Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering
1140 authors
- Zhou, Fei
- Selection and analysis for hydraulic rotary apparatus of the deck hydraulic crane
- Zhou, Ke
- Design for AC servo position loop based on RBF neural network predictive control
- Zhou, Ling
- The Simulation of Terahertz Wave Radar System
- Zhou, Renzhan
- Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Semi-circled Arch Specimen with SFRC
- Zhou, Run
- Analysis of Internal Force of the Cable-stayed Aqueduct Structure
- Zhou, Run
- Videogrammetric Measurement Techniques for High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing
- Zhou, Shensheng
- Research and Utilization on Waste Heat of Dyeing and Printing Factory
- Zhou, Songbin
- Blind Source Separation for a Robust Audio Recognition Scheme in Multiple Sound-Sources Environment
- Zhou, Taoyun
- The Target Tracking of Wireless Sensor Network Using an Improved Unscented Particle Filter
- Zhou, Xianjun
- The Anti-interference Study on D2D Communications
- Zhou, Xiaomin
- Cartonization and Slotting Optimization Model and Algorithm for Considering Correlation in Hybrid Travel Policy
- Zhou, Yingqi
- Modeling of the Midwater Trawl Dynamical Behavior Based on R Language
- Zhou, Yu-feng
- Design of a Electrically Tunable Filter for RF Front-end Circuitry of the Microwave Receiver
- Zhu, Ben Chao
- Energy Density of Gravitational Field in General Transverse Gauge
- Zhu, Ben Chao
- Static Schwarzschild Affine Connection Revised by Physical Decomposition of Gravitational Field
- Zhu, Bo
- Professional Practice Model Reforming of Information Security Specialty in Public Security College
- Zhu, Changsheng
- Parallel Computing of Shared Memory Multiprocessors Based on JOMP
- Zhu, Erjuan
- Efficient Implementation of Precise Exception for Processor Based on Pre-detection
- Zhu, Kunteng
- Study on the basic mechanical characteristics of CRTS III slab ballastless track
- Zhu, Le-le
- Research of Zero-crossing detection for Sensorless BLDC motor
- Zhu, Lei
- Some issues on Distance and Similarity measures of dual hesitant fuzzy sets
- Zhu, Li
- Analysis on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welding Joint of Low Alloy Structural Steel Plate by Narrow Gap MAG
- Zhu, Pengyang
- The Structure Design and Mixing Principle Study of a New Device of Fluid Mixing
- Zhu, Qishun
- Research on Impact of Distributed Generation Based on Distribution Network
- Zhu, Shiding
- Finite-State Markov Fading Channel Based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Zhu, Xiangwei
- Application Research of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in the NCRE
- Zhu, Xiangwei
- Research of ID Card Recognition Algorithm Based on Neural Network Pattern Recognition
- Zhu, Xiaokai
- A Two-way Route Repair Scheme Based on Hop-count
- Zhu, Xiaoxia
- Study on Energy Saving of the Secondary Regulation Load Simulation System
- Zhu, Xiurong
- Thin-walled parts CNC Milling Process Analysis and Parameter Optimization
- Zhu, Yanqin
- Measurement Method of Lesion Area Using Adaptive Seeded Region Growing
- Zhu, Yining
- The Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Airlines in China
- Zhuang, Xiaorui
- Force Analysis for Concrete Hyperbolic Arch Dam of Songbaishan Reservoir
- Zong, Xixia
- A Modified ARIMA Model Based on Extreme Value for Time Series Modelling
- Zou, Lanqing
- A method suitable for comprehensive assessment of wind power penetration capability of regional power grids including multiple wind farms
- Zou, Lingfang
- Finite-State Markov Fading Channel Based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Zou, Tian
- Research on Self-healing Composite Materials
- Zou, Xiaorong
- Modeling of the Midwater Trawl Dynamical Behavior Based on R Language
- Zou, Xuefeng
- Dynamic Response Analysis of Titanium Alloy Plate under Thermal Environment
- Zuo, Jinxiao
- Application Research of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure in the NCRE