Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020)
249 articles
Proceedings Article
Transformative STE(A)M Education for A Sustainable World
Peter C. Taylor
Students of the natural sciences learn to understand objectively and reductively the world out there – at arm’s length - the world of naturally occurring systems. However, this materialistic worldview has not only fueled the 4th Industrial Revolution but has also triggered the Anthropocene, an unprecedented...
Proceedings Article
Securing a Nutrition-Conscious Young Generation Through A School Based Intervention: The SEAMEO RECFON Nutrition Goes to School Program Experiences
Jesus C. Fernandez
Malnutrition is a global and multisectoral concern that affects human capacities to contribute to national development. Efforts to speed up national economic growth and reduce social problems toward creating a conducive living environment for all would require quality human resources that are forward-looking,...
Proceedings Article
Sources of Acculturative Stress and Coping Strategies Among Asian International Students in China
Flemmings F. Ngwira, Victor Chikoti, Wellman Kondowe, Wulan P. Saroinsong
This study aimed to identify sources of acculturative stress and the coping strategies among Asian international students in Hubei, China. A total sample of 162 students from China’s neighboring countries was recruited to complete the study’s online questionnaire. A 36-item questionnaire called the Acculturative...
Proceedings Article
Overthinking Hurts: Rumination, Worry and Mental Health of International Students in China During Covid-19 Pandemic
Samrah Jamshaid, Najma I Malik, Adnan A. Haider, Kamran Jamshed, Saba Jamshad
After the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in China, many international students stuck there due to lockdown or quarantine. Their friends and family members got infected by the Corona virus and some died; which affected mental health by worry and ruminative thoughts. The present study was conducted to explore...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Geographic Education in Growing Students’ Character of Environment
This study aims to analyze three things, namely: First, how students concern about the environment; Second, how the role of geography learning in fostering environmental care for students; and Third, how the influence of socio-cultural, psychological and demographic factors on spiritual intelligence...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Strategic Management in Improving Professionalism of Vocational High School Teachers in East Java - Indonesia
Muhammad A. Ichwanto, Abd. Basith, Andi Syahputra
This research aims to know and analyze factors that affecting professionalism of vocational high school in east java. This study will focus and explained in (1) how is the Vocational High School Teacher Professionalism in East Java – Indonesia; and (2) how the implementation of strategic management in...
Proceedings Article
English Academic Writing Skills of Online News: A Study of English Course on Chinese and Kurdish Students
Brwa A. Sidiq, Wulan Patria Saroinsong
The aim of this study was to investigate students’ perception of Kurdish and Chinese editorial writing, and find out the differences of linguistical complexity between those editorials. Methods of this study were quantitative approaches, using descriptive and inferential statistics to describe the reporting...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mobile Learning Based on Socio Technology Approaches in Reduction and Oxidation
Ucu Cahyana, Agung Purwanto, Yuanita M. H. Adawiyah
This study aims to develop mobile learning with socio technology approach on Reduction and Oxidation (Redox) topic and to know the feasibility of media produced. Mobile learning was tested at SMAN 11 BEKASI from Januari to Mei 2020. Reserach and development method by Borg and Gall used by modifying five...
Proceedings Article
The Classroom Teaching Analysis
A New Concept in Pedagogy Using Video Footage of Practice-Based
Ira Darmawanti
A video is a powerful tool in analyzing teaching in class. However, the use of video footage of practice-based that has already existed in a teacher education institution still lacks to be investigated. The study aims to give broader knowledge and a better understanding that video footage of practice-based...
Proceedings Article
Using Worked Examples During Geometry Instructions
Nur Irfani, Endah Retnowati
Geometry usually learn in grade seventh and grade eighth on Junior High School. In grade seventh usually study about line and angles. It is a new material for the students, so students can be call as novice learner and it make teacher must more pay attention how to teach the students about line and angles....
Proceedings Article
The Psychological Condition of Student in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Evi Winingsih, Hadi Warsito, Lilik Nursusilowati
The Covid-19 pandemic is sweeping the world. Change cannot be avoided, including in the world of education. Changes from various systems make researchers intend to determine the psychological resilience of students during a pandemic. There is a change that occurs suddenly whether it will affect the psychological...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Online Learning Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Khusnul Khotimah
This article describes the learning experiences of students in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Qualitative observation methods and online interviews were conducted, to obtain information about online learning patterns that are often applied by lecturers; the platform is chosen, the media...
Proceedings Article
Framing Learner’s Verbal Report Data in Reading Comprehension; Uncovering the Cognitive Processes
Siti I. Savira, Anas Ahmadi
This study is aimed to analyze a particular learner’s cognitive processes as the learner engages in a reading task. The data was collected primarily by think-aloud, while the interview was used as a complementary source. The think-aloud was conducted while the learner is engaged in a reading task. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Learning Media Based on Computer Embroidery for Upgrading Skill of Fashion Student
Ma’rifatun Nashikhah, Gladis Gandini
Learning media is very important in the process of learning. In the past, embroidery learning only used manual machine and dynamo machine. The development of modern technology of embroidery could be done by media computer. Embroidery is the hand craft with the thread applied on fabric to follow the form...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Teacher Performance and School Culture on School Quality
Mohammad S. Haq, Bayuk N. A’yun
This research aims to examine the influence of teacher’s performance and school culture on the school quality. This research used a quantitative approach with ex post facto design. The population in this research is educators (teachers) as many as 66 people. Sampling techniques in this research use saturated...
Proceedings Article
Gender-Responsive Analysis Through Non-Formal Education
Alendra Y. Rahmi, Ani Safitri
This study aims to examine, analyze and describe the implementation of gender-responsive non-formal education through the family capacity building meeting (P2K2) for participants of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in the city of Bogor. Gender mainstreaming has become an actual issue in various studies,...
Proceedings Article
The Corporate Social Responsibility Program in Community Empowerment:
Case Study of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Mentoring Model
Dyah P. Sari, Wiwin Yulianingsih, Maria V. Roesminingsih
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) actors are the major role in national economic development. Strategies and innovations in community empowerment efforts are important programs. Community empowerment can be implemented through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. The purpose of...
Proceedings Article
Balinese Folklore Literacy as English Learning Material at Communication Studies, STAHN Mpu Kuturan Singaraja
AR Gusti Ayu Putu Diah Permata Sari
Balinese Folklore Literacy is educational media that inherited to the next generation. This media can be implemented as English learning material for university students in teaching English as Second Language. The study aimed at describing Balinese Folklore Literacy as English learning material at Communication...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of the Forward Chaining Method to Enhance the Vocational Skill of Students With Mild Intellectual Disabilities
Endamg P. Sartinah, Titan J. Oktavian, Muhammad N. Ashar
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the forward chaining method to improve the vocational skill among students with mild intellectual disabilities. This study applied a pre-experimental design, a one-shot case study research design. Research subjects included six students with mild intellectual...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of the Emotion Regulation Therapy for Students With Intellectual Disabilities
Rischa H. Zulfah, Asri Wijiastuti, Endang P. Sartinah
The aim of this research was describing the effect of the emotion regulation therapy in reducing the aggressive behavior among students with intellectual disabilities in the special senior high school. This research implemented the Single Subject Research design. Moreover, observations were implemented...
Proceedings Article
Development of Mobile Learning Application Based on Sociotechnology Approaches in Electrolyte and Nonelectrolyte Solutions
Ucu Cahyana, Afrizal, Indah Safitri
This study aims to develop mobile learning app based on a sociotechnology approaches on Electrolyte dan Nonelectrolyte Solutions and to know the feasibility of media produced. Mobile learning was tested at SMAN 1 Serang Baru Bekasi and SMAN 11 Bekasi from January to Mei 2020. The research method used...
Proceedings Article
How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School
Putri Rachmadyanti, Vivi Rahmawati, Kartika R. Adhe
The purposes of this study are to describe the content of the material contained in Kenanga Batik as one of the learning resources in Elementary School and then to find out how to integrate the content of Batik Kenanga material into Integrated Learning in Elementary Schools in according to the 2013 Curriculum....
Proceedings Article
The Parents’ Role in Family Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Desika P. Mardiani, Soedjarwo, Gunarti D. Lestari
Covid-19 Pandemic had a profound impact on almost all people, especially in family education. The family spearheaded the implementation of government programs to prevent the expansion of Covid-19 transmission by maximizing time at home, namely the implementation of working from home, studying with parents,...
Proceedings Article
Community Learning Center Management to Improve the Quantity Service of Non Formal Education
Nidia R. Nawangsari, Yatim Priyanto, Widodo
Budi Utama Community Learning Center is one of the best Community Learning Center’s in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to find out the management process of Community Learning Center and provide an in-depth overview of Community Learning Center ‘s experience in facilities lifelong learning...
Proceedings Article
Fundamental Factor of Educations’ Student in Determining Entrepreneurship Intention
Choirul Nikmah, Jaka Nugraha
Entrepreneurship is one of the instruments driving the economy either developed or developing countries. Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process to optimize all the resources to achieve a goal by implementing new ideas and creative solutions. The purpose of this study is to find out the entrepreneurial...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Interpersonal Communication Skill Through Classical Guidance
Abd Kholiq, Budi Purwoko, Endang P. Sartinah
The purpose of this study was to improve the interpersonal communication skill of students in a senior vocational high school through the classical guidance service. This quasi-experimental research used a pretest and posttest design. Twenty class students were assigned as an experimental group and other...
Proceedings Article
Marine Science Literacy in Early Childhood
Suharti, Hapidin, Yufiarti
Science literacy is one of the discussions in science education. Early childhood living on the island is very close to the marine environment. So the discussion of scientific literacy requires more specific by the characteristics of the child’s area of residence. Marine science literacy (MSL) is a specification...
Proceedings Article
The Profile of Perceived Academic Stress in Higher Education
Damajanti K. Dewi, Elha H. Meylana, Fenty P. Widianti, Riszi I. Safitri
Stress is a psychological symptom experienced by every human including students. This study aims to determine the profile of students’ academic stress in State University of Surabaya. The research subjects were 3 of 7 faculties selected by cluster random sampling. There were 1553 students as participants,...
Proceedings Article
Relational Bullying in Religious School at the Senior High School Level
Denok Setiawati, Muhammad Shiddiq Al Fathoni
Relational bullying is an act of systematic weakening and can happen anywhere, including religious schools at the senior high school level. This study included a qualitative study with informants, students who were victims, guidance and counseling teachers. Data collection method is observation, interview...
Proceedings Article
Strategy of Community Empowerment of Poor Based on Non-Formal Education in Semarang
Muhammad Fauzi F. Andika, Lintang M. W. Azizah
The purpose of this research is to empower the poor people of the city of Semarang according to market needs. The poverty of the city of Semarang in March 2017 was 80.86 thousand people (4.62%) while in 2018 it reached 73, 65 thousand people (4.41%). Empowerment through non-formal education strategies...
Proceedings Article
Module for the Subject of Statistics Based on the Higher Order Thinking
Hari Sugiharto Setyaedhi
This research aimed at examining the feasibility and effectiveness of the module of statistics in college. The type of this research is research and development using Borg & Gall model that consists of nine stages: theoretical studies, pre-survey study, model design evaluation, validation, limited...
Proceedings Article
Reading Review Program as an Innovative Effort to Increase Community’s Reading Interest
Sri Nurhayati, Helena Anggidesialamia, Dede Suryadi, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa
This research aims to describe the planning process, implementation, and results of the reading review program as an effort to reduce and prevent the problem of the culture of literacy in Indonesian youth. This research used simple research design approach with descriptive method. The research results...
Proceedings Article
Excavating Mathematical Concepts Within Alms Context: An Auto|Ethnographical Study
Febriarsita E. Sasmita, Neni Mariana, Rooselyna Ekawati, Muhamad T. Yani
Mathematics and Islam are interconnected one another. Muslims need to apply mathematical knowledge in order to fulfil some Muslim obligations. One of the obligation in Islam is alms. This paper aims to portray the researcher’s experiences as a Muslim in implementing alms in order to look for dominant...
Proceedings Article
Student’s Perception Using the BIG BOOK Desk Calender for Story Telling for Young Learners
Sri Widayati, Nurhenti D. Simatupang, Imron W. Harits
Storytelling activities are part of the learning process that is in Early Childhood Education. It depicts the literacy activities particularly for children. Thus, It is salient to develop literacy in children from an early age. This is based on the results of a survey of Indonesia ranked 60 out of 61...
Proceedings Article
Socialization of Masks and Hand Sanitizer Usage as a Preventive Activity of Covid-19
Wiwin Yulianingsih, Soedjarwo, I Ketut Atmaja, Gunarti D. Lestari, Suhanadji
The purpose of this service program is to provide public health education through socialization to informal sector workers as a form of preventing the spread of COVID-19. This dedication is procedures for the prevention of COVID-19 socialization, according to WHO. The method used is an explanation and...
Proceedings Article
The Communication Ability With Total Communication Method of Hearing Impairment Children
Dimy Mullyana, Ari Wahyudi, I Ketut Budayasa
The ability to communicate with deaf children who experience obstacles to the auditory stimulus aspect affects communication skills. The selection of the total communication method in one of the Special Need School concern in hearing impairment became a reference in implementing language learning and...
Proceedings Article
Background Analysis of Income Parents With Social Development and Moral Religius Children
Nihayatul Imma, Maria V. Roesminingsih, Suhanadji
The purpose of this study is to find out how the background of parents’ income levels with social behavior and the development of religious morals in educating children’s social and moral religious behavior, knowing what values children get from these social behaviors, and how children’s actions are...
Proceedings Article
Glenn Doman Method Improves Early Reading Ability in Children With Autism
Shinta I. Pertiwi, Wagino, Mudjito
Children with autism have a disturbance in getting information with characteristics easily to be bored and visual learners so that it affects their reading difficulties. So that the right method is needed to improve their reading skills. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the...
Proceedings Article
The Class Management in the Setting of Students With Special Needs in Inclusive School
Rossea N. Oktavianti, Zaini Sudarto, Budiyanto
This research aimed to describe the classroom management in the settings of students with special needs and the obstacles in its implementation in inclusive school. Student settings in this study include aspects of creating a positive environment, application of learning rules and procedures, and the...
Proceedings Article
Improving the Number-Concept Recognition of Children Wth Autistic Spectrum Disorder Using Modified Abacus
Fadilla C. Jannah, Siti Masitoh, Asri Wijiastuti
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of abacus modification media on the ability to recognize the concept of numbers in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study used a research approach that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, with the type of pre-experiment...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Self-Control in Writing Negative Comments in Social Media
Ari Khusumadewi, Nuril F. Rodiana
The behavior of writing negative comments is one of the behaviors caused by weak self-control in using social media. The purpose of this study is to know how the students write negative comments based on their self-control especially as indicated by the use of correct spelling and meaning of language....
Proceedings Article
Quality Assurance Management in SMART Ekselensia Indonesia School
Ervan Jaya
Quality in education becomes very important as a guarantee and standard of education management. As an educational institution, school is expected to focus on the quality assurance both internal and external. The purpose of this study is to describe quality assurance management in junior and senior high...
Proceedings Article
Developing Children’s Early Numeracy Skill Through Traditional Game “Dragon Snakes”
Nur I.S. Rakhmawati, Rachma Hasibuan, Imroatus Sholichah
The early numeracy skill is needed by children to continue their higher education which relates to mentioning symbols of numbers, sorting numbers, adding, subtracting, and knowing more and less. The numeracy skills can be improved through traditional games, namely dragon snake. The rules of the Dragon...
Proceedings Article
Improving Counting Skill in Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorder Using Android-Based Bamber Educational Games
Citra N.F. Amalia, Ari Wahyudi
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of android-based Bamber educational games for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in improving the aspect of counting, especially reduction. This research uses quantitative research methods with a pre-experimental research design....
Proceedings Article
Student Attitudes to Online Learning in Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Mustaji, Fajar Arianto
This research aims to find out the differences in students’ attitudes towards online learning based on initial ability, education level, and gender. The study used a non-experimental quantitative design. The data is collected using a questionnaire through google form and distributed to undergraduate...
Proceedings Article
Millennial Response Watched YouTube of Beauty
Jenny Sista Siregar, Lilis Jubaedah, Siti Gomo Attas
In the YouTube channel, Beauty activities are divided into two main activities namely decorative, and Beauty treatments including hair, face, body, hands, and feet. The influence of YouTubers as content creators is important for the channel’s presence and increasing viewership and or subscriber. On the...
Proceedings Article
Mapping the Favorite Online Learning Application and Method During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Arfita Rahmawati, Bella T. T. Pamungkas
Covid-19 Pandemic is a central issue today, the impact of the influence of Pandemic requires learning organizations through online learning such as Work From Home (WFH) and Study From Home (SFH) which will reduce direct contact with students. This study aims to determine the application of the online...
Proceedings Article
Father’s Multiple Role to Growing Independence of Children at the Pandemic Covid-19
Rachma Hasibuan, Nur I. S. Rakhmawati
This study aims to examine the dual role of fathers in fostering the independence of children at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The dual role of the father makes the task divided as the head of the family who earns a living and also acts as the mother who takes care of, cares for and cares for the...
Proceedings Article
The Concept Model of Implementing a 4-Year Fashion Design Vocational School Curriculum
Ratna Suhartini, I Wayan Susila, Tri Rijanto
The implementation of the curriculum refers to a philosophical thought (ideas) and various certain basic considerations held by the education unit. The implementation of the curriculum can be adjusted to the character of the school and industry. The character of the industry is always developing, especially...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Learning on Curriculum Development in the Vocational Study Program
Niken Purwidiani, Sri Handajani, Dwi K. Suwardiah, Asrul Bahar, Ita F. Romadhoni
To improve the learning quality in the Vocational Study Program, an evaluation of the learning program is carried out. In general, the evaluation of the learning program focused on three aspects namely teaching preparation, learning implementation, and learning evaluation. From this evaluation, solutions...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Flipped Classroom During COVID-19 Pandemic
Novritsar Hasintongan Pakpahan
The current situation with COVID-19 forces the legal education in Indonesia to evolve. The use of technology has become primary tool to conduct teaching and learning process. However, the use of technology had not been implemented properly due to dire circumstances. There hasn’t been a transparent syllabus...
Proceedings Article
Virtual Learning-Based Media to Improve Learning Quality
Gde Agus Y. P. Adistana, Wahyu D. Mulyono, Nansekh N. Karim
Less attractive learning media and methods that do not actively involve students will make students bored and pay less attention to the subject matter which results in students experiencing errors in understanding the material. Learning media need to be developed to be more interactive, flexible, fun,...
Proceedings Article
Aplimath Result of Validity Media Based Android at Courses of Calculus 1
B.N Pukky Tetralian, Aris Alfan, Ahmad K. Umam
Technological developments have developed breakthroughs for learning so that it can facilitate students to learn. Calculus I course is the basis for learning mathematics. The purpose of this study is to test the validity of the Android-based ApliMath media in Calculus I. This research method uses the...
Proceedings Article
Developing Educational Game Tools of JUMOFAN (Fantasy Jumanji Modification) to Enhance the Begining Literacy Ability to the Children of 4–5 Years Old
Nurul Khotimah, Rizka Aisyah, Ruqoyyah Fitri, Yatim Riyanto
The Language aspect is the one of the children’s development aspects, which needed to be noticed because the children to communicate with other people used language. The language development aspect is the one of six aspects, which should be developing in kindergarten. The current research had purpose...
Proceedings Article
Model of Missouri Mathematics Project for Problem Solving Skills Problems in Flat Mathematics in Deaf Students
Devira Putri Giana, Wiwik Widajati, Wagino
This research is motivated by the problems of deaf students in the field of mathematics, especially in the ability to solve problems in mathematical flat problems. The purpose of this study is to prove the influence of the Missouri Mathematics Project learning model in solving mathematical problems in...
Proceedings Article
Development of Water Cycle Comic Media to Improve Student Learning Outcomes
Farida Istianah, Dewi Ambarwati, Fauza Lailiyah, Suryanti, Ika Rahmawati
The lack of use of instructional media affects student learning outcomes. While the characteristics of elementary school students prefer something interesting, concrete, accompanied by high curiosity. Therefore, researchers developed a water cycle comic media to improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade...
Proceedings Article
Improving Problem-Solving Ability Through Problem-Posing Model in Mathematics
Asri Dwita, Sugiman
Problem-solving ability is one of the most important aspects required in teaching Mathematics. This is because the ability can empower individuals to compete in the globalization era. Thus, this study intends to explore the probability of one of the learning models, Problem-posing, to enhance mathematical...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cutting Occupational Therapy to Increase Soft Motoric of Children With Autism
Riza Mahdalena, Sujarwanto, I Ketut Budayasa
The effect of cutting occupational therapy to increase the soft motoric of Children with Autism. The purpose of this research is to test the influence of the skill of putting on the soft motoric of Children with Autism. This research was conducted using a quantitative with the draft of Single-Subject...
Proceedings Article
Five Levels of Teaching and Learning the Holy Qur’an
Muhammad Hamdar Arraiyyah
Mosques as centers of non-formal Islamic education are needed by all Muslim communities. Muslims are expected to learn continuously about their religion until the end of their lives. Though, the ideal condition is not easy to create. Many mosques still conduct limited religious activities. This paper...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Use of Smartphone Communication Technology as Mobile Based Learning Media for STKIP Weetebula Students in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Ferdinandus Bele Sole, Desak Made Anggraeni
The spread of corona virus which is well-known as covid-19 in all over the world gives impact to various sectors of life. In the field of education, especially in higher education, learning activities is shifted from face-to-face to online learning. This is intended to prevent the emergence of a new...
Proceedings Article
Learning Collaboration Music as Implementation of the Learning Concept of Learning
Yuana Anike Putri, Warih Handayaningrum
Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Makarim said about an independent learning initiative program which sees from the quality of education in Indonesia that still needs improvement. The concept of independent learning emphasizes in the freedom of thoughts and learning...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Using E-Commerce Application
Harti, Norida Canda Sakti, Anita Qoiriah
The ICT developments and physical distancing policies due to the Covid-19 pandemic have caused a shift in the way consumers buy online. Changes in consumer behavior will certainly make it difficult for small traders, especially those who are not familiar with the use of e-commerce technology. This study...
Proceedings Article
Explorative Study of Online Learning on Salesmanship Course in Covid-19 Pandemic
Harti, Raya Sulistyowati, Tri Sudarwanto, Septyan Budi Cahya, Veni Rafida
This study aims to explore the application of learning salesmanship courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, where there are social policies and physical distance conducted by online lectures, while salesmanship courses will be effective if done with many direct practices. Approved implementation of planning,...
Proceedings Article
Influence of College Accreditation Rank, Cumulative Achievement Index, and Field Interest on Training Result in the Training Credit System
Mochammad Rifa’i, Yuyun Suprapto
This paper aims to examine the factors that influence training outcomes in the training credit system with independent/predictors variables are the accreditation of the prior college, cumulative achievement index of prior learning and field interests. The population and sample came from Basic Aircraft...
Proceedings Article
Using the Heroes Puppets as the Learning Media for Elementary School Students
Rusnilawati, Afrin Puspasari, Zaenal Abidin, Efi Rusdiyani, Yusnia Nur Afifah
Learning about hero characters in elementary school is still monotonous. Character education about heroism is not well known by children and 86% of children are less interested in Indonesian puppetry. The purpose of this study was to develop the learning media to encourage nationalism for elementary...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of a Systematic Desensitization Strategy on Reduction of Nomophobia
Mochammad Nursalim, Estiningsih
The purpose of this study is that students can minimize their anxiety when away from smartphones with research subjects, namely five students who have very high nomophobia scores. This type of research is an experiment, with the type of one group pretest-posttest design. While the method of collecting...
Proceedings Article
Parenting Role: Parents’ Education Level and Children’s Life Skill Development
Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Rohmatul Maulidya, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Putri Rachmadyanti, Ratna Faeruz
This study aims to determine the relationship of parents’ level of education with the development of life skills of early childhood during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The population in this study were parents of young children affected by the Covid-19 pandemic on the island of Java. The sample...
Proceedings Article
Design and Implementation of Self-Test Learning Application to Increase Competence
Yuyun Suprapto, Moch. Rifai, Ariyono Setiawan, S Meita Maharani
The purpose of this study is to find how the environmental shift of learning with the development of information technology, online study during coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Changes in information technology have affected learning strategies, learning environments, improved information technology...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Improve Student Self-Compassion
Agus Rizal, Budi Purwoko, Retno Tri Hariastuti
This study aims to test the effectiveness of group counseling with Islamic cognitive behavior therapy to improve student’s self-compassion. The study used a narrative research method with interviews and documentation. The process collaborates with library study research because the research data has...
Proceedings Article
Sage Banjar Folklore as a Medium of Character Education in South Kalimantan
Agus Yulianto, Saefudin, Dede Hidayatullah
The objective of this study is to find out the values of character education in the sage Banjar story, and it can be used as a media of the children’s character education in South Kalimantan. The problem of this study is what are the values in the sage Banjar story that will be relevant to the children’s...
Proceedings Article
Mind Map as a Writing Exercise Method for Deaf Learners
Ariensa Gita Pralistyo Putri, Yuliati, Endang Purbaningrum
This research is motivated by the problems of deaf learners in writing. Incorrect use of spelling and punctuation, lack of vocabulary mastery, and irregular sentence structures based on language rules lead to the meaning of sentences, and the purpose of writing by deaf is less understandable. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Development of Virtual Learning in Financial Management Courses to Improve Student Critical Thinking
Syunu Trihantoyo, Muhammad Sholeh, Supriyanto
Financial management courses are compulsory courses taken by students at Education Management Department, which are presented in the form of virtual learning to answer challenges in developing the learning process in the industrial revolution era 4.0. The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Deaf Digital Technology Uses: A Demography Survey in East Java Indonesia
Endang Purbaningrum, Khofidotur Rofiah, Edy Rianto
The presence of the internet that invites as a medium that makes it easy to communicate, makes the deaf support in a container. Where in the container they exchanged information related to the development of assistive technology as well as health information. Utilization of the internet by people with...
Proceedings Article
Conducting Historical Literacies In History Classroom
A Case Study at Senior High School in Jakarta
Kurniawati, Estik Wijayasari
This research aims to reveal how historical literacy is implemented in Senior High School. This research is qualitative in the form of case studies in Senior High School (SMA) in South Jakarta. Field research in the form of data collection, namely in-depth open-ended interviews, direct observation, and...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Learning Cycle Method Based on Positive Learning Environment as an Effort to Increase Science Literacy of Primary School Students
Atikah Syamsi, M. S Zulela, Yufiarti
This study aims to increase the scientific literacy skills of elementary school students through the implementation of a science learning model with a learning cycle method based on a positive learning environment. This type of research uses an experiment with one pretest-posttest group design. The research...
Proceedings Article
How to Make Online Learning Effective and Enjoyable? Using Google Classroom With Video and Learning Management One Day Active Learning
Muhammad F. Ilhamuddin, Aditya C. Setiawan, Ainur Rifqi, Lutfi Saksono, Muamar Z. Arif
Covid-19 virus that has caused the pandemic in Indonesia and has affected the education aspect and required abrupt changes into online learning. Changing to online learning, however, are having several obstacles, including in teaching learning process, psychological problems, and technical challenges....
Proceedings Article
Developing Management Model of School Health Services to Encourage Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Junior High School
Nunuk Hariyati, Mudjito, Karwanto, Amrozi Khamidi
The complexity of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the government’s scheme regarding the return of students to school in new normal conditions demands school readiness to implement health protocols. The School Health Unit has an important role in educating school members in the habit of clean...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Perceptions of Ecoliteracy Practice to Sustainable Communities in Primary Schools
Ganes Gunansyah, Ulhaq Zuhdi, Tri W. Setyaningrum, Bekti Bernardi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions and explore the experiences of sustainability community-based ecoliteracy practices in elementary schools which includes creating conditions, using strategies, and achieving learning outcomes. This study uses a quantitative analysis approach...
Proceedings Article
Cooperative Games and Problem Solving Abilities in Preschool Children
Riza N. Khoirunnisa
The purpose of the research is to know the effectiveness of cooperative games to improve preschoolers’ ability to problem-solving. The research is a quasi-experimental research with a non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The research subjects are fifteen children of five years old preschoolers...
Proceedings Article
Need Analysis of Balanced Literacy Indonesian Language Teaching Materials Education Course
Wahyu Sukartiningsih, Roihana W. Mursyidah, Neni Mariana
The research aim was to analyze the need for balanced literacy teaching materials to support the Indonesian Language Education course for Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) students. Balance literacy is a teaching material that contains material to balance students’ basic literacy skills. This...
Proceedings Article
Transforming Education in Elementary School During the Pandemic Covid-19
Dyan E. Pamungkas, Sukarman, Sri Sulistiani
The temporary closure of educational institutions to withstand the spread of pandemic Covid-19 worldwide has affected millions of students, especially the education system in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the online learning process, supporting factors, and inhibitory factors of teachers carrying...
Proceedings Article
A Stress Immunity System of Covid-19 Through Academic Stress
Wulan P. Saroinsong, Muhammad Reza, Nurul Khotimah, Brwa Aziz Sidiq, Chinun Boonroungut
In a survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) of more than 1000 adults in the United States, it was found that 48 percent of respondents felt anxious they would contract the coronavirus. About 40 percent worry that they will be seriously ill or die from Covid-19, and 62 percent...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Module for the Subject of Statistics Based on the Higher Order Thinking in University
Hari S. Setyaedhi
This research aimed at examining the feasibility and effectiveness of the module of statistics in college. The type of this research is research and development using Borg & Gall model that consists of nine stages: theoretical studies, pre-survey study, model design evaluation, validation, limited...
Proceedings Article
Development of Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) Based on the Scientific Reading Based Project (SRBP) Model Empowering Critical and Creative Thinking Skills
Kartika C. Suryandari, Rokhmaniyah, Joharman
This study aims to produce a Subject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) based on the Scientific Reading Based Project (SRBP) model of the Science Base Concept Course for empowering critical and creative thinking skills of Elementary Education Program students. This study uses research design development of Design-Based...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength
Hunainah, Naf’an Tarihoran, Eneng Muslihah, Dody Riswanto
Students face a variety of task demands, both academic and non-academic. For that students must have high psychological strength in order to complete the task optimally and on time. This study aims to explain the effectiveness of the application of behavioral contracting counseling to improve the psychological...
Proceedings Article
Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Elementary School Students Through Brain Based Learning
Aida Rahmi Nasution, MS. Zuela, Zaenal Rafli
The purpose of this study was to improve the critical thinking skill of elementary school students using Brain Based Learning in PAI subject. This study implemented Brain Based Learning starting from planning, implementation and evaluation. The material developed was integrated with social cases of daily...
Proceedings Article
The Continuity of the Implementation of Family Education in Building Good Character Traits in the High-Achieving
Fauza Masyhudi, Ulfatmi, Duski Samad, Alfurqan, Yumna
Good character traits are not easy to bulid in a child. One way to build good character traits are through good education. But good education that is not sustainable also results in failure in realizing good character traits in a child. This study aims to analyze the continuity of family education in...
Proceedings Article
Online Learning of Information Technology and Guidance Media Course Based on Learning Styles
Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Evi Winingsih, Citra Fitri Kholidy
This study aims to develop online learning for information technology courses and media based on student learning styles that meet the acceptability criteria, namely the aspects of usability, accuracy, and feasibility. There are four learning styles that are accommodated, namely: visual, auditory, reading,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Non-Formal Education in Building Community Literacy
Heryanto Susilo
Education plays strategic roles in developing human civilization. Therefore, character-building of a nation and literate society can be achieved, particularly in shaping individual who has the will and ability to learn. Education path in Indonesia should not be underestimated, particularly in developing...
Proceedings Article
Another Road: An Intersection of Music and Language
Jiradej Setabundhu
The cross-pollination between the two fields is such that it provides a new perspective for people to see what should have been obvious but for some reason was overlooked. Thus, this study proposes the benefits of a cross-disciplinary approach to music and language. It begins with a survey of the parallel...
Proceedings Article
Re-Creation of Surabayan Folklores: Reception and Adaptation
Novi Andari, Sudarwati
Adaptation in literary works is often associated with reception and intertextuality. Reception and intertextuality of literary works are the manuscripts memorable to the audiences presented in different forms. Keeping the folklores told verbally over generations potentially lose their significant parts...
Proceedings Article
Examining Political Subjectivity Through the Truth Procedure in Ahmad Tohari’s Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk
Aprinus Salam, Sulistya Ningtyas
Ahmad Tohari’s novel, Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, portrays the struggle of the underclass of Dukuh Paruk in facing the political turmoil, particularly around the 1960s. The present study examines political subjectivity through the truth procedure in the novel. The research problems are answered by using a...
Proceedings Article
The Suicide Motive of Hannah Baker in Jay Asher’s 13 Reasons Why
Sesha Laras Andriani, Mamik Tri Wedawati
Suicide has been one of the most significant issues in the world. Thus, this topic is very interesting to be discussed. The study aims to analyze the suicide motive of Hannah Baker. The study is focus on what the suicide motive of Hannah Baker is. The study applies descriptive qualitative methodology...
Proceedings Article
Semiotic Analysis of Cyber Literature Mini-Fiction @fiksimini
Dwi Nur C.S. Kusumaningtyas, Bayu A. Nugroho
This study is aimed to describe hidden meaning of mini fiction by (1) the reading of heuristic and hermeneutic, (2) describe indirection expression, and (3) metrics, model, and variant, show from mini fictions. This is qualitative descriptive study because the sources are from cyber social media twitter...
Proceedings Article
“Washing Hands” Public Service Announcement as a Covid-19 Response Effort
Asidigisianti Surya Patria, Nova Kristiana
The “Washing Hands” is a Public Service Advertisement that provides knowledge to people to wash their hands with the correct water, not only rubbing their hands, but there are several steps that must be passed so that the hands become germ-free. With the increase in knowledge of washing hands, it is...
Proceedings Article
The Urgency of Gender Mainstreaming Regional Draft in Jombang Regency
Sarmini, Martadi, Suprapto, Sujarwanto, Mutimmatul Faidah
The implementation of national development must be able to improve the quality of human life as a whole, which gives justice to all parties. There are various regulations focused on Gender Mainstreaming (GM) development, namely; (1) President Instruction Number 09 Year 2000 concerning GM; (2) Minister...
Proceedings Article
Amal’s Intercultural Encounter in Shaping Her Diasporic Identity in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin
Aimatul A. Maghfiroh, Much. Khoiri
In this modern era, going from one country to another could be done easily supported by the advancement in technology. People who come to a new country need to fit into a ‘new’ society in case they want to be acknowledged, or they could keep their culture and oppose conformity. This study aims to reveal...
Proceedings Article
Study of Dalcroze’ Eurhythmics Concept on Hanon Fingering Etude in Developing Piano Core Skill
Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Harpang Yudha Karyawanto
In piano learning process, the problem that to be reflected on and solved is about how to strengthen the practical teaching of music education, cultivate students practical ability, and construct a very distinctive training system for developing higher normal college students music education specialized...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Identity in Minangkabau: A Case Study of the Rejection of Minangkabau Bible Translation Application
Yuangga K. Yahya, Syamsul H. Untung, Hifni Nasif, Muhammad Nurrosyid H. Setiawan, Indra A. Fajari
This paper tries to see the repudiation of the ‘Minangkabau Bible Translation App’ in Google Play platform by Minangkabau society. By using the translation theory of Eugene Nida and Charles R. Taber that mentioned the religious affiliation in a language is one of the sociological levels of language....
Proceedings Article
The Application of Girl Power Through Third-Wave Feminism in Birds of Prey
Angelica L. Setianto, Maria V. Win
Girl Power is a part of third-wave feminism which has been addressed in several Hollywood movies in the past years. Girl Power is more of a slogan than a theory which emphasizes power and fun feminism. A recently released film, entitled ‘Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)’,...