Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018)
303 articles
Proceedings Article
Influence Indicators of the Inequality of Human Development to the Human Development Index (HDI) of the World Countries
O. Alekseeva, E. Zelinskaya, A. Ryabtsev, E. Strashko, O. Shunevych
In the article the problems with which human development faces on the way to generality are considered. The analysis of indicators of IHD of 2016 is carried out and also the comparative analysis of IHD, taking into account updating of the index of inequality of IHRI is carried out. The need of inclusion...
Proceedings Article
Bachelors’ Training in the Field of Building Engineering Systems in Conditions of Extremely Low Temperatures
L. Baisheva, G. Parnikova
Experience of bachelors’ training in heat, gas supply and ventilation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is considered in the article. Operation of engineering systems in the region is characterized by severe climate conditions: permafrost, difference in temperature from - 71°C (winter period) to 38...
Proceedings Article
On the Issue of the Specifics of the Creation and Development of Start-Ups in Women Entrepreneur-Ship
A. V. Sukhoparova
The article summarizes the experience of training sessions for women- entrepreneurs, who are mothers of underage children, as well as the results of research into the main aspects of creating private companies by female entrepreneurs in general. As a result of the survey of 90 participants of the trainings,...
Proceedings Article
Basic Economic Trends in Terms of Socio-Technogenic Development of the World
E.S. Demidenko, E.A. Dergacheva
The study of problems of socio-technogenic development of the world, which is actively studied by a group of scientists in Bryansk State Technical University under the guidance of the authors, has allowed to make a new analysis of the nature and economics and content of many modern transitional processes...
Proceedings Article
The Factor that Make Competitive Advantages. (The methods which define the effectiveness of productive activity)
T. V. Zaharova, O. S. Sandrykina, O. Y. Ivanova
Efficiency of the chosen strategy of development of managing subjects depends on many factors. Competitiveness is the most important factor.Forming of competitive edges and competitiveness of company takes place due to introduction of innovations, mastering of new perspective market niches, that provides...
Proceedings Article
Perfection of The Mechanism of Management of Information and Consulting Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex on the Basis of the Experience of the Countries of the European Union
V. Ashkhotov, M. Marzhokhova, L. Khalishkhova
Intensification of the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is currently becoming particularly relevant, given the considerable gap in developed countries in terms of labor productivity in the industry and the competitiveness of products. Technical and technological backwardness of the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Regional Information and Consulting Systems for the Agro-Industrial Complex
A. Apazhev, M. Marzhokhova, L. Khalishkhova
Successful implementation of economic reforms necessitates the generalization and systematization of scientific knowledge and information in the course of the formation and development of information communication mechanisms. Projects related to information and consulting support acquire the status of...
Proceedings Article
Information and Consulting Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex as a Tool for the Transfer of Innovations
A. Ezaov, M. Marzhokhova, L. Khalishkhova
Nowadays, agrarian science has a significant potential for developing innovative activities. Completed scientific and technological investigatiens on the basis of agrotechnoparks are tested, and receive the opportunity for further implementation in the form of innovative products. At the same time, the...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Innovation Activity – Implementation Method of the Digital Economy
A. V. Vavilina, T. N. Yakubova, I. B. Kalashnikov
The article reveals innovative activity as a way to shape the most important digital economy in Russia, as an incentive to ensure the shift towards the sixth technological mode, and to advance the improvement of human capital development process. Innovative activity is interpreted as purposeful, dynamically...
Proceedings Article
Successful Communication via Compromise and its Linguistic Manifestation in English
Y. Maximova
The focus of the article is successful communication achieved by means of compromise as a communicative strategy, and its linguistic manifestation. It is important to overcome misunderstanding and conflicts in communication which has become more of a dialogue within and between cultures. Mutual understanding...
Proceedings Article
Regularities of Digital Gadgets Market in Primorsky Region
V. V. Ivin, A.B. Kriger
The Government program of the digital economics requires that all participants of the economic interrelations, including citizens, be able to use electronic devices, which realize not only communications but also some special transactions including “electronic government” services. These devices are...
Proceedings Article
Development and Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Automated Method for Control of Goods Expiry Date in Trading Network
K. Zemliak, D. B. Solovev
Article introduces a problem of expired products in trade and losses from it. Ways of control of the expiry date of goods, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed by author; noted that the methods offered at the present do not allow to solve the existing problem. In view of this, the requirements...
Proceedings Article
Legalization of Shadow Economic Activity in Russia
T. Krasota, R. Bazhenov, O. Polivaeva
The publication examines the current issues of a legal policy in relation to the shadow economy. The authors also estimate certain factors and conditions of shadow economy’s determination. The scholars propose legal measures, institutional and economic arrangements to insure the rule of law addressed...
Proceedings Article
Structural and Pricing Disproportions in the Housing Investment Market: Factor Analysis and Impact Evaluation
T. Y. Ovsiannikova, O. V. Rabtsevich, I. V. Yugova
The article presents the results of studying the housing investment market as a location-, structurally, and dynamics-specific market that occupies a special place in the market economy. The research is aimed at identifying the market disproportions in the housing investment market as a manifestation...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Efficiency Stimulation of Reproductive Labour in Russian Federation
M. G. Abilova
Nowadays there is a demographic crisis in Russia, its result is longstanding decline in population and it has negative consequences for the country. The negative consequences are the following: the number of working age people is decreasing, their structure is declining, the quality of human resources...
Proceedings Article
The Human Resource Quality in Correlation with Social And Economic Situation
L. V. Bryantseva, N. V. Shishkina, T. V. Sabetova
Some pairs of indicators which in the author’s opinion may describe the effect of the regional social and economic system upon the human resource quality, and vice versa, were suggested in this article. The presumptions concerning the features of the correlation within each pair were made. Based on the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Human Resource Quality Under the Terms of Innovative Economy
T. V. Sabetova
The problem of creating an innovative economy in Russia is urgent but it can not be solved without complex and unbiased quantifiable assessment of human potential adaptation to innovations and the efficiency of its use. The author suggests a number of indicators that may be applied for analysis of the...
Proceedings Article
Minimum Income and the ‘Working Poor’ Phenomenon
T. V. Sabetova, N. M. Shevtsova, T. A. Zhurkina
The article discusses the “working poor” phenomenon and issues relating to sociology and labour economics. Firstly, it provides an overview of the poverty assessment. The authors suggest that the methodology used for estimating the poverty level needs to be improved to develop an integrated approach...
Proceedings Article
Scenarios Social and Economic Development of Districts
A. V. Agibalov, L. A. Zaporozhtseva, J. V. Tkacheva
The authors revealed key problems and competitive advantages of the specific municipality, based of which the mission, priorities and scenarios (inertial, basic and target) of socio-economic development of municipality until 2035 were defined. Ways of achievement of objectives are allocated and also...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Ensuring Economic Security of Commercial Organizations
L. A. Zaporozhtseva, T. V. Sabetova, N. M. Shevtsova
The article presents a new approach to the formation of a strategy for the functioning of a commercial organization, based on ensuring its economic security. At the same time it is proposed to view the economic security in the context of three key determinants: the management component, finance, and...
Proceedings Article
Crisis as a Factor of Economic Potential Reproduction of the Company
L. A. Zaporozhtseva, J. V. Tkacheva, J. V. Marysheva
The article examines opportunities of formation and using of specific development potential of the companies in crisis conditions, which is relevant to the modern economy. The authors allocate the following economic development opportunities in crisis conditions: increase the number of clients, adjustment...
Proceedings Article
SWOT-Analysis as a Method for Assessing the Development of Agrarian Area Districts
A. A. Orekhov, D. S. Kleimenov, E. D. Kuznetsova
The way of implementation of SWOT analysis of social and economic development on the example of municipality is shown. Application of questioning for confirmation of authenticity of statistical data and assessment of opinion of various respondents within allocation strong and weaknesses and also opportunities...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Management System of the Competitiveness of the Region's Economy
V.N. Chaynikov, V.L. Semenov, A.N. Zakharova
The conceptual model of management of competitiveness of economy of the region presented in the form of hierarchical three-level structure on the one hand it allows to consider it within a uniform closed circle, and on the another one it lets consider in detail at the level of the region, an industrial...
Proceedings Article
The Features of Strategic Analysis Under the Terms of the Turbulent External Environment
A. G. Volkova, I. Y. Fedulova, T. A. Zhurkina
This article reveals the limitations and opportunities for development of sub-regional units with agro-industrial specialization under the conditions of unstable Russian economy. The authors demonstrate the features of the strategic analysis of the development of sub-regional units with agro-industrial...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Information and Automation in Enhancing the Efficiency of the Functioning of Eco-industrial Parks in Russia
D. A. Yaroslavtsev, V. S. Chekalin, M. A. Liubarskaia
In modern conditions, there is a need for the formation of an innovative infrastructure for a modern large cities focused on the integration of industries, science and education with the aim of solving existing problems. An important element of this infrastructure is eco-industrial parks. Eco-industrial...
Proceedings Article
Mechanism of Financing the Project Activities of the Creative Industries in the Russian Federation
N. A. Malshina, А. A. Firsova
The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial resources in the required quantities, at the right time, using the most effective sources of financing. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to create a model for financing the project activity...
Proceedings Article
Technology for Forecasting the Region Economy and Budget Revenues Development on the Basis of Interindustry Balance
Yu.K. Mashunin, I.A. Mashunin
The objective of the work is to develop the technology for forecasting the region economy and budget revenues development on the basis of interindustry balance. The forecasting was done taking into account the dynamics of the interindustry balance, investments, resource expenses and capacities restrictions....
Proceedings Article
Feasibility Analysis of Overhaul and Modernization of Equipment
N.A. Shcherbakova
Overhaul and modernization of equipment directly affect its market value and require significant investments which feasibility needs to be checked. This article analyzes the factors that influence the expediency of equipment overhaul or modernization. The economic effect of repair or modernization is...
Proceedings Article
Problems of Ensuring Economic Stability of Small Business in Russia and Bulgaria
L.Y. Shemyatikhina, M.N. Usheva, K.S. Shipitsyna, V.A. Leongardt
Development of the new economy which is based on the advancing growth of knowledge and the representing opportunity for development of the small business possessing innovative characteristics became one of the priority directions of state policy of the Russian Federation. From management of the organizations...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Public Associations of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Russia and Germany
T. Korneeva, O. Potasheva, T. Tatarovskaya
In terms of a high value at external and internal environment risk of Russian small and medium-sized enterprises and the expediency of their organized interaction in the form of public associations, the authors analyzed the progressive activities of similar associations in Germany. In order to identify...
Proceedings Article
Internet as a Channel of Distance Education in the Context of Secondary Socialization
R. Zakharkin, Y. Tyurina, E. Oleynikova
The authors consider secondary socialization as a process of gradual change of ideas about the surrounding reality in the individual’s mind under the influence of some social institutions. As the state of the modern world could be characterized with the terms of information age or information society...
Proceedings Article
Research of Vladivostok’s City Image Characteristics in the Context of its Brand Positioning
N. A. Konopleva, T. V. Metlyaeva, L. Y. Falko, L. A. Melnikova
In the context of market economy, territories are challenged to understand their individual characteristics so as to create competitive strengths as a positive image and powerful brand. The research touches upon the problem of the image improvement of Vladivostok, the capital of Primorsky Krai, Russia....
Proceedings Article
Problems of Motivation at Studying Foreign Languages in the Master’s Program of Non-Linguistic Training
E. Zlobina
Nowadays in some countries there are still problems with motivation to study foreign languages even among masters’ students of non-linguistic training. The aim of the present article is to state problems of motivation at studying foreign languages by master’s students of non-linguistic training and to...
Proceedings Article
Turbulence and Entropy in Social and Economic Systems
V. Arbachauskas, A. Campa, Y. Tarynin
The current socio-economic crisis actualizes the problem of searching for and applying theories that can explain a way to develop new models describing a changing of socio-economic reality. Is possible to see that in economic systems that are in a state of turbulence, production and expansion of entropy...
Proceedings Article
An Industrial Region in Russia: Factors of Growth and Development
V. Barkhatov, D. Bents
The Russian economy is based, first of all, on industrial production. In the majority of regions the share of an industrial product in a gross regional product significantly exceeds 75-80%. Steady growth of regions often depends on the industrial sector. The Ural region is not an exception. Historically...
Proceedings Article
The Real Wage as Indicator of Wealthy: Comparative Analysis Between Russia and Other Countries
V. Barhatov, K. Ospanova, A. Campa, D. Bents
The article is part of an experiment concerning the study of the level of wealth in the Russian Federation using the real wage system. The premise is that traditional economic indicators such as nominal GDP are not able to explain the level of real economy and its trend; other indices such as human capital...
Proceedings Article
Sharing Economy in Russia: a Problem of Trust
V. Barkhatov, E. Silova, E. Lymar
The new concept of sharing economy gains the increasing popularity in the economic environment. The relevance is caused, first of all, by change of an economic paradigm in general and also inevitable transformations of social processes. Within traditional economy the purpose of the economic transaction...
Proceedings Article
New Institutions of the Digital Economy: Goals and Objectives
O. Dyachenko, E. Istomina
Digitalization of the economy in the world and particularly in Russia leads to the complexity of social structures and relations that cause exponential growth of data flows, brings to the forefront the question of the formation of the digital economy and its institutions. The creation of new institutions...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurial Organization: Problems of Management Crisis Diagnostics
O. O. Drobotova
The article studies the approaches to the study of organizational crises. On the basis of the system approach in the paper it is proved that all crises in an organization are reduced to one type of crisis, i.e. to the managerial one. Thus in its essence any management of an organization is a crisis management....
Proceedings Article
Innovation Development of Oil and Gas Industries: Technology and Management Aspects
O. N. Kiseleva, A. V. Kulbyakina
Advancement of innovative trends in the development of the Russian economy under current geopolitical and economic conditions is the only way for the Russian enterprises to preserve and hold favorable positions on the home and international markets. In order to improve the current situation and pass...
Proceedings Article
Modeling of the Balanced Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprises as Bases of Ensuring Economic Security of Russia
O. N. Kiseleva, E. A. Oskina, I. A. Sushkova
Justification of need of implementation of innovative development on the principles of balance expressed through compliance of changes in the production, technological, organizational and administrative spheres is presented in the article. According to authors, implementation of the specified requirement...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of "Digital Economy": Development in the Regions
L.V. Mayorova
The article highlights the implementation of the concept of "digital economy" in the socio-economic relations of Russian society. Following the goal of creating a new technological basis for economic development and improving the quality of life of the population, the program under consideration has...
Proceedings Article
Deviations in the Verbal Behavior of the Students: Sources and Mechanisms of Counteraction (Materials based on research)
O. A. Mogutova, M. V. Zamaraeva
This article analyzes the sources of such deviations as foul language in the verbal behavior of the students. The study of social behavior of a person and, in particular, speech, i.e., verbal, the identification of mechanisms to counteract deviations in this behavior which determine the dynamics of transformations...
Proceedings Article
Accreditation of Governing Boards of Educational Organizations: Goal, Objectives, Implementation Mechanism
E. A. Mitrofanova, V. V. Tarasenko, Y. V. Tarasenko
The paper presents the results of a continuing study of the functioning and development of educational institutions’ governing boards. The authors hereof substantiate a hypothesis that developing and implementing a voluntary, fair, and open mechanism for verifying the governing board’s conformity to...
Proceedings Article
Comprehensive Approach to Research of the Consumer Market in Montygorods of the Russian Federation
P. V. Limarev, J. A. Limareva, E. G. Zinovyeva
The economic crisis that Russia is experiencing makes us take a new approach to the resources available within the country. The internal market's development of the regions of the Russian Federation is one of the priority directions for today, especially in the sectors on which the health of young generations...
Proceedings Article
Problems and Opportunities for Russian Business in the Transition to the Digital Economy
Y. V. Vorokhobina, O. K. Kaznacheeva, E. E. Tikhonov
The article is devoted to the analysis of perspectives and problems for Russian business in the transition to the digital economy. The paper analyzes the positive trends in the use of digital (electronic) economy tools in business, as well as a critical analysis of the main problems that will face when...
Proceedings Article
Income Regulation as an Instrument for the Development of Human Capital
I. A. Kurbatova, N. P. Permyakova
The article is devoted to the limitations for the development of human capital associated with income inequality. Income differentiation in the modern Russian economy is analyzed. In particular, the emphasis is placed on the problem of wage disproportions as the main income. The unreasonable inertness...
Proceedings Article
Peculiarities of Efficiency Assessment Methods Application for International Investment Projects
V. M. Vlasova, E. I. Krylov, I. A. Ustjuzhanina
The article considers financial and economic factors affecting efficiency for international investment projects. The correlation between the factors affecting foreign economic activity and economic efficiency of international investment projects is established. The methodology of assessment of international...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Prospects for the Development of the Coastal Regions of the Far East
N. Y. Sorokina, R. V. Gubarev
The basic tendencies of the Far Eastern coastal regions’ social-economic dynamics are determined using an index method, and strategic priorities for their sustainable development are justified. It is shown that the coastal regions are characteristic of port activities in the sectoral structure of the...
Proceedings Article
Segregation as a Mechanism of Gender Stereotypes in the Labour Market of the Ural Region
N. V. Sharapova, V. M. Sharapova, I. A. Borisov
The article deals with the problem of segregation as a mechanism of manifestation of gender stereotypes. On the Ural labor market region data the factors and indicators of gender segregation are investigated, signs of the influence of gender stereotypes on the behavior of labor market participants are...
Proceedings Article
Methodical Problems of Classification of Regions on the Level of Social and Economic Development
P. G. Gorbunova, E. F. Perfilova, A. A. Babaeva
This article considers the set of methods of forecasting the socio-economic development of the region. The article also outlines two approaches of forecasting: research and targeted, and also discerns the link between these approaches in the models building of the regional development. The problems affecting...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Education and Science Through the Organization of Basic Departments and Scientific and Educational Centers
S. Yarusova, N. Ivanenko, V. Makarova
The results of the scientific activity of the Interdepartmental Research and Education Center “Perspective Technologies and Materials” and the basic Department of ecology and ecological problems of chemical technology of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service in 2015-2017 have been analyzed....
Proceedings Article
Opportunism as a Characteristic of the Stakeholders’ Coordination in the Russian Higher Educational System
N. Vlasova, E. Molokova
The relevance of the research is determined by the demand of finding a framework for coordination of different stakeholders groups; to harmonize multidirectional interests and eliminate the conditions for the reproduction of the opportunistic behavior model. The interests of the educational system participants...
Proceedings Article
Forecasting the Development of the Subsidized Region
P. G. Gorbunova, E. F. Perfilova, G. N. Denisov
The results of research on forecasting problems of the main indicators of socio-economic regional development are proposed in this article. Keen interest in these issues in modern conditions is determined first of all by the increased need for forecast solutions. The factual information for reliable...
Proceedings Article
The Tools for Choosing the Optimal Business Legal Structure of a PPP Project in Industry
I. A. Babkin
The article presents peculiarities of projects implementation and opportunities of the Public Private Partnership in industry. The tools for choosing the optimal business legal structure of the PPP project implementation is offered.
Proceedings Article
Formation of New Segments of the Market Through Quality Function Deployment of Innovative Production
A. V. Zhebo, A. V. Akeshkov, D. B. Solovev
Last time consumers even more often choose the products balanced on structure or exempted from components which can cause food allergies. But products also need to taste good, and consumers want to know they are eating good food. Transparent, recognizable ingredients are important too. In this regard...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Audit Theory Based on Identification of Its Institutional Paradigm
G. Chekavinskaya
The article deals with the development of the theory of audit based on the proof of the hypothesis that the institutional paradigm of audit exists. The process of changing the paradigm of audit science is substantiated. Institutional theory of audit based on the works of foreign authors from the United...
Proceedings Article
Justification of the Institutional Approach to Audit
G. Chekavinskaya
The article deals with the analysis of the possibility and necessity of using new approaches in accounting and auditing in Russia, one of which is the institutional approach, which should be used as a form and method of audit research. Within the framework of the development of the theory of the research...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of Labour and Labour Values: a System of Social-Labour Relations and its System Features
U. A. Nazarova, A. S. Galimova, A. E. Galina
The relevance of the problem under study is due to high importance of social and labor sphere for society and economics. In conditions of transformation of basic public life concepts, emergence of new paradigms and values, increasing instability of social environment there is a need for a more profound...
Proceedings Article
Russia's Investment Cooperation with ASEAN Countries
L.V. Shkvarya, M.V. Melanina, Kh.V. Tyrkba
This article examines the current state, directions, problems and opportunities of Russia – The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) investment cooperation. Due to the significance for Russia and ASEAN countries to diversify foreign economic relations in terms of continuing global instability,...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Efficiency Attracting Resources in Commercial Bank’s Deposit Operations
T. A. Alаbinа, I. G. Grentikova, J. D. Furman
The article presents the results of development of complex methodic of estimation of efficiency of attraction of resources in the deposit operations of commercial banks. The theoretical basis of deposit operations is presented. The methodological aspects of assessing the effectiveness of deposit operations...
Proceedings Article
On the Issue of Directions for Improving Investment Life Insurance in the Russian Federation
E. Semenova, L. Borodavko, S. Golovan, O. Rusakova
The article is devoted to the study of aspects of investment life insurance in the Russian Federation. In the article the assumptions were formulated and received confirmation that at present the growth of investment life insurance is largely due to the active work of banks, rather than the voluntary...
Proceedings Article
Implicit Representations About the Reputation Capital in the Company
S. Gurieva, M. Svystun
This research work covers issues related to social representations of trust, image, reputation, and direction and the main principals of foundation the reputation. The study involved 479 people from the consultants, leaders and employees (staff) of the Company, of which 14.2% were men and 85.8%, were...
Proceedings Article
Childhood in Russian Regions: Simulation of Socio-Economic Processes
А. G. Filipova, A. V. Vysockaya
The aim of our study is to build models of socio-economic processes in the Russian regions, which are the background for the achievement of three indicators of the quality of childhood – health, education and spiritual and moral development. The parameters characterizing social and economic processes...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Forms and Methods of Labour Potential Formation in Komsomolsk’s Accelerated Economic Development Zone
G. I. Usanov, I. G. Usanov
Economic and social challenges of the Russian Far East and its industrial centre, Komsomolsk-na-Amur, in particular, make it necessary to rethink traditional approaches to the regional human capital formation. The implementation of modern approaches based on the creation of accelerated economic zone...
Proceedings Article
Investment Prospects of the Region
O.S. Buslaeva, V.S. Serova, E.V. Bunova, D. B. Solovev
This article is devoted to mathematical modeling of the investment attractiveness of the region. To build the model of the investment attractiveness, it was proposed to use the method of the eigenstates. A distinctive feature of this method is, above all, the possibility of using a large number of factors...
Proceedings Article
Raising the Retirement Age and Pension Insurance Economics
Y. A. Istomina
The budget deficit of the Рension fund of Russian Federation is so large that it became obvious that the raising of the retirement age in Russia is inevitable. This is insisted on by both economists and government officials. The traditional approach is based on the fact that the raising the retirement...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Updating of the Russian Standards Concerning Requirements Harmonization
O. A. Chudnova, A. D. Potsulin, A. S. Shilov
While Russia is putting so many efforts to integrate into the global market, domestic enterprises wishing to expand their markets and to do business with international partners, face the problem of standards harmonization more and more often. Uncompetitive products are not able to withstand competition...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Reliability of a Business Partner in an Updated Reality
I.N. Makhmudova, O.V. Novoselova
This article presents the mechanism and methodology for assessing staff, revealing the true "face" of the applicant for a vacancy. With the help of quantitative measurements and the theory of drives, L. Sondi will be introduced to a method that makes it possible to understand what truth lurks behind...
Proceedings Article
Vocational Practices in Engineering Education in the Russian Far East
N. Khisamutdinova
The research describes the historical experience in organization of students’ vocational practices which are considered an important part of higher engineering education in the Russian Far East. Since 1918, when the Far Eastern engineering higher school sprang up, the discussion about how future engineers...
Proceedings Article
Indicators of Food Security in the System of Socio-Economic Diagnostics of the Region
M. E. Buyanova, E. N. Antamoshkina, T. V. Shlevkova
The article assesses the food security of the Volgograd region in 2016. For this, the author's methodology for calculating food security at the regional level is used based on the integral index - the food security index of the region. The following parameters are analyzed: the level of food independence...
Proceedings Article
Russia's Oil and Gas Complex: Uncertainty in Development and a Changing Role in the Country's Economy
L. V. Larchenko
This paper aims at analyzing the state of the art in Russia's oil and gas industry, which is now in an uncertain situation due to the unpredictability of oil prices, the sanctions, the geopolitical instability, as well as the industry's changing role in the country's economy and in forming the federal...
Proceedings Article
Estimation of the Contribution of Intensive Factors of Economic Growth of the USA
A difficult problem of estimation of the effectiveness of alternative options exists when choosing the direction of development of the national economy. To solve this problem, the author worked out a new tool in the form of a modified production function (PF) with variable parameters, based on the hypothesis...
Proceedings Article
Roles and Responsibilities Matrix in the University’s System of Quality Management
S.P. Eremenko, M.S. Kryukova, E.S. Kalinina
Effective quality management implies the distribution of responsibilities and the delegation of powers as a part of an institution’s administration. This problem can be solved with the help of the roles and responsibilities matrix which provides a clear definition of the staff’s functions. It also shows...
Proceedings Article
Modern Approaches to Tolerance Formation as General Culture Competence of Students of Engineering Specialist Field
N.N. Egovtseva, A. Zh. Bashnina
In the article the actuality of tolerance formation as general culture competence of students of engineering specialist field is justified from the point of view of scientific approaches. The significance of tolerance formation is stressed for students and future managers, whose destination is to regulate...
Proceedings Article
The System of Non-Tariff Regulation in Russia: Specificity, Problems and Prospects of Development
S. V. Zemlyanskaya, M. V. Novikov
The simplification of the system of foreign trade relations and the provision of preferences to specific states allows increasing the volumes of foreign trade turnover and transforming most efficiently the structure of exports and imports of the country taking into account its international specialization...
Proceedings Article
Interpersonal Trust as a Factor in the Formation of Social Capital
V. V. Melsitov, N. L. Sergienko, L. B. Temnikova
The article analyzes the issue of interpersonal trust, its formation and influence on social capital. Two basic theoretical approaches to trust, forms and types of trust are considered. Particular attention is paid to interpersonal trust, which is considered as one of the main components of social capital....
Proceedings Article
Encouragement of Innovative Activity of Economic Agents as a Basis for Regional Competitiveness Growth: Institutional Aspect
I. S. Averina, M. E. Buyanova, A. E. Kalinina
The article studies the influence of institutional factors on the innovative activity in the region as a basis of its competitiveness (using as the example the Volgograd region). In the result of the analysis of the competitiveness of the mentioned subject of the Russian Federation and after the study...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring the Functioning of Local Agricultural-Land Markets: Research Methods and Results
L. O. Oganesyan, Y. N. Fedyunina
This paper presents the results of monitoring the functioning of local agricultural-land markets; it identifies the reasons why the ownership rights market becomes monopolized, and why a monopolistic competition develops in the management rights market. It also substantiates the determinants that restrict...
Proceedings Article
Developing a AI Algorithm for Trading the SiH8 Futures Contract at MoEx on the Basis of Big Data Quantization
N. I. Lomakin, S. P. Sazonov, Y. G. Onoprienko
Solving the problem of sustainable regional development by using a neural-network stock trading algorithm is of importance. Analysis has shown many businesses successfully use the stock market mechanisms not only to invest their temporarily disposable assets in securities portfolio, but also for speculation....
Proceedings Article
Application of Neural Networks to Studying the Impact of the Russian Central Bank’s Monetary Policy
N. I. Lomakin, O.A. Golodova, O. M. Burdyugova
The paper presents analysis of the Russian Federation’s monetary policy. The Central Bank’s key rate is an important parameter. It is hypothesized that the key rate (KR) could be predicted by means of artificial intelligence, a perceptron, the input of which is generated by neural-network quantization....
Proceedings Article
Road Map for Designing the Means of Self-Training for Students
O.Ye. Maslennikova, O.B. Nazarova, I.R. Pulekha
The article presents a technological map of pedagogical design of self-study tools for students. The essence of this process is revealed through the following key characteristics: implementation in a professionally significant educational process based on a pedagogical invention; the need to resolve...
Proceedings Article
Conceptual Problem-Oriented Model of Organization and Management of Machine-Building Enterprises' Production Activity
E. A. Matveeva, S. G. Simagina
In this article, the necessity to build a problem-oriented model of the organization and management of industrial activity of a small-scale machine-building enterprise is examined. It is shown that management of enterprises' production activities is a decision support system that governs planning, organization...
Proceedings Article
A Research of the Styles of Purchasing Behaviour in the Process of Choosing Loan Products
O. V. Golub, T. S. Timofeeva, O. F. Serova
Russian banks are detecting the increased interest of their clients in loan products. In this, the attention of customers is focused on instalment cards. Nevertheless, for most people are not still used to that product. In this regard, there is a challenge before banks to influence the consumer behaviour...
Proceedings Article
Theoretical Bases of the Russian Federation Constituent Entity Reserve Fund Volume Estimation
M. Sh. Irizepova
Reserve funds of the Russian Federation constituent entities can be created in order to ensure financial stability of the regional financial system, starting from 2009. However, practice has shown that these reserves were not created and are not created in any of the constituent entity of Russia. This...
Proceedings Article
Revising Monopolization of the Russian Banking System
I. K. Bitkina, T. A. Korenkova
The paper presents the outcomes of research that reveals the monopolization level of the Russian Banking Sector. The objective of the conducted research is to evaluate the current level of monopolization of the Russian Banking Sector in terms of developed methodological approach and revealing its effect...
Proceedings Article
The Practice of Designing an Adaptation Policy for Employees of a Multinational Company
I. B. Adova, S. E. Artyushina
Based on the theoretical interpretation of the essence of the processes of adaptation of human resources in modern company which operating in global markets and the conceptual framework of the theory of knowledge managemen the management talent as a paradigm of human resource management and strategic...
Proceedings Article
Complex Technique for Evaluation of Planning System Quality of Organizations
A. A. Kushner, M. V. Shendo, V. G. Shendo
Planning is important function of management, assuming anticipatory foresight and consideration of factors, which influence on organization, and proposing elaboration of definite program for mission’s implementation of organization. In this article the subject of evaluation of organization planning system...
Proceedings Article
Influence of the System of Additional Education on Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Region
T. V. Kotova, O. V. Molchanova, N. V. Gorislavskaya
Additional educational courses for children looked upon as “a navigator” in the field of general educational system have been recently considered to be a factor of influence on the sustainable socio-economic development of the region. These ones provide following the modern trends in science and technology,...
Proceedings Article
Management of the Quality of Services in the Field of Domestic and Incoming Tourism in the Arctic
A. A. Mutalieva, E. E. Nadjarnykh, O. Y. Ilina
The article is devoted to the issues of management of the quality of services in the field of domestic and incoming tourism in the Arctic. The comprehensive use of the potential of the Arctic implies not only the extraction of mineral and raw materials resources, but also the tourist development of this...
Proceedings Article
On the Relationship of the Concepts “Professionally Important Qualities and Professional Competence”
M. V. Zamaraeva, O. A. Mogutova, N. V. Bolshakova
The article is devoted to questions of professionally important qualities and professional competence. Much attention is given to traditional and innovative approach these conceptions. It is spoken in detail about professional potential.
Proceedings Article
Institute of Money: the Problem of Evaluating the Level of Trust in Monetary Unit
I.R. Koshchegulova, A.I. Khusainova
The relevance of investigated problem is caused by underestimation of factor of trust in money in modern economic researches and insufficient studying of problem of evaluating the level of trust in monetary unit as the carrier of the institute of money. The article presents a mechanism for assessing...
Proceedings Article
The Peculiarities of Training Bachelors of Engineering in the Classical University
A. Popova, E. Chyornaya
Polytechnic education is becoming very significant for the Russian educational system nowadays. It provides training of the engineers capable of using knowledge from various areas, both technical and humanitarian. In this regard, classical universities actively enroll students in engineering specialties....
Proceedings Article
Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory
E.D. Schetinina, M.S. Starikova, E.A. Schetinina, D. B. Solovev
The article deals with issues related to the analysis and assessment of factors and the level of regional competitiveness. Approaches are offered for the development of the existing methodical apparatus in this field. The approach to analysis and assessment proposed by the authors is aimed at researching...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Assessment of Government Support Measures for Small and Medium- Sized Entities in the Russian Federation (tax aspect)
N. V. Gorshkova, V. M. Ksenda, A. A. Turgayeva
The issue of government support for small and medium- sized entities is not new, however it does not lose its urgency and importance as small business is an integral part of modern economy. Its role as an institutional economic unit is growing year by year due to the triviality and availability of setting...
Proceedings Article
Tax Factor of Developing and Intensive Growth of the Shadow Economy
E. A. Shkarupa, L. A. Mytareva, R. A. Yalmaev
The importance of the problems of formation and expansion of the shadow economy is currently increasing, as this segment prevents the full and timely receipt of tax payments, thereby having a negative impact on the state of the country's budget, and therefore on the economic development of the state...
Proceedings Article
Infrastructure Projects Implementation in the Region by Virtue of Public-Private Partnership
V. Y. Ivanov
The specificity of the infrastructure projects implementation is predetermined by their priority direction and the possibility of execution in a certain territory. The trend of reduction of budget expenditures on infrastructure sectors over the last five years highlighted the need for the search of extra-budgetary...
Proceedings Article
The Concept of Educational Process of Smart-Economists Training for Industry 4.0
T.N. Myznikova, М.I. Gvozdev, Е.А. Sheveleva
The article deals with the current transition of enterprises to Industry 4.0, and new requirements which specialists should meet in a rapidly changing environment. Artificial intelligence, cloud computing, modeling are determined as instruments for providing effective activity of the enterprise. Under...
Proceedings Article
Labour Market and Socio-Economic Policy: Features of Mutual Influence
I. V. Zadorozhneva
The concept of labour market and its features are described in the article. The employee life cycle in this article is considered in the context, that an employee is a subject of the labor market and includes three main stages: reproduction, distribution and using. The structural scheme of labour market...
Proceedings Article
How Import Substitution is Related to Economic Competitiveness: Russia's Case
L. V. Larchenko, Y. N. Gladkiy, I. Y. Gladkiy
This paper argues that the concepts of import substitution and competitiveness do not contradict each other. Import substitution can manifest itself as a result of domestic businesses successfully competing against their foreign counterparts. We herein suggest it is only logical to view the interrelation...