Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2021)

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29 articles
Proceedings Article

Utilization of Information Technology for Online Learning Innovation During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bayu Rianto, Ambiyar, Unung Verawardina, Abdul Muni, Chrismondari, Badewin
The current COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on countless facets of human life, including health, economics, social and cultural aspects, as well as education. Today’s learning is carried out online (on a network); this requires universities to transform learning technology in a short time....
Proceedings Article

The Mobile Media Development in Learning

A Need Analysis

Kyaw Zay Ya, Rizki Hardian Sakti, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Muhammad Giatman, Nurhasan Syah, Mukhlidi Muskhir, Hansi Effendi
The purpose of this study is as follows. 2) limitations faced by teachers in this area when teaching materials on the basics of electricity and electronics; 3) Know what kind of educational materials to develop on the basics of electricity and electronics. In this study, the IDI model was used. The IDI...
Proceedings Article

Competence of Vocational Teachers in the Use of Technology in the New Normal Era

Nizwardi Jalinus, Sukardi, Syahril, Syaiful Haq, Rizky Ema Wulansari
The Covid-19 pandemic presents new challenges to education, especially vocational education. Learning activity could not be done face-to-face, but online learning is an alternative. The regulations governing online learning are of common concern because in vocational education there is not only theoretical...
Proceedings Article

Entrepreneurship Values in the Vocational Education Curriculum

Syaiful Haq, Nizwardi Jalinus, M Giatman, Ganefri, Nurhasan Syah
One important aspect that must be present in the modern education system is the inculcation of entrepreneurial characteristics in students, because modern education graduates must refer to the demands of 21st century skills, that is the 4Cs which are part of entrepreneurial characteristics, in addition...
Proceedings Article

The Design of Learning Media to Support Online Learning in Computer Network Courses

Novi Hendri Adi, Ambiyar, Syahril, Fadhilah, Army Trilidia Devega, Afif Rahman Riyanda
Computer Network course is a compulsory subject for students of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Ibnu Sina. The problem that occurs in the learning process is that in delivering learning materials, lecturers still use simple learning media, namely in the...
Proceedings Article

Prototype of cooperation between the mechanical engineering vocational education, Medan State University with industry in implementing the independent learning policy

Selamat Riadi, Lisyanto, dan Budi Harto
The gap in skills required by industry and graduates of Mechanical Engineering at the State University of Medan needs to be resolved by establishing institutional cooperation. This study aims to find the rihgt prototype of cooperation to be developed by Mechanical Engineering vocational education at...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning Innovation in the Era and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Wilda Susanti, Krismadinata, Johan, Rangga RY, Yandri, Torkis Nasution
In the 21st century educators use technology not only to develop knowledge but also soft skills to improve competencies that are in line with the requirements of the world of work. The emergence of new technology in education changes the paradigm of educators in the learning process. We take a research...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Online Learning Autotronic Technology Courses Using Youtube Media

Wagino, M Giatman, M Muskhir, H Effendi, Iffarial Nanda
One of the factors that influence learning outcomes is motivation and interest where there is a low average student learning score. The low motivation and interest of students during the Covid-19 pandemic, among others, during online learning activities, students showed an unenthusiastic attitude towards...
Proceedings Article

A PROMETHEE-GAIA Method-Based Appraisal of Higher Vocational College in Indonesia

Ronal Watrianthos, Ambiyar, Syahril, Fadhilah, Agariadne Dwinggo Samala
Universities have been rated by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education since 2015. The goal is to create a database of Indonesian colleges and institutions. Non-vocational/academic colleges and vocational colleges are grouped under the term “college clustering.” Vocational schools...
Proceedings Article

Online Learning as a Learning Solution in the Covid 19 Pandemic Era for Higher Education

Nadia Utari, Muhammad Giatman, Mukhlidi Muskhir, Hansi Effendi, Yudha Aditya Fiandra
As way to deliver information to students, online learning media have a very important role.The implementation of social distancing requires solutions that minimize direct meetings in this Covid 19 pandemic era. Various online learning resources can be in the forms of documents, pictures, videos, and....
Proceedings Article

Adversity Quotient, Self-Efficacy and Online Learning Tendencies on Students in Hinterland Region

Decky Antony Kifta, Ambiyar, Syahril, Fadhila
The covid-19 pandemic, which hit most parts of Indonesia, has led the learning practices to be done by studying from home (BDR) method, this situation triggers the research to determine the differences of students’ Online Learning tendencies in terms of their Adversity Quotient (AQ) and Self-Efficacy...
Proceedings Article

Computer Admission Test as an Admission System for Higher Education Cadets for The Ministry of Transportation 2021

Syamsir, Muhammad Giatman, Hansi Efendi
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic situation that is still going on today, this paper is related to the acceptance of the West Sumatra Shipping cadet selection, especially at the Central Breeding Pattern which will carry out the selection exam in June 2021 for prospective participants who...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Problem-Based Learning Using Mind Mapping and a Growth Mindset in the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation

Sri Siswati, Elsa Giatri, Fahmi Rizal, M. Giatman
Education data in the world can be seen in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Indonesia in 2018 was ranked 183 out of 189 countries. For thinking ahead or Growth Mindset, Indonesia is ranked 186 out of 189 countries. Education and this way of thinking is quite worrying because it...
Proceedings Article

Meta-Analysis: The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models

Dwi Sapta Aryantiningsih, Susi Erlinda, Kursiah Warti Ningsih, Ambiyar, Unung Verawardina
This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of vocational education based on the Effect Size (ES) of many methods in cooperative learning. This study is a quantitative descriptive study with data collection techniques in meta-analysis by observing the components that are examined in some study...
Proceedings Article

Design and Analysis of the Motion Graphic Publication Program Implementation as a Promotional Media for Batam TV

Army Trilidia Devega, Ambiyar, Fadhilah, Syahril, Novi Hendri Adi, Mutiara Ayu Mawaddah, Hafizh Ash Shiddiqi
Motion graphics is a form of video-based advertising that incorporates corporate or other business advertising as a promotional medium for a wider community. The main purpose of this study is to develop motion graphic as promotional media for Batam TV, so that program publication can be distributed and...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Model on E-Learning Assisted Residential Installation Job Sheet

Syaiful Islami, Ambiyar, Fadhilah, Syahril, Yose Indarta
Learning residential installations found that the problems of student practice were not in accordance with the existing job sheet. The difficulty of students in carrying out the work steps on the existing worksheet. This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective project-based housing installation...
Proceedings Article

Learn Algorithm and Programming in Higher Education Using E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perspective

Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Ambiyar, Syahril, Fadhilah, Fadhli Ranuharja, Ika Parma Dewi, Ronal Watrianthos, Yose Indarta
This study focuses on identifying students’ perspectives on online learning using e-learning in algorithms and programming courses in higher education, especially in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. In this regard, students’ perceptions of online...
Proceedings Article

Learning in Vocational Education During the Covid 19 Outbreak: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Muhammad Husin, M. Giatman, Nizwardi Jalinus, Usmeldi, Hendra Hidayat
The article aims to look at the time of the covid-19 outbreak, innovative learning models that can be applied to vocational education. The meta-analysis in this study uses the PRISMA method. There are 50 articles reviewed from 2020-21 published in international conferences and journals. Article collection...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Online Learning Obstacles and Students’ Learning Outcomes in Engineering Drawing Courses

Yaumal Arbi, Weni Jumadi, Risma Apdeni
This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach that aims to determine how big the relationship betweenlearning constraints and student learning online outcomes in the Engineering Drawing course. The population of this research is 5 people teaching Engineering Drawing courses and...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Vocational Education Needs of the World of Work During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ahyanuardi, Sri Rahmadhani
This research uses a method of combining quantitative research and qualitative research, where the purpose of this study is to look at the Competence need by the world of work during the pandemic Covid-19. The results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between one indicator and...
Proceedings Article

Supervision of Vocational High School Education in Padang City (Point of View)

Elfi Tasrif, Hadi Kurnia Saputra, Syukhri, Akrimullah Mubai
Supervision plays an important role in efforts to deal with the dynamics and demands of teacher competence. For this reason, this study aims to examine the supervision of Vocational High Schools (SMK) in the city of Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Descriptive qualitative method is used in this study...
Proceedings Article

Improving The Efectiveness of Student’s Learning Engagement by Build-up Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS)

Fahmi Rizal, Waskito1, Muhammad Anwar, Unung Verawardina, Faiza Rini
This article proposed the effectiveness of the Mobile Learning Management System (M-LMS) to improve student’s learning engagement, particularly in higher education. Mobile Learning is a development of the e-learning Learning Management System (LMS) with the concept of the e-learning model utilizes internet...
Proceedings Article

Application of Flipped Blended Learning Model at SMK 2 Payakumbuh

Rijal Abdullah, Nizwardi Jalinus, Unung Verawardina, Muhammad Anwar, Dochi Ramadhani, Arina Luthfini Lubis
The growth of science and technology always moves dynamically in the education sector. Vocational education plays a central role in preparing the graduates who are ready to work, so efforts need to perform regarding the demand for technology and science development. Vocational education shall also be...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Independent and Regular Student Learning Outcomes Based on the Grade Point Average

Asrul Huda, Dony Novaliendry, Eka Khairani, Kurnia Wahyu Prima, Rahma Della, Rido Putra, Tiara Indah Wicaksana
Padang State University is one of the universities in West Sumatra that produces competent graduates in their fields, one of which is the Informatics and Computer Engineering study program. UNP recruits prospective students through the regular (R) and independent (M) routes, so that there is a public...
Proceedings Article

Media Design for Learning of 3D Animation Based Hydrocarbon Compounds in Vocational Schools

Dony Novaliendry, Asrul Huda, Fitrah Maulana Adri, Teguh Ikhsani Putra, Resha Trijaya Ardika
The results of this study resulted in the development of hydrocarbon-based 3D learning media products in chemistry subjects that have been validated and explained by validators, teacher practicality, and also effectiveness to students. This study uses the Research and Development method with five stages...
Proceedings Article

The Urgency of Practicum Classes at Indonesian Vocational Colleges During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Fajria Fatmasari, Dedi Febrianto, Avia Enggar Tyasti
As the Covid-19 pandemic has forced all teaching and learning to be done online, vocational colleges may face a variety of issues as a result of the big portion of practicum class they provide. Students will certainly need to use laboratory equipment, such as large-heavy machines, to expose them to the...
Proceedings Article

Dynamics of Islamic Religious Education During Pandemic at Sriwijaya University Using E-Learning Technology

Abdul Gafur, Nurhasan, Endang Switri, Apriyanti
This paper explains how the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of Personality Development Course (MPK) Sriwijaya University during the Covid-19 era with E-Learning technology, because since the pandemic has demanded educators to find the...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Application Assistant Cybergogy Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Database Design Courses

Tongam E Panggabean, Vera Wijaya
The learning paradigm in the 21st century requires technology and the use of appropriate learning models in vocational education. Therefore teachers must be able to choose the benefit of learning models to be applied. One of the learning models that can be used is the Cybergogy model, a learning model...
Proceedings Article

Development of E-Module Courses Tata Boga 2 Based on Flip PDF Professional for Teaching Learning Process in The Pandemic of Covid 19

Yose Indarta, Ika Parma Dewi, Ambiyar, Syahril, Fadhilah, Lise Asnur, Fadhli Ranuharja, Agariadne Dwinggo Samala
This study aims to determine the results of the validity and practicality of e-modules made using Flip PDF Professional. The research model used was developed by Borg and Gall which consists of 10 steps but only 7 steps were adapted due to time and funding constraints. The validity test was carried out...