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193197 articles
Proceedings Article
Personalized Advertisement System Based On Computational Intelligence
Kemal Kilic
A software company develops an online socialization platform where users inter-act with others at virtual environments. The company’s income is from the adver-tisements displayed at these virtual envi-ronments. They are willing to develop a personalized advertisement system in or-der to increase their...
Proceedings Article
Discovering and characterizing Hidden Variables
Soumi Ray, Tim Oates
Theoretical entities are aspects of the world that cannot be sensed directly but that nevertheless are causally relevant. Scientifc inquiry has uncovered many such entities, such as black holes and dark matter. We claim that theoretical entities are omportant for the development of concepts within the...
Proceedings Article
Numerical Simulation for the Effect of Joint Inclination to the Stability of Stratified Rock Slope
Qihong Wu, Zhiyong Kou, Shiming Wan
Slope excavations are often constructed in stratified host rock masses in practice. In order to describe the effect of the inclination of layer of rock mass to the factor of safety of slope. a rock slope in one road is chosen as the engineering project. In the present paper, the stability mechanism of...
Proceedings Article
The Research of Jet Flame Extinguishing Process
Guo Wenliang, Guo Zheng
The flame used in combustion flame spraying is typical of a high-temperature free jet. The flow fields of free jets are multi-phase flows that couple the mass and heat transfer. This work develops an analytical method to describe free combustion spray jets. The aim of the research is to develop a fully...
Proceedings Article
Gene Prediction Based on One-Dimensional Image Segmentation
Fei-Yu Wang, Zi-Wei Zheng, Wei-Hua Li
In the current study, using methods of signal processing to manage gene prediction has attracted great attention. At first, the voss mapping which can map the DNA alphabetic sequence into the numerical sequence and the 3-base periodicity of exon are introduced. Then a fixed-length sliding window approach...
Proceedings Article
A digital watermark algorithm based on DCT and improved Watson perceptual model
Shaoyu Chen, Xinwei Wang
An adaptive image watermarking algorithm is proposed based on block Discrete Cosine Transformation(DCT) and the improved perceptual model of Human Visual system(HVS).At first, the digital watermark is transformed by Arnold, then it is effective to make full use of the improved perceptual model in DCT...
Proceedings Article
Diagnostic testing and analysis of Independent ignition system based on the Volkswagen 1.8T engine
Wen Fang, Linfu Zhou
According to fault diversity of independent electronic ignition system based on the Volkswagen 1.8T engine, analyzed Sagitar circuit structure of single-cylinder independent ignition system. By the Volkswagen detector 6150 and BOSCH FSA740 analyzer equipment, used diagnostic methods of Volkswagen independent...
Proceedings Article
Research on Online Public Opinion Management Mechanism Based on Social Management Innovation
Yuwen Huang, Guangxing Song
The management of virtual society is an important part of social management, and the management of online public opinion plays an important role in management innovation of virtual society. Thus, promoting the management of online public opinion is particularly important and urgent for the management...
Proceedings Article
Dynamic Characteristic and Control of a Hypersonic Flight Vehicle
Dongsheng Qin, Qiangjun Zhu, Chenxi Wang
The longitudinal dynamics of hypersonic flight vehicles present an unstable phugoid mode and a new height mode. Hypersonic flight will be subject to attitude and height divergence that would require stabilizing feedback control. A method of design velocity and altitude tracking controller for hypersonic...
Proceedings Article
Discussion on higher vocational teaching quality monitoring and evaluation system- Taking Xiamen Ocean Vocational College as an example
ZhiYong Xing, MengLi Wen
The teaching quality monitoring, related factors on the formation of the quality of teaching is to observe and control. On the teaching of the situation, through the analysis and judgement, take effective measures, make the teaching work to be perfect, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the teaching...
Proceedings Article
Computer Implementation for Analysis of Complex Masonry Shell Structures
Jerzy Szolomicki, Piotr Berkowski
The increasing interest in historic architectural complex buildings and the need to understand the behavior of historical structures has led to development of computational methods used for analysis of the masonry vaults. The paper deals with some of the explicit and numerical methods used for modeling...
Proceedings Article
Application Analysis of 5s Method in SPMS Area (Spare Part Management System) at PT Excelitas Technologies Batam
Andi Erna Mulyana
This research aims to find out about the implementation of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and (5S) and know the effectiveness of its application in SPMS (Spare Part management System) Equipment Engineering Detection Departement of PT Excelitas Technologies Batam. This research uses a descriptive method...
Proceedings Article
Research and Practice of Online Learning Behavior Analysis Model from the Perspective of Big Data
Yougui Zhao, Dongmei Xia
By using the analysis results of online learning behavior, teachers can understand and identify students’ learning dynamics, analyze the difficulties and blind spots of the course, reasonably adjust the course structure and video content. Meanwhile, teachers can get inspiration from students’ feedback...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Temperature and Time for Ultrasonication on Graphite Structure
Diah Kusumawati, Diah Hari Kusumawati, Muhammad Nurhuda
Graphite is a carbon allotrope with special bonding characteristics. These bonds can be altered given ultrasonic waves to be another form of bond or loosened. Changes in bonds will cause changes in bond characteristics to other forms of carbon allotropes. By varying ultrasonication process (time and...
Proceedings Article
Management Of Catering Services The Environmental Insights In Medan City
Zaitun, Muhammad Zulfan, Andora Jusuf Ahmad
Food service providers (catering) in their operations produce a lot of waste when the food processing is carried out. Food processing is usually done through the kitchen supported by various sanitations. This research is classified as descriptive research through qualitative and quantitative data with...
Proceedings Article
Developing Strategic Marketing Plan for Artificial Flower Bouquet Business in Bandung
Abdullah Al Aliyi Surtawijaya, Dedi Sulistiyo Soegoto
This study aims to develop strategic marketing plan for the artificial flower bouquet business in Bandung City. The method used in this study was qualitative analysis descriptive through marketing mix 4Ps theory and Porters five competitive forces theory. The result of the research produced strategic...
Proceedings Article
Formation of Leadership of Shared Economy Institutions in the Global Space
Anna Veretennikova, Polina Romanyuk, Katarína Hercegová
In order to determine the mutual influence of institutional changes and the process of forming a shared economy, this article describes the key factors that created the conditions for the development of shared economy institutions: limited resources and reduced availability, digitalization of economic...
Proceedings Article
Import Substitution of Software in the Government Procurement Sphere
A.Yu. Kazanskaya, Ya.A. Nalesnaya
The research identifies the main problems of the domestic software introduction in the interests of public authorities. First of all, in addition to consumer qualities, there is an acute issue of reliability and safety of foreign products which will be used. Import substitution in this case goes in two...
Proceedings Article
Formation of Students’ Positive Motivation to Continuing Pedagogical Education
О Vasilyeva, Yu Aleeva, S Kolesova, L Sigitova
The authors analyze the problems associated with the motivation of students to continuing teacher education. First, a brief overview of the scientific areas related to the stated problem is made. Second, the motives underlying the choice of master's programs in the direction of “Pedagogical education”...
Proceedings Article
New Promising Varieties of Cultures Bred by Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center
Oksana Yusova, Petr Nikolaev, Vadim Yusov, Akimbek Asanov
Harsh conditions of sharply continental climate of Western Siberia are often the cause of a sharp decrease in yield in the context of the negative development of abiotic factors (instable temperature conditions, soil moisture). A variety is an inexhaustible and renewable reserve for increasing both productive...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Association Relationship Between Type-of-Words of Monosyllabic Word in the Modern Chinese
Dongjie Zhou, Zezhi Zheng
In order to further enrich the related research work of monosyllabic words, the type-of-words issue of monosyllabic word in the modern Chinese was investigated. Firstly, the monosyllabic words which were marked with the type-of-word in Modern Chinese Dictionary (the 7th edition), were statistically analyzed....
Proceedings Article
Research on Chongqing’s Urban Competitiveness Guided by Becoming an International Metropolis
Xiao-Yu Tang, Yuan Fu, Gui Ye
As a municipality and an important western strategic fulcrum of the “Belt and Road”, Chongqing has a position that cannot be ignored. With the deepening of China’s urbanization process and economic globalization, the state has established an international metropolis as the development planning goal of...
Proceedings Article
Bionomic Survey of Anopheles Mosquitoes in Alusi Kelaan and Waturu on 2016
Ivon Ayomi, Melda Suebu, Mardi Rahardjo
Indonesia is one country that is still at risk of malaria. The high intensity distribution of malaria in Indonesia is found in forested areas, especially in Eastern Indonesia. Malaria cases are mainly reported from outside Java, namely in Papua, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan and Sumatra. This study...
Proceedings Article
University Students’ Perception in Using English Swear Words
Nida Husna
The present study was focused to find out the students’ perspective in using the words that were included as socially impolite. The subject was the students of the fifth semester at the English Education Department, State Islamic University, Jakarta. The data were collected using a questionnaire that...
Proceedings Article
Identity Theft and the Rules in Indonesia’s Criminal Law
Said Noor Prasetyo, Tongat, Nur Putri Hidayah
in the digital era, electronic identity is something that is very important to protect because it is a representation of someone in an electronic system. Along with the development of information technology, this type of crime also developed with the emergence of cybercrime. One type of cybercrime that...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of e-Learning Toward Student Learning Outcomes
Doris Apriani Ritonga, Chairul Azmi, Agung Sunarno
This study seeks to determine the impact of elearning in education on students’ learning outcome. We employ a quasi-experimental design in this study. The subject of this study consisted of students of Sport Science Faculty at State University of Medan. The independent variables in this study are e-learning...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Acceptance of E-Audit Application on the Financial Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia in North Sumatera Regional Office
Azizul Kholis, Wanda Prayogi
This research aims to determine the effect of perceived ease of use, usefulness perceptions and user attitudes towards the acceptance of E-Audit applications at the BPK RI of North Sumatra. The data source of this research is primary data taken directly at the office of the BPK RI of North Sumatra. Data...
Proceedings Article
EFL Learners’ Communication Strategy on Speaking Performance of Interpersonal Conversation in Classroom Discussion Presentation
Vischa Mansyera Pratama, Yetti Zainil
Communication strategy which is performed by EFL students might be different one to another in accordance with their speaking proficiency. This research aims at analyzing the communication strategy on learners’ speaking performance of interpersonal conversation differed by the oral proficiency level...
Proceedings Article
Is Linguistic Organization Amodal? Some Evidence from the Sign Languages
Du Mingmei
This paper aims to justify that linguistic organization is amodal from the aspects of sign languages. Then some evidence was illustrated to explore language is one multi-modal system of interaction with the examples of gestures in sign languages, sign space, iconicity, and comparison of spoken language...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Transparency Principles in Management of State-Owned Plantation Enterprises
Anderson Siringo-Ringo, Bismar Nasution, Ningrum Natasya Sirait, Mahmul Siregar
The contribution of State-Owned Plantation Enterprises (SOPE) of has a strategic role as one of the economic institutions in Indonesia. This study discusses the importance of the transparency principle in the management of SOPE to anticipate various frauds. One of the factors that cause the SOPE inefficient...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Economic Value Added Method as a Tool of Measurement of Profitability Comparison (Case Study at Telecommunication Company Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2013–2018)
Aoliyah Firasati
This study aims to measure the profitability comparisons between the companies based on the analysis method of Economic Value Added (EVA) during the period 2013 to 2018 5 at telecommunications companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The method used is descriptive analysis using time series...
Proceedings Article
Enabling and Reinforcing Factor of Smoking Behavior in Rejosari Village, Semarang
Hema Dewi Anggraheny, Aisyah Lahdji
Rejosari was one of the residences indicated with unhealthy family index in 2018. The result of Program Indonesia Sehat (Indonesian Health Program) survey with family approach showed that the lowest indicator found at RW XIV of Rejosari was smoking with 44%. It makes smoking as the biggest trouble which...
Proceedings Article
Enhancing Healthy Lifestyle in Professional Teachers’ Training Programs in Universities of Russia
Viktoriya Levchenko, Alexander Levchenko
This article investigates a specific pedagogical approach to curricula design that encourages individuals to pursue a healthy lifestyle (HL). In the article the problem of HL focuses on education as a means of conveying knowledge about potential health threats or about certain forms of risky behavior....
Proceedings Article
Utilization of UI / UX Design as a Concrete Step in Products Marketing to Break the Middlemen / Wholesaler System at Klampar Batik SMEs (Case Study of CV Bintang Abadi Batik SMEs in Klampar Village)
Aryo Bayu Wibisono, Aphief Tri Artanto, Heru Subiyantoro, Miftakul Priyambodo
Batik SMEs Centre of Klampar is a region that produces written batik in Pamekasan Regency which has been passed down from generation to generation. The Pamekasan Regency Government supports the development of Pamekasan Batik through programs initiated by the Pamekasan Regency Government. However, Batik...
Proceedings Article
The Society Participation in Eco Farming at Supporting Area of Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai Kuningan Regency
Yayat Rahmat Hidayat, Akhmad Jaeroni
The existence of the Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai (TNGC) has the goals to give the benefits for surrounding society both directly and indirectly. There are two benefits provided by TNGC, both ecological and social benefits. Ecologically, the existence of TNGC gives the benefits to contribute ecosystem...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Colloquial Words in Improving Students’ Speaking Through Teacher’s Daily Assessment
Dhia Hasanah
Recently, there are many ways to get a new vocabulary and to learn English. One of the ways is watching YouTube. Watching Youtube has paid fully attention in students’ area. Imitating what favorite YouTubers say in their channel as colloquial words is very common to see in students’ daily conversation....
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Culinary Knowledge and Culinary Experience on Local Culinary Attractiveness
Heri Setiawan, Abd. Hamid, Ummasyroh, Jusmawi Bustan
This study aimed to explore culinary knowledge and tourist culinary experiences in its relation to the local culinary attractiveness. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 297 respondents. Research data were analyzed using AMOS 22.0. Based on the overall research hypothesis...
Proceedings Article
Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Associated with Dragon Fruit in Indonesia
Dewi Sartiami, Nelly Saptayanti, Edy Syahputra, Warastin Puji Mardiasih, Desmawati
Mealybugs were recorded on dragon fruit, Hylocereus undatus (Family: Cactaceae) in Indonesia. The present of certain mealybug species on dragon fruit has become quarantine concern in country where the mealybugs species is absent. The objective of this study was to identify mealybugs species associated...
Proceedings Article
Asymmetric Information of Sharing Economy
Dodi Dermawan, Khusnul Ashar, Iswan Noor, Asfi Manzilati
The purpose of this article is to explain the extent to which information asymmetry influences the partnership relationship between application providers and application partners in economics. This article will focus the argumentation on power imbalances in the relationship between application providers...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Economic Growth – Empirical Studies Based on Different Countries
Yujing Han
Under the condition of open economy, the trade between countries is getting closer and closer. Therefore, the exchange rate fluctuation become an important factor affecting the country’s economic growth. In order to deeply understand the mechanism of the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on economic...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Loading and Unloading Productivity: A Case Study of PT. Tangguh Samudera Jaya
Hartati M. Pakpahan, Syafrianita, Lea Salsa Shania
PT. Tangguh Samudera Jaya is a stevedoring company which operates the wharf 303, 304, and 305 at Terminal 3 in Tanjung Priok Port. Terminal 3 is predominantly serving international container stevedoring and small portions of domestic containers. Every time a vessel berths at Terminal 3 Tanjung Priok...
Proceedings Article
The Anti-Monopoly Regulation Path of Collusive Bidding
Lifang Su
The bidding system is a product of the development of the commodity economy, and its purpose is to achieve an “open, fair and just” market competition mechanism. However, the collusion of bidding in China is parasitic in bidding. The current “Bidding Law” is limited by its own limitations and cannot...
Proceedings Article
Nutritional Status and Students Physical Fitness in a Junior High School of Padang
Riwaldi Putra, Rosmaneli
This study aimed to determine the nutritional status and physical fitness of students Junior High School No. 15 Padang. This study was descriptive that involved 66 students. To determine the nutritional status of students using the formula BMI = weight / TB2 and physical fitness using physical fitness...
Proceedings Article
Meyerhold’s Experiments and Beijing Opera: Blok’s Play, 1914
Nanjia Yang
The process of interaction and mutual influence of the cultures of the West and the East, including the sphere of theatrical art, acquired a qualitatively new meaning in the Silver Age in connection with the emergence and formation of the art of directing, especially the part oriented towards theatrical...
Proceedings Article
Dacha of the Merchant K.P. Golovkin — Bright Sample of Samara Art Nouveaux
Vladimir Chekmarev
Golovkin chose a very small area near the upper edges of the strongly descending terrain towards the Volga river and the nearby ravine for the construction of his dacha. The 2-storey stone building with a basement and an elevated tower is located on the highest point of the site. Developed by K.P. Golovkin...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Islamic Work Ethic Towards Teacher Performance With Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Sabilillah Islamic Boarding School in Sampang
Mirhamida Rahmah, Achmad Sudiro, Noermijati, Mintarti Rahayu
In an educational institution in Islamic boarding schools to create quality human resources, teachers are at the forefront, because teachers are directly dealing with students in the delivery of the learning process. The purpose of this research were: 1) determining the direct effect of Islamic work...
Proceedings Article
Research on Journalistic English Teaching Model in Big Data Era
Yanfeng Zu, Xiaoyan Quan
The advent of big data era has contributed to a rapid development of the Internet + teaching model, resulting in the fact that the traditional way of journalistic English teaching finds it difficult to suit the needs of the society and that new methodologies in journalistic English teaching which can...
Proceedings Article
Influence of the Crisis on the Cost Management Process in the Airline in the Conditions of Uncertainty of the Financial Result
L.I. Yuzvovich, V.A. Mironenko, G.A. Solodyankina
The relevance of the study topic is determined by the high importance of rational cost management for the successful functioning of airlines in the event of a crisis and uncertainty of financial results. Today, one of the important factors, that determine the ability of firms, their seeking to supply...
Proceedings Article
Representative Speech Acts of People With Multiple Aphasia (Case Study on Khairudin)
Cici Nurfauzianah Has
This study was assesed based on representative speech acts. The purpose of this study was to obtain factual data on representative speech acts spoken by Khairudin, aged 60 years, and diagnosed with multiple aphasia since 2018. This study used a qualitative type with descriptive methods, and used data...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Quantitative Study on Failure Factors of Marine Electric Motor Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
Zhao qiang Li, Xuegang Zhao, Bao-cheng Lu, Zhi-qiang Zhao
In order to facilitate the ship managers to manage and maintain the ship electric motor, this paper analyses the relevant factors of the ship electric motor failure, makes a quantitative analysis of the ship electric motor failure factors by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), obtains the proportion...