Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)

772 authors
Sitawati, Anak Agung Raka
Effectiveness of Designed Indonesian Language Module for Foreign Learners: A Case of Darmasiswa Class
Situmorang, Ferdinand
Marketing Network’s Analysis of Coral Trout Grouper (Plectropomus leopardus) In Gusung Island; Selayar Archipelago Regency
Siwantara, Wayan
Tourism Supply Chain Framework: A Case on Tourism Village
Siwi, Chynthia
The Implementation of Micro Business Development in the Department of Cooperative and SMEs of Minahasa Regency
Soewardini, Herva
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
Soewardini, Herva Maulina Dewi
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
Somawati, Ni Putu
Effectiveness of TBLT in Indonesian EFL Classroom
Sompotan, Amelia
An Analysis Of Educational Values In The Novel Madogiwa No Totto-Chan By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
South, Grace
Model of Flow Velocity Distribution and Change Along the Amano Ranoyapo Estuary during Tides
Suagiarti, Ayu
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
The Practice of Green Hospitality at the Operational Level (a Case of 5-Star Hotel in Bali)
Suardani, Anak Agung Putri
Need Analysis And System Engineering Of Financial Planning Web-Based Application Development For Indigenous Communities At VillageCredit InstitutionIn Badung Regency; Bali
Suardani, Anak Agung Putri
The Practice of Green Hospitality at the Operational Level (a Case of 5-Star Hotel in Bali)
Suarta, I Made
Students and Vocational Educators Perceived on the Importance Level of Employability Skills
Suastuti, Eny
Law Enforcement of Confidentiality Children's Indentity in Court Decision
Subagyo, H
Effect of Promotion Mix on Insurance Product Purchase Decisions Zurich Kediri; Indonesia
Subiyanto, Paulus
Identifying Social Class in the Society of Java
Sudhana, I G P Fajar Pranadi
Students and Vocational Educators Perceived on the Importance Level of Employability Skills
Sudhana, I G P Fajar Pranadi
Need Analysis And System Engineering Of Financial Planning Web-Based Application Development For Indigenous Communities At VillageCredit InstitutionIn Badung Regency; Bali
Sudrajat, A
‘Capital Barns’ based on social capital to empowering the poor
Sugiarta, I N
Implementation of Controling Management and Techniques to Increacing the Effectiveness of Cooperative Supervision
Sugiarta, I N
Implementation of Supervision Management; Effective Supervision Techniques to Improve the Effectiveness of Cooperative Supervision
Sugiarti, Nanin
The Implementation of Digital Marketing towards Brand Awareness
Sugiono, Johny
Improvement of Quality Management in Education and Competence Development Lecturer in the Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Suhaeb, Firdaus
Integration of Javanese Communities: a Study of the Sociology of Plural Communities in Tanete Rilau District; Barru Regency
Prostitution Policy (Sweden; Germany; Victoria; China; Netherlands) and its connection to the HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control Program in Indonesia
Instructional media with PHP (Programmer Hypertext Preprocessor) to eliminate the boredom of learning mathematics
Sujiono, S
Analysis of Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction at Bank Rakyat Indonesia; Kediri
Sukardani, Puspita
Tourist Village Program for Modern Tourism:A Study on City Branding “Shining Batu”of Batu City
Sukartini, Ni Wayan
Market Orientation and Its Impact on Product Innovation and Marketing Performance of SMEs in Bali
Sukartiningsih, Sri
Embracing Institutional Partners: As an Effort to Eradicate Street Children in Surabaya Children's Village
Sukartiningsih, Sri
School Principal Construction About the Culture Model of the Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Student Nationalism Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
Sulastriningsih, Helena
Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
Analyzing The Difference In Teaching Skill Of Geography Teacher Candidates Based On Field Dependent-Independent Cognitive Styles
Sulistyowati, Eny
Questioning the Management of Intellectual Property in Universities in Indonesia
Sulistyowati, Lilik
School Principal Construction About the Culture Model of the Four Pillars of Nationality To Build Student Nationalism Towards Indonesian Generation 2025
PDAM Challenge to Provide Water Services Industry in the Era 4.0: Case Study of Regency Jeneponto; South Sulawesi
Sumampouw, Rianna
Humanistic Psychology Analysis In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
Sumanik, Novike
The Development of Direct Learning Strategies in Topic Solubility and Solubility Product
Ethical Politics and Educated Elites In Indonesian National Movement
Sumartana, I Made
Identifying Social Class in the Society of Java
Sumilat, Grystin
The Implementation of Character Education Integration for the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development in the Department of Geography Education; Faculty of Social Sciences UNIMA
Sunarmi, Sri
Kabasaran Dance: Perspective Behind The Community Ritual Activities in Minahasa
Sunra, La
Optimization of Teachers’ Roles in theImplementation of Child Friendly School in the Industrial Era 4.0
Suoth, Grace
Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
Supriati, Arie
Education as The Process of Building The Character and Intelligent Generation of The Nations
Suprijono, Agus
The Optimalization of Local Character Values ​​in Learning to Build Anti-Corruption Culture
Suprijono, Agus
Challenges to Create a Pluralism Education amid the Battle of Democracy and Theocracy in Indonesia
Susianty, Eny
Law Enforcement of Confidentiality Children's Indentity in Court Decision
Sutedjo, Agus
Selection of Tourism Development Center in The Southern District Banyuwangi
Village Community Empowerment with Intellectual Property Rights Protection
Suwanda, I Made
The Optimalization of Local Character Values ​​in Learning to Build Anti-Corruption Culture
Suwanda, I Made
Orderly Traffic Attitude Of Students Junior High School Laboratory Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Suwintana, I Ketut
Students and Vocational Educators Perceived on the Importance Level of Employability Skills
Suyanto, Totok
PKN Teachers' Strategy in Creating Local Character-Based Anti-Corruption Culture for the Younger Generation in Surabaya
Syam, Husain
Snapshot Level of Principal Entrepreneurs Competency
Syarif, Muhammad
Evaluation and Improvement of E-toll Card System at Toll Gate
Syukur, Muammad
Opportunities and Challenges of Organic Agriculture in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (A Case Study at Bulukumba Regency; South Sulawesi Province)
Syukur, Muhammad
Dialectics of Student Conflict in Makassar State University
Syukur, Muhammad
Snapshot Level of Principal Entrepreneurs Competency
TF, Mas Anienda
Anti-Corruption Values Planting Based Education Formulation For Children As Effort to Prevent Corruption
Takalumang, Luccyle
Form and Structure of Masamper Music
Tamon, Max
Minahasa Raad (Minahasa Board) In the Dutch Colonial Period
Technology Transformation of Fishermen Communities in Beba Galesong Utara
Strengthening Regulation In Conflicts Between The "Surat Ijo" Holder / Land Use Permit (Ipt) With The Government Of Surabaya City As The Implementation Of Agrarian Reforma
Tandyonomanu, Danang
Alternative Languages for The Effectiveness of Early Children Learning Communicators
Taufik, Abdul
The Metacognition of Junior High School Students in Posing Mathematical Problems Viewed From Cognitive Style
Taufik, Abdul
Exploration of College Student’s Representations in Solve The Problem of Numeric Methods
Tawakal, Muhammad
Determinants Of Labor Absorption In Merauke Regency (2011-2017
Tendean, Maxi
Model of Flow Velocity Distribution and Change Along the Amano Ranoyapo Estuary during Tides
Tendean, Maxi
Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
Tengker, Diane
Role of Song in Learning Japanese (Historical Study of Japanese Population in Minahasa)
Terry, Hetreda
The People's Resistance Movement against the Colonialists in the Early 20th Century in Minahasa: Study on Pangkal Setia Organization
Terry, Hetreda
Character Education Based Local Wisdom Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou Through Informal Education in the City of Manado
Terry, Hetreda
Battle of the Aru Sea in 1962
Timomor, Adensi
Relation of Social Justice and Counter-Terrorism
Timomor, Adensi
Law Enforcement and Integrity in The Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption
Tinambunan, Hezron
Accountability of the President of the Republic of Indonesia according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
Tiwa, Tellma
The Effect of Distributional Justice and Procedural Justice Towards Fisherman Compliance at Manado City
Toliwongi, Mariam
Literary Sociology of Kobayashi Sosaku In Novel Madogiwa No Tottochan
Tombeg, Syulke
Optimizing the Use of Inquiry Strategy in Learning Population and Environmental Education
Torro, Supriadi
Optimization of Teachers’ Roles in theImplementation of Child Friendly School in the Industrial Era 4.0
Trilaksana, Agus
The Urgency of Hikayat Hang-Tuah's Character Value in Building Young Generation Nationalism
Trilaksana, Agus
Comparison of National History Education Textbook Content in Middle School and Senior High School in Indonesian in New Order Era
Triwidyati, Endang
The Influence of Leadership and Working Motivation of Publik Adminstration Servicesin Rejomulyo Kediri
Triyuni, Ni Nyoman
The Involvement of women on Business Activities in Kuta Tourism Area to support Sustainable Tourism
Triyuni, Ni Nyoman
Developing Creative Tourism In Rural Area:Case Study In Beraban Village; Selemadeg Timur; Tabanan Regency
Tuerah, Paulus
Implementation of Government Management Functions in Warembungan Village; Pineleng Sub-District
Tuerah, Paulus
Effects of Interpersonal Communication; Work Ethic and Leadership Style towards Junior High School Teacher Performance in the City of Tomohon
Tuerah, Paulus
House Mapalus in Tombatu District; Southeast Minahasa Regency
Tulungen, Christina
Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in the 2016 Supplementary Regional Heads Election of Manado City in 2016
Tumbel, Goinpeace
Political Accountability through the Legitimacy of the Regional House of Representatives in Regional Regulations Making
Tumbel, Goinpeace
Women's Leadership in Higher Education
Tuna, Jim
Tracing the Meaning of Funny stories; Expressions; and terminologies of Kema Malay Languange
Umanahu, Irmawati
The Meaning of Paji Nyili-Nyili Tradition in Goto Village Tidore Kota Sub-Distric Tidore Island
Umar, Firman
The Position and Rights of Indigenous People Ammatoa Kajang: A Perspective of Judicial Normative
Umar, Firman
The Dynamics Implementation of Judicial Review by the Constitutional Court in Indonesia
Umar, Mardan
The Importance Of Multicultural Education As An Effort Towards Indonesian National Awareness
Umar, Mardan
The Role of Mapalus Local Wisdom in Building the Tolerant Attitudes of the Tomohon City Community
Umar, Mardan
Peace Education: An Effort to Realize a Peaceful Social Life in Indonesia