Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2020)

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90 articles
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Teaching Skills in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bahtiar Agung Pambudi, Imam Gunawan
The principal has a number of very heavy roles and tasks that fall under his responsibility as a manager, educator, administrator, supervisor, motivator, innovator, an entrepreneurial developer and a leader. This study aims to determine: (1) level of learning leadership, academic supervision, and teaching...
Proceedings Article

Language Used in the Science Test: Its Effects to Meranao Students Test Performance

Anabelie V. Valdez
Learning is infinite process of collecting information, knowledge and skills. However, many factors will influence and hindered effective learning process. One of these factors is the language use in the teaching-learning process, and the language use in the test. This study aimed to investigate the...
Proceedings Article

Flashbacks of Guidance and Counseling Services in Indonesia

Mellyn Yulia Ine Adesti, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
In this study aims to: (1) find out what the history of guidance counseling; (2) know how the history of counseling guidance; (3) find out how the development of counseling guidance in Indonesia; and (4) know the problems that exist in counseling guidance in Indonesia. This research uses the literacy...
Proceedings Article

Profile of Mathematical Connection Abilities of Fraction Materials in Class V Students Viewed From Math Ability

Asnadi Kuncoro, Yuniawatika, Tri Murti
This study aims to describe the mathematical connection ability of fractions of fifth grade MI Sunan Giri Boro students in terms of students’ mathematical abilities, namely the upper, middle, lower, and general groups. Method used qualitative descriptive. Data collection by documentation, tests, and...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Pedagogy in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Harri Lappalainen
According to several surveys and strategies global wide, universities should significantly adjust their processes to meet human capacity requirements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Challenges of the new industrial era are diverse. In this paper, the focus is set to enhancing the innovation capacity...
Proceedings Article

The Exploration Study of Teachers’ Knowledge and Ability on Application of Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Skills on Learning Process in Elementary School

Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Noorhapizah
21st century and industrial revolution 4.0 need learning activity which is present high-order thinking skills consist of critical thinking and creative thinking. But the problem in Banjarmasin city elementary schools, teachers have low-quality ability to make an instructional design based on critical...
Proceedings Article

Learning Material Development Containing Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Skills Based on Local Wisdom

Noorhapizah, Akhmad Riandy Agusta, Diani Ayu Pratiwi
The problem with this research is the unavailability of teaching materials which is containing critical, creative and logical thinking skills improvement based on local wisdom. While the development of critical thinking and creative thinking skills becomes one of the great goals that are expected to...
Proceedings Article

Curriculum Management on Kindergarten for Children’s Readiness for Entering Elementary Schools

Novitawati, Aslamiah
The transition from kindergarten to elementary school condition is a phase that is not easy, this is a big step for children, because of many skills demands from students to receive on elementary school that is different from they are on kindergarten. Children will be demanded to independent. Children...
Proceedings Article

Leader’s Strategy on Establishing Organization’s Academic Quality Culture

Achmad Supriyanto, Burhanuddin, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Sultoni
This research aimed at knowing organizational strategies in establishing an academic quality culture. This study employed a descriptive design. The population is 194 people consisted of the school principals, teachers, and staffs of Laboratory school. The 97 samples were taken by using a purposive sampling....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Mind Mapping Based Contextual Learning on Student Learning Outcomes

Zain Ahmad Fauzi, Metroyadi
This study aims to find out how student learning outcomes in the classroom taught mind mapping based contextual learning and find out whether there is an effect of mind mapping based contextual learning on student learning outcomes in grade IV Public Elementary School (SDN) Mawar 2 Banjarmasin, Indonesia....
Proceedings Article

Degradation of Gayo Land Sumang Values and Youth Moral Decandencies

Addahri Hafidz Awlawi, Nur Hidayah, Sunaryono
The principal’s performance is a measure of the performance of the school organization. The purpose of this study was to measure the performance of the principal. This research was conducted in elementary schools in Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The research sample was 145 school principals....
Proceedings Article

Principal Learning Leadership Tips Managing Learning in Schools

Adhita Noor Miroj, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Imam Gunawan
The purpose of writing this article is to describe the learning leadership tips applied by the principal in managing learning activities at school. The method used is qualitative with a multisite study approach conducted in Public Elementary School (SDN) 1 Kauman and Public Islamic School (MIN) 1 Malang...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Availability of School Facilities and Infrastructure as an Effort to Accelerate School Quality Improvement

Ahmad Nurabadi, Ibrahim Bafadal, Endah Tri Priyatni, Juharyanto, Imam Gunawan
The objectives of this study are to: (1) describe the availability of facilities to accelerate school quality improvement; and (2) describe the availability of infrastructure to accelerate school quality improvement. This study used a qualitative approach with a multisite research design. This research...
Proceedings Article

Dress Code Program as a Form of Sexual Education for Early Childhoods

Alfiana Fajarwatiningtyas, M. Ishaq
This article discusses the conceptual studies relating to the prevention of sexual abuse in early childhood through underwear program rules. Program rules underwear is a place for parents and teachers to teach how to provide sex education for early childhood as an effort to prevent the occurrence of...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the Counselor’s Professional Competence on the Comprehensive Understanding of the Guidance and Counseling Program

Andreas Purbo Anggoro Prilianto, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Counselors are said to be professionals when they already have academic qualifications and core competencies counselors, as stipulated in the minister of education’s regulations. This article aims to explore and uncover evidence that supports the writer’s assumptions. The method used is the study of...
Proceedings Article

Problematic Implementation of Counseling in Schools Based on Counselors’ Code of Ethics

Anja Nofianti, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Problems with applying counseling in schools based on the counselor’s code of ethics still occur. For example: (1) counselors do not use appropriate counseling theories; (2) counselors lack understanding of communication skills during the counseling process. Deviation from the code of ethics is caused...
Proceedings Article

Multidimensional Assessment Model of Social Intervention and Bullying Behavior to Improve Students’ Mental Health

Ardani Ardi Tristiadi, Fattah Hanurawan, Carolina L. Radjah, Triyono
This article discusses about bullying. Bullying behavior need to be done through a multidimensional assessment and social intervention. This model has three components, namely the five traits of behavior definition bullying, four kinds of behavior bullying, the three main groups involved in the behavior...
Proceedings Article

Benefits of Teaching Foreign Language for Early Childhood

Arini Milla Chanifa, Endang Sri Redjeki, Umi Dayati
Benefits of foreign language to teach early childhood. Language as a communication tool and an important tool in the child’s life. Through language, the child can interact, share experiences, and can improve the intellectual, in order to develop the knowledge and language skills. Through language, the...
Proceedings Article

Smart Cards as Learning Media for the Development of the Match Index Card Method on the Theme of “Cita-Citaku” Class IV Elementary Schools

Aryna Chintya Devi, Esti Untari, Suhel Madyono
This development research aims to test the feasibility of smart card. This media terms of learning, material suitability, and knowing the increase in students study outcomes. The research methods used are modifications of the Borg and Gall development model which include research and data collection...
Proceedings Article

Role of Transformational Leadership in Education 4.0

Dedi Prestiadi, Imam Gunawan, Raden Bambang Sumarsono
Educational leaders have a central role in advancing educational institutions. The success or failure of educational institutions is greatly influenced by the ability of principals as leaders to be able to carry out motivational and innovation activities. The development of the era that continues to...
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Managerial Skills and Morale With Teacher Performance: A Regression Analysis

Dika Novita Sari, Imam Gunawan, Ali Imron
This study aims to describe the relationship between managerial skills and work morale with teacher performance in Senior High School (SMA) Batu City, East Java, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational research model. The instrument used in this study was...
Proceedings Article

Training for Improving the Leadership of Schools in the Era of Disruption

Djum Djum Noor Benty, Mustiningsih, Maisyaroh
Principal leadership skills training in this era of disruption was held in Tumpang District, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. This activity aims to: (1) assist principals as well as teachers in understanding leadership and learning models in an era of disruption; (2) the factors that shape...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Thinking Characteristics of Early Childhood

Dwi Terry Fahmiyati
Childhood is the age of the most effective in developing all aspects of child development. One of the developments that have to be developed for early childhood are cognitive development. In the realm of cognitive development of children are trained to think critically when directed in the right way,...
Proceedings Article

Does Problem Base Learning Effective to Improve Decision Making Skills Student?

Edris Zamroni, IM. Hambali, Ahmad Taufiq
Learning is an activity that is very important in improving student skills. Problem-based learning model is a learning model that aims to improve students’ ability to make decisions. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of problem-based learning in improving students’...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Qualification of Counselor Educators Based on the Counselor Professional Education Program

Elsadina Susandra, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
As a professional educator counselor educator, a counselor educator must not only master academic competency, but also professional competency. To master the professional counselor competency, especially by the counselor educator, the counselor educator must follow the Professional Counselor Education...
Proceedings Article

Students Perception of Technology-Assisted Services and Readiness of Employee Digital Competencies in Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Endra Ubaidillah, Imam Gunawan, Maulana Amirul Adha, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Yunita Erviana
Policy in the midst of covid-19 pandemic pressure, with the implementation of health protocols certainly makes access to services to students limited. This can be used as an effort for service organizers to maximize services by switching to an online system. The objectives in this study are to know the...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Spiritual Leadership and Academic Supervision on Teacher Performance

Erika Mei Budiarti, Imam Gunawan, Bahtiar Agung Pambudi
Teacher performance is a measure of the quality teaching and learning process in schools. Efforts to support teacher performance are continuously carried out, such as strategies by applying spiritual leadership and supervision to improve teacher performance or performance. This study aims to determine:...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Guidance and Counseling at the Elementary School

Febby Tria Finishia, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
This study aims to describe the counseling guidance services that establish formal education pathways at the elementary school level. This study uses qualitative research through literature. The implementation of guidance and counseling in primary schools has its own uniqueness but the structural position...
Proceedings Article

Strategy for Living Labors in Industrial Era 4.0

Febritesna Nuraiani, Djoko Saryono, Abdul Latif Bustami, M. Ishaq
The research aims to explore how the survival strategies of farm laborers in the industrial era 4.0. Farm laborers are a less promising profession, and their monthly income is below the average of UMR in Bantul district. The industrial revolution is the latest technology-based data exchange that has...
Proceedings Article

C ++ for Cloud Computing Application in Elementary Schools on Covid-19 Pandemics

Ferril Irham Muzaki
The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) today has had a broad impact on individuals involved in teaching and learning activities in the elementary school environment. In these development activities, the determination of social distancing is put forward in order to prevent Covid...
Proceedings Article

Principal’s Role in Thematic Learning Supervision That Works in Elementary School

Firda Dwi Pratiwi, Imam Gunawan, Bayu Angga Mahardika, Catur Nur Cahyaning, Phuty Umul Amaliah, Maulana Amirul Adha, Suprih Puji Lestari, Juharyanto
The study aimed to describe: (1) the process of thematic learning supervision implementation in elementary schools; (2) the direct role of the principal in the process of thematic learning supervision implementation; (3) obstacles and impacts of thematic learning supervision implementation; and (4) techniques...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Parent Patterns With Self-Awareness Children With Intellectual Disabilities

Frimha Purnamawati, Rizqi Fajar Pradipta
The purpose of this study is to describe how parenting styles have an impact on children’s self-development skills with intellectual disabilities. This research approach uses quantitative research methods with a correlational research design. The data collection method used was a questionnaire. The sample...
Proceedings Article

Spectrum of Guidance and Counseling Services Implementation in Strengthening Character in Junior High School

Halida, Andi Mappiare-AT, M. Ramli, Carolina L. Radjah
This study aimed to describe the implementation of Guidance and Counseling (GC) services in strengthening the character of students in the Bruder Junior High School of Pontianak. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study design. In this study, data were collected using three methods,...
Proceedings Article

Learning English Phonology on English Language Education Study Program State Universities in Malang

Hamka, Punaji Setyosari, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Sulton
This study aimed to cover the learning of English Phonology in English education study programs. The study held for state universities in Malang, namely UM, UB and UIN Maliki. The research described the learning conditions, learning methods and learning outcomes. This research used a qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

Early Childhood Protection Efforts in Using Science-Based Learning Media

Helda Fibriyanti
The media used must meet the criteria for safe for children, size, shape and color according to the age of the child and their level of development, function to develop all aspects of child development, can be played varied / ways, stimulate active participation of children, according to the ability...
Proceedings Article

School Performance Development: Measurement of Variables Affected by the Moral Debate Program

Ibrahim Bafadal, Imam Gunawan, Ahmad Nurabadi, Juharyanto
The moral debate program aims to improve the integrity of school principals. The integrity and performance of the principal affects all aspects of the school. This study aims to measure the variables influenced by the moral debate program. The research was conducted with a survey design. The research...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Parental Communication Against the Learning Achievement of Children in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)

Iin Fatimah, Ach. Rasyad, M. Ishaq
The national education system is implemented through two channels, namely the school education channel and the non-school education channel. Family education, parent communication to their children is part of out-of-school education that is held in and by the family. The school education pathway consists...
Proceedings Article

School Leadership Strategy in Excellent Schools

Imam Gunawan, Ibrahim Bafadal, Ahmad Nurabadi, Juharyanto
Excellent organizations have great leaders. Likewise, in educational institutions, excellent schools also have great leaders. The principal’s leadership affects the principal’s performance. This study aims to describe the principal’s leadership strategies in excellent schools. Based on the research objectives,...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Counselor Education Competence With Academic Competition Passing Standards: A Qualitative Study

Inni Khairunnisa, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
The purpose of this study is to measure the personal competence of Guidance Counselor (BK) students in order to become a figure of a BK teacher who has the required personality competencies. The preliminary data collection technique on the personality of BK students using the personality competency scale...
Proceedings Article

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) in Analysis of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Izul Haidi Afdilah, Nur Hidayah, Blasius Boli Lasan
The phenomenon that appears at this time is every time we have a mobile phone and have a social media application, there will be many positive and negative impacts. Especially from the negative effects of both mental health, many of us are directly experiencing the disorder but we have not been aware...
Proceedings Article

Public Relations Techniques in Elementary School

Karine Rizkita, Dedi Prestiadi, Maisyaroh, Milanitaqwa Asri Pratiwi, Wyne Ristuti Priatna, Fitri Wulan Purnama
The writing of this article aims to discuss what public relations techniques are at Elementary School Sumbersari 01 Malang, Indonesia. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive, in order to obtain facts in the field about public relations techniques. The researcher conducted a field study...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Co-Sleeping Behavior on Children’s Activities in the Classroom

Khoirunnisa, Adi Atmoko, Anggit Prasetio Nugroho
Parents play a dominant role on children’s behavior. The parents’ role is essential since the children’s’ education begins from the contribution of their parents. At this golden age, early childhood’s personality is caused by genetic and environmental factors. The research aimed to discover the impact...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection for Children: A Conceptual Paper

Laili Hanifah, M. Ishaq
Indonesia is a legal state that upholds Human Rights Enforcement (HAM). Nowadays, there is often a violation of human rights violations, which is not only done by adults, but also by children, either alone or together with various forms. Appropriate handling and enforcement of the child as a criminal...
Proceedings Article

Application of Career Planning Services in the Perspective of the 2013 Curriculum

Maria Gregoria Miss Diogo, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Career planning is an attempt to plan the process of achieving goals desired by individuals. Independence in career planning is a condition where individuals are able to stand alone without being dependent on others, and in accordance with individual circumstances. Career planning is a process by which...
Proceedings Article

The Efforts of Young Counselors to Innovate Counseling Services in Schools

Muhammad Hasbi Al Haikal, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Maulana Amirul Adha, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Juharyanto
This research aimed to determine the efforts of innovation of services conducted by young counselors in the setting of Guidance and Counseling (BK) on services in formal schools. This study used qualitative methods with multi-site studies using data collection techniques in the form of interviews with...
Proceedings Article

Training on Improving Learning Skills in the Era of Disruption for Primary School Principals and Teachers

Mustiningsih, Maisyaroh, Djum Djum Noor Benty
The purpose of this program is to provide understanding and skills of learning concepts in the era of disruption, the use of learning technology in the era of disruption, and the preparation of learning plans based on blended learning. The methods used in the training include lectures, discussions, questions...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Personality, Interpersonal Relationships, Performance, and Professionalism in the Learning Process: A Qualitative Study

Nadya Nanda Sukawati, Imam Gunawan, Andhika Gilang Prayoga, Adetya Dewi Wardani
Teacher is an educator who is required to be able to change the morals and behavior of students, because the position of the teacher as a public figure is used as an example for students. Professional teachers must have a good personality, because in principle the teacher is a noble and praiseworthy...
Proceedings Article

Guidance and Counseling Problems in Indonesia: A Critical Review

Nanda Alfan Kurniawan
In recent years, there are many issues circulating and developing in our midst around the discussion of the conditions of guidance and counselling. The apparent form of dynamic change makes the role of guidance and counselling to face the next generation of students pose its own challenges. These challenges...
Proceedings Article

Compensation and Performance of Educators in Schools: A Qualitative Study

Nella Yanuar Rizky, Imam Gunawan, Adetya Dewi Wardani
This study aims to determine the compensation and performance of educators in schools. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection technique used interviews with the principal. The results of this study are that the amount of compensation for teaching staff does not affect their performance...
Proceedings Article

Social Media in the Classroom: A Literature Review

Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Puri Selfi Cholifah, Arda Purnama Putra, Ence Surahman, Imam Gunawan, Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Arif Prastiawan
Social media is online media that supports social interaction. The rapid development of social media is now widely used for communication purposes in various fields, one of which is education. The presence of social media can give freshness to learning with diverse students. Indications of modern education,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Early Childhood Needs for Protection From the Environment

Ni Putu Vivin Indrawati
The role of the environment, both family, school and community, contributes to protecting children from various free radicals. Meeting the needs for protection, affection, education, care, care from an early age will have an impact on further child development. Early childhood protection based on understanding...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Understanding of Professional Identity as Efforts to Improve Counselor Teacher Performance

Ninda Hidayatul Rahmawati, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
The tasks of educators to develop students in a full and optimal way is actually a joint task that must be carried out by teachers, counselors, and other educators as work partners. Meanwhile, each party still has its own working area. The services provided will not be maximal and cannot reach the development...
Proceedings Article

Empowerment of Homeless and Beggars Through Education and Training

Niswatul Imsiyah, Wahono, Zulkarnain, Sri Wahyuni, A. T. Hendrawijaya
The aim of the research is to describe about the role of training on the empowerment of homeless and beggars in the social environments of Jember Regency, Indonesia. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The place of research is carried out in the Social Cottage Environment of...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Students’ Interaction Ability With Environment Through Inquiry Model

Nora Dhiansa Ayu Nadhiroh, Tri Murti, Arda Purnama Putra
This research aims to improve the learning outcomes of human interaction with the environment through the Inquiry model. Research is conducted with a qualitative approach and type of class action research. Data collection with interview techniques, observations, tests, field notes, and documentation....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Independence, Adversity Quotient, and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance

Nur Aini, Ach. Rasyad, Hardika
This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of leadership style toward personnel performance; (2) The effect of work motivation toward personnel performance; and (3) The effect of leadership style and work motivation toward personnel performance. This research was conducted at the Employee Education...
Proceedings Article

Efforts to Prevent Children From Accessing Adult Sites From Internet Sources Based on the Perspective of Child Legal Protection

Nurul Fatimah Tuz Sa’diyah
A number of legal facts about cases of children who committed crimes like murder, sodomy against his friends, and several other crimes they shouldn’t have known about. Of the many cases of crimes committed by minors, the majority are known to be the impact of online games and internet sites that contain...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Discipline and Aggressive Behavior on Children’s Independence

Ofri Somanedo, Supriyono, Zulkarnain
In the concept of community empowerment, it is necessary to know the potential or strength that can help the process of change in order to be faster and more directed, because without the potential power originating from the community or a person, group, organization or community will be difficult to...
Proceedings Article

Investigating Students’ Profiles and Perception of Using TPACK Framework of Primary Teacher Education Program

Punaji Setyosari, Saida Ulfa, Yerry Soepriyanto, Taufik Ikhsan Slamet, Dedi Kuswandi, Wong Su Luan
That teacher need to possess knowledge and skill about technology integration into the framework of technological, pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). The implementation of teacher education program has not yet integrated technology. This results in a lack of teacher’s ability to use and integrate...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Andragogy Approaches in Training Tourism to Develop Tourist Village

Rahma Kamilia Ali Hikmah, Sri Wahyuni
The Andragogy approach in training for adults is one way to achieve the maximum objectives. Adult education is more directed towards guiding activities in learning citizens in solving problems encountered in everyday life so that learning objectives are deliberately created and involve personal experience,...
Proceedings Article

Intensity of Motor Learning Physical Needs to Start in Early Age 5–6 Years

Rahmah Dwi Sistiarini, Pramono, Munaisra Tirtaningsih
The purpose of this study was to analyze the physical learning needs of children aged physical motor in the age range of 5-6 years in kindergarten in Malang city. This research uses qualitative research methods, with a sample taken from the 8 early childhood institutions scattered around the city of...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Differences in Student Confidence in Special Classes and Regular Classes: A Comparative Study

Richma Hidayati, Nur Hidayah, Sunaryono
This study aims to compare the comparison of students’ confidence in special classes (full day class) and Regular class. Comparison study into a research design with 90 research subjects, namely 30 special class students (full day classes) and 60 regular class students. A total of 28 students in special...
Proceedings Article

Reporters as Digital Media Informal Educators

Rino Hayyu Setyo, Hardika
The rapid development of technology must also be accompanied by the mindset of social media users so that there will be harmony in the progress of the times. So that in receiving and disseminating information through technology according to the facts. This study aims to describe the phenomena of hoax...
Proceedings Article

Implications of Cooperative Blended Learning Model as an Effort to Improve Students’ Scientific Writing Skills

Risma Chulashotud Diana, Khoirunnisa, Dedi Kuswandi
Learning activities involve all its components to achieve learning objectives. In this case, the goal of learning is to form people who are sympathetic and beneficial to the community’s environment. Learning is done in general is by reading. After reading, students understand what is learned. If the...
Proceedings Article

Perception of Regional Students on Students With Special Needs in Inclusive Schools

Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Muhammad Nurahman Jauhari
The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in perceptions of junior high school class regular students at students with special needs. The research design used a survey method. The data used in this research is quantitative data. Quantitative data analysis was obtained by presenting the...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of the Role of the Family in Protecting Children: A Conceptual Papers

Sardiah Srikandi
The family is one of the most important things in childcare because children are raised and educated by the family. Parents are a reflection that can be seen and imitated by their children in the family. Therefore, childcare is a set of obligations that must be carried out by parents. If childcare cannot...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Self-Efficiency and School Climate With Teacher Work Motivation

Sari Oktavia Ningsih, Imam Gunawan, Sultoni
This study aims to describe the relationship between self-efficacy and school climate with teacher work motivation. This study uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive-correlational research model. The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The subjects who became the population...
Proceedings Article

The Efforts of School Principal in Improving Quality of Learning Through Non-Thematic Learning Supervision in Elementary School

Selvi Ayuseva Anggraeni, Indah Amelia, Putri Wulandari, Risa Oktavianingrum, Maulana Amirul Adha, Roby Muhammad Gunawan, Juharyanto
This study aimed to describe: (1) the implementation of non-thematic learning; (2) the implementation of non-thematic supervision; (3) the techniques / methods used in supervising non-thematic learning; and (4) the follow-up of non-thematic learning supervision. This study uses a qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Media Literacy and Practical Experience on the Competence of Freshwater Fish Cultivation

Sentri Petal Hia, Supriyono, Sri Wahyuni
Competence shows skills or knowledge characterized by professionalism in certain fields as very important fields, as superior in that field. Student satisfaction is influenced by their competencies. The higher the competence of the educators, the higher the student satisfaction in accounting. Media literacy...
Proceedings Article

Examining the Protection Aspects for Children: A Literature Review

Sinta Rizky Alviasari
Child protection is important since the child is still in the womb until the age of 18 years. Children must be given education from an early age to avoid increasing child trafficking. Children are the next generation of the nation so as early as possible children should be given protection that concerns...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Problematic Implementation of the Counselor Code of Ethics in Indonesia

Sitti Nur Aini, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Problems that are owned by individuals are so complex that they need help from a counselor to handle it. This is the time for counselors to show their abilities by implementing guidance and counseling services properly and in accordance with the existing code of ethics. Various problems in the establishment...
Proceedings Article

Gamification Application in Creating Active, Interesting, and Fun Sociological Learning

Susilaningsih, Luis Rumianda, Nunung Nindigraha
Gamification means applying game design elements in non-game conditions. The design game elements in question are missions, challenges, levels, points, star badges, leadboards, rewards. Elements that normally exist in a game are now applied in non-game conditions. The use of gamification has been applied...
Proceedings Article

Design, Development, and Implementation of Information Security Education for Teachers and Educational Personnel’s: Framework of Technology for Indonesia

Teguh Triwiyanto, Suyanto, Lantip Diat Prasojo
This study was conducted to know about design, development, and implementation of information security education for teachers and educational personnel’s: framework of technology for Indonesia. This study used qualitative method of analysis to find and understand central phenomenon’s with kind of bibliography....
Proceedings Article

Application of the Mind Mapping Method to Natural Resources in Class IV Elementary Schools

Tyas Hanifatul Zada, Suminah, Arda Purnama Putra
This research aims to improve learning results of the social studies content of natural resources materials through the Mind Mapping model in class IV Public Elementary School (SDN) Gembongan 5, Blitar, Indonesia. The results showed that teacher activity had increased, on cycles of 1 final meeting gained...
Proceedings Article

Development of Self-Actualization and Religious Values of Children in the Field of Science

Umi Kamnah
This article aims to analyses the Science Value that is actualized into a child’s life and the religious value of a child. Therefore, the material objects of the research carried out are issues surrounding the relationship between science and children’s lives, especially specifically with regard to forms....
Proceedings Article

Historical Guidance and Counseling Perspective in Indonesia

Yanuarius Dhae Sare, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
The development of Counseling Guidance in Indonesia at the beginning of the formation aims to be able to realize the ideals of the Indonesian people, so that they can eradicate illiteracy and educate the nation’s life. However, at that time the professional staff was still not developing. Guidance and...
Proceedings Article

Screencast for Learning DOS Command

Yerry Soepriyanto, Saida Ulfa, Anselmus J. E. Toenlioe
The Screencast is the result of a recording or screenshot of the monitor that is presented in video format. the developed media is screencast which contains basic DOS (Disk Operating System) commands. There are two basic types of commands namely internal and external commands. The purpose of this development...
Proceedings Article

Importance Meaning of the Counselor’s Identity Towards Assessment and Performance in School

Yunita Farah Sakinah, Nur Hidayah, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman
Guidance and Counseling Teachers or what we know as Counselors are very important positions in schools, but there are still some schools that use BK teachers with a background (Non-BK) or provide many additional tasks for BK teachers so as to create task confusion and even identity that should be. Students...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Child Protection in Fulfilling Children’s Rights: A Literature Review

Yunni Tri Jayati
The Indonesian government’s efforts to guarantee and realize child protection and welfare are through the establishment of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child which was ratified into President Regulation Number 36 of 1997 there were...
Proceedings Article

Analysis for the Provision of Appropriate Punishment Early Childhood

Zidna Isnawati Fahima Dini, M. Ishaq
Children are in violation of the rules that have been upheld in the family. Every day, children are definitely a foul, however, as punishment for the violation of children should be adapted to the childhood and in any case should not be done by force. Education needs to be instilled discipline in children...
Proceedings Article

Development of Innovative and Creative Villages as Educational Villages

Wahono, Niswatul Imsiyah, Zulkarnain, Sri Wahyuni, M. Ishaq
One way to balance the lives of the people of Surabaya is that education is needed so that people are more aware of giving children’s rights without being asked and concerned about child development. In realizing this atmosphere, the Surabaya City Government has launched the Kampung Arek Suroboyo Education...
Proceedings Article

Reality of Communication Patterns Bsetween Parents and Elementary School Students in Facing the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Sukardi, Aliyn Nafisha, Bevi Anisa Devi
This study describes the reality of communication patterns that occur in the world of basic education to meet the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Communication Parents have an important role in determining children’s learning success. Communication patterns and backgrounds of parental education are...
Proceedings Article

How Teachers Optimize the Role of Classroom Administration in Learning?

Adetya Dewi Wardani, Imam Gunawan, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum, Djum Djum Noor Benty, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Ahmad Nurabadi, Lestari Handayani, Endra Ubaidillah, Sasi Maulina
Schools as educational institutions carry out learning services and educational processes. Common schools have several class facilities in order to support learning activities. The teaching and learning activities will run effectively and efficiently if the class management in its implementation can...
Proceedings Article

Saminisme Self-Management Technique on Middle School in Bojonegoro, Indonesia

Nur Hidayah, M. Ramli, Husni Hanafi
The noble teachings of Saminism emerged during the Indonesian war for independence, this teaching brings fought through unusual methods of thought and logic. Nevertheless, the teachings of Saminism that live in the Samin community have positive life values in their lives. Those values must be owned by...
Proceedings Article

The Portraits of Digital Literacy Awareness Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Titis Angga Rini, Bagus Cahyanto, Febrianita Putri Sholihah
Digital literacy is a familiar topic in this millennial era with various digital media with open access that can be used anytime and anywhere. Based on this, this study aims to describe the digital literacy awareness of a family during the Covid-19 pandemic as a phenomenon that is currently being discussed....
Proceedings Article

School Leadership Skills in Educational Institutions

Arif Prastiawan, Imam Gunawan, Arda Purnama Putra, Dimas Arif Dewantoro, Puri Selfi Cholifah, Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Titis Angga Rini, Rizqi Fajar Pradipta, Kukuh Miroso Raharjo, Dedi Prestiadi, Ence Surahman
The current educational leadership is also fairly good and complex. The success of education in schools is also largely determined by the success of the principal as the school leader in managing education personnel and educators in schools. But in fact, currently many educational institutions are still...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Learning Style Preferences on Student Learning Outcomes

Arda Purnama Putra, Iqlima Pratiwi
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning style preferences on learning outcomes students of primary teacher Education at State University of Malang. This research uses quantitative research with a survey method. Hypothesis testing is done using causality analysis. The number...
Proceedings Article

Global Pandemic Outbreak Challenges How University Delivers Effective Online Courses

Global pandemic situation has changed the way learning experiences delivered to students. Online teaching learning is applied to fit the model with the critical pandemic condition. This study was conducted to explore how students perceive the effectiveness of online courses at a university. A group of...
Proceedings Article

Constructing Collaboration Learning Outcomes as A Learning Object Through the Open Learning System

Eka Pramono Adi, Zainul Abidin, Yerry Soepriyanto, Yulias Prihatmoko, Nunung Nindigraha, Luis Rumianda
The idea of incising is to make learning happen objects from the results of students’ thoughts on the Sistem Pengelolaan Pembelajaran (SIPEJAR). Most of student work as an outcome in collaborative learning is saved in task file in the learning management system. in development research conducted tor...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of the High School Teachers TPACK Competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia

Ence Surahman, Zahid Zufar At Thaariq, Muhammad Qolbi, Antoni Setiawan
Teachers as professional educators are required to have a set of competencies to support their performance. The development of information and communication technology requires teachers to be proficient in utilizing technology in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the competence of...
Proceedings Article

Training on Development of Edutainment-Based Innovative Learning Media for Teacher Professional Development

Puri Selfi Cholifah, Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Andini Mukharoma Meidina
This paper aims to describe the teacher’s training activities in partnership program activities, especially for elementary school teachers in Malang. The subject of this training were 20 elementary teachers in Malang. The implementation methods in this training include demonstration activities, questions...