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193425 articles
Proceedings Article
Improving Student Geometry Problem-Solving Skills Through Spatial Training
Yenny Safrina, M. Ikhsan, Cut M. Zubainur
Problem-solving is an integral part of learning mathematics, and geometry is one of the basic subjects of mathematics. However, students’ geometric problem-solving skills are relatively lacking due to some factors, including spatial skills. There is a significant relationship between spatial skills and...
Proceedings Article
Lexical Metaphor in Indonesian Version of Surah Al-Kahfi
Mirwana Siska, Zainuddin, Anni Holila Pulungan
This research deals with Lexical Metaphor in Indonesian Version of Surah Al-Kahfi. The objective of this research was: to find out the types of lexical metaphor used in Surah Al-Kahfi. This research design of this study descriptive qualitative research where the researcher explained the result of the...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Characteristics Mechanical Properties of Polyester Composite Reinforced Musa Acuminata Stem Fiber with Filler Carboxyl Terminated Butadiene Acrylonitryle
Sujita Sujita, Anak Agung Alit Triadi, Made Wijana, Pandri Pandiatmi
This study investigates the impact toughness, tensile strength and morphology of the polyester matrix composite material reinforced with Musa acuminata stem fiber (MASF) and carboxyl terminated butadiene acrylonitryle (CTBN) filler. The fiber used was taken from the outer layer of the pseudo-stem banana...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Social Skills: Participating in Sports Activities
Budiman, Tite Juliantine, Adang Suherman, Beltasar Tarigan
The purpose of this study is to determine the difference in social skills between participating students in physical education and participating students in physical education and sports extracurriculars. This research method uses a quantitative approach with a Causal-Comparative design. The subjects...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Traffic Management Simulation to Improve Tanah Aji Intersection Road Network Performance
Fera Fitri Salsabila, Desi Widianty, I Dewa Made Alit Karyawan, Hasyim
This paper is prepared to find out alternative traffic management that can reduce congestion on the Road Network at Tanah Aji Intersection. This research method is carried out by collecting primary and secondary data. Primary data includes field surveys, road geometry, traffic flow volume, and traffic...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Development Countermeasures of Road Freight Transport in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle
Jianbo Wang, Mei Zhong
The paper analyzes the characteristics and main influencing factors of comprehensive freight transportation in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. The research results show that the proportion of road freight volume in this area is 15.8%, 10.8% and 9.7% higher than that in coastal, border and inland areas...
Proceedings Article
Segmentation on Electrode Surface: Enhancement of Electroflotation on Laboratory of Wastewater Treatment
Siti Jumrah, Rudy Syah Putra
Performance of the electroflotation process is strongly influenced by the size and number of the hydrogen and oxygen gas bubbles that form during the electrolysis of water. In this study, the analysis of the size distribution of gas bubbles by the segmentation of the electrode surface was evaluated....
Proceedings Article
Exploring Front Line Teachers Roles in Managing Remote School: A Narrative Inquiry Study
Ence Surahman
Teachers are an essential element in determining the quality of education. This study carefully reports on the roles of Front line teachers (FLT) in their careers. One front line program teacher was used as a single subject for questioning and authentic evidence about their work during their work. The...
Proceedings Article
A Preliminary Study on the Shift from “Rule of Law Curriculum” to “Curriculum with Rule of Law Concept”
Xiaxia Cao, Ying Wang, Xiang Li
Against today’s backdrop of resolute adherence to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, it is indispensable to promote the rule of law education and enhance the legal literacy in colleges and universities our pursuit of national rejuvenation. Scholars have conducted plenty of...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Education Quality Management Model
Undang Ruslan Wahyudin, Hinggil Permana, Ella Nurlailasari
This study aims to find out more information about the implementation management education-based Public in maintenance guarantee quality education, especially at the early childhood level. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection technique used is interview...
Proceedings Article
Development of Textbooks for Making Fashion Ornaments With Embroidery Variations
Armaini Rambe, Juliarti Juliarti, Eka Rahma Dewi
This research aims to develop a textbook for clothing applications featuring various embroidery techniques. Learning opportunities have been constrained by the limited availability of suitable learning materials. Following the Borg and Gall model, the research and development process encompasses several...
Proceedings Article
Pancenan Tradition as a Social Studies Learning Resource: An Ethnopedagogical Approach
Nurokhmah, Arif Muhammad Yusuf, Muhammad Nursa’ban
The formulation of competencies in social studies learning includes spiritual and social competencies. These competencies can be achieved through learning resources in the social environment of the community that are directly related to daily activity. One of the learning resources that can be used as...
Proceedings Article
Behavioural Biases and Investment Decisions through Gender and Education Perspectives in Indonesia Interbank Call Money Market
Saur Costanius Simamora, Nugraha Nugraha, Imas Purnamasari
The interbank call money market plays an essential role in the financial system, whereby financial institutions and banks borrow and lend funds on a short-term basis from each other. In Indonesia’s interbank money market, it is necessary to dig deeper into investor profiles and their relationship to...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Translation Characteristics of Movie Subtitles in the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory
Taking The Grand Budapest Hotel Movie Subtitles As an Example
Sihan Yang
With the development of media, movies are gaining more and more attention as a way of cultural communication. The translation of movie subtitles plays an important role in assisting people to better understand the culture and the delivery values, which has become an essential part of the translation...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Strategic Agility on Organizational Performance during Pandemic: A Perspective of SMEs in Manufacturing Sector
Shanmuganathan Palanisamy, Shankar Chelliah, Rajendran Muthuveloo
This research aimed to express the importance of strategic agility on organizational performance during the pandemic era, which demands organizations to strategically respond promptly to the uncertain and unexpected changes in the business environment. As many as 149 responses from a cross-sectional...
Proceedings Article
Technical Condition Evaluation of Urban Class I Special Structure Bridges
Bingjiang Yi
In order to study the reliability of technical condition evaluation method of class I special structural bridges, Taking Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge as an example, The technical status of Specifications for Maintenance of Highway Bridges and Culverts (JTG 5120–2021), Standards for Technical...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Portfolio Management and Risk Assessment in Digital Assets Using Deep Learning for Predictive Analysis
Qishuo Cheng, Le Yang, Jiajian Zheng, Miao Tian, Duan Xin
Portfolio management issues have been extensively studied in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, but existing deep learning-based quantitative trading methods have some areas where they could be improved. First of all, the prediction mode of stocks is singular; often, only one trading...
Proceedings Article
Smart Service Management for Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement in New Engineering Education: A Case Study of Vocational and Technical Colleges
Yuan Wang, Qian Zhao, Xiaohu Fan, Ruishuai Li
This paper explores how smart service management can enhance the student learning and engagement in new engineering education, using vocational and technical colleges as researching objects. The paper conducts a qualitative research using document analysis, questionnaire survey, and semi-structured interviews...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of the Law for the Implementation of Halal Product Assurance in the Industrial Revolution
Abdul Hadi
In the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, it is very easy for business people to manage halal food, both process and sales, namely through complex machines, complete laboratories, modern halal valleys, artificial intelligence tools and applications. All of this has an impact on the increasingly popular...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Boarding School Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Literature Review
Dzikrulloh, Lusiana, Mumfarida
This article aims to explore Islamic boarding school entrepreneurship which has potential in the economic development sector with an ecosystem approach that is useful for re-inventing and pre-existing entrepreneurship. This study used a qualitative method with a literature review approach. This research...
Proceedings Article
Implementing Blended Learning in Civics Education in Forming 21st Century Skills
Arini Fathia Handayani, Iim Siti Masyitoh, Abdul Azis Wahab
The necessity of industrialization development in 21st century is inevitable. This pushes the citizens to enhance their skills. In preparing themselves to face the era, there is a requirement for education that can increase the citizens’ creativity, innovation, and competitive nature. Technology usage...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Local Wisdom Based Entrepreneurship to Improve the Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Ade Saptomo, Lulus Purna Malintang
As per the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, the country requires a minimum of 4 million new entrepreneurs, based on the present ratio of domestic entrepreneurs, which is around 3.1% of the entire population. This percentage is a comparison with the percentage of neighboring countries...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Ice Breaking on the Learning Motivation of Grade 4 Students of SDN Cibodas
Muhamad Sandi Hidayat, Dian Nasrudin, Yussannulfida, Samsul Pahmi
Background to this study is the low level of student motivation to learn as a result of dull teaching and learning activities. In actuality, student learning motivation plays a significant role in the process and has a significant impact on the outcomes. To respond to these problems, researchers conducted...
Proceedings Article
Clustering-Based Analysis of E-commerce Customers’ Consumption Behavior in the Post-epidemic Period
Zhengyan Cui
The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 brought huge changes to the world, causing many people to engage in online shopping and some consumers’ purchasing behavior to change before and after the epidemic. In order to better study the consumption behavior of e-commerce customers in the post-epidemic era, this study...
Proceedings Article
Manufacture of Food Preservatives from Liquid Smoke as By-Product of Processing Coconut Shells (Cocos Nucifera)
Ida Febriana, Jaksen, Desti Lidya, Irawan Rusnadi, Mega Persada Putri, M. Rahman L, Chm M. ‘Azim Jamaluddin
Currently, environmental issue have become national and even international issues, the first is chemical/ food preservatives that must be avoided because they are detrimental to health such as formalin and borax. One of the latest innovations in this research is the use of liquid smoke as a preservative...
Proceedings Article
Whether the Establishment of The Shaanxi FTZ Has Boosted the Scale of Local Imports and Exports
Jun Ma
This paper uses panel data from 19 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) from 2000-2019, applies the regression control method (HCW), and selects the optimal control group according to the AICC guidelines to study the impact of the policy of setting up a FTZ in Shaanxi on the scale of local...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Physics Education Student on Mechanical Learning Based on Local Potential
Ahmad Amin, Fitri April Yanti, Armi Yuneti
Mechanics learning based on local potential has been applied in physics education study program, but perception is needed for further improvement of local potential based mechanics learning. This research is included in qualitative descriptive research. The research data was obtained from a questionnaire/questionnaire...
Proceedings Article
Research on Online Learning Behavior of Higher Vocational Students Based on Data Mining
Fenglin Qu
Exploring the characteristics of online learning behavior of students in higher vocational colleges has important guiding significance for improving the teaching level of higher vocational colleges. This paper collects more than 3000 online learning data of “Fundamentals of digital photography” courses...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Yoga Implementation on Degenerative Disease Risk: Systematic Literature Review
Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar, Safrin Arifin
Degenerative diseases are chronic diseases that significantly impact a person’s future life. Degenerative diseases are one of the most problematic diseases in 21st-century society. Degenerative diseases cause higher morbidity and mortality than other diseases. Yoga has become a form of medicine believed...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Energy Investment on Green Economic Development
Jiafan He
According to the data from the press conference of China Energy Administration in 2023, in the first half of the year, the domestic energy supply security capacity has steadily improved, the transition to green and low-carbon energy has been accelerated, and the country’s energy supply and demand are...
Proceedings Article
Exploring the Synergy of Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) with Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Educational Outcomes
Nurshamshida Md Shamsudin, Teoh Sian Hoon
This paper investigates the integration of Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) within Malaysian universities, focusing on the synergy between Moodle, a widely-used Learning Management System (LMS), and ChatGPT, an AI-driven language model. The study examines the...
Proceedings Article
Research and Analysis of the Influence of the Built Environment on the Mood of Depressed Patients
Yibo Meng
This article explores the profound impact of architecture and interior design on the mental health of individuals, especially those with depression. Key factors such as natural light, color choice, spatial layout, acoustic environment, and greenery can significantly influence mood and emotional stability,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Risk and Legal Issues of Crypto Assets
———Taking Bitcoin as an Example
Zhenyu Lu
This paper deeply analyzes the risks of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, and the legal issues it faces. Firstly, the article points out that bitcoin has potential value in investment portfolios due to its scarcity and decentralization. Although the price volatility is high, the system risk is relatively...
Proceedings Article
Research on Ideological and Political Teaching of College Chinese Courses Based on Aerospace Characteristics
Qinkai Li
Aiming at the demand of higher education in the information technology era, this paper focuses on integrating aerospace characteristics into the ideological and political teaching practice of college Chinese courses, aiming at exploring an innovative humanistic education path. Based on this, a set of...
Proceedings Article
The Realization of Fair Business Competition as a Strengthening of Human Rights
Ipop Abdi Prabowo
Economic development is closely related to the term business competition. The intended business competition does not only occur in business actors but also in consumer protection. In accordance with the mandate of Article 38 paragraph (4) of the Human Rights Law, it is explained that working and getting...
Proceedings Article
How to Cultivate Students’ Core Qualities in Middle School Music Classroom under the Background of the New Curriculum Standard--Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 “Chorus” as an Example
Shibo Fu
The junior high school music classroom occupies an important position in China's music education system. With the promulgation of the new art standard, the classroom teaching concept and mode of instruction are facing higher requirements, especially the emphasis on core literacy. However, at present,...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Transforming Product Ideas from Social Problems to the Feasibility of Entrepreneurship Products in the Market from Management Students of University of PGRI Argopuro Jember
Amin Silalahi, Basuki Hadi Prayogo, Darsan, Endra Priawasana
The hope of studying entrepreneurship is to provide benefits for students and the surrounding community to reduce poverty and unemployment. However, in reality, students are less able to realize the goal of learning entrepreneurship, namely turning risks or problems into product ideas that are viable...
Proceedings Article
Effective Management Strategies In Educational Counseling: Using A Logical Approach To Encourage Indonesian Students To Explore Education In China Through Scholarship Programs
Ali Mufti Hasyim, Cyntiani Putri, Sir Kalifatullah Ermaya, Angga Kurniawan
The interest of Indonesian students to continue their education abroad through scholarship programs, especially in China, is increasing along with globalization and rapid economic development. However, many students still do not understand the process and challenges faced in international study. This...
Proceedings Article
Government Expenditure for Healthy Development: A Catch-22 for India
Gupta Shilpi
For decades, economic growth and development have been highlighted in terms of increasing GNP. Recently the notion of growth has undergone a considerable shift from an increase in GNP to improvement in human development which is a target of Millennium Development Goals 2015. The main objective of MDGs...
Proceedings Article
Professional Risk Management in XYZ Certified Public Accountant Firm
Farrah Angelica Basalama, Agung Nugroho Soedibyo
As a professional service provider, applicable ethics, standards, and regulations must be the basis for making Certified Public Accounting (CPA) Firm’s procedures during the engagement. The number of financial report cases involving Public Accountants shows that there is negligence in implementing risk...
Proceedings Article
Building Evaluation Metrics for Shopping Applications Based on User Experience
Chao Zhou, Yanyun Yu, Bolin Li
As user needs have changed in recent years, previous evaluation methods are no longer applicable to today’s user environment. This study aims to construct a user experience evaluation system for online shopping APPs and improve the efficiency of evaluation. Therefore, this study firstly reviews the current...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Development of Digital Literacy Performance Items to Improve Digital Electronics Competence of Vocational School Students
Nur Kholis, Bambang Suprianto, Munoto Munoto
This study aims to analyze and synthesize the development of performance items to improve digital literacy instruments using classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory by looking at the fit model index results on digital literacy instruments of Electrical Engineering vocational students. Research...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Domination in Public Space Ownership in RW 06 Kelurahan Kartini, Sawah Besar, Jakarta
Jessica Leony, Fermanto Lianto
There are still many problems with space limitations caused by density and low economic conditions in several areas. This condition eventually resulted in some residents claiming public space to carry out their private activities, such as being used as a place to put goods or make a living. This claim...
Proceedings Article
Social and Affective Meaning of Covid-Related Terms in ‘New York Times’ Online News
Nur Latifah, Safira Machruza Amilia, Masrokhin Masrokhin
The news media has an essential role in providing information and perspective on the issue presented, such as Covid-19, which has become a hot conversation these days. Many media bring their perspective on the hot issues of Covid-19 and make people more selective about the content. Compiling the content...
Proceedings Article
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals: How the Mining Industry Supports Quality Education in Paser Regency
Ahmad Syahir Idris, Tengku Imam Syaifuddin, Safaranita Nur Effendi, Anwar Alaydrus, Adam Idris, Jauchar B
aser Regency is one of the districts with the largest Gross Regional Domestic Product in the mining sector in East Kalimantan. The mining industry is one sector that has an important role in the economy of Paser Regency. However, this sector also has the potential to have negative impacts on the environment...
Proceedings Article
Exploratory Study on the Key Characteristics of Secondary Ports Categorisation: An Analysis from the Perspectives of Malaysian Experts
Mohammad Khairuddin Othman, Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman, Alisha Ismail, Noor Apandi Osnin, Rudiah Md Hanafiah
Secondary ports in Malaysia are categorized in an ambiguous state and noted inconsistently throughout the existing literature because there is no clear and conclusive definition that can accurately explain their backgrounds based on specific characteristics. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore...
Proceedings Article
Research on Securing and Transforming Healthcare System: IoT-Driven E-Health Monitoring Systems
Md. Kamruzzaman, Nisha Sain, Shamsul Alam
The growth of smart e-health monitoring systems is driven by the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), transforming healthcare. This evolution relies on real-time updates for patients and stakeholders, as IoT devices generate substantial data. This technology plays a crucial role in modern healthcare...
Proceedings Article
Integrating Quantum psychology and Spirituality: techniques to transcend dark side of work-life
Palak Ahuja, Susmita Mukhopadhyay
The study sheds light on the psycho-social challenges employees are experiencing as a result of digital technologies. As a means of overcoming these challenges, we looked further into conceptual commonalities between the domains of quantum psychology and spirituality. They bring forth the idea that humans...
Proceedings Article
Innovative Teaching Method for Dunhuang Dance Incorporating Pose Estimation Fusion
Zhenjie Liu, Shuaishuai Li, Yuezhou Zhang, Jiaxin Wang, Xihong Luo, Xiangzhen He
To overcome the challenges of high costs, venue requirements, and lack of portability in current digital teaching for Dunhuang dance, this study uses Vicon optical motion capture to create a Dunhuang dance motion database and virtual dancers. Using lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for...
Proceedings Article
Trauma-Informed Design Approach For Women with PTSD Recovery Interior Design
Michelle Carissa Chayadi, Silvia Meliana, Ulli Aulia Ruki
Women are more prone to PTSD than men. The quality of life of PTSD patients affects their cognition and behavior, reducing life function, especially in women. Despite mental health awareness, few Indonesian hospitals address PTSD. Trauma-influenced reading, interviews, and observation studies can help...