Proceedings of the International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara 2017 (IDCSU 2017)

Session: Poster Presentation

51 articles
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Orthodontic Treatment Need and Psychosocial Impact in University of Sumatera Utara Undergraduate Student

Aditya Rachmawati, Erliera
Teeth and mouth are a lifetime health investments for human. Various disease and anomaly of the teeth and mouth may impair the function of oral cavity; one of them is malocclusion, anomaly of the alignment of the teeth. Teeth in good position relative to the arch not only support the health of oral cavity,...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Dental Perception and Orthodontic Treatment Need Based on Dental Aesthetic Index of SMA Negeri 15 Medan Student

Agnese Putri Pratiwi, Mimi Marina Lubis
Malocclusion is a form of occlusion that is irrelevant to the acceptable normal standard form of occlusion. Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) is a malocclusion index that has been accepted and used by WHO as a simple and valid method. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of dental perception...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Lidocaine 2% with Adrenaline 1: 100.000 Onset in First or Second Maxillary Molar Extractions in Two Age Groups at Oral Surgery Department Faculty of Dentistry, University of North Sumatera March-April 2017

Ahyar Riza, Yulia Handayani Siregar
Local anesthetics are very commonly used in dental extraction procedures. Local anesthetics are performed to relieve pain locally in an anesthetic region for a short period. Lidocaine is one type of local anaesthesia that is often used in the field of dentistry. Infiltration anaesthesia is the most common...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Xerostomia on Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy at RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan

Aida Fadhilla Darwis, Sayuti Hasibuan, Hana Nuradinda Tarigan
Xerostomia is one of the most common complications caused by head and neck cancer radiotherapy. Radiation caused the structure of the salivary glands change thus the saliva production was reduced. This can significantly affect the quality of life of the patients by changing physical, psychological and...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Anxiety and Burning Mouth Syndrome of Psychiatric Outpatients

Alzeressy Putri, Nurdiana, Aida Fadhilla Darwis
Anxiety is the signal and phenomenon of a threat that can be divided into mild, moderate, severe, and very severe anxiety based on its level. Anxiety can cause pathological changes in the body including the oral cavity. Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is one of the disorders in oral cavity that can be affected...
Proceedings Article

Salivary Characteristics in Children Aged 2 Years Old And Under with Severe Early Childhood Caries (SECC)

Ameta Primasari, Essie Octiara, Nevi Yanti, Muhammad Isra Reskitama
Severe Early Childhood Caries (SECC) is progressive tooth decay with multifactorial etiology, which one of them is saliva. Salivary flow, pH, salivary buffer capacity are critical factors for developmental regulation and regression of the caries process. It is mandatory to comprehend the salivary characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Dentoalveolar Canting on Class I, II, and III Malocclusion Using Panoramic Radiography (Research Report)

Andres, Erna Sulistyawati, Nazruddin
Canting dentoalveolar is the slope of the teeth in the occlusal plane that is appears to everyone with different level. The sample was 60 adults were divided into three groups: 20 people skeletal Class I, 20 people skeletal Class II, and 20 people skeletal Class III. Canting dentoalveolar take from Nasal...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Premolar Extraction on Overall Bolton Ratio in Class III Malocclusion in RSGMP FKG USU

Andrew Armand, Nurhayati Harahap, Siti Bahirrah
Tooth extraction is a treatment of choice in the tooth size discrepancy cases in order to achieve appropriate alignment, angulation, and inclination of the teeth. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of premolar extraction on overall Bolton ratio in Class III malocclusion. Samples...
Proceedings Article

Geographic Tongue in Psoriasis: Case Reports

Ariyati Yosi, Cashtry Meher, Irma D. Roesyanto-Mahadi
Geographic tongue is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder resulting in the local loss of filiform papillae, which is present as erythematous patches with serpiginous borders resembling a map. The etiopathogenesis of geographic tongue is unknown. Geographic tongue has been postulated to be an oral variant...
Proceedings Article

The Difference of Superoxide Dismutase Levels in Patient's Saliva with Gingivitis Associated with Dental Plaque Only Before and After Scaling at Periodontics Installation, Faculty of Dentistry USU

Armia Syahputra, Krisnamurthy Pasaribu, Dina Pulungan
Plaque induced gingival disease is the result of an interaction between the microorganisms found in the dental plaque biofilm and the tissues and inflammatory cells of the host. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) are the first protection for tissues of the mouth and body. At the time of bacterial phagocytes,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Tooth Length of Maxillary Incisors in Indonesian Mongoloid Race Population Based on Periapical Radiography

Dewi Kartika, Fitri Yunita Batubara
Accurate assessment of the tooth length of maxillary incisor determines the success and prognosis of an endodontic treatment outcome. Periapical radiography is a method that can be used in determining the tooth length. This study was done to determine the average of the tooth length of maxillary incisors...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Trauma from Occlusion with Chronic Periodontitis Based on the Quality and Quantity of Alveolar Bone in the Radiographic Features

Dharshini Neelamegan, Rini Octavia Nasution
Periodontitis has been defined as the presence of gingival inflammation at sites where there has been a pathological detachment of collagen fibers from cementum, the junctional epithelium has migrated apically, and bone loss can be detected radiographically. One of the factors, thought to be responsible...
Proceedings Article

Difference of Vertical Mandibular Symmetry Based on Mandibular Growth Pattern in Orthodontic Patients

Ervina Sofyanti, Lidya Irani Nainggolan, Thivassini A/P Ramakrishnan
Mandibular asymmetry presents a problem when disruption in the balance of the size, shape and arrangement of facial tissue occurs. The highest growth potential of the mandible is in the condyle region and may affect the growth pattern of the mandible. The aim of this study is to analyze the vertical...
Proceedings Article

sIgA and Lisozim as Biomarker of Early Childhood Caries Risk

Essie Octiara, Heriandi Sutadi, Yahwardiah Siregar, Ameta Primasari
Caries in children under 6 years old (Early Childhood Caries) is still a major oral health problems in many countries. The high prevalence of ECC should be prevented immediately based on the cause of caries. Saliva is one of the factors that play role in dental caries process, also play a role as caries...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Alkaline Phosphatase in Saliva as Biomarker for Pubertal Growth Phase

Fadhlina Irham, Siti Bahirrah, Nazruddin
The identification of the onset of pubertal growth phase in growing patients is very important for orthodontists to determine orthodontic treatment planning and timing. The timing of growth phase can be assessed using chronological age, skeletal age, physiological age, dental age and biomarkers. ALP...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Morphology of Sella Turcica and Skeletal Class III Malocclusion in RSGMP FKG USU

Fitri Wardani, Erna Sulistyawati, Muslim Yusuf
The sella turcica is one of the commonly used orthodontic landmarks in determining and diagnosing various problems of the facial skeleton.The pituitary gland is located in the sella turcica. Thus, various pathologies of this gland and developmental disorder of frontonasal and maxilla can change the morphology...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activity of Gamat Sea Cucumber Extract (Stichopus Variegatus) from Mentawai Islands against Streptococcus Viridans

Geistia Fad'ha, Utmi Arma, Busman
Mentawai islands of West Sumatra province have a fairly extensive coastal areas and stored wealth of the sea has high economic potential, one of which is Teripang (Sea cucumbers). Besides having a high nutritional value sea cucumbers also have antibacterial activity against bacterial pathogens. In the...
Proceedings Article

Dentist's Knowledge Level about Early Treatment for Maxillary Sinus Perforation in District Helvetia Medan 2017

Hendry Rusdy, Bella Risqi
Maxillary sinus perforation is one of complication from tooth extraction that could create a connection between antrum and oral cavity (oroantral communication). The aim of this research is to determine the level of dentists' knowledge about the initial treatment to handle the sinus maxillary perforation...
Proceedings Article

The Distribution of Facial Profile Photogrammetry of High School Students in Medan

Hilda Fitria Lubis, Mimi Marina Lubis, Siti Bahirrah
One of the main objectives of orthodontic treatment is to improve dental and facial esthetics. The understanding of soft tissues of the face in relation to the dentoskeletal tissues is essential in esthetic orthodontic treatment. Study of soft tissue facial profile by photogrammetry provides better information...
Proceedings Article

Effect of High Molecular Nano-Chitosan Addition on The Impact Strength of Heat Polymerized Polymethyl Methacrylate Denture Base Resin

Ika Devi Adiana, Trimurni Abidin, Lasminda Syafiar
Addition of reinforcing material to improve the mechanical properties of heat-polymerized polymethyl methacrylate is being developed. One of them is by adding nano-chitosan gel. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of nano-chitosan gel addition on the impact strength of heat-polymerized polymethyl...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Premolar Extraction on Overall Bolton Ratio in Class II Malocclusion in RSGM FKG USU

Ika Pisarina, Nurhayati Harahap, Muslim Yusuf
Tooth extraction to overcome the functional and aesthetic outcomes has become an issue in orthodontic treatment. Tooth size discrepancy was determined through a Bolton analysis. Overall Bolton ratio has changed after the tooth extraction, and affected by different extraction. The aim is to determine...
Proceedings Article

Relationship of Trauma From Occlusion and Severity of Periodontitis on Patients in Periodontal Clinic RSGMP FKG USU

Immanuel Budi Hutabarat, Rini Octavia Nasution
Trauma from occlusion and periodontitis are two factors that result in periodontal destruction. Many researches about the relationship between trauma from occlusion and periodontitis have been discussed controversially since the 20th century. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship between Morphology of Sella Turcica and Class II Skeletal Malocclusion in RSGMP FKG USU

Indah Fitriasary, Muslim Yusuf, Nazruddin
In lateral cephalometric analysis sometimes found a borderline results, its difficult to ascertain the jaw skeletal relationship, in this situation, taking into account the morphological variation and the sidelines of the tursika on cephalometric radiography are expected to help to determine whether...
Proceedings Article

The Level of Satisfaction in Health Service After Tooth Extraction in Puskesmas Polonia, Padang Bulan, Selayang II, Medan

Jelika Murni Sihombing, Hendry Rusdy
Puskesmas is one of the most important public health service facilities in Indonesia. Tooth extraction is one of the dental clinic services provided in puskesmas. Tooth extraction is the process of removing a whole section of tooth along with its pathological tissue from the tooth socket and handling...
Proceedings Article

Clinical Effects of Scaling With Subgingival Application of 25% Metronidazole Alginate Base Topical Gel Towards Chronic Periodontitis Patient

Jelita Rindly Fachrina, Irma Ervina, Hakim Bangun
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Bacteriodes spp., Capnocytophaga spp., and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are bacteries that cause periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is treated by eliminating pathogen bacteries through scaling and systemic or local antibiotics. One of the local antibiotics that...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Bleaching on the Morphology of Enamel

Kavita, Sumadhi Sastrodihardjo
Enamel of the teeth is the hardest tissue in the human body which protects them. The composition of enamel is 94-96% inorganic, 1% organic, and 4-5% water. Discoloration of the enamel which may be caused by chemicals, medicine or trauma has a psychological impact in person, characterized by lack of self-confidence....
Proceedings Article

Cephalometric Value of Batak Ethnic

Mimi Marina Lubis, Hilda Fitria Lubis, Siti Bahirrah
Cephalometry is an essential diagnostic tool to obtain cranial radiograph that is necessary in complex assessment of cranium and orofacial. The cephalometric value is necessary in establishing a diagnosis and developing a comprehensive treatment plan. The standard cephalometric value could not be applied...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Immersed Heat Cured Acrylic Resin Denture Base in Chlorhexidin and Extract of Roselle Flower towards Color Stability

Mohammad Zulkarnain, Putri Angelyna
The most commonly used denture base material is heat cured acrylic resin. This material possesses chemical properties, such as color stability. Discoloration of the denture base can be caused by the use of disinfectant solution on daily basis. This is caused by the characteristic of acrylic resin which...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Premolar Extraction on Bolton Overall Ratio in Class I Malocclusion at RSGMP FKG USU

Mutia Amalia Nasution, Siti Bahirrah, Amalia Oeripto
In orthodontics treatment, to obtain a good and stable occlusion, harmony between the combined mesiodistal width of maxillary teeth and that of mandibular teeth must be attempted. Extraction of premolar is routinely carried out as part of orthodontic treatment, but it can lead to the changes of the overall...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between Inclination and the Thickness of Maxillary Central Incisors at Orthodontic Clinic of RSGM FKG USU (Research Report)

Nurhayati, Amalia Oeripto
In an orthodontic treatment, the labio-lingual movement of the anterior teeth is required to improve the sagittal relationship of the maxillary and mandibular arch in order to achieve a more harmonious profile. However, excessive force to the teeth movement could lead to iatrogenic effect, therefore...
Proceedings Article

The Changes of Position and Angulation of Condyle Mandible Before and After Orthodontic Treatment in Class II Malocclusion by Using Cephalometric Radiograph

Nurmuhayannah, Erna Sulistyawati, Nazruddin
The condyle position is important for the balance of the stomatognathic system. The changes of the condyle position from the normal position can cause Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Malocclusions may cause condyle position changes at the Temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Treatment of skeletal class...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Citrus Limon and Whitening Toothpaste to Teeth Color Changes ( Study on the Right Maxillary Central Incisor of 18 Year Old Female)

Octarina, Elfira Aprilianti
The acids of Citrus limon is believed to be able to brighten teeth, meanwhile whitening toothpaste is able to remove stain of the teeth. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of Citrus limon water and whitening toothpaste to teeth color changes. Fifteen female students of Dentistry Faculty...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Upper Incisor Anteroposterior Position Changes on the Lip Profile in Class I Malocclusion

Okky Windyasari, Muslim Yusuf
Soft tissue analysis has always been an integral part of the diagnosis and planning of orthodontic treatment. Treatment plans in Class I malocclusions, with or without the extraction of the first four premolars are still debated, since the perceived premolar extraction effect will be "flattening face"....
Proceedings Article

The Role of TGF Beta 1 and PDGF BB in Wound Healing of the Palate

Olivia Avriyanti Hanafiah, Reevanash Poravi, Devina Angga, Trimurni Abidin, Syafrudin Ilyas, Marline Nainggolan, Endang Syamsudin
Oral wound healing is a process that consists of three highly integrated and overlapping phases inflammation, proliferation and tissue remodelling. These phases involve the interaction between many cells and growth factors that work together from the beginning of an injury to complete tissue formation...
Proceedings Article

Relationship between Cigarette Smoking and Candida Colony Count in Dental Student at Faculty of Dentistry University of Sumatera Utara

Puteri Ridha Ramadhani, Nurdiana, Pocut Astari
Cigarette smoking can be described as an activity where a person is enjoying the nicotine smoke produced from the burning tobacco. It contains 4800 chemical substances that are harmful to the body such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, which then cause changes to the oral cavity. One of the changes...
Proceedings Article

Black Triangle, Etiology and Treatment Approaches: Literature Review

Putri Masraini Lubis, Rini Octavia Nasution, Zulkarnain
Currently, beauty and physical appearance is of a major concern for many people, along with the greater demands of aesthetics in the field of dentistry. Aesthetics of the gingival is one of the most important factors in the success of restorative dental care. The loss of the interdental papillae results...
Proceedings Article

Association of Clinical Evaluation and Patient's Level of Satisfaction among Complete Denture Wearer

Putri Welda Utami Ritonga, Luveena Loshini Prabakaran
Dentist's evaluation of complete denture differs from patient's evaluation. Dentists prioritize the clinical aspects of dentures, such as vertical dimension, aesthetic, stability and denture-bearing area while patients measures their satisfaction based on aspects, like aesthetic, mastication, comfort...
Proceedings Article

Depiction of Post-Odontectomy Pain Levels in Universitas Sumatera Utara Hospital Period of February-March 2017

Rahmi Syaflida, Hera Ismayani Sugianto
Odontectomy is one of the most common minor surgery performed in dentistry. Every patients will experience postoperative pain after odontectomy. Pain is subjective, each individual reports pain based on his/her own perception. The pain rating scale is used to measure the pain intensity of a patient....
Proceedings Article

The Difference Number of Bacterial Colonies between Smokers and Non-smokers Gingivitis Patients in Periodontics Department at USU Dental Hospital

Regina Carsa Bagin Apriani, Pitu Wulandari, Martina Amalia
Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation disease which caused by bacteria in the periodontal tissues. The predisposing factors are smoking, stress and alcohol consumption. Smoking can deteriorate the dental health and increase the risk of gingivitis. Smoking may causes various diseases in oral cavities,...
Proceedings Article

The Association between Number of Tooth Loss, Tooth Loss Quadrants, and Occlusal Support with Temporomandibular Disorders in Partially Edentulous Patients

Ricca Chairunnisa, Ribka Julia Sihombing
Loss of one or several teeth can disturb the balance of the composition of the teeth in the arch that causes imbalance occlusion of teeth so that the teeth will receive a larger load. Stresses imposed by the structure of the temporomandibular joint is imbalance and would interfere with the function of...
Proceedings Article

Difference in Effectiveness of Dental Health Education between Braille and Audio Method towards the Knowledge and Oral Health (OHIS) Score among the Blind Children in Karya Murni Foundation, Tunanetra Foundation and Binjai Special Needs Foundation

Rika Mayasari Alamsyah, Siska Ella Natassa
Blind children are the children with weak eyesight or complete loss of vision. Limitation of vision affects their ability to gain knowledge regarding oral health which will affect their oral hygiene status. This aim of this research is to determine the difference in effectiveness of dental health education...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activities of Extract Curly Chili (Capsicumannum. L) on Fusobacterium Nucleatum: An in Vitro Study

Sisca Yudistira, Widyawati, Resti Iswani
The progress of most caries process caused the root canal infection. Bacteria that dominated in root canal infection were Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria that were 48%. This infection needed endodontic treatment. One of the influencing factors was microorganism. It can be eradicated by root canal irrigation....
Proceedings Article

Orthodontic Treatment Needs Based on Aesthetic Component (AC) among Adolescents in Medan

Siti Bahirrah, Mimi Marina Lubis, Hilda Fitria Lubis
The prevalence of malocclusion in Indonesia is high while dental health behaviour among adolescents especially towards malocclusion is inadequate whereas health services has not been satisfied. One of the most used index, Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need which consists of aesthetic component and dental...
Proceedings Article

Efficacy of Fluoride Varnish and Cheese on White Spot Lesions Remineralization: Evaluation Using Laser Fluorescence

Susi Sukmasari, Wan Nurfazliyana binti Wan Fauzi, Zati Balqis binti Mohammed Azme, Anisa Kusumawardani, Iswan Zuraidi Zainol
Objective is to investigate the effectiveness of combining application of fluoride varnish with chewing cheese on white spot lesion remineralization. The research is a blinded quasi experimental study that was conducted on 521 occlusal white spot lesions (OWSL) of 69 dental students who were randomly...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Jamblang (Syzygium Cumini (L) Skeels) Leaves Ethanolic Extract on the Adhesion of Streptococcus Mutans to Hydroxyapatite

Suzanna Sungkar, Dewi Agustina, Al Supartinah, Tetiana Haniastuti
Streptococcus mutans plays an important role in the pathogenesis of caries. This bacteria has virulence properties involve in the formation of biolm on tooth surface. Surface protein antigen peptide (SpaP) is one of the virulence properties of S. mutans that play role in adhesion of S. mutans to the...
Proceedings Article

Root Canal Configuration of Permanent Mandibular First and Second Molars Using Radiographic Tube Shift Technique in Dental Hospital Patients at Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Sumatera Utara

Trelia Boel, Dewi Kartika, Dennis
The knowledge of the pulp anatomy plays an important role in the success of endodontic treatments. Mandibular molars have been reported with complex configuration canal anatomical, making them one of the most difficult teeth to manage endodontically. The aim of this study was to examine the root canal...
Proceedings Article

Correlation of Arch Length and Width to Anteroposterior Lip Position in Class I Non Extraction Malocclusion

Ulfi Fatwa Khasni, Muslim Yusuf, Nurhayati Harahap
The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the anteroposterior position of the lips against changes in the length and width of the dental arch in Class I malocclusion non extraction. The sample was 30 patients PPDGS Orthodontic clinic of FKG USU. The sample used was 30 before...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Antimicrobial Effect of Activated Virgin Coconut Oil (AVCO) and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) against Dental Caries-Related Pathogens

Ummi Aqilah Haron, Zurainie Abllah, Nur Ainatul Mardia Mohamad Nasir
The present-day diet is astoundingly cariogenic, owing to the fact that high food intake with plenty of fermentable carbohydrates present in them. Classic regime against dental caries such as fluoride is often not able to cope with the resultant massive cariogenic challenge. Therefore, demands of alternatives...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Obesity to Salivary Flow Rate and Buffer Capacity

Yumi Lindawati, Darmayanti Siregar, Lilia Sarifatamin Damanik
Obesity is one of the criteria of nutritional status parameters caused by the accumulation of fat that occurs gradually and influenced by many factors, one of which is the low of physical activity. Differences in nutritional status that occur in each individual leads to the differences in salivary secretion....
Proceedings Article

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Probiotic Soy-Milk Yoghurt (SOYGHURT) Towards Porphyromonas gingivalis [IN VITRO]

Zulfan M. Alibasyah, Diana Setya Ningsih, Sunnati, Ridha Andayani, M. Irvan Juliansyah
The main cause of chronic periodontitis is Porphyromonas gingivalis that can be found in subgingival plaque. Porphyromonas gingivalis can be inhibited by probiotic product such as yoghurt. Yoghurt is a beverage from milk that proceed by fermentation with adding lactic acid bacteria. Yoghurt is usually...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Caries Status and Saliva Condition (pH, Buffer Capacity, Flow Rate, and Volume) among Down Syndrome and Normal Children aged 6-18 Years Old in SLB C Medan Helvetia and Medan Timur District

Zulfi Amalia Bachtiar, Siti Salmiah, Luthfiani, Emmenuelle Clarisa
Down Syndrome (DS) is type of mental disability caused by genetic disorder in chromosome 21. DS causes inability to maintain oral hygiene thus dental caries are commonly found in children with DS. Purpose of this research is to study the difference between caries experience and saliva condition and determine...