Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017)

Session: Teaching Arts

4 articles
Proceedings Article

Art Education and Its Problems in Global Context

The history of art education in children and schools in Indonesia is characterized by changes and shifts in concepts (theories) and practices. Education of children at an early age, is actually not much of an issue. There is a slow shift towards art education with a more cognitive approach occurring...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing Elementary Level Student's Expressive Movement Capability through Creative Approach

Dance can have great influences on children's life as it includes the physical activities as well as a medium for self-expression. However, problems usually can be found in dance education at elementary level, including the lack of interest of the student and the perception that dancing is difficult...
Proceedings Article

Character Building through Learning Traditional Dance "Tari Piring": An Analysis of Relationship of Dance Style and Social Cultural Community of Pesisir Selatan

This article is part of the research (2017) which aims to analyze the relationship of dance style with socio-culture. This qualitative study using ethnographic methods. The research proves that style of dance has close relationship with social and cultural values. Vocational students who are members...
Proceedings Article

Concept of Art Education: Developing Aesthetic Sensibility, Social and Situational Awareness

This article explains the concept of art education for students in public schools. Conventionally, art education has made its mark in various institution or public school that directs towards skill-based creativity. This causes many of the students in public school unable to understand and to express...