is by reviewing and analyzing cultural heritage...
Proceedings Article

Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers (counselors) of junior and senior high schools in Semarang Regency and Semarang City

Awalya Awalya, Weni Anggraini, Susilawati Susilawati, Imam Setyo Nugroho
The development of technology and information in the modern era has had a major impact on the world of education. The challenges of educators in the future, especially guidance and counseling teachers such as drugs, pornography and others. Therefore, a guidance and counseling teacher in the modern era...
Proceedings Article

A Learning Model of Group Discussion Accompaniment of Presentation Task in the Classroom

Bagus Bagus Kisworo, Bagus Kisworo, Yudi Siswanto
This research was based on students' problems in presenting the results of learning material discussion in the classroom, this study was aimed to formulate a way to present the results of their discussions in front of the class as well. The research method used was Research and Development method (R&D)....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Project-Based Learning Methods to Increase Students’ Creativity

Desi Desi Wulandari, Desi Wulandari
Waste management is the responsibility of all elements in society, as well as prospective university students for primary school teachers. This research aims to: describe the process of developing PjBL model to grow the creative character as prospective university students for primary school teachers...
Proceedings Article

Contributing Spirituality Account for Teacher Motivation at School

Edy Edy Purwanto, Edy Purwanto, Anwar Sutoyo
This study aims to obtain empirical data about the contribution of intrinsic, utility, and task spiritual values as the teachers towards the teachers’ achievement motivation. The subjects of this study are 115 teachers, consisting of 71 women and 44 men, and all subjects are Muslim, having faith in the...
Proceedings Article

Develop A Love Culture Through Extracurricular Karawitan in SDN Slawi Kulon 1 Tegal Regency, Indonesia

Eka Eka Titi Andaryani, Eka Titi Andaryani, Fakhrudin Fakhrudin, Indriana Eko Armidi
One of the values of cultural love planting can be through extracurricular activities Karawitan Java. The purpose of this research is to know the role of extracurricular activities for engraft Java value Karawitan love culture on students in SDN 01 Slawi Kulon. This research used the qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Social Intelligence Contribution in Perspective Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Social Science Subject

Eko Eko Purwanti, Eko Purwanti, Pipit Diah Noviana
Many students assume that the Social Science Subject lesson students memorize so it is not desirable. One solution to this problem is to see social intelligence from a different perspective. Many internal and external factors that affect the results of social studies one of which is social intelligence....
Proceedings Article

Development of Android-Based Information Systems Faculty of Education

Hendra Hendra Dedi Kriswanto, Hendra Dedi Kriswanto, Mu’arifuddin Mu’arifuddin, Dania Ayu Wulandari
Internet usage in Indonesia is increasing. The majority of user’s access using Android-based smartphones. This is supported by the number of smartphone users which is expected to continue to increase since 2016. This is the background of researchers in developing Android-based information systems. Based...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation of Discipline and Responsibility on the Learning Outcomes of Civic Education in Grade 4

Isa Isa Ansori, Isa Ansori, Sutaryono Sutaryono, Rizka Aprilia Dewi
The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of discipline and responsibility on the students’ learning outcomes of civic education in grade 4 SDN Gugus Dwija Krida Mijen Semarang. This study employed a quantitative method with the correlation type of study. The sampling technique used...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Students’ Academic Anxiety Through Personality Prediction in Counseling Practice

Kusnarto Kusnarto Kurniawan, Kusnarto Kurniawan, Mulawarman Mulawarman, Zakki Nurul Amin, Suharso Suharso, Eko Nusantoro
Many factors are related to students' academic anxiety when learning in class. This research is based on the phenomenon of some students who have difficulty and anxiety in counseling practice classes. The focus of this study is to predict students' academic anxiety based on their personality traits....
Proceedings Article

Blended Learning as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Learning at Universitas Negeri Semarang

Niam Niam Wahzudik, Niam Wahzudik
The current learning approach paradigm places students as subjects as well as learning objects. It is undeniable that the lecture method cannot be left out of the learning process in higher education. The potential of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure in Unnes has huge potential...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Read Aloud Skills for Elementary Students Through Literacy Corner

Nugraheti Nugraheti Sismulyasih Sb, Nugraheti Sismulyasih Sb, Hartati Hartati
This study aimed to describe literacy corner arrangement in elementary schools and improve reading skills through the literacy corner. The research method used was quasi-experimental, with the design of one group pretest-posttest O1 X O2 (Mc Millan & Schumacher 1989: 312). The subject of this research...
Proceedings Article

Learning Discipline Level And Its Correlation with The Achievement Level of Learning Outcomes of Primary School Students

Sri Sri Sami Asih, Sri Sami Asih
Based on the results of observation and interview, students had different levels of learning discipline. Some students were very disciplined, mediocre, and the others were less disciplined in learning. Students also achieved different learning outcomes. Some students achieved high learning outcomes,...
Proceedings Article

Perceptions of ‘Hearing’ People on Sign Language Learning

Bayu Bayu Ramadhani Fajri, Bayu Ramadhani Fajri, Grahita Kusumastuti
This study aims to determine public perception of sign language in Indonesia, especially towards BISINDO (sign Language of Indonesia). Sample of this research is one hundred people in Padang, which consists of workers and students. Data were collected through a survey. The instrument used is perception...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Olympiad Material in Elementary Schools

Dea Dea Stivani Suherman, Dea Stivani Suherman, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim, Syamsu Arlis
The elementary science Olympiad is the first step for talented students who are expected to continue following the Olympics at the next level. Based on the results of a preliminary analysis of the initial analysis conducted at SDN 30 Cengkeh, information was obtained that aspects of knowledge, creativity,...
Proceedings Article

Development of Practical Life Exercise at Montessori Kindergarten Padang

Farida Farida Mayar, Farida Mayar, Nenny Mahyuddin, Delfi Eliza, Indra Yeni
The purpose of this study was to know about the development of practical life exercise, one of the Montessori curricula that researchers conducted at the Pioneer Montessori School Kindergarten. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data analysis step used reduction, presentation...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Using The Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model Using Video on Learning Results of Class VIII State 5 Padang Middle School

Fetri Fetri Yeni J, Fetri Yeni J, Wira Hasmidar, Fitri Maiziani
This study aims to determine the significant of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model student learning outcomes in IPA on grade VIII. This study used quantitative approach in the form of quazy-experiment. The population of this study is all students of class VIII SMP Negeri 5 Padang, 2019 / 2020. Sample...
Proceedings Article

Planning for Extracurricular Activities

Hanif Hanif Al Kadri, Hanif Al Kadri, Tia Ayu Ningrum, Yulianto Santoso, Ratnawati Ratnawati
The research was conducted to determine planning extracurricular activities in junior high school. This study is a descriptive study using a quantitative research approach. The study population was all coaches of extracurricular activities, amounting to 55 people, with a sample using the formula Slovin...
Proceedings Article

Women Convict Hopelessness: Challenges for Service Guidance and Counseling

Indah Indah Sukma Wati, Indah Sukma Wati, Zikra Zikra, Afdal Afdal, Rina Trisna, Wiwin Andriani
Women who commit crimes will be given a sentence of imprisonment, while in prison will experience situations of hopelessness such as not wanting to communicate, closing themselves in the environment, being depressed, deep sadness and other psychological disorders. This condition requires intervention...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Counselors in Helping to Improve the Self-Image of Female Prisoners: Challenges for Guidance and Counseling Services

Indah Indah Sukmawati, Indah Sukmawati, Bunga Adelya, Afdal Afdal, Wiwin Andriani
Female prisoners are likely to experience psychological problems, especially related to self-image such as loss of identity and personality, loss of self-control, difficulty adjusting, having low self-esteem, difficult to accept the present situation, reduced self-confidence and a high sense of despair....
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Sertification to Profesional Competency of Kindergarten Teacher in Nanggalo, Padang

Indra Indra Jaya, Indra Jaya
The research objective was to determine the relationship of teacher certification for professional competence kindergarten in Nanggalo District of Padang. This study uses quantitative methods correlations. Respondents are excepting a kindergarten teacher in the district of Padang Nanggalo numbered 13...
Proceedings Article

Paradigm of Early Childhood Art’s Education

Indra Indra Yeni, Indra Yeni, Alriska Hairi Dilfa
One of the government policies in the education sector is the implementation of Early Childhood Education (ECE). Art in ECE is an important role in demanding attention for all parties and understanding and more efforts especially for education practitioners. Over time the shift in the role of making...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education

Irdamurni Irdamurni, Nurhastuti Nurhastuti, Zulmiyetri Zulmiyetri, Kasiyati Kasiyati, Megaiswari Megaiswari
The problems that occurred in Padang Elementary School that most teachers do not have competence in inclusive education. Have not found the model is effective and practical training to improve the competence of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education, this study aims to build a model of...