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193168 articles
Proceedings Article
Integration of Tsou Culture into Innovative Poster Creation
Hsiu Ching Laura Hsieh, Po Chun Chan
With the globalization of the modern society, many school children continually absorb foreign popular culture while ignoring the value of their own culture, resulting in the gradual diminishing and disappearing of the rich and historical aboriginal culture. The research explores on the method of applying...
Proceedings Article
Rumah Sobat: Integrated Self-Care Group for Leprosy in Jayapura City, Papua Province
Antonius Oktavian, Hana Krismawati, Yuli Arisanti, Ratna Tanjung
Leprosy is a chronic communicable and becomes neglected disease. Papua Province still become a leprosy pocket area in Indonesia, including Jayapura City. One of leprosy pocket area in Jayapura City is Hamadi. Based on data, there were 131 active leprosy patients in Hamadi Public Health Centre (PHC) until...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Smart City: Local Government in Pekanbaru City and Community
Geovani Meiwanda
Every government in the region along with its ranks is entering the era of digital governance that demands all supporting elements in the government to be carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government. Smart City Madani is the tagline of the City of Pekanbaru since the reign of Mayor serving Firdaus,...
Proceedings Article
Electrostatic Precipitator Failure Analysis Using FMEA Method on Steam Turbine Electricity Generation (PLTU Banten 2 - Indonesia)
Tatan Zakaria, Wawan Gunawan, Ahmad Faisal
In electric power generation, reliability of each equipments is important in order produce optimal electrical energy. Unreliable units will influence to other cost due to an expensive production losses. So, it is very important to know the reliability on each system. In this case study, an Electro Static...
Proceedings Article
Sports Nutrition Development Model
Ratna Dewi, Liliana Puspa Sari, Ahmad Almunawar, Ika Endah Puspita Sari
Nutrition is one of the factors that influence the achievement of North Sumatra sportsmen, so it needs to be considered and adjusted for nutritional needs with physical activity during the training program. This study aims to obtain models of sports nutrition development that can improve achievement....
Proceedings Article
Re-Study on Wei Hong and the “Preface of Mao Poetry”
Genhu Ye
The author’s question of “Preface of Mao Poetry” is a problem that scholars have argued for over a thousand years. The relationship between Wei Hong and “Preface of Mao Poetry” is one of the cores of this problem. There is a sentence of “the Literature of Queens” in the Fuyang Han bamboo slips, which...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Influence Tourist Buying Interest in Manado City Traditional SMEs
Imelda W. J. Ogi, Merinda H. Ch. Pandowo, Rita N. Taroreh
Small businesses in Manado are on of the pillars in supporting economic growth in this area. SMEs also support the development of innovation in supporting the tourism industry in this city. Problems faced by SMEs in Manado include how SMEs in Manado, especially traditional SMEs, in predicting consumer...
Proceedings Article
Model of Empowerment as Strategies for Women SMEs Entrepreneurs Competitiveness in Palembang
Fetty Maretha, Yulia Pebrianti, Rini, Lisnini
This research is aimed to find out how empowerment through targeted programs in increasing the competitiveness of women SMEs entrepreneurs in Palembang. This study uses data consisted of 325 Woman SME population units in Palembang. The sample used in this study was 179 respondents. The model used for...
Proceedings Article
Development of Competency Based on Outdoor Education Model for Elementary School Students in Samarinda
Muhammad Ramli Buhari, Kamelia Dwi Marda
This research aimed to develop a competency-based outdoor education model for elementary school level as an alternative to effective physical education learning. The research approach used is research and Development. The data Collection techniques used in this study were observations, interviews, documents...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Fintechs as a Part of Digital Economy
E. Saliger, V. I. Kordovitch, O. V. Popova, M. A. Popov
Fintechs are companies that offer digital financial innovations. Fintechs’ business models include the areas of investing, paying, managing, financing and insuring. Their success factors are based on customer service orientation and manifest themselves in transparency, efficiency, low costs / favorable...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Practical Teaching System Reform of Public Administration Specialties in the Context of New Liberal Arts
Yong-ping ZHENG, Ruo-Nan ZHANG
The ideas and measures of promoting the practical teaching system reform of public administration specialties of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University in the context of novel liberal arts are analyzed in this paper. To fulfill the requests of practice orientation, cross domain learning and integrated...
Proceedings Article
Concepts of Economic Growth for Financial Stability of the State
Bulat Gaynutdinov, Aleksey Lebedev, Elena Razumovskaya
The article is devoted to the analysis of existing concepts of economic growth in the light of their influence on the condition of the state financial system. The authors show the reflection of financial indicators in fundamental macroeconomic functions and reconstruct many of them. The concept-based...
Proceedings Article
Good Corporate Governance on Integrity of Financial Statements
Anniza Maria Ulfa, Auliffi Ermian Challen
This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence from the influence of Good Corporate Governance on the integrity of financial statements. Good Corporate Governance using proxies of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, independent commissioners and audit committee. This study analyzed the secondary...
Proceedings Article
The Synergy Effect of “ABCGM” for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Somariah Fitriani, Ahmad Diponegoro, Sintha Wahjusaputri
Entrepreneurship is believed to bring a positive impact on the prosperity of a community, job creation, and economic outlook of a nation through the numerous small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Thus, the study was to examine the correlation of five actors (academic, business, community, government,...
Proceedings Article
Identification of the Determinant Factors of Company Sukuk Rating in Indonesia: Using Profit Management as an Intervening Variable
Nurani Puspa Ningrum, Amirul Fatikhin, Darsin
As the country with the highest Moslem population, sukuk is one of the investment types that is quite a lot of interest in Indonesia. This study aimed to examine the significance, theory, and collecting empirical evidence of the determinant of sukuk rating in Indonesia with profit management as an intervening...
Proceedings Article
A Preliminary Exploration of Management Problems in the Wisdom Transformation of Chifeng College Library
Man Jiang
The main purpose of this paper is to explore in depth the problems in management in the process of the transformation of Chifeng College Library to the Wisdom Library. It is proposed to reform and upgrade in six aspects: optimizing the organizational structure, facing readers, increasing self-service...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Ecological Impact of Tempeh Industrial Center in Sanan Village
Sri Utami, Kartika Eka Sari
Sanan Industrial Centre is one of the household industrial centers in Malang City. Waste produced in Sanan Industrial Center comes from two sources; they are from tempeh and cattle farmers industries. Fourteen tempeh industries utilize waste from tempeh as food and drinks for cattle. In comparison, other...
Proceedings Article
IT Audit Education Implemented Under the Cloud Accounting
Minghong Sun, Yunlong Qu
Digital economy requires the ‘new’ auditor who should not only master the traditional knowledge and methods, but also embody technology-oriented ability. Facing the change of labor market demands, our school has put forward a new engineering model of IT audit education. Based on the CDIO engineer concept,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Service Quality Through Delivery and Professionalism in Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City
Wenny Astuti, Dasman Lanin, Syamsir
This study aimed to explain the effect of employee satisfaction on service quality through delivery and profession nalism both directly and indirectly in the office of Labor and Industrial Agency of Padang City. Employee satisfaction in this study was divided into three dimensions of satisfaction, namely...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Communicative Competence for New Challenges and Opportunities of Industry 4.0
Perwi Darmajanti
The implementation of Industry 4.0 potentially generates social changes especially on the challenges and opportunity for the human resources with regard to competitiveness, flexibility and adaptability. The growing industrial context still requires soft skills such as self-organization, teamwork, and...
Proceedings Article
“Emergency Arbitration”; Comparative Analysis
Gunawan Widjaja, Andryawan, Victoria Regine Liando
In contractual relationships with respect to Business to Business (B2B) trade transactions, disputes that occur can be related to the object of the transactions, which may involve any kind of goods. Disputes in relation to the goods as object of disputes can take consequences that the goods may be damaged...
Research Article
Reducing Unnecessary Brain Computed Tomography Scan in a Tertiary Center
Mohamed Abdoun, Abdelmoneim Mahgoub, J. Motwali
Pages: 40 - 43
Brain Computed Tomography (CT) is routinely requested before Lumbar Puncture (LP) to rule out increased intracranial pressure. However, normal brain radiography does not abate the risk of herniation and unnecessarily delays the course of treatment. Thus, the primary aims of this study were to evaluate...
Proceedings Article
Aviation Business Actor’s Responsibilities for the Consumers
Engeli Yuliana Lumaing, Agustien Cherly Wereh
This study aimed to determine explicitly legal protection for consumers in the form of accountability of commercial aviation business actors in Indonesia, to be able to produce a clear policy/regulation to protect consumers. The data sources come from secondary data which consists of primary, secondary...
Proceedings Article
Building Organizational Culture And Climate as A Strategy for Character Development in School
Agus Tinus
The success of character education, especially the character development of school members in the teaching and learning process, is determined by cultural factors and organizational climate in the school. Organizational culture influences how individuals act while a conducive climate supports all learning...
Proceedings Article
Four-M Model for Bamboo Conservation in Riverbanks Management (Case Study in Communities of Soppeng Regency South Sulawesi Indonesia)
Nurlita Pertiwi, Nur Anny S. Taufieq, Mithen
This article introduces the bamboo conservation training model along the river bank. This experimental research is part of the development of a community empowerment model involving 20 farmers who manage land on the banks of the Soppeng river. This model was trained in May-August 2019. The aspects of...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
L-Stepholidine Inhibits Methamphetamine Intravenous Self-administration Behavior in Rodents
Kai Yue, BaoMiao Ma, JunQiao Xing, mingshan Pi
Methamphetamine (METH) is a powerful psycho stimulant. Chronic obsessive and compulsive usage of METH caused great harm to human health (physical and psychological) and social stability issues all over the world. Currently, no drugs have been used to treat and prevent METH addiction. L-Stepholidine (L-SPD)...
Proceedings Article
Closure Systems as a Fuzzy Extension of Meet-subsemilattices
Manuel Ojeda-Hernández, Inma P. Cabrera, Pablo Cordero, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco
An extension of the notion of closure system is studied adapting the idea of meet-subsemilattice to a complete fuzzy lattice. Results relating closure operators and closure systems in the classical case are extended properly to this framework. This definition is proved to be equivalent to the most used...
Proceedings Article
The Nonsplit Resolving Domination Polynomial of a Graph
N Pushpa, B V Dhananjayamurthy
Metric representation of a vertex v in a graph G with an ordered subset R = {a1, a2, .., ak} of vertices of G is the k-vector r(v|R) =(d(v,a1), d(v,a2), .., d(v,ak)), where d(v,a) is the distance between v and a in G. The set R is called a Resolving set of G, if any two distinct vertices of G have distinct...
Proceedings Article
The Progress of Credit Linked Note Based on Products from Different Regions
Yixiang Sun
Credit Linked Note (CLN) is a kind of structured financial derivative that is booming. Based on analysis and comparisons toward different kinds of CLN products from different countries, the current status of CLN products has been introduced. Specifically, the characteristics (e.g., rates and periods)...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Motivation on Financial Literation
Study on UKM in Malang City
Ilham Azmi Zarkasi, Kusdi Rahardjo
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a big role in the economy, especially in developing countries. However, in its role, Indonesia still has a level of access to finance below several ASEAN countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Thus it can be said that the literacy of SMEs in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Staying Relevant in the Digital Age: Developing Innovation Capability in Higher Education Institution
Andreas Ronald Setianan, Wika Harisa Putri
Higher education industry in Indonesia is currently undergoing a significant transformation driven by contemporary technology. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to the intersection between digital innovation, organizational capabilities, and higher education institutions. This paper examines...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Marketing Communications of Fisheries, Marine and Food Agriculture of Lhokseumawe City
Kamaruddin Hasan, Masriadi Sambo, Riski Amal Muchlis, M. Yahya
The main objective to be achieved in this research is to describe and optimize marketing and business communications in the digital era of marine, fishery and food agriculture products in Lhokseumawe City which side with fishermen and farmers. Describe the potential, symptoms, rules and methods in optimizing...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Engineering Education Students Using the Curriculum Design Module as a Guide in Developing a Syllabus and Learning Plan
Amay Suherman, Mumu Komaro, Ega Taqwali Berman
This study aims to obtain information from engineering education students about the use of curriculum design modules as a guide to compiling a syllabus and lesson plans. This study used a qualitative method with research participants as engineering education students as vocational school teacher candidates...
Proceedings Article
Small-Medium Enterprises Stickiness on the Traditional Accounting Systems
Jufri Darma, Taufik Hidayat, Haryani Pratiwi Sitompul, Dedy Husrizal Syah, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala
This study aims to identify the causes of the limited absorption of the accounting information system (AIS) in SMEs that are members of the UPPKS (Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera -in English: Business to Increase Prosperous Family Income) Program in Medan City. This research is necessary...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Learning Model Aimed at Developing Social Competence of Third Age People
Innokenty A. Malanov, Evgenia V. Miroshnichenko, Natalia I. Shmonina
The article deals with the problem of development and implementation of the learning model aimed at developing social competence of the third age people. The problem of teaching people of the third age is relevant and is solved in the domestic and foreign studies from the standpoint of the formation...
Proceedings Article
Documenting a Visually Impaired Learner’s Experience Using Audible During COVID-19 Pandemic
Nor Fazlin Mohd Ramli, Noor Ahnis Othman, Aini Akmar Mohd Kasim, Mohammad Radzi Manap, Nurzeti Abdul Ghafar, Mohamad Asri Arshad
Language instructors face various challenges in fulfilling their tasks. Addressing students’ special needs with different needs is one of the greatest challenges confronting them. Such a challenge could be even more daunting when there is little support provided by the institution for special needs students....
Proceedings Article
Detection of Coliforms and Enteric Pathogens in Favorite Snack Food Sold in Yogyakarta City
Tri Yahya Budiarso, Charis Amarantini, Guruh Prihatmo, Ratih Restiani, Yesika Putri, Virgin Kindagen, Sharoneva Linggardjati
Favorite snack food is very popular to Yogyakarta’s residents, such as cilok, skewered meatballs, and dumplings. The processing and serving processes of these food does not pay attention to hygiene aspects, therefore, it is necessary to monitor the presence or absence of coliform bacteria and enteric...
Proceedings Article
Good Corporate Governance (Gcg) Integration and Credit Restructuring and Its Impact on Conventional BPR Business Performance in Sidoarjo
Sumartik, Misti hariasih, Lilik Indayani
Conventional banks are banking financial institutions that function as intermediary institutions in the economic field that bring various impacts in the smooth implementation of the development of the city of Sidoarjo. Good governance and lending are one of BPR’s main activities as an intermediary institution....
Proceedings Article
Digitalization of Ukraine’s Economy: Current State and Creating Competitive Advantages
Oleksandr Kendiukhov, Kateryna Yahelska, Nataliia Shakina
Recently, the transition to a knowledge-based economy and information society has become increasingly dynamic, and the countries that have succeeded in mastering digitalization demonstrate economic success in the international arena and attracting attention as countries capable of meeting modern globalization...
Proceedings Article
Competence Approach to the Development of Modern Public Administration: Theory and Practice of Implementation
Marta Karpa, Oleksandr Akimov
The article proposes to apply the competence approach to the development of modern public administration. The public administration object are the the interests of social institutions in the common territory, which have different interests and goals. The problem of defining and allocating public functions...
Proceedings Article
Early Childhood Character Education During the Covid Pandemic 19
Henni Anggraini, H Sarah Emmanuel
This Early childhood is often said to be the golden age, namely the basic period in the life of a child which will affect his life in the future. It was during this golden age that parents and teachers had a good opportunity to instill values in children. The inculcation of values can be done in two...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of Fine Motor Skills Through Sewing Several Types of Clothing Patterns in Group A Children at Kindergarten Plus Wahidiyah Sukun Malang
Kholifatur Rohmah, Usep Kustiawan, Suryadi
This research is a class action research, aims to determine the application and improvement of fine motor skills through sewing activities. The scope of this research is fine motor children aged 4-5 years, patterns in sewing are limited to the types of clothing patterns made from duplex paper, the indicators...
Proceedings Article
The Technological Innovation Performance of Chinese Firms After Cross-border M&A
From Cross-Border M&A Frequency and TMT International Experiences Perspective
Zipei Sun
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have always been used as an important means to enter the host country market or to obtain strategic resources. In recent years, Chinese firms are increasingly introducing capital into foreign countries through cross-border M&A. This article examines...
Proceedings Article
English Academic Writing Skills of Online News: A Study of English Course on Chinese and Kurdish Students
Brwa A. Sidiq, Wulan Patria Saroinsong
The aim of this study was to investigate students’ perception of Kurdish and Chinese editorial writing, and find out the differences of linguistical complexity between those editorials. Methods of this study were quantitative approaches, using descriptive and inferential statistics to describe the reporting...
Proceedings Article
Unified Information Space as a Component of Sustainable Education at the Present Stage of Society Development
E.I. Shangina
The concept of sustainable development in the modern world is an integrating platform for various fields of knowledge, research and practice. The goal of sustainable development is to ensure a decent quality and standard of living for present and future generations. Education plays an important role...
Proceedings Article
International Trade and Customs Operations in Digital Era
Tatyana Vorotyntseva, Elena Levinskaya, Tatyana Skudalova, Tatyana Kudryavitskaya, Alexander Nikulin
The article endorses the need for modern automated environment and substantial automation of Russian customs to meet growing requirements of international trade and transport operations. The authors examined international experience of leading countries in digital customs, in comparison with the timetable...
Proceedings Article
Analysis on Lu Xun’s Attitudes Towards the Imperial Examination System—Take Kong Yiji as an Example
Ziyu Yang
Lu Xun was one of the leaders of the May 4th Movement, which was an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement. He was mostly regarded as a representative writer, whose main proposition was against Confucianism and Chinese traditions. However, the author reckons that what Lu Xun tried to criticize...
Proceedings Article
Study on Setting up an English Teaching Mode for English Nursing Major in Universities of Chinese Medicine
Yuhui Luo
This paper focuses on the present teaching mode for English majors in universities of Chinese medicine. According to the survey and research, four problems restrict the development of English nursing major, the teaching objectives, the curriculum, the teaching materials and the nursing English teachers....
Proceedings Article
E-learning as an Adaptation Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case study on the 2018 and 2019-generation students of Post Graduate Sociology Department, University of Indonesia
Rifka Annisa, Syarfina Mahya Nadila, Syifa Andini Salsabila, Syora Alya Eka Putri, Hakiki Nurmajesti
Covid-19 has resulted in social activities limitation by the Indonesia government, one of which is related to teaching and learning activities in the university. The Sociology Department of the University of Indonesia took steps by replacing usual lectures to online lectures or E-learning. Unlike usual...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Identity Construction in Betawi Fashion System of Kerak Telor Sellers
Rina Wahyu Winarni, Dendi Pratama, Anna Nurfarkhana, Ariefika Listya, Atiek Nur Hidayati
The purpose of this article is to elaborate the construction of Betawi cultural identity through the representation of the fashion system by Kerak Telor sellers. Among traditional Betawi dishes sellers, the only ones that consistently wear the traditional Betawi outfit are the Kerak Telor sellers. The...