Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2016)

Session: Parallel Session 3

16 articles
Proceedings Article

The Model Of Development Policy Implementation Village Owned Enterprises In Indonesia

Bambang Sudaryana
The low productivity of services in the village has been more due to the weakness of human resources in the field of management, organizations are less professional, the mastery of technology and marketing is weak, and the low quality of the entrepreneurship of the micro business. Problems developing...
Proceedings Article

Buying Decision: The Links Between Online Media and Face To Face Interaction with Hearing Impairment

Mr Selwendri, Ms Rumyeni
The purchase decision of consumers on a product can be influenced by various things as advertising , media and environmental factors. From the perspective of media , the purchase decision of people did not only came from a single media only.. On the other hand , a tendency to reduce the risk in the buying...
Proceedings Article

Factors Affecting The Growth Of Regional Revenue In The District/City Of North Sumatera

Idhar Yahya, M. Zainul Bahri Torong, Muslich Lufti
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of capital expenditures, the general allocation fund, revenue-sharing, and region own transfer fund towards the growth of the local source revenue with population as moderating variable. This is a causal study. The population used in this study is all...
Proceedings Article

Performance Improvement Model of Civil Servant at General Election Commission

Ikhvan Fuady, Ritha F Dalimunthe, Elisabet Siahaan
Each institution has always wanted a quality human resources as a valuable asset that is being sought and maintained. To get optimal results, organizations must be able to optimize factors that influence employee performance. Factors can increase employee performance are the extent to which human resource...
Proceedings Article

Electoral Malpractice, Integrity of the Election Management Bodies : A Case of 2015 Simultaneous Elections in East Java

Kris Nugroho
This article examines that the integrity issues of the election management bodies (EMBs) become an obstacle for the realization of the electoral integrity. The norms or electoral laws are not strong enough to produce EMBs that have high integrity in the framework of implementing the tasks and authority....
Proceedings Article

The Role of Indonesian Red Cross in Disaster Management in Medan

Rudi Kristian P. Manurung, Asima Yanty Siahaan
Disaster management as part of a disaster management policy is not only the responsibility of the government. The public through institutions and community organizations participate and have significant roles and responsibilities in disaster management. This paper discusses the role, challenges and strategies...
Proceedings Article

Comparing the Determining Factor on Consumer Visits at Convenience Store in Palembang

M. Eko Fitrianto, Islahuddin Daud
Convenience stores become an essential part of modern society. They can fulfill their daily needs in a way that is easier and more convenient. There are several brands of convenience store available, that can affect their decision. This study aims to determine the factors that influence consumer visits...
Proceedings Article

Cartel Party: An Analysis Study

Yeni Sri Lestari
This article analyzes the history and impact of the presence of party cartel in a system of government, where the concept of party cartel is still little known and recognized by the public, but the assessment of the case as well as issues related to the party cartel and its impact has long been studied...
Proceedings Article

Strength Analysis of Policy Based on the Survey Declaring Islamic Law Number. 5 of 2010 West Aceh Regency

Nellis Mardhiah
The policy of PERBUP Number 5 of 2010 declaring a manifestation of the policy process that focuses on the application of Islamic fashion in enforcing Islamic law in Aceh Barat District. This study the research her had used is a qualitative approach with the Incremental theoretical analysis that the success...
Proceedings Article

The Leader's Commitment in Bureuracy Transformation at Regional Development Planning Board (BAPPEDA) of Langkat Regency, North Sumatera Province in Order to Create Regional Development Planning

Beti Nasution, Mrs Nurbani, Lina Sudarwati
This study aimed to analyze: 1)the leader's commitmentin bureaucracy transformation at Regional Development Board (Bappeda)of Langkat regency. 2) The effectiveness of regional development planning formulated by Bappeda of Langkat Regency. This research used descriptive methods with qualitative and quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Digital Diplomacy-Maximizing Social Media in Indonesia's Economic and Cultural Diplomacy

Syafruddin Pohan, Hazairin Pohan, Indah Nuria Savitri
As Indonesian foreign policy now focuses on the enhanced economic and cultural diplomacy in advancing its national interests, social media outlets certainly offer opportunities and advantages that are too good to be missed. This paper intends to portray the use of social media outlets in diplomacy and...
Proceedings Article

Community Participation in Tourism Management in Samosir Regency, North Sumatera Province

Februati Trimurni, Mrs. Dayana
This study aims to explain coordination system on waste management in the integrated area of Mebidangro, Indonesia. Waste management has been issue in the area and it is mainly linked to the institutional sector handling on waste management. The provincial government as the coordinator for district or...
Proceedings Article

Epistemological Character of Isomorphism In Generation Of Innovation

Sued Santos Souza Rocha De Souza, Flávio de São Pedro Filho, Maria José Aguilar Madeira, Inon Beydha
This paper presents, as its overall objective, an analysis of the epistemological nature of isomorphism in the generation of innovation. To obtain the results in this study, the specific aims are as follows: (1) to raise the theoretical-conceptual basis of isomorphism in the innovation process, with...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Gender into Disaster Management in Indonesia

Asima Yanty Siahaan, Februaty Tambunan
The strategic role and responsibility of local government in protecting the community from vulnerability and in reducing disaster impacts have been increasingly acknowledged in disaster policy in Indonesia.This article explores factors contributed to the ignorance of gender mainstreaming in North Sumatra...
Proceedings Article

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques effectiveness against The Difference of Fatigue Level of Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Medan

Cholina Trisa Siregar, Rizki Annisa Nasution
Purpose. Chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis may experience symptoms such as fatigue. Symptoms of fatigue can cause patients unable to perform simple activities,can not remember things that have already passed, inability to socialize with other people and experiencing poor sleep quality.Methods....
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Voluntary Land Donation (LDV) and Community-Driven Development (CDD) Program:Lesson from ICWRMIP Project in Indonesia

Pius Suratman Kartasasmita
The ICWRMIP is an ADB funded project carried out by the Government of Indonesia represented by Ministry of Health. The project includes support for Community and NGO-Driven Initiatives for Improved Water Supply and Sanitation which requires the implementation of voluntary land donation (VLD) referring...