Proceedings of the International Conference, Integrated Microfinance Management for Sustainable Community Development (IMM 2016)

Session: Indigenous Knowledge, Worldviews and Institutions for Sustainable Community Development

7 articles
Proceedings Article

Marketing of Cilembu Sweet Potato Seeds in the Cybernetics Era through the Content of Dongeng Hui Cilembu

Susanti Agustina, Wina Erwina
This study is aimed to describe the role of folktale as indigenous knowledge that are communicated from generation to generation from the older to the younger in building Cilembu sweet potato cultivation system based on local wisdom. The spoken culture of Dongeng Hui Cilembu (Tale of Cilembu Sweet Potato)...
Proceedings Article

Waduk Jatigede: Microfinance, Rich And Poor, Poverty And Local Wisdom

Junardi Harahap
Development is a necessity that brings many benefits to the community. And that indeed is the purpose of development is to provide welfare and benefits to the people and our society. As the construction Waduk Jatigede which has a very good purpose, to provide welfare to the community, especially for...
Proceedings Article

Microfinance Practice In Bataknese Traditional Wedding Party

Niko Simamora, Estro Sihaloho
Indonesia is a multiethnic country. Batak is one of ethnic that lives in North Sumatera Province. As an ethnic, Bataknese's life implements the culture as the way of life. Those cultures come from the ancestors who had been practicing the culture based on their need at the time. As the time going through...
Proceedings Article

Community Local Wisdom of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun in Conserving Natural Resources and Environment

Henly Yulina, M. Kramadibrata, N. Airinda
Indigenous system as a form of traditional wisdom for generations proven effective in maintaining and ensuring the sustainability of public life of Kasepuhan Community at Mount Halimun needs to be adopted and synergized in regional development related to conservation of natural resources and the environment....
Proceedings Article

Indigenous Knowledge, World View and Institution for Sustainable Community at Mappi Regency of West Papua

Taslim Dawan, Sjafril Darana, M. Kramadibrata
Efforts to preserve the culture and the environment in indigenous communities followed the increase in the standard of living of course requires a relatively long time. The value of each ethnic cultural roots, however very worth keeping, at stake, given than there actually human beings need to realize...
Proceedings Article

Rurukan Hajat Golong: An Economic Model of Community Resilience in Rancakalong Sumedang, West Java - Indonesia

M. Prijana, Wina Erwina
Knowing the symbolic meanings behind Tradition of Hajat Golong village districts Ciledug Rancakalong Sumedang district, West Java Indonesia. Knowing the role of traditional authorities, which led Rurukan, and explain the relevance Tradition of Hajat Golong the economic resilience of the community. Methods:...
Proceedings Article

Indigenous Medical Knowledge for Integrated Public Health Development: A New Way to Reduce Poverty in West Java

Maya Febriyanti
Poverty and economic development in Indonesia are directly linked to the access to public health care. Globalisation changes socio-cultural contexts of the communitythe top-down approach rather than the bottom-up approach of primary health care development by ignoring traditional medical systems. Traditional...