Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga : "Implementation of Climate Change Agreement to Meet Sustainable Development Goals" (ICPSUAS 2017)

Session: Climate Action

7 articles
Proceedings Article

Analysis of The Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Performance in Listed Firms at Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

Dwi Swasana Ramadhan, Azizah Anshori, Sri Iswati, Sri Herianingrum
Indonesia fully supports the United Nations by legalized UU No. 17 year 2004 about Kyoto Protocol to The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Peraturan Presiden No. 61 year 2011 about National Action Plan to Reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Peraturan Presiden No. 71 year 2011...
Proceedings Article

Making Model of Village Regulation based on Good Village Governance in Indonesia

Suparto Wijoyo, Radian Salman, Bagus Oktafian Abrianto
In the article 1 Sub-Article 7 Act Number 6 of 2014 on Villages said that the Village Regulation is a regulation stipulated by the Urban Village Head after being discussed and agreed with the Village Consultative Body. Determination of Village Regulation is an elaboration of the various authorities which...
Proceedings Article

Strip intercropping productivity of modern maize hybrid varieties with pulse crops on a dryland

I Komang Damar Jaya
Improving crop diversity on a piece of land, such as by intercropping, is one of adaptation strategies to climate change in dryland areas. The aim of the present study was to estimate strip intercropping productivity, that was expressed as Land Equivalent Ratio (LER), of maize and pulse crops on a dryland....
Proceedings Article

Blue Carbon: Role of Sea to the Balance of Climate Within the Mitigation Frame of Climate Change

Sunyowati Dina, Ria Tri Vinata
The impact of global climate change has been a particular concern of the world community and nations, including Indonesia. As an archipelagic country that has a wide range of natural resources and high biodiversity, Indonesia has great potential to be adversely affected by climate change and also has...
Proceedings Article

Marine Environment and Climate Change : Legal Aspects of Protection and Prevention Against Coral Reefs Degradation in Indonesia

Dina Sunyowati, Annisa Firdhausy
Coral reefs are one of the most important marine ecosystems, where fish and marine life breed, to prevent coastal abrasion, have economic value for the fishing industry, tourism and the environment. In the last ten years there has been a crisis of coral reefs damage due to the large number of irresponsible...
Proceedings Article

Local Concern on Plastic Bag Charge in Indonesia: Do we really care?

Nuzulul Kusuma Putri
Indonesia is on 2nd rank of countries which most contribute plastic trash worldwide after China. Indonesia latterly has restricted plastic bag in retail since March 2016, left behind China which already ban since 2008. This restriction policy regulate retail industry charge at least $0.02 - for every...
Proceedings Article

Anisakidae as a Bioindicator Candidate in Response of Environmental Damage

Hartanto M. Raharjo, Setiawan Koesdarto, Qabilah C. K. N. Sumarsono, Febrina D. Permatasari, Zafitri N. Wastomi, Nurul S. A. Sari
Increasing of environmental damage in coastal and marine areas can affect the presence of marine ecosystem and fishery products such as reduces type of fishes, and decline of fishes obtained from the sea. This will certainly affect the socio economic in coastal areas, especially on groups of fishermen...