Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Universitas PGRI Palembang (INCoEPP 2021)

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299 articles
Proceedings Article

The Influence of School Based Management and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Professionalism

Yayuk Purwaningsih, Happy Fitria, Rohana
This article aims to determine the effect of school-based management and teacher work motivation on teacher professionalism. The location of this research was conducted at the State Senior High School in Sekayu District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This type of research...
Proceedings Article

Counseling Teacher Competence in Planning Work Programs in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri Sekayu District

Marliana, Edi Harapan, Rohana
This article aimed to determine how the competence of Counseling Guidance teachers in compiling programs in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 at SMA Negeri 1, Sekayu sub-district. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, everything was required to change, including in the world of education. Teachers...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Supervision of Principals and Teacher Competencies on Teacher Performance of at Elementary School Palembang

Irma Yanti, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
This article aimed to analyze the influence of supervision of principals and teacher competencies on the performance of teachers of SD Negeri Palembang. This article was analyzing the responsibility of the principal for the quality of learning carried out by teachers and analyzes the fewer atmospheres...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Headmaster Leadership and Discipline on Teachers Performance at Lempuing Jaya Ogan Komering Ilir Subdistrict

Kastubi, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
Principal leadership was a teacher who has the ability to lead, guide, mobilize and manage all resources in a school including teacher work discipline. Hence, they can work effectively in order to plan and implement school programs to increase achievement and achieve common goals. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Supervision Implementation of Headmaster as an Effort to Improve Teacher’s Professionalism at SMPN 6 Sungai Keruh

Lilis Juarsih, Yasir Arafat, Syaiful Eddy
Teacher professionalism is influenced by several factors, including the supervision of the principal. The purpose of this study is to explain how the implementation of school principal supervision is to improve teacher professionalism at SMPN 6 Sungai Keruh. The research method used qualitative methods;...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation on Teacher Performance

Muhammad Suskawationo, Bukman Lian, Syaiful Eddy
This study aims to determine the effect of principal leadership and teacher motivation on teacher performance. The research data was collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using multiple regression analysis through the t-test, F test, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teacher Compensation and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance

Marman, Yasir Arafat, Syaiful Eddy
This research aims to determine and analyze the effect of compensation, job satisfaction on the performance of public elementary school teachers in Plakat Tinggi district. This research conducted descriptive quantitative. The sample of this research were 77 respondents with data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Certification and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in the Teacher Working Group of Lempuing District Ogan Komering Ilir

Miftahu rahman, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The research aims to find out the effect of certification, and work motivation on teacher performance in the Teacher Working Group (KKG) of Lempuing sub-district Ogan Komering Ilir partially and simultaneously. Research hypothesis (1) certification affects teacher performance, (2) work motivation affects...
Proceedings Article

Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara

Muslim, Happy Fitria, Yenny Puspita
The article was to determine management Facilities and Infrastructure In Boosting Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 North Indralaya. This research uses qualitative methods. The research subjects were the principal, vice principal, teachers and students. Data collection techniques used interviews,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of School Leadership and Work Culture on Teacher Professionalism

Nelianti, Happy Fitria, Yenny Puspita
This article aimed to find the influence of principal leadership and work culture on teacher professionalism. This research was conducted in Senior High School, Muaradua District, Ogan Komering Ulu East Regency. The researcher used quantitative research. While the research method used partial and simultaneous...
Proceedings Article

Innovative Notation System for Effective Reading and Thinking Strategy in Covid 19 Learning and Teaching Pandemonium

Djunaidi, Hermansyah, Aswadi Jaya
Encouraging reading to the students who have the opportunity to do so, and shaping on providing educational support to those who do not, we can take small, yet impactful, steps towards combatting illiteracy during this Covid 19 pandemonium through Innovative Notation System For Effective Reading And...
Proceedings Article

Developing Guidelines for Assessment and Student Learning Outcomes Through Online Systems High School Level in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir

Rina Yunita Sari, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
Assessment and student learning outcomes are routine annual activities carried out by schools, but there are always problems every time they implement it and there are no clear guidelines on how to carry out assessments and student learning outcomes online. This study aims to develop a valid, practical...
Proceedings Article

The Role of School Supervisors in Improving the Quality of Junior High School Learning at Oku Selatan District

Rohaya, Yasir Arafrat, Alhadi Yan Putra
This study aims to obtain an overview of the role of school supervisors and supporting and inhibiting factors in improving the quality of junior high school learning in Muaradua District, South OKU Regency. The research informants were school supervisors, school principals and junior high school teachers,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment Against Teacher Work Productivity

Rosidah, Nila Kesumawati, Edi Harapan
The objectives of this study were to find out the effect of compensation and work environment on work productivity of yunior high school teachers of Suak Tapeh. The research method used is a quantitative method. Data in this study were collected through distributing the questionnaires to respondents....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Principal Academic Supervision to Improve the Teacher Performance in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Rusmiati, Edi Haparan, Nila Kesumawati
This study aims to determine and describe the implementation of academic supervision of principals to improve teacher performance in online learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at SMPNegeri 2 Betung. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Collecting data using documentation, interviews,...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Random Text Methods in Learning to Writing Text Stores of Grade 8th Junior High School in Ogan Komering Ulu

Rusnaini, Missriani, Yessi Fitriani
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the random text method in learning to write news texts for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 OKU and to describe learning to write news texts for grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 OKU. The method used in this research is an experimental method with...
Proceedings Article

The Quality Management of Schools in Cultivating Students at 1st Public High School Ogan Komering Ulu

Paisol, Happy Fitria, Yessy Fitriani
This study aims to determine the quality management schools in cultivating students at SMA Negeri 3 OKU. The method used is descriptive analysis. The results obtaineda are that the school quality management at SMA Negeri 3 OKU is in the maximum and successful category which is carried out systematically...
Proceedings Article

School Based Management at SD Negeri 245 Palembang

Tini Ernawati, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which school-based management was implemented in terms of the quality of teaching staff in improving the quality of education. So according to the purpose of this study. So in this study the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach, while...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Private Vocational School Personal Competency on the Professionalism of Private Vocational Schools Teachers’ in Palembang

Yayuk Indah Artanti, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
This research was conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between the principal’s personality competence and the professionalism of private vocational school teachers in Kalidoni District, Palembang City. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a correlational approach...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Clinical Supervision and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Primary Schools

Yudha Putra, Nur Ahyani, Nila Kesumawati
This study aims to determine 1). Effect of Clinical Supervision on teacher performance, 2) Effect of Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Performance, 3) Effect of Clinical Supervision and Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools, Kelurahan Kemalaraja. The population of this...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of National Examination Exemption and Free Learning to Improve the Quality of Education in Junior High School I Banyuasin III

Siti Hadiah
There are indications that the quality of Indonesian education is still lacking among the releases issued by the PISA agency. Regarding the quality of education, the research problem is the implementation of national lessons and independent learning to improve the quality of education at SMP Negeri 1...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Educational Values and Character Values in Novel Selena by Tereliye and Their Implication for Learning High School

Siti Sundari, Missriani, Yessy Fitriani
The aim of this article was to describe the educational value contained in Tere Liye’s Selena novel, to determine the character of the characters in Tere Liye’s Selena novel, and to determine the implications of educational value and character of Tere Liye’s Selena’s novel on literary learning in High...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Management Online Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of State Elementary Schools at District of Beringin Island

Sri Suparti, Yasir Arafat, Alhadi Yan Putra
Covid-19 has drastically changed the learning model from conventional learning to online learning. This article aimed to determine how teacher management in online learning improves student learning outcomes, and to give solutions in online learning problem. The method used descriptive qualitative with...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Teacher Work Performance

Sustri Yanti, Yasir Arafat, Achmad Wahidy
The article was to determine the effect of principal leadership and teacher work motivation on teacher work performance at MTS Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin. This research was quantitative. The researcher used random sampling technique of 43 teachers as sample research at MTS Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin. Data...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism on Learning Innovation at SMP Negeri 32 Oku

Teachers as the most important component in the learning process must have professional competence in carrying out their functions and responsibilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of principal leadership on learning innovation, to determine the effect of teacher professionalism...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of the Principal’s Leadership on Teacher Competence at SMK Ilir Timur III Palembang Sub District

Ni Wayan Suarti Ningsih, Syarwani Ahmad, Alfroki Martha
The article was to find out whether or not the influence of the headmaster’s leadership on the competence of teachers in SMK Ilir Timur III Sub district Palembang. This research used quantitative descriptive method. Questionnaire was used in collecting the data. The hypothesis of this research is that...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation on Performance of Teachers PNS SD Negeri

Pertiwi Trisnawati, Yasir Arafat, Syaiful Eddy
Teacher certification can be interpreted as a process of acknowledging that a person has the competence to carry out educational services in a particular education unit, after passing a competency test conducted by a certification institution. This article aims to determine and to analyze the effect...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Teacher Job Effectiveness School Leadership and Internal Communications

Upik Mukramiyah, Yasir Arafat, Achmad Wahidy
The main objective of this analysis is to define and explain the effects of principal leadership and internal communication on the effectiveness of teacher work. A quantitative approach to the form of causal analysis is used in this research. In this analysis, the population were teachers of MTs Negeri...
Proceedings Article

Moral Values Found in “Mulan” Movies by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft

Wahyumi, Tahrun, Mulyadi
The aim of this study was to find out how the intrinsic elements developed in Mulan movie by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft, the moral values in Mulan movie and the implication in teaching English. This research was qualitative method. The data was taken from the dialogues, actions and gestures. The analyzed...
Proceedings Article

Improving of Identifying Poetry Text Building Elements Ability Through a Contextual Approach at Class VIII SMP Negeri 42 Oku

Yossy Aprianti, Ratu Wardarita, Dessy Wardiah
This article aims to improve the ability to identify the building blocks of poetry text through a contextual approach to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 42 OKU. The researcher used Classroom Action Research (PTK). Based on the results of the action research, it can be concluded that there was...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Education and Training and the Work Environment on Teacher Performance at SMP Negeri Ogan Ilir

Amin Jamaani, Yasir Arafat, Yenny Puspita
The success of education was largely determined by the readiness of the teacher in preparing students through teaching and learning activities. Improving the quality of education was strongly influenced by the professional ability of teachers and the quality of their performance. This article aims to...
Proceedings Article

Principal’s Leadership in Improving the Quality of Learning

Saca, Happy Fitria, Yessi Fitriani
This study aims to describe the principal’s leadership in improving the quality of learning at SD Negeri 10 Muara Telang and to analyze the obstacles and solutions to the principal’s leadership in improving the quality of learning at SD Negeri 10 Muara Telang. Data collection was carried out by interview,...
Proceedings Article

Teacher Performance at SMK Negeri 1 Gelumbang as a Result of Principal Leadership and Work Motivation

Yana Yani, Yasir Arafat, Yenny Puspita
Quality educators are influenced by a variety of factors, particularly the school principal’s leadership. Because the principal is fully responsible for managing and empowering teachers to continue to improve their performance, the principal plays a critical role. The purpose of this study is to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance in Gugus Dua Muara Telang District

Zainal Muttaqin, Happy Fitria, Yessi Fitriani
The purpose of this research is to identify and characterize the role of principal leadership in improving teacher performance in the Gugus Dua Muara Telang District. This study employs qualitative methods. Data was gathered through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data reduction, data presentation,...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Pedagogy and Teachers’ Professionalism Competencies Towards Teachers’ Performance of State Vocational School in Sekayu

Rahmawati, Happy Fitria, Rohana
This research is conducted toward state vocational schools’ teachers in Sekayu. The research problems are 1. Is there any impact of pedagogy competencies toward teachers’ performance of state vocational schools in Sekayu? 2. Is there any impact of professionalism competencies toward teachers’ performance...
Proceedings Article

Hero and Villain Representation in the “Spiderman” Movie by Sam Raimi

Candra Juanda, Tahrun, Mulyadi
This research is concerned with Hero and villain presentation in the Spiderman movie by Sam Raimi, the intrinsic elements on the Spiderman movie by Sam Raimi The implication on learning and teaching of hero and villain are delivered the Spiderman movie by Sam Raimi. The descriptive qualitative method...
Proceedings Article

Improvement of Kriya Batik Learning Results Through the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model

Dessy Wulandari, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
The purpose of this research is to identify and classify the management increased yield learning the craft of batik through cooperative learning model STAD learners XI class textile craft SMK Negeri 2 Kayuagung. This study employs Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject is the students of class...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Among Communication Apprehension, Willingness to Communicate and Speaking Ability of the Ninth Grade Students of SMP Negeri in Banyuasin I

Marlia Fitriana, Indawan Syahri
The correlation between communication apprehension, willingness to communicate, and speaking ability of ninth grade students at SMP Negeri in Banyuasin I was studied in this study. The research sample for this study consisted of 63 ninth-grade students from SMP Negeri in Banyuasin I in the academic year...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Collaborative Teaching Technique and Literacy Interest on the Literacy Skills of Eighth Grade Students on Recount Text at SMP Negeri 1 Sembawa

Wiwik Handayani, Indawan Syahri
The aim of this study is to look at how cooperative learning strategies and literacy interest affect 8th students’ reading comprehension at SMP Negeri 1 Sembawa. 68 eighth-grade students from SMP Negeri 1 Sembawa are chosen as respondents for this analysis using a two-stage random sampling method. In...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Principal Leadership and Management on Teacher Performance

Jazaudin, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The purpose of this research is to discover and analyze: (1) the impact of leadership on teacher performance; (2) the impact of the headmaster’s management on teacher performance; and (3) the partial or simultaneous impact of the headmaster’s leadership and management on teacher performance. This is...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 5 Indralaya Utara Through Facility and Infrastructure Management

Muslim, Happy Fitria, Yenny Puspita
The aim of this study was to identify the Management Facilities and Infrastructure in SMP Negeri 5 North Indralaya to Improve Quality P Education. This study employs qualitative methods. The principal, vice principal, professors, and students were the study subjects. Interviews, observation, and documentation...
Proceedings Article

Islamic Education Teacher Management in Implementing Guidance and Counseling Programs in Developing Student Attitude

Nazori, Bukman Lian, Mulyadi
This study aims to identify and describe the management of the implementation of guidance and counseling programs in fostering student morals at Public Vocational School 3 Kayuagung. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection was carried out by interview, observation and documentation. Data...
Proceedings Article

Leadership of the Principal in Building the Character of Students in State Secondary School 1 Lempuing Jaya OKI Regency

Riska ilham, Happy Fitria, Missriani
This research aims to find out the implementation of vision and mission, strategy, and supervise the character education of students at SMPN 1 Lempuing Jaya. This research use was qualitative method. The data collected by are interviews, observations, and documentation instrument. The result of the research...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Among Language Learning Strategies, Learning Attitude and the Eighth Grade Students’ Reading Achievement

Thesalonika, Rusman Roni, Mulyadi
The study is concerned the relationship between language learning methods, reading attitude, and the reading achievement of State Junior High School 3 PALI 8th grade students. The goal is to decide if there is a connection between language learning strategies, reading attitude, and reading achievement....
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Principal Leadership and Motivation Teacher Performance Towards the Professionalism of Teachers at Junior High School

Muhamad Dalianto, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
There are many factors that affect teacher professionalism, including teacher performance. Teachers from the State Junior High Schools in Abab District, Pali Regency, made up the study’s population, with a total sample size of 125 teachers. This is a quantitative method of analysis. The data was collected...
Proceedings Article

New Student Admission Management Based Online

Masani, Happy Fitria, Alfroki Martha
The key research objectives are to evaluate the management of new student admissions online at Banyuasin II, Banyuasin Regency, State Senior High School I. Qualitative research approaches, collection strategies by evaluation, interviews and documentation are the methodology used in this analysisIdentification...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of School Education Management in the Digital Age of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Neli Susanti, Edi Harapan, Rohana
The implementation of school management is an important aspect for improving the quality of education. This research aims at uto find out and describe the implementation of school-based management in facing education in the industrial revolution 4.0 at SMA Negeri 1 Sekayu and the obstacles faced. Research...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Compensation and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance in Semendawai Barat Elementary School

Kamal, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The aim of this study was to see how job discipline and compensation affected elementary school teacher efficiency. in Semendawai Barat sub district. This research was conducted in Elementary Schools on Suka Negeri of Semendawai barat sub-district. This research was conducted from June to September 2020....
Proceedings Article

Performance of Vocational School Teachers in Terms of Leadership Style and Supervision Ability of Principals

Sesi Oktarin, Nur Ahyani, Destiniar
The research objective was to describe the effect of leadership style and the ability of school principal supervision on the performance of vocational school teachers in Talang Ubi District. The research method uses correlational quantitative. The study population was all SMK teachers in Talang Ubi District,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on the Work Productivity of Teacher at Vocational School No 1 in Bunga Mayang

Komariah, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
Problems related to teacher work productivity at Vocational High School no 1 Bunga Mayang have not yet been achieved, because there has been no increase from the average KKM for the last 5 years and an increase in the percentage of graduation over the last 3 years. Based on the results of observations...
Proceedings Article

Teaching Strategies for Dyslexic Character in the Movie Entitled “Taree Zameen Par” by Amir Khan

Lala Holillah, Tahrun, Mulyadi
This study aimed to find out intrinsic elements, types of dyslexia, and teaching strategies for child with dyslexia in the movie entitled taree zameen par. The research method used in this study is content analysis method. The source of data is the movie of Taree Zameen Par by amir khan. Method of collecting...
Proceedings Article

Leadership of Schools in the Digital Era in Improving Professional Competency

Makhdalena, Happy Fitria, Yesi Fitria
In the digital era, the right strategy is needed to improve teacher competence. Teacher competencies include personal, social, pedagogical and professional competencies. The goal of this research is to describe how the headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 OKU’s strategies for increasing teachers’ professional...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Interests and Talents in the Competency Skills of Students

Lindawati, Achmad Wahidy, Happy Fitria
This study aims to prove the role of interests and talents in improving student competency skills. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods through observation, interviews and documentation to identify the dominant learning styles and multiple intelligences in students. The results...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Workplace Discipline and Working Conditions on Teacher Performance at MTS Negeri 2 OKU Timur

Lisa Selpiyani, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of work discipline on teacher performance, the effect of the working environment on teacher performance, and the effect of work discipline and the working environment together on teacher performance. The study was carried out at MTs Negeri 2 OKU...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teacher Welfare and Work Climate Towards the Quality of Education Services of Senior High Schools in Banyuasin Regency

Ridwan, Edi Harapan, Achmad Wahidy
The purpose of this study is to determine: 1) the impact of teacher welfare on the quality of education services; 2) the impact of work climate on the quality of education services; and 3) the impact of teacher welfare and working climate on the quality of education services of SMA in Banyuasin district...
Proceedings Article

Values of Character Education in Disney’s Animated Featured “The Good Dinosaur” by Peter Shon

Maria Indriati, Tahrun, Hanni Yukamana
The purpose of this study was to identify the values of character education in Disney’s animated film “The Good Dinosaur.” The study was a descriptive qualitative study in which data from the film’s story, plot, and setting were gathered through close reading. The research procedure was watching, identifying,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Professionalism on Education and Training in the Performance of Teacher in Junior High School of Ulak

Masning, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
Teachers’ teaching skills and abilities have not been fully utilized, particularly when it comes to using electronic media to deliver lessons to students as a learning method that is appealing to students. There are few opportunities and costs for including teachers in education and training. The following...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Teacher Certification in SD Negeri 11 Air Kumbang to Improve Teacher Performance

Mega Yati, Edi Harapan, Dessy Wardiah
Using descriptive qualitative research methods, this study aims to identify and describe the Implementation of Teacher Certification in Improving Teacher Performance at 11 Air Kumbang State Elementary Schools. The qualitative descriptive research design used in this study is intended to describe and...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Teacher Competence and Motivation on The Teacher’s Performance of SMP Negeri 11 Palembang

Melany Sandriyani, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The purpose of this study is to assess and characterize the effect of competence and motivation on teacher performance at SMP Negeri 11 Palembang. The participants in this study were 60 professors from SMP Negeri 11 Palembang. Quantitative methods are used in this research. One of the data collection...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of a Genre-Based Approach and Learning Encouragement on the Writing Achievement of Eighth-Grade Students at SMP Negeri 3 Air Kumbang

Meyliza Hayrani Fatjriya, Tahrun, Artanti Puspita Sari
There will be no more debates around the dinner table about the importance of effective communication in all aspects of life. As a result of this, English, as one of the languages used globally as a means of communication, has become critical to master. The purpose of this study was to discover the impact...
Proceedings Article

Teaching of Malay Mantra in the Middle of Change of Besemah Community

Ramanata Disurya, Muhamad Idris, Aswadi Jaya, Eva Dina Chairunisa
Malay mantra is facing the threat of being eroded by modernization, not many people continue the tradition of preserving mantras as part of everyday life in South Sumatra. Research problem: What is the form and strategy of teaching the Malay mantra in the Besemah community of South Sumatra in the stream...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Teacher Health and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Teacher Output MTs in the OKU Timur District

Muallimin, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The aim of this analysis is to evaluate the effect of teacher welfare on the performance of honorary teachers, the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of honorary teachers, and the effect of teacher welfare and job satisfaction together on the performance of honorary teachers. This study was...
Proceedings Article

Management of Financial Education at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin

Muhammad Yamin, Edi Harapan, Rohana
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the process of supervising education financing at MTs Negeri 1 Musi Banyuasin. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. Data analysis techniques are data...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Headmaster Management and Teacher Learning Media on Student Learning Achievement

Mujiyono, Nur Ahyani, Syaiful Eddy
This study was conducted in SMP Negeri in Plakat Tinggi Sub-district Musi Banyuasin District to classify the lessons media management school principals and teachers toward learning achievements. This is the type of research with a quantitative research study ex post facto-research study using architecture....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teacher Motivation and Success on SD Negeri 01 Simpang Agung, Simpang Sub-District Learning Outcomes

Mutasor, Yasir Arafat, Alhadi Yan Putra
This study is inspired by the need for improvement in teacher motivation and success. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of teacher motivation and success on student learning outcomes at SD Negeri 01 Simpang Agung, Simpang Sub-District, South OKU Regency. The research approach is quantitative,...
Proceedings Article

Academic Supervision of Madrasah’s Headmaster in Efforts to Improve Teachers ‘Professionalism in MAN 1 Musi Banyuasin

Mutmainah, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
This study aims to identify and describe the aspects that are supervised by the head of Madrasah in an effort to help improve teacher professionalism, approaches to academic supervision, academic supervision techniques, describe the steps of academic supervision, describe the problems faced in supervision....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Online Learning in SMA N 5 Palembang During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Nani Yuliasti, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
Corona virus diseases 2019 (Covid-19) caused many people to be infected and eventually become victims who died. The government is taking quick steps to break the covid-19 chain by issuing a Learning from Home (BDR) policy. The edmodo application, zoom cloud meeting application, google form, google classroom,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of School Leadership and Management on Teacher Performance in Cluster IV of East Baturaja

Natri Kirana, Happy Fitria, Yessi Fitriani
This research aimed at finding out the effect of school leadership and management on teacher performance in cluster IV of East Baturaja. The hypotheses in this study are: (1) there is an effect of leadership on teacher performance; (2) there is an effect of school management on teacher performance, and...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Academic Supervision and Work Environment on the Performance of Teacher

Nin Asrilia Diantawati, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this research is to evaluate and explain the effect of educational supervision and work environment on the performance of high school teachers in IlirTimur II Palembang. The way used is the quantitative descriptive way used to procedure the characteristics of the information related to the...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Work Motivation and Management of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance at SMA Palembang

Novitalia Ablinda Sari, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
Teacher success is an important factor in increasing the level of education in schools. The aim of this study is to determine whether or not teacher motivation and principal leadership management have an effect on teacher performance at SMA Negeri 5 Palembang. In this thesis, the quantitative descriptive...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Learning Motivation and Emotional Intellegence on Student Achievement at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat OKU Timur

Noviyanti, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The aim of this study is to evaluate the positive effect of learning motivation on student achievement, the positive effect of emotional intelligence on student achievement, and the positive effect of learning motivation and emotional intelligence on student achievement. This study was carried out at...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Headmaster Certification and Supervision on Teacher Performance at Gunung Jati Elementary School in Cempaka District

Nurjanah, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The issue of education in Indonesia that must be prioritized is the quality of education. The quality of education in Indonesia has long been emphasized from various perspectives, particularly in terms of teacher performance. Therefore, government efforts to improve teacher quality are carried out through...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Quantum Teaching Models to Improve the Skill of Reading the Poetry of VIII Grade Students of SMP 1 Mesuji Oki

Hermiati, Dessy Wardiah, Yessi Fitriani
This classroom action research entitled Application of the Quantum Teaching Model to Improve Class VIII Poetry Reading Skills of SMP Negeri 1 Mesuji OKI involved 27 grade VIII students. This research was conducted for two cycles with a span of three weeks per cycle. Based on the results of the analysis...
Proceedings Article

The Correlations Among Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Performance of Speaking at State Junior High Schools of Talang Ubi Sub-District

Novi Amelia, Indawan Syahri
The study’s objectives were to evaluate whether or not there was a significant relationship between anxiety, self-efficacy, and speaking performance. This study’s population consisted of all 3089 students from state Junior High Schools in the Talang Ubi sub-district. This study’s sample size was 90 students...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Principal Leadership and Competence on Junior High School Teacher Performance in Air Kumbang District

Filly Hardian, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this study was to determine whether principal leadership and competence have an effect on junior high school teacher performance in the Air Kumbang district. The descriptive quantitative approach was used in this study. The correlation coefficient between leadership (X1) and performance (Y)...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Usefulness, Attitude, and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Students PGRI University of Palembang

Riska Hasanah, Baginda Simaibang, Artanti Puspita Sari
The aim of this research is to examine the online learning process used by students in the Graduate Program at PGRI University of Palembang. This research aims to assess the perceived usefulness of e-learning, students’ attitudes, and students’ satisfaction with e-learning. In this analysis, mixed approaches...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Leadership Style, Motivation, and Teacher Work Discipline on Teacher Performance at MTs Negeri 2 in Palembang City

Erham Syarif, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The study’s goal is to determine whether madrasah principals’ leadership styles, motivation, and teacher work discipline have an effect on teacher performance in the Mts Negeri 2 Palembang Region. This study’s tool is descriptive quantitative, with a survey methodology, data collection methods to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Madrasah Teacher Leadership Competence and Motivation on Teacher Performance in MIN 2, Palembang City

Tri Yani Guta, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this study is to see if there is an impact of madrasah principal leadership, competence, and motivation on teacher performance at Min 2 Palembang city. The tool used in this study involves descriptive quantitative with a survey approach to assess the population and sample in the study, which...
Proceedings Article

Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through the Use of Cooperative Script

The study aims to improve the students’ Speaking Skill to the eleventh grade of Madrasah Aliyah Tazakka Musi Rawas Utara. This study was formulated null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). The population was all of the eleventh grade students and total number of sample was 24 students....
Proceedings Article

The Impact of School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism on Teacher Success at SMA Negeri in the East Baturaja Sub-District

Meirita Afrianti, Syarwani Ahmad, Yessi Fitriani
The purpose of this work is to evaluate: (1) the impact of leadership on the performance of state high school teachers in East Baturaja District; (2) the impact of teacher professionalism on the performance of SMA Negeri teachers in East Baturaja District; and (3) the impact of school principal leadership...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of the Leadership of Schools and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance SMP Negeri Sungai Pinang Districts Ogan Ilir Regency

Jausar, Syarwani Ahmad, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this analysis is to define and describe the effect of principal leadership effectiveness and work motivation on teacher performance, as well as to assess and partially describe the effect of principal leadership effectiveness and work motivation on teacher performance. This study was carried...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers at Cempaka Sub-District of OKU Timur District

Afrina Maya Lestari, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The hypothesis in this study were there is an effect of work motivation on the performance of elementary school teachers at Cempaka sub-district of OKU Timur district, there is an effect of compensation on the performance of elementary school teachers at Cempaka sub-district of OKU Timur district, and...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Organizational Culture in Improving Employees Performance in Education and Culture Office Banyuasin District

Agus Suherwan, Happy Fitria, Alfroki Martha
The aim of this research is to define the type and implementation of organizational culture in the Education and Culture Office of Banyuasin Regency in order to improve employee efficiency. The qualitative analysis techniques were used in this report. Data was obtained directly through participant observation,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Teacher Work Motivation on Islamic Junior High School 2 Oku Timur

Aida Fitri, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The work motivation of the teachers at Islamic Junior High School 2 OKU Timur is still lacking, this can be seen from the level of work results that are still late or experience errors. There is an influence between job satisfaction on the work motivation of teachers at Islamic Junior High School 2 OKU...
Proceedings Article

School Leadership and Teacher Professionalism in Character Learning

Muhammad Alex, Nur Ahyani, Dessy Wardiah
The leadership of the Principal and Teacher Professionals plays an important role in character learning in schools. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the roles of school principals and teachers in managing character learning at SD Negeri Tanjung Mas. Qualitative descriptive is the...
Proceedings Article

The Art Performance in Management at the 16th Anniversary Event Organized by SMA Plus Negeri 2 Banyuasin III

Alfiandika, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The result of this research was a study of art performance management is very important for art activists to know. An art performance is a performance that carried out with various forms of performing arts, music, dance, theater which becomes a complete performance. The author raises the management of...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Motivation, Discipline and Professionalism on Teacher Performance in Junior High School in Air Kumbang District

Mgs. Muhammad Ali, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this study was to learn about and describe the impact of motivation, discipline, and professionalism on teacher performance at junior high schools in Air Kumbang District, Banyuasin Regency. This study’s population consisted of all junior high school teachers from 7 (seven) junior high schools...
Proceedings Article

The Leadership of the Principal in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and Its Applications at Paramount School

Ali Maksum, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The aim of this research is to determine how the principal’s leadership was in the Era Of Industrialization 4.0 and how it is implemented at Paramount School. When changes arise in all areas of education, we must take the initiative to figure out how to respond to the changes. This research technique...
Proceedings Article

The Work Ethic of Teachers and Employees in SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat

Andi Wijaya, Bukman Lian, Alhadi Yan Putra
The aims of this research are to see how teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai Barat works. The method used in this study is qualitative research methods. The data technique used are observation and interview techniques. The informants in this study are the Principal and Teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Semendawai...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of School Principals’ Managerial Competence and Job Motivation on Teacher Efficiency

Andri Wahyono, Happy Fitria, Achmad Wahidy
The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of principal managerial competence and job motivation on teacher performance at SMA Negeri 5 Palembang. This thesis is an observational research that employs a quantitative approach and includes 72 study participants. This study used an ex...
Proceedings Article

PAI Learning Management in Improving Student Learning Outcomes

Apriani, Happy Fitria, Yenny Puspita
This study aims at implementing and managing Islamic Education learning management in improving student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 1 Buay Sandang Aji, South OKU Regency. The research design used a qualitative research design. The data collection tools used were interviews, observation, and documentation....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Information Technology Mastery and Job Motivation on the Productivity of Elementary School Teachers in the Semidang Aji District

Armawati, Syarwani Ahmad, Destiniar
The aim of this study is to identify and describe: 1) the effect of mastery of information technology on teacher performance; 2) the effect of mastery of job motivation on teacher quality; and 3) the effect of mastery of information technology and job motivation on the performance of Elementary School...
Proceedings Article

Managerial Competences of Headmaster in Improving the Quality of Library

Tapsila, Edi Harapan, Rohana
This study aims to identify and describe the Principal’s Managerial Competence in Improving Library Quality. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Sekayu. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection tools use documentation, interviews, observation. The data analysis...
Proceedings Article

Management Strategy Islamic Religious Education Teacher in the Development of Student Morality

Abdul Rauf
This research is motivated by a phenomenon of student delinquency that has lately become increasingly worrying, such as: inter-student brawls, free association among adolescents, drug abuse and so on, from which teachers, especially Islamic religious education teachers have a duty and role to improve...
Proceedings Article

Moral Values and Intrinsic Elements Found in the Movie Entitled “Freedom Writers” by Richard LaGravenese

Mella Karmila, Rusman Roni, Artanti Puspita Sari
This research aimed at describing and analyzing moral values and intrinsic element found in the film “Freedom Authors” by Richard LaGravenese. This research used content analysis method. The details came from Richard LaGravenese’s film “Freedom Writers”. Method of collecting the data is through watching...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Among Learning Styles, Learning Strategies and Speech Act of Request Realization of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Kasui Way Kanan

Khairil Akhyar, Rusman Roni, Mulyadi
The identification of learning styles and the implementation of successful learning strategies have a significant impact on English teaching and learning as a native language. The objective of the study is to find out the correlation among language learning styles, learning strategies and the speech...
Proceedings Article

Perceived Usefulness, Attitude and E-Learning Satisfaction of Graduate Lecturers PGRI University of Palembang

Erni Sutrasari, Baginda Simaibang, Artanti Puspita Sari
The study’s aim is to examine the online learning mechanism used by lecturers in the PGRI Palembang University Graduate Program. This study specifically seeks to ascertain the perceived utility, attitudes, and satisfaction of lecturers in using online learning systems. This study used a mixed approach,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance in Principals

Fitriana, Happy Fitria, Syaiful Eddy
The aim of this study is to establish whether or not 1) the principal’s transformational leadership has an impact on teacher efficiency. 2) the impact of job motivation on teacher efficiency 3) The cumulative influence of the principal’s transformational leadership and job motivation on teacher performance....
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Interactive Maps for Student Learning Outcomes

Eni Heldayani, Maharani Oktavia, Siti Asiyah
Effective learning media can certainly have an impact on the success of learning outcomes. The aim of this paper to find out the implementation of interactive maps for student learning outcomes. The research design is an experiment method with a non-probability sampling type purposive sampling technique....