Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2367 articles
Proceedings Article

Vegetable Research Matters for Southeast Asia

M. C. S. Wopereis, C. G. Kuo
Malnutrition presents a significant challenge across most Southeast Asian countries. Vegetable-enriched diets can contribute to reducing malnutrition by supplying phytonutrients, minerals, phytonutrients, proteins, vitamins and dietary fiber. However, average vegetable consumption in many Southeast Asian...
Proceedings Article

Ecological Value of Tree Vegetation at Erek-erek Biosite of Ijen Geopark, Indonesia

Hari Sulistiyowati, Arif Mohammad Siddiq, Abdillah Baraas, Fikli Perdana Kusuma, Firman Syauqi Nur Sabila
Erek-erek is Ijen Geopark Biosite located in an area above 1000m altitude. It is a primary tropical rain forest ecosystem in a quarter volcano which is already in the stage of climax succession because the canopy stratification is very complex. However, there is limited information on the tree vegetation...
Proceedings Article

Initial Survey of Tadpole Species Richness on the Upstream of Pelus River, Limpakuwus, Sumbang, Banyumas

I Gusti Agung Ayu Ratna Puspitasari, Hafizh Aulia Khairy Rakananda, Nugroho Dwi Septianto, Meyta Pratiwi, Eko Setio Wibowo
The southern slopes of Mount Slamet are the upstream areas of many rivers, which become the breeding habitat of Anuran. Anuran tadpole species richness can indicate the diversity of Anuran in the area and should be considered as important as the adult Anuran species richness. Moreover, the sampling of...
Proceedings Article

Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Total Organic Carbon and Heavy Metals in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Diyaning Ratri, Doni Prakasa Eka Putra, Wahyu Wilopo
Groundwater vulnerability mapping in the Bantul area, Yogyakarta was carried out to highlight water resources at risk and to identify vulnerable zones that require careful management in the area. In order to meet these objectives, an investigation using statistical approach was suggested to inquire the...
Proceedings Article

Dhole’s Ecology and Legal Status: Conservation and Management Implication in Human-Dominated Landscape of Java, Indonesia

Sandy Nurvianto, Muhammad Ali Imron, Sven Herzog
The success of conservation and management of endangered species is highly dependent on the manager’s understanding on the biology and ecology of the target species. However, most wildlife management and conservation activities in developing countries are not based on scientific data, but more on the...
Proceedings Article

Fermentation of Green Seaweed Ulva fasciata Using Six Different Strain of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)

Christina Yuni Admantin, Mark Turner, Raquel Lo, Van Ho Nguyen, Nicholas Paul
Marine fermented products nowadays are commonly made from fish or shrimp, but marine plant like seaweed which are considered as a valuable source of nutritous food has yet produce popular fermented food. Research correlated with seaweeed fermented-based product intended for consumption is still very...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Liquefaction Potential based on CPT data in the Samas Coastal Area, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia

Aditya Ihsan Fauzy, Egy Erzagian, Wahyu Wilopo
Bantul Regency is an area of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province prone to earthquakes, mainly due to plate tectonic activity. On May 27, 2006, an earthquake of 6.3 Mw hit the Special Region of Yogyakarta and caused considerable damage in Bantul Regency. One of the impacts of the earthquake liquefaction,...
Proceedings Article

Application of AI to Filter Anomalous Data from Sensors in an Online Water Quality Monitoring System

Heru Dwi Wahyono, Satmoko Yudo
The multiprobe sensor technology used in online water quality monitoring systems can produce water quality measurement data from several parameters at once quickly and in large quantities. The accuracy of the data is highly dependent on the quality of the river water being monitored and the performance...
Proceedings Article

Hydroponic NFT-Based Indoor Farming of Red and Green Lettuce Microgreens in Response to Artificial Lighting

Alifa N. K. Sinaga, Aryanis M. Zahra, Evita Nugroho, Hari K. Simatupang, Novita D. Pitaloka, Hertiyana N. Annisa, Muhammad F. R. Pahlawan
The plant factory controls temperature, lighting, plant nutrients, and other environmental factors to provide a consistent, plant-friendly environment for predictable yields. In addition, microgreens can be grown profitably in expensive urban plant factories in a short harvest period. This study uses...
Proceedings Article

Case Report: Therapy of Streptococcal Pneumonia in a Cat

Riskha Nurmi Nataria, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, Yanuartono, Alfarisa Nururrozi, Slamet Raharjo, Hary Purnamaningsih, Heldiar Soedarmanto, Puveanthan Nagappan Govendan
Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by bacteria, including Streptococcus sp. Identification of the cause of pneumonia in cats is very necessary so that diagnosis and therapy will be more precise. This study reports on the diagnosis and therapy of streptococcal pneumonia on a cat. A 10-month-old...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Cycle Threshold Value of The Orf 1 ab SARS-CoV-2 Gene from Three Different PCR Reagents

Anita L. Susanti, Fusvita Merdekawati, Rohayati Rohayati
The availability of PCR reagents is an obstacle that still needs to be resolved in the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. During the early days of the pandemics, identical PCR reagents supply in the laboratory could not be guaranteed. The laboratory needs to investigate the reliability of the different...
Proceedings Article

Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Simple Vertical Vulnerability Method

In Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Moch Hasmannoor Rachman, Wahyu Wilopo, Doni Prakasa Eka Putra
Research on groundwater vulnerability using the simple vertical vulnerability (SVV) method in Wonosari district, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta was conducted to identify groundwater vulnerability zones that require careful management in the research area. It is very important to know the extent of existing...
Proceedings Article

Plant Architectural Arrangements to Improve Production and Quality of Brazilian Spinach

Listy Anggraeni, Robi`in, Evy Latifah, Diding Rahmawati, Baswarsiati, Aniswatul Khamidah, Ita Yustina, Thohir Zubaidi
Brazilian spinach (Alternanthera sissoo) is an extremely nutrient-rich leafy vegetable plant species native to Brazil and South America. It packs high amounts of carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium. Brazilian spinach leafy vegetable is a low-growing perennial that forms a...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Content, and Chemical Composition of Liquid Smoke Derived from Wood Sawdust

Ria Suryani, Rafelinta Daradwinta, Syahida Az-Zahra, Syifa’ Aulia Rahmah, Wahyu Anggo Rizal, Tri Hadi Jatmiko, Wuri Apriyana, Yekti Asih Purwestri
Liquid smokes result from the process of pyrolysis of biomass as a raw material which generally contains high content of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. The phenolic compounds, acid compounds, and carbonyl compounds are the main components in liquid smoke and show antioxidant activity. One of the...
Proceedings Article

Article Integration of Water and Energy Sustainable Program in Cluster Starch Industry

Ahmad Nahwani, Maulana Arif, Fidrianto, Harry Pujiansyah Bahri
The issue of water supply and sustainable energy is significant in dealing with clean water and energy crises in the long term. In addition, there has been a rise in water and air pollution caused by the community’s activities. Conservation strategies should be implemented to lessen dependence on the...
Proceedings Article

Review Article: Postharvest Handling of Local Avocado (Persea Americana) in Indonesia

Dinar Rafika Puspitasari, Dwinda Marita Rahmi, Ida Kusumawati, Anjar Ruspita Sari
Avocado (Persea americana) has a high nutritional content but has perishable properties. The fruit ripening process lasts 5 to 7 days at 25℃. The problem is that 30% of avocados are still damaged and lost after harvest. Product losses or damage is caused by improper postharvest handling and inadequate...
Proceedings Article

Applicability of ANN and MLR Models in Measuring the Impact of Environmental Parameters on the Body Temperature of Swine

Nibas Chandra Deb, Jayanta Kumar Basak, Na Eun Kim, Bolappa Gamage Kaushalya Madhavi, Hyeon Tae Kim
This study was conducted to identify key parameters such as temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), and relative temperature-humidity index (RTHI) that affect the inside and outside environment of the Swine barn. Moreover, the climate of the Swine barn is always related to the Swine’s body temperature...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability of the Rice-Fish Farming System in Candibinangun Village Pakem Sub-district Sleman Regency

Dwiki I. Fathony, Harsoyo, Riesma Andiani, Diah F. Widhiningsih, Emilia Sanjaya
The increase in foodstuffs and the limited land for fish farming have caused a change in agricultural strategies that were originally monocultures to diversify crops through the rice-fish farming system. The rice-fish farming system is a combination of fish and rice farming in one field. The purpose...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics and Potential of Confined Aquifers in Genuk and Surrounding Area, Semarang City, Central Java Province

Sokhwatul Aghnia, Heru Hendrayana, Doni Prakasa Eka Putra
The city of Semarang, especially the Genuk area and its surroundings, is currently categorized as a critical zone for groundwater utilization because of the large groundwater abstraction discharge and poor groundwater quality. To fulfill the need for clean water, both for domestic and industrial purposes,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Light-Emitting Diode, Planting Medium, and Nutrient Concentration on the Plant Growth and Chlorophyll Content of Lemon Basil

Novita D. Pitaloka, Aryanis M. Zahra, Evita Nugroho, Hari K. Simatupang, Alifa N. K. Sinaga, Hertiyana N. Annisa, Laila Rahmawati
Plant productivity and quality in plant factories with artificial lighting (PFAL) depend on lighting control. Planting medium and plant nutrient affect aromatic crop germination, crop growth, and essential oil yield. For 12 h, LEDs provided artificial grow illumination in three ratios: 100% blue, 100%...
Proceedings Article

Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments of Panreng River, Sidenreng Rappang Regency, South Sulawesi Province

Risqa Permatasyara Mu’min, Wawan Budianta, IWayan Warmada
In Indonesia, small-scale rock mining is generally managed by traditional miners. For example, the andesite rock mining in Bulu Alakkuang has been exploited for approximately one hundred years. Mining waste is channeled directly into the Panreng River, located on the north side of the mining area. Rock...
Proceedings Article

Heavy Metal Pollution in River Sediments on Tin Mining Location at Pakil River, Bangka, Indonesia

Wawan Budianta, Risnaliyah Nuriil Tadersi
Tin mining will produce tailings waste which has the potential to be a source of pollution environment, especially in watersheds. This research was conducted in Paya Benua Village, Mendo Barat District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This study aims to determine the level of spread...
Proceedings Article

The Possibility of Organic Land and Farming Inheritance in the Future: A Case Study in APPOLI (Boyolali Organic Rice Farmers Alliance), Central Java, Indonesia

Anila Indrianti Anggraini, Azizatun Nurhayati, Irham Irham
This research was conducted in Central Java Indonesia, in a farmer group that is APPOLI stands for Aliansi Petani Padi Organik Boyolali (Boyolali Organic Rice Farmers Alliance). This research aims to identify: (1) the pattern and system of inheritance of agricultural land applied; (2) the interest of...
Proceedings Article

Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using Chloride Mass Balance (CMB)

Case Study: an Old Residential Area and a New Residential Area of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Lalu Aliyya Tirang ga Aji Buana, Doni Prakasa Eka Putra, Esti Handini
Water is an essential natural resource for improving economic activities, especially in urban areas which have domestic and industrial activities. The massive freshwater resource on earth is groundwater. In contrast, the volume of groundwater resources is minimal compared to the whole water volume in...
Proceedings Article

Numerical Analysis of Seepage in the Bener Dam, Purworejo Regency, Central Java

Thuon Ranysakol, Wawan Budianta, I Gde Budi Indrawan
The earth-fill and rock-fill dam are designed to be used for long-term storage, hydropower, flood control structure. The dam is set to design against failure due to various causes that can result in releasing the water catastrophically to the downstream area as a flood hazard. The consequences of the...
Proceedings Article

Converting Ex-Mining Site Into Plantation Land in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Island

Lisa Oktaviani
Mining activities on Bangka Island began in 1711 and in Belitung in 1852. The Regional Environmental Agency of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in 2014 issued an inventory of environmental damage, a total class of critical land covering an area of 1,675,240.51 ha, with criteria for critical land...
Proceedings Article

Traceability of Seaweed Gracilaria sp. Contaminated by Heavy Metal

Rahmania Nur Afiah, Wahyu Supartono, Endy Suwondo
Gracilaria sp as a seaweed that abundant in Indonesia is increasingly being used as a food product because it contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. However, Gracilaria sp that is cultivated in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia is known to contain some dangerous heavy...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Ventilation and Cooking Activities during Peak Hours towards Indoor CO and NO2 in Apartments: A Multilevel Approach

Nadinda Aisyah Kamilia, Rana Zenissa, Arie Dipareza Syafei, Joni Hermana
Indoor CO and NO2 pollutants resulting from cooking activities are the cause of sick building syndrome. Several studies had shown that window openings for ventilation can lead indoor air conditions worse due to infiltration. There have not been many studies on this possible condition. Therefore, this...
Proceedings Article

Empirical vs Semi-Analytic Model for Total Suspended Solid Detection

Pingkan Mayestika Afgatiani, Syifa Wismayati Adawiah, Syarif Budhiman
Many parameters are used to determine the quality of waters, one of which is Total Suspended Solids (TSS). In addition to direct data measurement and field sampling, TSS concentrations can also be estimated from satellite data by developing models based on the reflectance of the light received by the...
Proceedings Article

Slope Stability Modeling in Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) Planjan-Baron Section Using Limit Equilibrium Methods

Ceri Eliesa Suhartini, I Gde Budi Indrawan, Nugroho Imam Setiawan
The construction of Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) infrastructure is implied to facilitate access and increase the potential for agriculture and tourism in the South Coast Region of Java. Slope stability evaluation should be done in this development infrastructure area to build sustainable and resilient...
Proceedings Article

Tesla's Decisions on Bitcoin and Eco-Friendly Mining Cryptocurrency in Clean Energy Regime

Christella J. Theacornelia, Gabriella D. Priambodo, Andriko Sandria
The trend of cryptocurrency mining was increasing electrical energy consumption in the world which had an impact on the environment. Tesla, a United States automotive company, had policies that affect the dynamics of cryptocurrency exchange rates. This study aims to analyze Tesla's reasons for not...
Proceedings Article

Plant Dispersal at Bangka Post-Tin Mining Revegetated Land Correlated with Soil Chemical Physical Properties and Heavy Metal Distribution

Eka Sari, Andhika Puspito Nugroho, Endah Retnaningrum, Irfan Dwidya Prijambada
Land preparation for post-tin mining revegetation at Bangka Island will affect physical-chemical as well as heavy metals’ properties of the soil, and those properties affect plants distribution on the post-tin mining lands. The purpose of the research is to study the distribution of plants in the post-tin...
Proceedings Article

Soil Erosion Mapping using GIS Based Modeling in Catchment Area of Panglima Besar Soedirman Reservoir, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Dimas Prabowo Harliando, Hania Intan Saputri, Chandra Setyawan, Abdur Rahman Khidzir, Sahid Susanto, Muhamad Khoiru Zaki
The excessive use of land for farming in the catchment area of Panglima Besar (PB) Sudirman reservoir causes serious environmental problems, particularly in the form of soil erosion. A study about soil erosion is required as a basis for conservation planning. This study aims to determine the spatial...
Proceedings Article

Performance Investigation of a Humpback Whale-Inspired Vertical Axis Current Turbine

Rizki Mendung Ariefianto, Rini Nur Hasanah, Wijono, Rizky Ajie Aprilianto
Efficiency and self-starting capability performances are the main problems in vertical axis current turbines (VACT). By purposing improves its performance, VACT has been developed with various models. One development of this model is designing the turbine blade into a bio-inspired shape. The fluke and...
Proceedings Article

Water Quality Study for Supporting an Advanced Aquaculture Technology in Sei Teras Fishpond Irrigation Area, Central Kalimantan

HA Hermawanto, AP Rahardjo, B Kamulyan
This study aims to determine the distribution of water quality in the canal network and Sei Teras fishpond under tidal cycle conditions for aquaculture technology. The previous study focused on the water quality upstream of the canals. The result shows that the degree of acidity (pH) met the criteria...
Proceedings Article

Amplification of Thermostable Neutral Protease Open Reading Frame from Geobacillus sp. DS3 Isolated from Sikidang Crater, Dieng Plateau, Central Java, Indonesia

Lucia Dhiantika Witasari, Joshua Halim, Caroline Jilbert, Muhammad Saifur Rohman
Neutral protease is a protease that are widely applied in the food industry due to its stability at neutral pH. However, the neutral protease is generally poor in thermal stability which limits its application in some industries that require high temperatures. The thermostable neutral protease-producing...
Proceedings Article

Landscape Character Assessment of Pekarangan towards Healthy and Productive Urban Village in Bandung City, Indonesia

Budi Faisal, MZ Dahlan, HS Arifin, Nurhayati, Kaswanto, SR Nadhiroh, TS Wahyuni, Budiadi, SNR Irawan
Pekarangan, one of the Indonesian homestead agroforestry systems has been recognized as a small-scale landscape unit that can be developed as a mitigation and rehabilitation area by providing a variety of medicinal plants as well as outdoor activity. Thus, a study of the importance of pekarangan is crucial...
Proceedings Article

Modeling Degraded Land Area in Province of Bangka Belitung Islands Based on Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Service to Support Sustainable Tourism

Fahrudin, Therissia Hati, Elin Herlina, Ketut Wikantika, Zuzy Anna, Anjar Dimara Sakti
The Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) has a unique natural beauty that supports sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is highly dependent on terrestrial ecosystems. Due to mining activities, the terrestrial ecosystem in Bangka Belitung can experience land degradation which is characterized...
Proceedings Article

The Sabila Farm Culture, Education and Tourism for Melenial Indonesia 4.0

Yuke Ardhiati, Ashri Prawesthi D, Kisti Mutiara Jaiz, Aldini Mustika Jaiz, Sahadat Nafasia, Chaufiah Nur Haerulia, Agus Waluyo, Rafli Alfiano, Vania Kirana, Fatmawati Indah Putri, Chandra Alfiansyah, Raditya Raka Putra, Rajah Indrayana
Sabila Farm Yogyakarta is a well-known fruit garden in Yogyakarta with dragon fruit as the main plant. The goal of the development of Sabila Farm is not only for a tourist destination but also for educational purposes. Therefore, some innovations to attract the young age generation is necessary. The...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Asset Management at Matras Beach, Bangka Regency

Agung Ferianda, Puspa Wulandari
This research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The research subjects are people who were involved in the management of this asset, both the local government and the community around the Matras village. Intense interviews, documentation, and observations were carried out in this study...
Proceedings Article

Collaborative Governance in Empowerment of Small and Medium Micro Businesses (MSMEs) in the Era of Modern Retail Business Development (Case Study of MSME Grocery Stores in Pangkal Pinang City)

Wahyu Hidayat, Angga Adi Saputra
Minimarket growth is above 15% per year. The growth of modern retail, such as Indomart and Alfamart, has expanded from cities to villages in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, raising concerns about the existence of MSME actors, especially traditional stores such as grocery stores. So that...
Proceedings Article

Community-Based Artificial Tourism Development Aek Bedelew On Tanjung Putat Beach Belinyu Bangka

Yang Gusti Feriyanti, Riza Vurnama
Aek Bedelew is one of the artificial tours managed by the green kapitan community or called Green Boy. This tour has the potential to be developed because the water conditions are clear and clean and near Levar beach, so it attracts many local tourists to visit and enjoy the tour for diving. Aek Bedelew...
Proceedings Article

Tourism in the Sharia Region Of West Aceh

Sudarman Alwy, Maria Baren, Cut Asmaul Husna, Sri Wahyu Handayani
The tourism sector as a sector to improving economic community's, the stretching of tourists who come both locally and foregn peoples to a distination could able to generate community’s income with a multi-player effect that not only the tourism industries itself then also homes industries as businesses...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability of Area Management Agro-EcoTourism-Halal (Case Study: Agro-Eco-Tourism-Halal, Rancamaya, Bogor)

MDD Maharani, Nugroho Budi Satrio Sukamdani, Soegiyono
Halal tourism is growing segment that represents a potential niche. It a field of study that is still in its very early stages, however, on a practical level, the number of halal products and services is starting to increase worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the index and the sustainability status...
Proceedings Article

Cross-Generation Agrarian Conflict in Indonesia’s Palm Land

Andi Setyo Pambudi, Bambang Pramujo
Conflict on land issues occurred in many countries, including Indonesia. According to the National Land Agency, in 2015, the number of agrarian conflicts in Indonesia increased by around 60% from 2014. Palm plantations contribute to the highest problems of agrarian conflict. Ironically, during the bureaucratic...
Proceedings Article

Potential and Strategy of Ecotourism Development in Lae Mbilulu Pakpak Bharat Regency

Munthe Muhtar, Nurhadi Ahsan, Hadi Pramono
Ecotourism is one of the tourism sub-sectors that are visited by many tourists. The government and local communities must cooperate in the development of ecotourism. Pakpak Bharat Regency, with an area of 80.51% is forest area, has great potential for the development of the ecotourism sector. Lae Mbilulu...
Proceedings Article

The Social Network Analysis in the Environmental-Based Tourism Development in Manggar Belitung Timur

Putra Pratama Saputra, Laila Hayati, Novyandra Ilham Bahtera
Belitung Timur is one of the regencies in Bangka Belitung Island Province that has about 123 tourist attractions or about 30.37 percent. The environmental-based tourism development needs the contribution of relevant institutions in achieving sustainable tourism development because it relates to other...
Proceedings Article

“The Explorer”: Introducing The Potential of Kota Lama Semarang through Mobile Game

Wandah Wibawanto, Rahina Nugrahani, Abdul Halim Husain
The restoration process of Kota Lama Semarang over the past decade has made it a leading tourist destination in Semarang. However, government regulations still focus on restoration management and the management of Kota Lama Semarang planning, while tourism promotion has not received main priority. Promotion...
Proceedings Article

How Important Events and Their Environmental Practices are to Visitors: The Case of Serralves em Festa!

Ana Pinto Borges, Elvira Vieira, Catarina Nadais
Environmental and sustainability issues permeate the most diverse areas, including the entire events industry. This study aims to analyse visitors’ perceptions regarding the event's contribution to the promotion of environmental practices, namely sustainable development and environmental protection....
Proceedings Article

Determinant Factors of Goat Milk Production in Banyuwangi East Java

Asmaul Khusna, Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra
Goat livestock is one of the livestock businesses that is overgrowing, especially in the Banyuwangi Regency. Dairy goats are dual-purpose type goats because they produce meat and milk. Efforts to develop dairy goats as milk producers in Banyuwangi Regency continue to be improved. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

Acceleration E-Business Co-Creation for Service Innovation Toba Lake Tourism MSME

Mariana Simanjuntak, I Made Sukresna
The study analyzes the role of variable mediation E-Business Co-Creation in the relationship between Strategic Planning and Digital Marketing Performance. The main objective of this research recommends tourism MSMEs about the importance of implementing digitalization in every service chain. Then to the...
Proceedings Article

Women's Role in Village-Based Renewable Energy Development: Assessing the Challenges and Supports

Laila Kholid Alfirdaus
This paper discusses the challenges and supports for women’s role strengthening in village-based renewable energy development. The discussion is important because in practice women’s role in energy policy has been marginalized. Meanwhile, based on our research, women in village level have big potential...
Proceedings Article

Travel Influencer on Instagram : Visual Content Management Based on Digital Influencer Marketing Strategy for Tourism Awareness Groups (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) Kaliputu Kudus

Pratiwinindya Ratih Ayu, Nugrahani Rahina, Wibawanto Wandah, Rebowo Tjatur, Rafinda Ascariena
Today, people's decision to take a vacation is influenced by recommendations and reviews from travel influencers on Youtube and Instagram, whose focuses on the travel content. A recommendation from various travel influencers will certainly build a more positive brand image so that it can increase...
Proceedings Article

Rural Economics, Tourism Development Local wisdom based and the role of Digitalizations

This article aims to give a new insight regarding the development of rural economics and the opportunity to develop tourism at small and remote rural area in the West Sumatera Province. At the beginning, tourism in West Sumatera Province struggling of denial of community due to negative effect of visitor...
Proceedings Article

An Assessment of Carbon Content in Land-use Changes for Rice Plants in IKN Buffer Areas

Muhammad Arga Hita, Sahid Susanto, Lely Fitriana, Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Chandra Setyawan, Ngadisih Ngadisih
The relocation of the national capital city from Jakarta to Nusantara, East Kalimantan as a program from the government for the transformation of Indonesia based on innovation, technology, and a green economy reaps many pros and cons. One of them is related to food security, this is because in 2024 according...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Economic Growth and Regional Inequalities in Bangka Belitung Islands Province Over the 2010-2020 Period

Darol Arkum, Nursilawati
This study aims to identify the typology of economic growth in regencies/municipalities in Bangka Belitung Island Province, analyze the level of inequality between regions and the factors that influence it. The analytical tools used are Klassen typology, Williamson index, and linear regression analysis....
Proceedings Article

Potential of Mangrove Ecosystems for Ecotourism based on Tourist Perceptions

Nabil Zurba, Edwarsyah, Neneng Marlian, Mohamad Gazali, Mira Mauliza Rahmi, Roni Arif Munandar, Jerry Gunandar
The potential of the mangrove ecosystem for humans can be in the form of providing economic resources, maintaining the ecological environment and providing environmental services. So it is important to study the potential for the existence of the mangrove ecosystem, the study includes the potential for...
Proceedings Article

Outsider Roles in the Tenggerese's Change in Ngadas Village

Endratno Budi Santosa, MRizki Firdaus
The Tengger people are firmly in preserving the socio-cultural inherits they received from their ancestors for hundreds of years. Customary norms and institutions have been used to maintain this valuable aspect. In its development, new, complex challenges forced the community in Ngadas Village to adapt...
Proceedings Article

Colaborative Governance in Increasing Foreign Investment in Dumai City, Riau Province, Indonesia

Nina Yusliani, Utang Suwaryo, Nandang A. Deliarnoor, Dede Sri Kartini
Indonesia as a developing country in Southeast Asia, but Indonesia is experiencing many similar problems to other developing countries, to catch up, Indonesia needs to accelerate development like other developed countries invest. In increasing economic growth, investment is needed in Indonesia, especially...
Proceedings Article

Community Participation in Handling Coastal Abrasion in Bengkalis Regency, Indonesia

Sylvina Rusadi, Rahman Mulyawan, Utang Suwaryo, Neneng Yani Yuningsih
Abrasion is a natural process of soil erosion caused by destructive waves and ocean currents in coastal areas, particularly in the Bengkalis Regency. Abrasion harms the environment and the economy of those who rely on plantation products. This study aims to discover how the community can help the Bengkalis...
Proceedings Article

The Potential of Local Wisdom for Food Processing as Tourism Attraction in the District of Muna, Southeast Sulawesi

Sitti Hermina, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Hendrie Adji Kusworo, Chafid Fandeli
Food is human’s basic need in life. Food that has been long term processed in one community is further called local food. In general, it is processed from local raw materials, and the local wisdom of its people. Each region has its own local characteristic which differs them form one another. Muna community...
Proceedings Article

Diffusion of Tourism Innovation in “Air Jangkang Reclamation Village Bangka Regency

Air Jangkang Village Reclamation is one model of environmental management of ex-mining land. Managed by PT. TimahTbk is used as a productive, educative, tourism-oriented and sustainable land. This innovation has succeeded in bringing the Bangka Regency Government to Achieve the TOP Award for the KIPP...
Proceedings Article

Healthy City and Tourism Planning to Create a Healthy Tourism

“Case Study of Bangka Island, Indonesia”

Ridwan Sutriadi, Naya Cinantya Drestalita, Nilam Atsirina Krisnaputri
The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed Bangka, Indonesia's economic and health sectors. The reduction in mining activities inflicts a decline in economic activity, resulting from environmental awareness and further aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, in the health sector, it is known that...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Klassen Typology and Spatial Pole of Economic Growth and Development of Disadvantaged Regions in Bangka Belitung Islands Province over the 2004-2019 Period

Darol Arkum, Pan Budi Marwoto, Nursilawati
This paper analyzes the location of regencies/cities with a high economic growth rate, unemployment poverty rate, human development index level, and income distribution inequality in Bangka Belitung Islands Province. To analyze these questions, it employed the Geographic Information System and the Moran...
Proceedings Article

Structural Change: Applying Location Quotient and Shift-Share Analysis in Determining Leading Sectors in Bangka Regency Over The 2000-2021 Period

Pan Budi Marwoto, Darol Arkum, Ridho Ilahi
Economic growth is an important indicator to measure the success of a region's economic development. Changes in the driving sector mainly affect changes in economic growth. This study aims to identify leading economic sectors and analyze sectoral shifts in the economy of Bangka Regency over the...
Proceedings Article

Interest-Free Unsecured Micro Credit Innovation for People’s Oil Palm Plantation in Bangka Regency

Pan Budi Marwoto, Darol Arkum, Hermanto Siregar, Aviliani
The economic structure of Bangka Regency is dominated by the agricultural sector. The Central Bureau of Statistics reported that in 2019, the agricultural sector contributed 19.54 percent to the GRDP, which later increased to 20.44% in 2021. The dominance of the agricultural sector in this regency is...
Proceedings Article

Management of Ex-Tin Mining Land for Rice Cultivation as an Effort to Achieve Food Security

Syahbudin, Pan Budi Marwoto, Darol Arkum, Pitoyo, Elius Gani, Muhammad Defrianto
The innovation of ex-tin mining land management is an activity of managing ex-mining land for the purpose of rice cultivation. The activity takes place in Sinar Jaya Jelutung Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The rice field is an area of land developed as...