Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research

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26469 articles
Proceedings Article

Green Logistics Delivery Path Optimization Considering Deliveryman Satisfaction under Time-Varying Road Networks

Yunhao Zhou, Tinxin Wen
With the rise of green logistics and the continuous development of urban transportation networks, in order to solve the problems of high carbon emissions and low satisfaction of delivery personnel in logistics distribution. This article focuses on the optimization problem of green logistics distribution...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the influence mechanism of business environment optimization on consumption upgrading

Yichun Zhang, Ruiqi Li
Based on the panel data of 31 provinces and cities in China from 2017 to 2020, the impact of business environment on consumption structure is analyzed as an explanatory variable. Through empirical analysis, the indicators of business environment and consumption upgrading are subdivided and tested, and...
Proceedings Article

Welfare Analysis and Economic Potential of the Second Generation Involuntary Resettlement in Koto Panjang

Fery Andrianus, Syarifuddin Karimi, Endrizal Ridwan
The transfer of households due to dam construction causes households to experience changes in their livelihoods. In general, first generation households experience an increase in welfare compared to the period before moving and to the time they first move. This paper aims to analyze the welfare conditions...
Proceedings Article

Economic Relations of Japan with the Developing Economies Within Asia Pacific

Gibadullin Marat Zufarovich, Nurieva Aygul Rustamovna, Mingazova Nailya Gabdelhamitovna, Nasretdinov Ildar Talifovich, Valeeva Julya Sergeevna, Gatina Farida Fargatovna
The paper highlights the international economic relations of Japan with the developing Asia Pacific economies. The analysis of the foreign turnover of Japan is based on the study of the empirical data of the Customs service of the country on foreign trade volume. The time frame for the study is restricted...
Proceedings Article

Investment Potential Analysis on Chinese Stock Market in Metaverse- Take VR Industry as a Sample

Yurui Qin
In March 2021, the success of Roblox listed on the New York Stock Exchange brought Metaverse into public view and set off a wave in the stock market. Benefitting from this, the VR industry as the pioneer industry of Metaverse meets the development chance again. However, it is unclear whether the new...

Correction to: Peer-Review Statements

Daryono, Widiyanto, Ardik Ardianto, Indra Pratama Putra Salmon

Correction to: Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Innovation and Trends in Economics and Business (ICOBIS 2022)

Sanchita Saha, Dien Noviany Rahmatika, Ying Li, Khin Sandar Kyaw, Dewi Indriasih, Arif Zainudin, Achmad Nurmandi, Yanti Puji Astutie, Joko Mariyono, Purwo Susongko, Yuni Arfiani

Correction to: Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2022)

Eva Hotnaidah Saragih, Rike Penta Sitio, Rosita Fitriyani, Dhinar Silalahi, Yeneneh Tamirat Negash
Proceedings Article

Study on Operational Risk Management of Neural Network Commercial Bank

Lijuan Liu
Operational risk is a major component of commercial bank risk management. With the continuous development of society, but also gradually facing the globalization of financial close, while commercial banks have also faced with increasingly complex operational risk. This requires commercial banks to effectively...
Proceedings Article

Application of Progressive Case Teaching Method in Visual Basic (VB) Programming Teaching

Jin Ling
Reforms were made in the teaching contents, test contents, teaching process, etc. of VB programming course; the design scheme for progressive case library and the implementation process for progressive case teaching optimized; successful implementation of teaching assured via a teaching method with vertical...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Establishing a Mentoring System in Chinese Private Higher Education

Ren Changjiang
In order to improve and enrich teachers’ professional knowledge, skills, and teaching methodology, private universities are suggested to establish the mentoring system. This is one of the most effective ways to improve faculty’s quality.
Proceedings Article

Bank Competition and Enterprise Innovation

Zhiqiang Liu, Xianlin Zeng
This paper makes use of the structural competition of the joint stock commercial banks and city commercial banks brought by the relaxation of China’s banking regulation at the prefecture-level level and the expansion of the number of business outlets, and empirically examines the impact of bank competition...
Proceedings Article

Institutionalization of Power: A Legal-Sociological Approach to the Creation, Development and Dissolution of the State

N Sidorova, V Osipov, D Sidorov, A Zeldner, N Shishkareva
The article considers the problem of institutionalization of power from the standpoint of the formation of the state as the basic institution. Institutionalization allows you to trace the paradigm of the formation, development and decomposition of the state, which is traced in the works of famous scientists...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of the Innovation Factor Can Affect the Success of the Startup Company

Zelong Qin
The question of how to build a successful startup is always popular in the society. It is difficult to maintain startups for a long time, most startups are not able to last more than two years. Variety factor can lead to the failure of a startup such as investment or company size. The author analyzed...

Correction to: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022)

Werner Ria Murhadi, Dudi Anandya, Noviaty Kresna Darmasetiawan, Juliani Dyah Trisnawati, Putu Anom Mahadwartha, Elsye Tandelilin
Owing to an unfortunate oversight during the production process this proceedings was initially published with incorrect volume number 660, this has now been corrected to volume 223.
Proceedings Article

Research on the Regulatory Path of Leading Cadres’ Sexual Harassment*

Bo Han
Since the 18th National Congress of China, the party has become stricter and stricter, and the discipline requirements for leading cadres have also been strengthened. In the briefing of the officials of the fallen horses, the expression of unfair sexual relations with others is often mentioned. Although...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Psychological Capital, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment to Creativity of Civil Servants in the Government of Bukittinggi City

Fitrialdi, Syahrizal, Abror
This article aims to analyze the effects of psychological capital, employee engagement and organizational commitment on creativity in the civil servant environment of the Bukittinggi city government. This study uses data analysis methods with the smartPLS application. The sample used was 154 respondents....

Correction to: Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Economic Management and Cultural Industry (ICEMCI 2022)

Hrushikesh Mallick, Gaikar Vilas B., Ong Tze San
Owing to an unfortunate oversight during the production process this proceedings was initially published with incorrect volume number 668, this has now been corrected to volume 231.

Correction to: Proceedings of the 2022 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Business Culture (ICEDBC 2022)

Yushi Jiang, Yuriy Shvets, Hrushikesh Mallick
Owing to an unfortunate oversight during the production process this proceedings was initially published with incorrect volume number 662, this has now been corrected to volume 225.
Proceedings Article

The Role of Information and Automation in Enhancing the Efficiency of the Functioning of Eco-industrial Parks in Russia

D. A. Yaroslavtsev, V. S. Chekalin, M. A. Liubarskaia
In modern conditions, there is a need for the formation of an innovative infrastructure for a modern large cities focused on the integration of industries, science and education with the aim of solving existing problems. An important element of this infrastructure is eco-industrial parks. Eco-industrial...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Deep Influence of "Internet + Marketing" Platform on Fresh Agricultural Product Supply Chain

Qiyan Tian
Along with the development of Internet technology, "Internet + marketing" platform emerges, and the supply chain of fresh agricultural products is developed and constructed under this platform. This marketing mode broadens the sales channels of fresh products, More convenient for people to buy fresh...
Proceedings Article

The Development Strategy of Tourism Sector in Ponorogo, Indonesia

Hadi Sumarsono, Hinuda Wisna Arti, Yohanes Hadi Soesilo
This study aims to identify the priority strategies for developing the Ngebel Lake tourism object in Ponorogo Regency. This paper applied AHP method in determining the priority of appropriate policy strategies in developing the Ngebel Lake tourism object. This study took a sample of 30 respondents using...
Proceedings Article

Major Aspects of Criminal Law Protection in Digital Economy

M.G. Reshnyak, S.V. Borisov
Recent years are characterized by further development of the information society as a whole and digital economy as its integral part, based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies in various fields of economic activity. Both positive effect of such technologies rapid development...
Proceedings Article

Research on Classification of Traffic Organization of Ships Carrying Dangerous

Yijun Zhang, Guobo Wang, Qiyu Liu
In order to meet the national intrinsically safe management requirements, on the basis of international convention rules and national technical standards, take the Three Gorges locks as an example, consider the special safety management requirements of the locks for fire prevention, explosion and corrosion...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Long-term Development of Rural Mutual Aid Pensions from the Perspective of Rural Community Reengineering

Liu Jingyu
The China Rural Development Report 2020 projects that the proportion of people aged 60 years or older in rural China will reach 25.3% by 2025, or about 124 million people. The study will adopt a qualitative literature analysis method and select 23 Chinese research papers for analysis. The study aims...
Proceedings Article

The Perception on Online Shopping Risks of Different Genders

Yuxin Yi
Based on the convenience and benefits brought by these online shopping sites, the number of people shopping online has also increased. But at the same time, online shopping also has certain risks. If people cannot perceive these risks in time, it will bring losses. There are gender differences in the...
Proceedings Article

Law Analysis about Monopolistic Sino-American Multinational Enterprises

Sansan Jiang, Hanyi Ying, Xiaoya Yuan
As globalization proceeds, there is a trend that Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are increasingly expanding to the international market. MNEs can gain monopoly powers because local enterprises have less competitive advantages and lack antitrust solutions. The U.S. was a pioneer in the legal regulation...
Proceedings Article

Research on risk measurement of the multi-hierarchical herding behavior of the heterogeneous institutional investors

Jie Ma, Zhenghua Wei, Xing Yin
Based on the modified LSV model, this paper measured the herding behavior of the 6 types of institutional investor via three aspects. We got some new findings: 1) The fund’s herding behavior is the most serious in all kinds of institutional investors, and the fund shows no the professional ability in...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Sense of Happiness of Teachers in Private Colleges in Developed Areas Under the Educational Supply Side Reform Questionnaire Survey Based on Teachers from a College in Guangdong Province

Dengbin Huang
China has entered a new era with the new normal of economic development which has changed from a "speed priority" to the "high quality development". The higher education development stage in China has gradually entered the mass higher education level. It has carried out vigorous supply-side reforms in...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Influence Factors of Housing Price Based on Semi-Parametric Functional Linear Model

Peng Jin, Qing-Guo Tang
In this paper, using the theory and method of functional principal component analysis and the optimization theory and method, we develop a new estimation method for estimating the unknown parameters and function in semi-parametric functional linear model. We use the model and its estimation method to...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Practical Management of Human Resources Cost under the Auxiliary of Financial Accounting

Yuan Xu
Now increasingly competitive society and business development situation, reasonable and efficient human resource cost management is very important, it has become the ability to give full play to the advantages of the integrated personnel security. Typically, companies will use its financial and accounting...
Proceedings Article

Applications Discovery Method to Develop Students’ Awareness of Innovation

Hualiang Wu, Zhendong Mu
Innovation is a source of national development, innovation and training students awareness is fundamental to improve the country's competitiveness, the paper discusses how to use the "discovery method" to raise awareness of innovation university students through curriculum design, teaching methods courses...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Working Mothers for Additional Household Income toward Criminality on Children

Isra Yeni, Ali Anis, Yollit Permata Sari
This study aims to find out how the impact of working mothers on crime in children, as well as the factors that influence it. The analysis was carried out using cross section data in 2016. The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) data is used in this study and as a sample is the household that has...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Cultivation Path of Vocational Quality of Vocational College Students

Shi Xiaochun
The cultivation of vocational quality is an important part of the training of higher vocational talents. Higher vocational college can strengthen students' qualities by combining with its own characteristics through vocational ethics education, career planning, vocational skills training, employment...
Proceedings Article

Application and Feasibility Analysis of DCF Model in Corporate Valuation: A Case Study of Tesla, Inc.

Jiayi Pan
Although in the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting rise in global raw materials and labor costs have had a more serious adverse impact on the entire automotive industry, the new energy vehicle industry has shown a strong momentum of development in the past two years, with significant...
Proceedings Article

Tax Treatment of Employee Benefits

Yinhua Pu, Chunyan Liu, Xiao Chen, Yan Cheng, Jiasheng Wang
In present society, employee development has been the foundation of business development. The company has the obligation and responsibility to provide employees with basic benefits. Meanwhile, employees also have the obligation and responsibility to provide services for the enterprise. Thus, how to deal...
Proceedings Article

Legal Regulation of the Quality and Safety of Food Products: Analysis of the Current State in the Context of Ensuring National Security of Russia

E.V. Vorontsova, A.L. Vorontsov
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring the quality and safety of food products. Ensuring the quality and safety of food products is an urgent task of the Russian state, the solution of which depends on ensuring the country’s...
Proceedings Article

Main Areas of Internal Control for Independent Assessment of Tax Risks in Tax Consulting in the Digital Economy of Russia

O.N. Chechushkova
Thanks to the digital economy, there is an urgent need to transform an accountant into a tax consultant - to independently calculate tax risks and internal tax control systems, and this opportunity has appeared remotely and quickly to solve problems. Therefore, there is a demand for a new type of service...
Proceedings Article

Research of Impact of COVID-19 on Clothing Industry Using Fama-French Five-Factor Model

Xinrong Ji, Keying Li, Zijie Yu
As COVID-19 negatively affected the U.S. stock market, the performances of stocks vary from different industries. This research focused on the specific impact of the pandemic on the clothing industry specifically. The study used the Fama-French 5 factor model, which includes two other variables – RMW...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Retention at Merdeka Toyota Dealers

Sumardi, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of customer value on customer retention. This study used an explanatory research type with 43 respondents from vehicle maintenance customers at the Merdeka Motor Toyota as the population. The SPSS 25 regression was used as a tool to analyze the data....
Proceedings Article

Performance Improvement Strategies for A Public Company: A Case Study of PT Hutama Karya (Persero)

Arif Rahman
This research focuses on formulating strategies to enhance the performance of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (HK). Through interviews with three managerial informants, representing diverse fields within HK, a SWOT analysis was conducted to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external threats...
Proceedings Article

The Role of the State in Providing Social-Economic Development: World Experience and Russian Practice

I V Minakova, T N Bukreeva, K A Nosachevski, O G Timofeeva, O I Solodukhina
Liberal and neoliberal approaches implemented in the Russian economy have been proven untenable. Reforms led to economic losses comparable to losses of wars, revolution and the civil war of 1914-1922. World practice has proved that only a state-controlled economy is capable of providing economic growth...
Proceedings Article

Integrated Machine Learning Approaches for E-commerce Customer Behavior Prediction

Yuran Dong, Junyi Tang, Zhixi Zhang
How to predict the customers’ behavior is always a crucial problem for enterprises in E-commerce. In this paper, a data set containing the behavior data for 2019 October and November from a large multi-category online store has been used as well as diverse Machine Learning algorithms are used in Python...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Logistics Capabilities on Online Purchase Attitude and Purchase Intention in the Millennials of Tokopedia Users

Elvira Rosa Noor, Adi P. Tedjakusuma, Veny Megawati, Jun Kumamoto
This study aims to determine the effect of logistics capabilities on online purchase attitudes and purchase intentions in the millennial group aged 20 to 39 years of Tokopedia e-commerce users. This study reveals the effect of carriers’ reputation in moderating the relationship between trust and purchase...
Proceedings Article

The Interrelation of Youth Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention: A Bibliometric Approach

Ferry Arfiansyah, Suryana Suryana, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo
This research uses a bibliometric approach to examine the interrelation between youth entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial intention of young people. This research aims to obtain related topics and information about youth entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention research. The researcher used...
Proceedings Article

Mechanism of Financing the Project Activities of the Creative Industries in the Russian Federation

N. A. Malshina, А. A. Firsova
The main goal of financing the project activity of the creative industry is to provide financial resources in the required quantities, at the right time, using the most effective sources of financing. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to create a model for financing the project activity...
Proceedings Article

Litigation Risk and Commercial Credit

Zhiqiang Liu, Wenxuan Han
This paper takes the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2005 to 2015 as a sample to study the impact of litigation risk on the company’s commercial credit. The study found that: (1) Compared with listed companies that do not have litigation risks (or higher litigation risks), the commercial...
Proceedings Article

Research on Pre-Litigation Procedure of Administrative Public Interest Litigation Initiated by the Prosecutorial Organization*

Yifan Shi, Xian Fu
In the process of prosecuting public interest litigation, a pre-litigation procedure has been taken as an important system design as the litigation procedure. The two-year pilot result indicates that most of the administrative public interest disputes can be solved through the pre-litigation procedure....
Proceedings Article

How Marketing Strategy Empowers Brand Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Xiaomi Mobile Phones and Huawei Mobile Phones

Shengnan Zhang
Under the background of the vigorous development of mobile communication technology and the strong demand of the business in China's smartphone market, the brand power of domestic mobile phone brands is also increasing, and a large number of excellent domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Innovation Strategies for the Development of the Catering Industry

Yixuan Tang
As a service industry that has the greatest impact on people's lives, the catering industry has a huge market of about 5 trillion yuan in China alone. At the same time, there are 9,608,000 registered catering enterprises in China. In the huge market and fierce competition, only innovation can promote...
Proceedings Article

The Movement of Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) During the COVID-19 Pandemic from January 2020 to December 2021

Andika Wahyu Santoso, Eni Setyowati
The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 which caused the stock market crash in capital markets around the world and Indonesia became the background for this research. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in the Jakarta Composite Index during the Covid-19 pandemic whether it is influenced by the variables...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Visual Evoked Potentials in Random Sequence

Junli Xu, Zhendong Mu
VEP is an important tool for the study of EEG, visual evoked potentials study focused on the use of visual evoked potential analysis of the various components, but for the main component of the visual impact - the picture on the visual display sequence impact is rare, this article from a different picture...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Fiscal and Tax Policy for Manufacturing Industry Transformation and Upgrading Under the Supply-side Structural Reform Based on Tianjin's Macro Data Analysis

Yue Wang, Caixia Li, Xian Han
Manufacturing industry is China's advantageous industry and an important pillar and foundation of the national economy, plays an important role in the development of the national economy, and is also the basis for establishing the country, the device for rejuvenating the country and the foundation for...
Proceedings Article

Discussion on the Online Fusion of Fresh Agricultural Products in the Internet age

Yinfeng Liu
With the deepening development of the market economic system in our country, the marketization of fresh agricultural products is gradually accelerating. However, due to the seasonal characteristics of fresh produce, it is not appropriate for long-term preservation, and so on. In the Internet era, the...
Proceedings Article

Tesla Pricing Strategy Analysis: Take Model 3 as an Example

Jiangxi Ding, Yuting He
With the aggravation of climate warming and air pollution, the development of new energy vehicles has become an inevitable choice for every country. As the leader of new energy pure electric vehicles, Tesla has opened up a new automotive market segment. Tesla’s success can be a reference for domestic...
Proceedings Article

Research on Jinan Green Logistics Development Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis

Mingxu Qiao, Yongzhi Zhang
With the prosperous development of China’s e-commerce industry, the logistics industry has become a core force supporting the growth of the national economy. This transformation has not only changed the shopping habits of consumers, but also had a wide impact on the entire economic structure. This thesis...
Proceedings Article

Study on Multi-Level Accounting Personnel Training Mode based on Coordinated Development of Vocational Education and Subject Education

Dongdong Li
Under the new normal economy, the social demand for accounting professionals have shown a significant structural change in demand due to graduates of vocational colleges and the community to supply accounting personnel asymmetry. On the one hand is rising social demand for high-quality, high-quality...
Proceedings Article

Exploration and Practice of Chinese Education in Southeast Asia Taking the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language in Xi’an University as an Example

Qin Ling
Southeast Asian countries play a decisive role in the international promotion of Chinese. Over the past ten years, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and other countries have incorporated Chinese education into their national education system. Under this opportunity, we need to seize the opportunity...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Relationship between Credit Rating and Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

Hasdi Aimon, Fajar Akbari
The purpose of studied is to determine whether there is a short-term and long-term influence and cointegration between Foreign Direct Investment, to the credit ratings of Indonesia provided by credit institutions such as Moody's (MO), S & P (SP) and Fitch (FIT). The studied uses secondary time series...
Proceedings Article

The Scope of Organizational Behavior Management: The Transformation from Internalization to Externalization

Jie Zhen
The scope of organizational behavior management has always been constrained within the organization, which has its historical rationality. However, as a result of open innovation and the formation of network organization, the scope has transformed from the inside of the organization to the outside of...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Celebrity Endorsements, Customer Experience on Viral Marketing and Purchase Decision

Sindhu Alamsyah, Ratih Hurriyati, Heny Hendrayati
This study examines the effect of celebrity endorsements and customer experience on purchasing decisions with viral marketing as a mediating variable with a case study at Antapura de Djati. The sample of this study was visitors to Antapura de Djati using quantitative analysis techniques with the path...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Current OPPO Mobile Phone Functions on Customer Satisfaction Based on Kano Model

Xingbo Liu
Customer satisfaction is a factor managers should focus on if companies want to be competitive in today's competitive environment. In today's era of popular shopping, customer feedback on the company's products is very important, which is beneficial to the company's bottom line. Customers...
Proceedings Article

Vitality Evaluation of Logistics Port Based on the Partial Order Set

Rui Wang, Lizhu Yue
In order to effectively evaluate the logistics vitality of twelve ports in the downstream area of the Yangtze River, a port logistics vitality evaluation index system was constructed, including four aspects: facilities, operation scale, and economic and information technology capabilities. The partial...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Effect of Haidilao’s Brand Marketing Strategies on Brand Image and Loyalty

Xuanyi Guo, Ruotong Zhai
In this study, we are designated to investigate what specific brand marketing strategies have been adopted by Haidilao and its effects on its brand image and brand loyalty. Haidilao, as one of the most popular chain restaurants in such a competitive market, can be a great example of investigating what...
Proceedings Article

Technology for Forecasting the Region Economy and Budget Revenues Development on the Basis of Interindustry Balance

Yu.K. Mashunin, I.A. Mashunin
The objective of the work is to develop the technology for forecasting the region economy and budget revenues development on the basis of interindustry balance. The forecasting was done taking into account the dynamics of the interindustry balance, investments, resource expenses and capacities restrictions....
Proceedings Article

Is Modern Law Ready to Solve the Environmental Migration Problems? Assessment of International, Foreign and Russian Experience–Socially Dangerous Acts and Their Legal Effects: General Characteristic

Umnova-Koniukhova Irina Anatolievna, Semenovskiy Igor Dmitrievich, Vakula Marina Anatolyevna
The article deals with the modern theoretical and scientific-practical problems of environmental migration legal regulation. Raised topical issues of environmental migration as a new direction of legal regulation. Carried out the assessment of environmental migration solving problems at the level of...
Proceedings Article

E-Government and Government Support for the Digital Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

S. Revinova, D.P. Chavarry Galvez
In today’s world all countries, both developed and developing, digitalization processes are rising rapidly. They concern both state organizations and private companies and the public. Digitalization has an impact on the welfare of the population, the economic development of the country and its global...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction & Organizational Commitment on Training Effectiveness Toward Project Performance

Vicky Roy Matondang, Fiter Abadi
This study examines the effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on construction project performance in Indonesia, with training effectiveness as a mediator. Data were obtained through a survey of 270 respondents who work in construction projects and have...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Visual Fatigue on EEG Features

Junli Xu, Zhendong Mu
VEP is a major tool for EEG studies, this paper is the use of visual evoked potentials identification study, a study of the visual impact of fatigue on the identification results, this paper ten subjects EEG acquisition , respectively, and let them do the same patterns of brain electrical repeatedly...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of Synergistic Effect of Continuous Mergers and Acquisitions in Biomedical Enterprises

Take Luye Pharma in China as the Example

Qian Liang, Youmeng Ke
With the development of economy and the continuous improvement of national health awareness, the scale of China’s biomedical market continues to grow rapidly, becoming an indispensable part of the international biomedical industry. This paper adopts case analysis method to take Luye Pharma of China as...
Proceedings Article

The Integration of Teaching and Learning in English Courses for International Students: a Case Study of Shanghai Polytechnic University

Sun Yan
In the rapid development of society, economy and Internet technology environment, how to improve the quality of foreign students’ English courses has received wide attention in universities. Taking Shanghai Polytechnic University as an example, this paper discusses the importance of English teaching...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Contribution Rate of Human Capital Investment to Economic Growth in Shandong Province

Xiulin Ji, Meixia Shi
This paper discusses the impact of human capital investment on economic growth in Shandong Province. Through empirical research, it is found that the material capital stock is still the main factor driving the economic growth of Shandong Province. The increase of human capital stock in primary school,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism on Corporate Values

Meisi Armeliyas, Dina Patrisia
This study aimed to analyze effectson the size of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Commissioners Meeting, Board of Independent Commissioners, Audit Committee, Institutional Ownership, Concentration Ownershipand Managerial Ownership on Corporate Value as measured by Tobin’s Q and PBV. The population...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Inflationary Policy in Russia: From Inflation Targeting to Economic Growth

I V Minakova, T N Bukreeva, E I Bykovskaya, O G Timofeeva, O I Solodukhina
The paper analyses the official Russian state anti-inflationary policy. It reveals that this policy does not correspond to the causes of inflation. Over the period from 1992 to 2018, the monetarist basis of the state economic policy pursued in Russia has not changed. Sterilization of financial assets...
Proceedings Article

TikTok: A Must-Have App

Junfeng Li
Social networking has become the order of the day or the current generation. Developed in 2016, the impact Tiktok has had is a matter of concern. Thus, this research takes an interest to assess the marketing process of the company and the competition that the company has had to endure despite its current...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Capital Structure, Corporate Environment, and Corporate Performance of Listed Companies in China

Ruijia Tian
The relationship between capital structure and firm performance has been one of the important directions of market economy research. Based on the information samples of Vanke, a representative real estate company, and 31 listed electric power companies, this paper analyzes and studies the relationship...
Proceedings Article

Based on STP Analysis of Consumer Perception in Generation Z, the Influence of Chinese and American Sports Brand Image and the Enlightenment to Chinese Sports Goods Brand---Nike and Li Ning as Examples

Yuanchun Fu
China’s sports brands account for a large share of the world and its economic impact should not be underestimated; In the 1990s, international brands such as Adidas and Nike flocked to the domestic market, which had a great impact on local brands in China. In this paper, the proposed sporting goods enterprises...
Proceedings Article

Study on Enterprise Innovation Ecosystem and Independent Innovation Strategy under New Normal

Cheng Zhang
In the context of the new normal, independent innovation of enterprises have a direct impact on their production and development, in the process, companies can be innovative as an ecological system, through changes to the system and the organization of each enterprise resource integration , guaranteed...
Proceedings Article

Impact of commercial bank internal governance mechanism on credit risk: an empirical study based on China's listed banks

Mingwei Zhou, Changmei Xiong
This paper systematically examines the impact of the internal governance mechanism of commercial banks on credit risk from the perspective of corporate governance of commercial banks. The results show that the proportion of the largest shareholder, the proportion of the state-owned shares, the nature...
Proceedings Article

Feasibility Analysis of Overhaul and Modernization of Equipment

N.A. Shcherbakova
Overhaul and modernization of equipment directly affect its market value and require significant investments which feasibility needs to be checked. This article analyzes the factors that influence the expediency of equipment overhaul or modernization. The economic effect of repair or modernization is...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Analysis on Training Objectives of Logistics Management Professionals at Different Levels

Shijun Yuan
This paper compares and analyzes the objectives of the "secondary vocational-higher vocational-undergraduate" logistics management professional training from the three levels of policy, academia and college practice, and proposes that colleges and universities of different levels should make clear personnel...
Proceedings Article

The Introduction of English Education Culture under the Guidance of Patriotic Cultural Identity Education

Chengsheng Wang
With the increase of economic trade and cultural exchanges, the importance of English is becoming more and more prominent. In the face of the erosion of foreign culture, colleges and universities should take corresponding measures with patriotism and cultural identity education to increase cultural introduction...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Training, Work Environment and Work Motivation on the Performance of Nursing Staff at RSUD Lubuk Basung

Depi Susanti, Syamsul Amar, Dina Patrisia
This article aims to analyze the effect of Training, Work Environment and Work Motivation on the Performance of Nursing Staff at RSUD Lubuk Basung. The research uses quantitative approach. The method that is used in this research is Path Analysis. In This research, researches will take the nurses who...
Proceedings Article

Portfolio Diversification on Value Creation and Its Implication on Business Performance

(A Study in the Non-Aero Airport Service Industry in Indonesia)

Virda Dimas Ekaputra, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo, Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
The present research aims to investigate the impact of business orientation and portfolio diversification on value creation and the implication on the business performance of the non-aero airport service industry in Indonesia. The study is conducted using a quantitative research approach. The observation...
Proceedings Article

The Structure of Organizational Behavior Management: Identification, Selection and Feedback

Jie Zhen
The structure of organizational behavior management is composed of identification, selection and feedback. The fundamental content of identification includes clarifying the types and forms of various organization behavior, justifying the feature and function of concrete action, grasping the development...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Legislation of Rural Drinking Water Management in Jiangxi Province

Na Yin
Rural drinking water safety is the core of ensuring and improving people’s livelihood, which is closely related to the health and happiness of rural residents. As the most basic guarantee for people’s livelihood, rural drinking water safety is helpful to implement the strategy of rural revitalization,...