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193425 articles
Proceedings Article
Towards Reproducible Performance of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Battery Storage
Monika Graff, Olaf Wollersheim, Johanna May
Several attempts have been made to define and measure performance parameters of photovoltaic home storage systems. Ideally, performance parameters are accepted by the scientific community as well as by manufacturers, test laboratories and customers. The German industry association for energy storage...
Proceedings Article
The Peer Tutor Method: Implementation in Hybrid Learning Settings for Students with Disabilities
Muchamad Irvan, Siti Mutmainah, Muhammad Nurrohman Jauhari
Students with disabilities have different characteristics. The different characteristics of students with disabilities depend on their respective disability categories. These conditions are generally related to physical, intellectual, or sensory functioning. Based on these conditions, there is a reason...
Proceedings Article
Doxological Aspect: Concept of Intercultural Mission in Indonesians Chinese
Linus Baito
Christian mission emphasizes the joyful aspect of God to men because of His presence, which brings salvation. Awareness of the grace aspect has encouraged believers to undertake mission efforts. However, recent studies seek to present the doxological aspect as a motivation for the mission. This writing...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Improve Children’s Literacy Culture and Character Education During Children’s Learning Period at Home
Hardita Amalia Sri Ayu Lestari, Yeri Utami, Ruma Mubarak, Anni Malihatul Hawa
The pandemic period is a tremendous challenge for educators, namely teachers and parents to present a maximum and fun learning atmosphere at home, not only that, how educators and teachers are able to make various efforts to improve literacy culture and character education in children. House.
We understand...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Techniques for Long-Term Transformer Load Forecasting: A Systematic Literature Review
Dwigian Netha Putra, Mochammad Firdian Ramadhani P, Muchtar Ali Setyo Yudono
Forecasting transformer loads in the electricity sector can help plan the development of power plants, transmission networks, and consumer distribution by predicting future actions that will be taken by energy providers. There are several ways to anticipate the proper and accurate use of artificial intelligence...
Proceedings Article
Economic Education and Character Well-being of Art Therapy students
Yulita Kurniawaty Asra, Dian Cita Sari, Vivik Shofiah, Mukhlis, Ummi Rasyidah
This text explores the economic science of education and character well-being of art theraphy students. The analysis subjects were eighteen folks taken by purposive sampling methodology. This study uses a real experimental style wherever within the true experimental style there’s a random sample choice...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Environmental Safety of Urbanized Territories Applying Recovery Absorber in Reduction of Emissions of Gas Station
E. Sokolova, S. Koshkarev, R. Magomedov, O. Klimenko
The issue of this article is improving the ecological safety of gas filling stations (GFS) that are placed within urban areas and the boundary of the sanitary protection zone. It has been determined that the main share of GFS’ emissions is produced by petroleum products, especially when reservoirs are...
Proceedings Article
Methanolic Extracts of Rose Flowers (Rosa chinensis Jacq.): Phytochemical Evaluation and Total Antioxidant Capacity
Natasya Theresia Simatupang, David Limanan, Eny Yulianti, Frans Ferdinal
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants that can lead to impaired signaling and redox control. Free radicals in large quantities will stimulate the production of IL-6 and TNF-α, which act as proinflammatory cytokines and trigger the release of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN);...
Proceedings Article
Tigero Tedong Jewellery Design Typical Bugis Tribe
Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Tati Narawati, Tri Karyono
Jewellery represents a period of people’s memory of their time. Showing symbols of power, ways of worshiping, status and social relations, as well as personalizing himself with nature, humans, and their creators. With the existence of a jewellery can increase a person’s productivity and confidence in...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of the Financial Effect of COVID-19 in Hospitality Industry and Companies’ Response
Jiahao Liu
COVID-19 is one of the most severe crises in modern society. It hurts almost every country and every industry in the world. The hospitality industry makes money by selling unique in-person experiences, and absolutely got restrictions. The objective of this paper is about how COVID-19 influences the hospitality...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Approach to the Formation of Personnel Competence Models for the Russian Military Industrial Complex in the Conditions of Production Diversification
Tatyana A. Berkutova, Boris A. Kovtun, Anastasia V. Makhova, Artem E. Poikin, Kirill A. Sidorov
The article presents the results of a study of the formation of personnel competence models for enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the context of diversification. The authors carry out a comparative analysis of the goals of diversification and the content of marketing activities. The use...
Proceedings Article
A Task-Based Needs Analysis for English Correspondence Course
Putu Ayu Prabawati Sudana, Putu Dika Pratiwi
This paper reports research results on task-based needs analysis for English correspondence course in hotel context for vocational students in university level. A task-based analysis on the needs of the course was conducted to identify the real needs of English correspondence that hotel staffs conduct...
Proceedings Article
Research of Project-Based Engineering Teaching Method
Hua Bai
Guided by CDIO educational philosophy, we explored project based teaching mode reform on the core courses of e-commerce majors, in order to cultivate students’ innovative consciousness and ability to solve practical problems. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the existing curriculum plans and syllabuses,...
Proceedings Article
Study on the Vitality Enhancement and Environmental Intelligence Technology of Historical and Cultural Neighborhoods Based on Organic Renewal Theory: Jinan Mingfu City as an Example
Haifeng Chu, Yimei Meng, Shuhua Huang
With the change of urbanization mode, some historical and cultural districts gradually appear to have declining functions and less prominent historical and cultural attributes which are unable to keep up with urban development requirements. Based on the theory of organic regeneration, this paper selects...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Implementing Deep Learning Activities in a Blended Learning Perspective Based on Big Data Analysis
Lurong Sun, Jianing Wang, Dan Gong, Nana Jiang
In order to solve the problem that learners’ mastery of knowledge under the blended teaching mode only stays on the surface and lacks deep learning of knowledge. Based on big data application combined with DELC deep learning route, this study proposes an effective deep learning activity model in terms...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Various Drying Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Telang Flower (Clitoria ternatea L.)
Endah Puspitojati, Novia Aristi Rahayu, Nur Fatimah, Bambang Sudarmanto
Telang flower is a biopharmaceutical horticulture commodity known as a functional food source since it contains rich nutrients. The drying methods influence the physicochemical properties of this flower. This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties of telang flowers using the sun and...
Proceedings Article
Emotional Research on Vehicle Intelligent Robot Pet
Huaming Peng, Feicai Wang
Guided by the emotional design method, this paper makes design analysis from the instinct level, behavior level, and reflection level of emotional design to design a vehicle intelligent robot pet on the onboard central control table. This product can enrich the shortcomings of existing research, optimizes...
Proceedings Article
Discussion on Noema and Semiotic Phenomenon
Yang Gao
People often ignore such a fact that signs connect human being and world. Furthermore, system of sign which people always use is continually forming the cognition and knowledge about the world. Even the world people live in, the all about it they have known are formed by system of sign. Therefore, it...
Proceedings Article
Behavior Changes Affect the Success of School Organizational Change
Kartini Mohd Yusoff, Aida Hanim A. Hamid
This concept paper aims to identify the relationship between the change in teacher behavior to the change of organization in the school. Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) and Star Models are wont to discuss the relationship between those variables. The findings of past studies have shown that changes in...
Proceedings Article
Value Implication, Core Content and Practical Strategy of Strengthening Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Era
Dan Wang
As the main part of college education learning, college students undertake the important responsibility of inheriting and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The research mainly includes: First, the value implication of strengthening Chinese excellent traditional culture education in...
Proceedings Article
Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
Anifa Tuzzuhroh Nurbaiti, Budi Astuti, Eka Aryani
This study aims to: 1) create angry meter digital comics as a group guidance medium to improve students’ anger management, 2) find out the feasibility of angry meter digital comics as group guidance media to improve students’ anger management, and 3) find out the effectiveness of angry digital comics...
Proceedings Article
Jia Pingwa’s View of Literature and Art
Xiaojing Liu
Jia Pingwa has formed his own literary and artistic ideology in his long-term writing practice. This system includes: First. Literature and art are the writer’s lyrical unique consciousness of heaven, earth, nature and life. Literature and art are emotional “things” with social emotions and individual...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of Mother-in-law in Mental Health of Infertile Women During Fertility Treatment Period
Dewi Puspitaningrum, Dian Nintyasari Mustika, Dewi Setyawati, Hamnah Latifah, Alya Aulia Rahmayani
Background: Women with infertility conditions and during the fertility treatment process or the existence of a pregnancy program feel more worried and anxious if the results do not go according to plan. Infertile women need support from people who are so essential and can significantly affect their condition....
Proceedings Article
Research on the Policy Environment on the Risk of Multinational Banks - Based on the Analysis of Regional Regulatory Policies and Multinational Banks
Ge Yan
The existing financial regulatory framework makes it difficult to effectively regulate international banking as international financial services continue to innovate. Banks also tend to establish more branches and lend more to countries with less stringent regulations, which makes cross-border banks...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Student Management on Students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Jembrana Bali’s Religious Moderation Attitude
Dani Hermawan, Moh. Anwar, Sukamto
The promotion of religious moderation in schools nowadays is a result of the issue of intolerance that has crept into Indonesia’s educational system. In Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Jembrana, this study looked at how student management affected students’ attitudes about religious moderation. This study uses...
Proceedings Article
Analyzing COVID-19 by Hypothesis Tests and Linear Regression
Yi Lu, Yifan Yang
The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused urgent global challenges due to its rapid contagious characteristics. Analyzing known data from the past is one way to effectively control the spread of the pandemic. The United States is a racially diverse country; therefore, the composition of social groups is relatively...
Proceedings Article
Urbanization and Family Structure: What is the best Way to Overcome the challenges in the Changing of Gender Roles in Contemporary Urban Families
Qi Ding, Haoran Ma
Gender has always been one of the important factors in urban renewal and change, but people often ignore it. Our research will talk about the role of gender in urban renewal and change, and then find out how gender affects cities. The final conclusion tells us that urban change and renewal cannot be...
Proceedings Article
The Exploration of the Two Forms of Representation of Virtual Reality Technology Applied to Museum Display
Xuefeng Ao, Shuisheng Du, Qiong Wu, Xin Huang
In the current era of booming emerging information technology, the application of virtual reality technology is an important trend in the future development of museums and an important means of implementing new media applications. It can enrich the dimensions of museum exhibitions, drive traditional...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Humic Acid-Coated Biochar (Bicomat) and Plant Spacing on Paddy Plant Production and the Reduction of Heavy Metal Content
Amir Hamzah, Rossyda Priyadarshini, Astuti
This study aimed to find out the use of Bicomat doses and spacing to increase crop production and heavy metal reduction. It was carried out in paddy fields in Karangploso Subdistrict of Malang District from April to July 2022. The study used a Randomized Group Design (RGD), 2 factors and 3 repetitions....
Proceedings Article
Research on the Functional Orientation of County Libraries in the Public Cultural Service System
Jiaman Yuan, Yi Yang
Through the discourse analysis of the policy “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Modern Public Cultural Service System,” this paper concludes that county-level libraries in the modern public cultural service system serve as the inheritor of historical culture, the breeder of popular culture,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Institutional Support and Learning Management Strategies on Student Participation in MBKM Programs in Higher Education Institutions
Vika Ardianti, Agus Timan, Rida Rimadani
The objectives of this study are: (1) analyzing institutional support for student participation in the implementation of the MBKM program and (2) analyzing management strategies for student participation in the implementation of the MBKM program. This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlation...
Proceedings Article
Christian Education in the Era of Disruption
Binsen Samuel Sidjabat
This paper talks about how Christian Education ministry in Indonesia has to continue its calling and tasks in the era of disruption, especially in times where the church and society facing the challenge of pandemic COVID 19. The thought is built up from literature exploration. It is held that disruption...
Proceedings Article
The Role of E-commerce Development in Promoting Farmers’ Income Growth through Digital Inclusive Finance: An Intermediary Effects Perspective
Fanling Liang, Lei Yang, Ziyan Zhou, Jing Zhang
This paper explores the role of e-commerce development in promoting the growth of farmers’ income through digital financial inclusion and verifies the existence of the mediating effect and its mechanism based on Chinese provincial panel data from 2014-2021. It is found that digital financial inclusion...
Proceedings Article
"We Believe That…": A Pragma-Dialectics Study of Argumentative Indicators Used in Student Debate Programs
Durotun Nasihah, Nanang Zubaidi, Nova Ariani
The current study intends to examine the argumentative indicators produced by second language learners in a university-level student debate competition and the functions of the indicators in each stage of argumentation (confrontation, opening, argumentation, and conclusion). The researchers employed...
Proceedings Article
Research on the evaluation of learning quality of higher vocational students based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method
Chunyan Wu, Fuqiang Peng, Chunren Li, Pande Jiao, Ran Li
In view of the lack of evaluation methods for the learning quality of higher vocational students in the teaching process of our school, this paper constructs an evaluation model for the learning quality of higher vocational students based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and quantifies the...
Proceedings Article
Exploration and Practice of Blended Teaching Based on “PAD+BOPPPS”
Lingzhi Wang
Aviation Maintenance Management is a core compulsory course for aviation maintenance majors. In response to the prominent problems in course teaching, the “PAD+BOPPPS” hybrid teaching mode is proposed by combining the advantages of PAD and BOPPPS teaching modes. Taking the “Aviation Maintenance Information...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of Ferry Transport Tariffs Based on Operational Costs of Ships Operating on The Merak-Bakauheni Route
Monica Amanda, Sri Kelana, Alya Farhana
The current transportation rates for crossing the Merak-Bakauheni route are application-based Ferizy, must be in line with existing guidelines, namely Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 66 of 2019 concerning Mechanisms for Determining and Formulating Ferry Transport Tariff Calculations as...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Application of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Cross-Modal Semantic Communication System in the Tourism Industry
Dandan Lu, Xue Gong, Liudan Qiu
In response to the current research gaps in cross-modal semantic communication within the tourism industry, this study proposes the architecture, core concepts, key technologies, practical applications, and challenges of a cross-modal semantic communication system driven by artificial intelligence. The...
Proceedings Article
Identification and Contagion Study of Price Bubbles in Bulk Nonferrous Metals
Yu Zhao, Juntao Zhang, Deqing Zeng
Based on the daily price index samples of copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, and nickel in China from 2019 to 2023, this study employs the Backward Sup Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, R-Vine Copula model, Granger causality test, and vector autoregression model to investigate the statistical characteristics...
Journal: Artery Research
Conference Abstract
Jeremy Lagrange*, Yvonne Weihert, Susanne Karbach, Philip Wenzel
Pages: 29 - 30
Background: Hypertensive crisis is an extreme phenotype of increased blood pressure that can lead to organs failure and thrombotic complications. Recently, we were able to show an angiotensin II driven FXI-thrombin amplification loop leading to vascular injury in experimental hypertension.
Proceedings Article
SNEDDS Formulation for the Combination of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) and Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L.) Extract
Wa Ode Indah Wulan Hartini Halir, Muhtadi, Erindyah Retno Wikantyasning
The combination of Snakehead Fish Powder (SFP) and Bitter Melon Extract (BME) was possible to lower blood sugar levels and antidiabetic agents. The combination of SFP and BME through the mechanism of Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SNEDDS) was carried out. The SNEDDS are forms of lipid-based...
Proceedings Article
Anjungan Dukcapil Mandiri (ADM): The New Innovation of Population Administration Services in Pemalang Regency
Muhammad Bagus Adi Wicaksono, Zainita Nur Ramadhani
Public services are one of the sectors affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Population administration is the fundamental key for the citizen to access the public services. This research aims to analyze the Anjungan Dukcapil Mandiri (ADM) which is the most recent innovation of population administration...
Proceedings Article
SafeTravel–Application with Blockchain Technology
Yu-Sheng Goh, Lee-Ying Chong, Siew-Chin Chong
The first COVID-19 case was detected in Malaysia on 25th January 2020. Given the serious situation of COVID-19, Malaysia Government implemented the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the same year by restricting citizen movement. The COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia under MCO 1.0 is successfully controlled...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Disposal in Tailings and Waste Rock Piles
Michel Moreira Morandini Fontes, Edna Lizeth Ardila Montilla, Anderson Nascimento Milagres, Gladys Hurtado Aquino, Vanessa Cristina Justino
The disposal of tailings currently represents a major challenge in the Brazilian mining scenario. As a result of the accidents that have occurred in the last decade, the legislation has become increasingly demanding with regard to the disposal processes of these materials. Therefore, new disposal systems...
Proceedings Article
Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia Coli Isolated from Cecum and Carcasses Samples of Broiler Chickens
Susan M. Noor, Suhaemi Suhaemi, Sumirah Sumirah, S. Mulyati, T. Ariyanti, F. Rachmawati, Andriani Andriani
Poultry production is an important part of the agricultural industry in many countries, including Indonesia. Antimicrobial agents are widely used in the poultry industry to reduce the significant losses caused by Escherichia coli infections and welfare of animals. However, utilizing antibiotics in food...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Preliminary study on SQLearn : Sql Query Learning Tool Using Close Ended Drag and Drop Approach
Putra Prima Arhandi, Annisa Taufika Firdausi, Banni Satria Andoko, Muhammad Shulhan Khairy, Muhammad Ilham Adhim, Ahmad Afif Supianto
Structured Query Language (SQL) is an industry standard for writing query. Writing SQL query is one of main competencies that must be possessed when learning database. Writing an SQL query could be challenging for novice students. SQLearn is a web-based application that give several cases study and questions....
Proceedings Article
Study on Consumer Perception Towards E-Wallets: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Primary and Secondary Data
N. Chithra, V. Leelavathy, G. Preetha
The increasing digitalization of financial transactions has led to a surge in the usage of electronic wallets (E-wallets) worldwide. This study aims to investigate consumer perceptions towards E-wallets by employing a comprehensive research approach that incorporates both sources of data such as primary...
Proceedings Article
Teacher’s Efforts in Improving Students Arabic Writing Skills in The Post Pandemic
Nadya Putri Handayani, Ruli Astuti, Fitria Wulandari, Akhmedova Mehrinigor Bahodirovna
The purpose of this study was to find out the teacher’s efforts to improve students Arabic writing skills at SDIT Hasanah Fiddaroin in the post pandemic. To achieve this goal, researchers use descriptive qualitative research methods. The research subjects was Arabic teachers. The type of data collected...
Proceedings Article
Application of Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency in The Naive Bayes Algorithm For ChatGPT User Sentiment Analysis
Novita Rajagukguk, I Putu Eka Nila Kencana, I G. N. Lanang Wijaya Kusuma
Sentiment analysis as part of Natural Language Processing has been widely used to see public sentiment towards a topic. Sentiment analysis functions to classify opinions into positive or negative classifications. In classifying opinions, an algorithm is needed to manage opinion data. One well-known algorithm...
Proceedings Article
Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media
Yayat Sudaryat, Jatmika Nurhadi, Ade Sutisna
The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has led people’s lives and cultures into the digital world. Sending messages has been done through various digital applications, including WhatsApp. This study aims to explain the literacy of prayer texts, especially those in the Sundanese regional language, through...