Proceedings of the 1st Yogyakarta International Conference on Educational Management/Administration and Pedagogy (YICEMAP 2017)

Session: 15. Character Education

3 articles
Proceedings Article

Local Development Model to Increase Moral Behavior

Alif Muarifah, Dody Hartanto
Moral behavior is one essential factors in the development and creation of an advanced and fair society. It is the ideal concept should be acquired and developed. However, at this time, especially teenagers' moral behavior has changed. The changes tend to be on the negative behavior. This article describes...
Proceedings Article

Mapping Genealogy of Character Education in Indonesia Ki Hajar Dewantara and Hamka as Preliminary Locus Study

Okta Nurul Hidayati
Indonesia has been developing a formula of improving the good character education system. Previous studies explain that religiosity is one of the elements of character education, but it can be derived also from the nationalist aspect. This paper aims to analyze the formation of moral constructs of a...
Proceedings Article

Leadership of Ece Principal in Growth Character Through Stifin Method in Kindergarten

Imron Arifin, Ikhsan Gunadi
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is the stage and stage of learning era of golden age. At this time the child experiencing the process of growing the most optimal, both cognitive and mental attitudes. For that required a quality learning process that is able to grow the character. The leadership of ECE...