Proceedings of the 1st Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2020)

600 authors
Dwiningsih, N.
Social Well-Being in Elderly Who Follow “Posyandu Lansia”
Dwipriyoko, E
General Review on Crimes in the Capital Market Sector
Dwipriyoko, E
Strategic Agility on SME: A Case Study of Small Doll Industry in Bandung
Dwipriyoko, E
The Influence of Collaboration and Competitive Strategies on the Image of the Star Hotel in West Java
Dwipriyoko, Estiyan
Profile of Fulfilling the Family Needs of Ojeg Pangkalan at Adipura Rancabolang Gedebage Bandung
Efendi, Raimon
Juridical Analysis of Transitional Land Rights Unregistered in Dharmasraya Regency
Internet (Social Media) and Its Relationship with Hoax and Fake News in the 2019 Presidential Election
Erdiyanti, Y
Digital Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom in the Model of Jigsaw Techniques Learning Towards Descriptive Writing Skills
Erfiansyah, Erfan
Environmental Accounting Cultural Insights: A Learning From Indigenous Peoples
Erpurini, Wala
Implementation Path Analysis to Determine the Influence of Bureaucratic Reform and Empowerment of Civil State Apparatus on Quality of Work
Fadriani, Hetty
Protection of Construction Workers with Personal Protective Equipment
Fahyuni, Eni Fariyatul
Child-Friendly Through Hizbul Wathan in Indonesia Muhammadiyah School
Fajar, Agam Nurul
An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Its Effect on Customer Relationship Management
Fajarwati, Ayu
The Utilization of Natural Materials in Improving Children’s Intelligence
Faridah, Umi
The Influence of Nutrition on Blood Sugar Level in Diabetus Millitus Type 2
Faridah, Virgianti Nur
Improving the Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis through Family Supportive Therapy
Faridah, Virgianti Nur
The Effect of Hallucinatory Implementation Strategies on the Patient’s Ability to Control Hallucinations
Gender and Women’s Citizens Rights
Farikhah, Lailatul
The Effectiveness of Olive Oil to Prevent Sore Nipple on the Breastfeeding Mother
Fasa, Muhammad Iqbal
The Nexus Between Dynamic Capability and Islamic Financial Literacy Towards Innovation of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
The Effectiveness of a Low Cost Hybrid Simulator Model in Achieving Clinical Skills of Third Trimester Pregnancy Examination on Midwifery Students of Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Riau in Pekanbaru
Primary School Teachers Perceptions Towards Preschool Education
Fatmawati, A
The Influence of Husband Support and Psychosocial Conditions of Adolescent Pregnancy on Antepartum Depression
Fatmawati, A
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy with Adherence in Restricting Fluid Intake in Middle Adult Hemodialysis Patients
Fatmawati, Putri Yuniar
Improvement of Public Speaking Skill Through Ice Breaking Method Ira Arini
Fatmawati, S
The Relation of Stunting with Immunization Status and the History of Low Birth Weight in the Work Area of Public Health Center at Gilingan
Fauzan, A
Gender and Women’s Citizens Rights
Fauzi, Pahrul
Significant Role of Economic Growth in Alleviating Poverty
Fauzi, Rian
Local Wisdom of Rice Harvest in Citorek Indigenouscommunities
Fauziyah, N
The Ability of Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Completing Basic Mathematics Operations (BMO)
Febriyanto, B
Digital Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom in the Model of Jigsaw Techniques Learning Towards Descriptive Writing Skills
Fediyanto, Niko
The Harmonization of Spiritual and Intellectual Intelligence in Education for Gifted Children Based on Islamic Theological Perspective
Firmadi, Sidik
Communication Strategy of Banjar City General Elections Commission in Increasing Political Participation of People with Disabilities (A Study on Mayor and Deputy Mayor Election in 2018)
Firmansyah, Andan
Virtual Reality (VR) Media Distraction Relieve Anxiety Level of the Children During Circumcision
Firmansyah, H
The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Anxiety on Hemodialysis Patient in the Hemodialization Room of Rumah Sakit Al Islam Bandung
Fitri, Anggi
The Nexus Between Dynamic Capability and Islamic Financial Literacy Towards Innovation of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
Fitri, SU Rifaatul
The Study of Professional Nursing Practice Models (PNPM) Application on Islamic Nursing Care
Fitriani, Iis Dewi
Effect of Self Esteem and Self Efficacy on Work Satisfaction and Its Implication on Teacher Performance (Study at SDN 1 Legokpego, Desa Drawati, Kecamatan Paseh, Bandung District)
Fitriani, Sinta
The Effectiveness of Sicenting Application Towards Knowledge and Attitude of Responding Stunting Regency in Singaparna District, Tasikmalaya District in 2019
Fitriani, Sinta
Parental Support and Practises of Personal Hygiene Reproductive Organs for Girls Student Ummul Quro
Fitriyah, Hadiah
The Effects of Intellectual Capital and Financial Leverage as a Strategy to Improve Financial Performance
Gamar, Mahfud M.
Ability of School Head Management in Application-Based Facilities and Infrastructure Management to Improve Education Quality in Harmoni State High School Pamona Utara Sub-District, Poso District
Gartika, N
The Influence of Husband Support and Psychosocial Conditions of Adolescent Pregnancy on Antepartum Depression
Gartika, N
The Relationship of Self-Efficacy with Adherence in Restricting Fluid Intake in Middle Adult Hemodialysis Patients
Gemini, G E
Manuscripts as Learning Resources Innovation in Local Content Subjects
Gemini, G E
Islam and Innovation: Food Defence and Safety Movement of Ma’had Al-Zaytun Indramayu
Ginanjar, Ajeng
Improvement of Public Speaking Skill Through Ice Breaking Method Ira Arini
Girsang, Nova Chalimah
An analysis of the Strategies of Social Service Agency, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection in Reducing Domestic Violence in Banjar City (A Case Study on Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection)
Gumilar, Angga
An Analysis of the Welfare Program in Improving the Work Spirit
Hadi, C.
Teacher-Student Relationship is Enhanced by the Gratitude of Teacher Perspective in Religious Based Elementary School
Hadian, Mohamad Sapari Dwi
Utilization of Geodiversity Potential for Purification of Drinking Water as Local Wisdom
Hadiani, Dian
An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Its Effect on Customer Relationship Management
Haffas, Mustofa
Legal Education Model for Measuring and Increasing Public Legal Awareness to Islamic Law
Haffas, Mustofa
Relationship Between Parenting Style and Parental Feeding Style in the Locus Stunting Area in West Java
Hamidah, I
Scientific Reasoning Abilities in Religion Major on Biology Course to Utilize the Project-Based Learning
Hamzah, M. Guntur
Constitutionality of the Former Ex-Convict as Election Participants of Regional Heads
Hanafi, Muhammad
Application of Tahmid Spiritual Therapy to Reduce the Anxiety Level of Pre Sectio Caesarea Patients in Islamic Hospital Sultan Hadlirin Jepara
Handayani, F
Disposition Role on Adolescent Reproduction Health Policy Implementation
Handayani, Sri
Nurses’ Attitudes and Motivation in Compliance With Standard Operating Procedures of Blood Transfusion at Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI
Harahap, Juraida Roito
The Effectiveness of a Low Cost Hybrid Simulator Model in Achieving Clinical Skills of Third Trimester Pregnancy Examination on Midwifery Students of Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Riau in Pekanbaru
Hardi, Nora Meilinda
Chinese and Indigenous Ethnic Cultural Communication in Palembang City
Hardinto, Prih
Is Effective Think Pair Share (TPS) Used for Slow Learner Students (SLS)? Case Studies in Economic Development
Haris, Samun
Protection of Construction Workers with Personal Protective Equipment
Hariyanto, Didik
Sunni and Shi’ah in Cultural Acculturation (Inter-Cultural and Religious Communication of Sunni and Shia Groups in Shelters)
Harjanti, Agustina Eka
The Impact of Financial Technology Peer-to-Peer Lending (P2P Lending) on Growth Credit Rural Bank
Hartini, CY
Analysis of Factors Influencing Childbirth Preparation in Margamulya Cikunir Village Singaparna Area Public Health Center Tasikmalaya
Hartiningrum, Chanty Yunie
Factors Related to Family Planning Acceptor Participation in the Sumulagung Village Community, Cikunir Village, Tasikmalaya Regency in 2019
Multimedia Designing Introduction Learning Site Pontanu Dance Central Sulawesi
Hartono, Rudi
Factors Affecting Students’ Critical Thinking Development in EFL Classroom
Hasanudin, Muhaimin
Customer Experience Management (CEM) Supports the Quality of Hospital Services Based on RFID
Hastuti, OH, R S
Edible Strip of Petai Peel (Parkia speciosa Hassk) as an Innovation for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Hedy, Bonnix
The Impact of Financial Technology Peer-to-Peer Lending (P2P Lending) on Growth Credit Rural Bank
Hendriana, Yana
Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Meditation Relaxation Treatment of Reduction of Blood Pressure in Hypertension Patients in the Village of Sindangagung Kuningan District
Hendriawan, D
Primary School Teachers Perceptions Towards Preschool Education
Herawati, Cucu
Production Aspect as the Most Important Factor in the Development of Halal Small and Medium Industries (SMIs)
Herdiansah, Dindin
An Analysis of the Welfare Program in Improving the Work Spirit
Hermawan, Sigit
Knowledge Management, Information Technology, and Acceptance Students ‘Readiness for Industrial Revolution 4.0
Hermawan, Sigit
Strategy for Strengthening of Music Industry in Indonesia: How is Rule Organization Commitment as a Variable Intervening
Heryadi, Yadi
The Utilization of Natural Materials in Improving Children’s Intelligence
Hidayani, Wuri Ratna
Analysis of Knowledge of Senior High School (SMA N) 2 Singaparna Students About Epidemiology of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) in 2019
Hidayat, Ahmad Wahyu
The Nexus Between Dynamic Capability and Islamic Financial Literacy Towards Innovation of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia
Hidayat, Iman
Protection of Construction Workers with Personal Protective Equipment
Hidayat, Wahyu
Customer Experience Management (CEM) Supports the Quality of Hospital Services Based on RFID
Hidayat, Y.
Family Experience in Implementing Family Task with Tuberculosis Multi Drugs Resistant (MDR-TB) in Bandung
Hinduan, Zahrotur Rusyda
Qualitative Research: Family Function and Sexual Intention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior on Middle Adolescents in Medan
Ibrahim, Tofan
An analysis of the Strategies of Social Service Agency, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection in Reducing Domestic Violence in Banjar City (A Case Study on Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection)
Idris, Mustopa
Concept and Implementation of Centralized Management in the Management and Development of Muhammadiyah Business Charities (Study of Management and Development of AUM in PCM Cileungsi)
Imtihan, Miftahul
Review the Development of the Indonesian Property Sector Amidst 2019 Global Economic Stagnation and Predictions on Post COVID-19 2020 Recovery
Indayani, Lilik
Good Corporate Governance (Gcg) Integration and Credit Restructuring and Its Impact on Conventional BPR Business Performance in Sidoarjo
Indrayani, T
The Effectiveness of Colostrum Use on Acceleration of Umbilical Cord Release Among the Infants at the Work area of Mekar Wangi Public Health Center Bogor City 2019
The Effect of Senam Sehat Indonesia Exercise on the Improvement of Lung Vital Capacity for Elderly in Universitas Majalengka
Indrianingrum, Irawati
Back Massage Therapy to Reduce Low Back Pain in Pregnancy
Indriyastuti, Hastin Ika
Optimal Timing for Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping to Improve Hemoglobin Level after Birth
Iryana, W
Manuscripts as Learning Resources Innovation in Local Content Subjects
Iryana, W
Islam and Innovation: Food Defence and Safety Movement of Ma’had Al-Zaytun Indramayu
Risk Factors Among Pregnant Women
Istiqomah, Nimatul
Is Effective Think Pair Share (TPS) Used for Slow Learner Students (SLS)? Case Studies in Economic Development
Internet (Social Media) and Its Relationship with Hoax and Fake News in the 2019 Presidential Election
Jamaludin, G M
The Impact of Digital Literacy Ability of Islamic Religious Education Students on FIQH Learning Achievements
Jambari, Obay
The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Students’ Speaking Skill