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193197 articles
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Learning Leadership, Academic Supervision, and Teacher Skills on Teacher Performance Effectiveness
Bahtiar Agung Pambudi, Imam Gunawan
This study aims to determine the effect of learning leadership, academic supervision, and teaching skills on the effectiveness of teacher performance. Data retrieval using a quantitative approach by research methods and uses regression analysis. The location of this scrutiny is at SMP Islam Raden Patah...
Proceedings Article
Review of Distance Learning Solutions Used during the COVID-19 Crisis
Sergey V. Shaytura, Alina M. Minitaeva, Konstantin V. Ordov, Slaveyko G. Gospodinov, Vitaliy O. Chulkov
Forced to go into self-isolation due to the coronavirus outbreak, all students had to be moved to distance learning. Imposed by the Government in a short time, distance learning has hit both the learning process and the teachers hard. This paper provides a follow up on the emergency transition to distance...
Proceedings Article
The Basic Model of Compulsory Isolation and Detoxification in Judicial Administration Based on Medical Insurance System
Zhanlei Hu
With the promotion of the basic mode of the unified judicial administration of drug rehabilitation, compulsory isolation of drug rehabilitation students, as a special group, whether to enjoy medical insurance during the period of drug rehabilitation and gradually into the basic medical insurance system,...
Proceedings Article
Internal Control System in Credit Organizations
Majd Alnakoula
Credit institutions should very carefully manage risks, constantly adapt to the competitive environment, and develop their activities daily. At the same time, they have to comply with certain rules of conduct, which are controlled by both external and internal control bodies. In order to more identify...
Proceedings Article
Religion, Education, and Pluralism
Relevance of Sufism Morality Education in Developing Character of Pluralism in Indonesia
A. Gani, Kamran Asat Irsyady, Ferry Muhammadsyah Siregar
This article examines the relevance of Sufism morality education in developing character of pluralism in Indonesia. Through the library research methodology with a historical-philosophical approach, the results show that someone practicing Sufism morality has a high level of tolerance while dealing with...
Proceedings Article
Research on Blended Learning Based on Internet Plus Education Model
ZiYan Zhang, Zhe Yang
This article analyzes the influence of “Internet +” on traditional classroom teaching elements, based on the construction of a talent training program design framework, the hybrid teaching concept, and the design of hybrid teaching courses, it aims to provide reference for higher education teaching,...
Proceedings Article
Models of Application of IT in Teaching in the Condition of Transformation of the Education System and Searching for a New Paradigm
Igor Vostroknutov, Sergey Grigoriev, Lev Surat
Humanity is on the verge of the fourth industrial revolution in anticipation of global changes. A global reform of education is expected - from the change of the paradigm itself and the creation of a new teaching methodology to the creation of new forms, methods and teaching methods. However, there are...
Proceedings Article
Building Communication with Deaf Children during The Covid-19 Pandemic
Maulana Rezi Ramadhana, Ravik Karsidi, Prahastiwi Utari, Drajat Tri Kartono
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the behavior of children with special needs. During this time, the role of family communication is important to maintain the children’s development and resilience. This paper discusses the dynamics of family communication to cope with stress and to maintain the resilience...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Energy Management Control Based on Standalone Photovoltaic Battery and Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Using PI Controller
Soedibyo, Avian Lukman Setya Budi, Sjamsjul Anam, Mochamad Ashari, Adi Soeprijanto
Standalone photovoltaic system is a system that does not connect with main grid. So, it is necessary to have a backup supply, considering day and night cycle, where there are no solar radiation at night. Backup supply is often be the grid in the on-grid system, but in an off-grid system, backup supply...
Proceedings Article
The True Leaders and Leadership: From The Narratives of Emha Ainun Nadjib
Ahmad Mabrur, Pardjono
This study aims to describe Emha Ainun Nadjib’s concepts of leader and leadership. This research uses qualitative methods with a narrative approach. The subjects of this study were Emha Ainun Nadib and the people closest to him including his eldest son and coordinator of several maiyah communities. In...
Proceedings Article
No Such Thing As A Free App
A Taxonomy of Freemium Business Models and User Archetypes
Imam Salehudin, Frank Alpert
The Freemium business model is becoming increasingly prominent in the current digital economy. In the mobile game market, total revenue from free to download apps is overtaking those from paid apps. The purpose of this article is to propose a taxonomy that examines and categorizes the various types of...
Journal: Journal of African Trade
Research Article
Mind the Measure: On the Effects of Antidumping Investigations in Egypt
Nada Hazem, Chahir Zaki
Pages: 1 - 14
This paper examines the impact of the antidumping measures initiated by the Government of Egypt on imports during the period 2001–2015. Our contribution is twofold. First, the paper distinguishes between the effect of antidumping measures on the value, the volume and the price of imports. Second, it...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Synergistic Formulation for Turquoise Blue Dye Extraction Using Mixed Trioctylamine/Cyanex 302 in Liquid-Liquid Extraction System
Norela Jusoh, Norasikin Othman, Nurfarahin Mohd Amin, Raja Norimie Raja Sulaiman, Norul Fatiha Mohamed Noah, Syahira Nurulashikin, Muhammad Abbas Ahmad Zaini
This study presents the synergistic liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) of turquoise blue dye through the formulation of synergist extractants in the organic liquid phase, their extraction mechanism, as well as the selection of the best stripping agent. The results showed that a single extractant provides...
Proceedings Article
The Challenge and Opportunity in the Implementation of Environmental Field Assessment Study to Encourage Behavior Change for Protecting the Environment
Erwinsyah, Abdul Rohman, Mamik Suendarti
Besides the economic growth, development activities often produced unexpected negative impacts on decreasing the quality of life, health problems, and environmental damage, including land degradation, soil erosion, air, and water as well as soil pollution. In general, environmental damage occurred caused...
Proceedings Article
Translingual Dispositions, Multilingual P-Pop and the Fight for Philippine Languages Online
Ruanni Tupas
This paper discusses and maps out an instantiation of everyday multilingualism online. It argues that translingual dispositions – ways of speaking, thinking and doing which embrace, rather than reject, all forms of linguistic difference – are an important component in the struggle for the survival and...
Proceedings Article
Development of Cell Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Instrument: Small Group Review
Safira Permata Dewi, Ermayanti, Lucia Maria Santoso
This study aims to obtain an overview of the cell cognitive diagnostic assessment (CCDA) instrument that has been developed from a small group testing point of view. There are 20 multiple choice questions that have been developed with five alternative answer choices. These questions consist of four topics,...
Research Article
The Firm Life Cycle Forecasting Model Using Machine Learning Based on News Articles
Si Young Lee, Sae Yong Oh, Sangwook Lee, Gwang Yong Gim
Pages: 1 - 9
The determination of the firm life cycle has been carried out in relation to the establishment of corporate strategy in the field of accounting or management. The life cycle prediction based on financial information is long because it is determined based on the financial performance of the entity over...
Journal: Growth and Form
Research Article
The Möbius Phenomenon in Generalized Möbius-Listing Bodies with Cross Sections of Odd and Even Polygons
J. Gielis, I. Tavkhelidze
Pages: 1 - 10
In the study of cutting Generalized Möbius-Listing bodies with polygons as cross section, it is well known that the Möbius phenomenon, whereby the cutting process yields only one body, occurs only in even polygons with an even number of vertices and sides, and only in the specific when the knife cuts...
Letter to Editor
Euler’s triangle and the decomposition of tensor powers of the adjoint 𝔰𝔩(2)-module
Askold M. Perelomov
Pages: 1 - 6
By considering a relation between Euler’s trinomial problem and the problem of decomposing tensor powers of the adjoint 𝔰𝔩(2)-module I derive some new results for both problems, as announced in arXiv:1902.08065.
Research Article
A hierarchy of long wave-short wave type equations: quasi-periodic behavior of solutions and their representation
Xianguo Geng, Yunyun Zhai, Bo Xue, Jiao Wei
Pages: 1 - 23
Based on the Lenard recursion relation and the zero-curvature equation, we derive a hierarchy of long wave-short wave type equations associated with the 3 × 3 matrix spectral problem with three potentials. Resorting to the characteristic polynomial of the Lax matrix, a trigonal curve is defined, on which...
Research Article
A Multidimensional Superposition Principle: Classical Solitons IV
Alexander A. Alexeyev
Pages: 1 - 33
This article continues the series of the works of 1998–2007 years devoted to the Multidimensional Superposition Principle, the concept easily explaining both classical soliton and more complex wave interactions in nonlinear PDEs and allowing one, in particular, to construct the general Superposition...
Letter to Editor
Integrable Hamiltonian N-body problems of goldfish type featuring N arbitrary functions
Francesco Calogero
Pages: 1 - 6
A simple application of a neat formula relating the time evolution of the N zeros of a (monic) time-dependent polynomial of degree N in the complex variable w to the time evolution of its N coefficients allows to identify integrable Hamiltonian N-body problems in the plane featuring N arbitrary functions,...
Research Article
Automorphisms of the q-deformed algebra suq(1, 1) and d-Orthogonal polynomials of q-Meixner type
Ali Zaghouani
Pages: 1 - 20
Starting from an operator given as a product of q-exponential functions in irreducible representations of the positive discrete series of the q-deformed algebra suq(1, 1), we express the associated matrix elements in terms of d-orthogonal polynomials. An algebraic setting allows to establish some properties...
Research Article
New solutions with peakon creation in the Camassa–Holm and Novikov equations
Marcus Kardell
Pages: 1 - 16
In this article we study a new kind of unbounded solutions to the Novikov equation, found via a Lie symmetry analysis. These solutions exhibit peakon creation, i.e., these solutions are smooth up until a certain finite time, at which a peak is created. We show that the functions are still weak solutions...
Research Article
Conditions and evidence for non-integrability in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Hamiltonian
Sergi Simon
Pages: 1 - 16
This is an example of application of Ziglin-Morales-Ramis algebraic studies in Hamiltonian integrability, more specifically the result by Morales, Ramis and Simó on higher-order variational equations, to the well-known Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model. A previous paper by the author formalises...
Proceedings Article
Effect of the Natural Cat and Dog Liquid Additives on 3% Salt Fed Rats
Elif Rabia Sanli, Musa Yavuz, Zafer Özyıldız, Veli Uygur
Salt poisoning could be important for the pets’ life. High salt and low water consumptions can be effective in the formation of salt poisoning. Low levels of salt poisoning increase blood pressure which reduces the quality of life. Plant-origin cat and dog liquid additives are previously used and improve...
Proceedings Article
Dynamic Monitoring and Assessment for Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Supriyono, Muhamad Faisal
The development of information technology applied to college institutions is experiencing rapid growth. Information technology can solve problems faced in educational institutions. Universities are increasing the use of information and digital technologies for improved service, data management, and accurate...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Size of Forgiveness in Hope and Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents Living with Imperfect Family Structure: Taking Anxiety Levels and Sex into Consideration
Amalia Rahmandani, Yohanis Franz La Kahija, Lusi Nur Ardhiani
This study aimed to describe the differences in correlation of forgiveness and hope as well as life satisfaction according to anxiety levels and sex among adolescents living with the imperfect family structure. A total of 171 Indonesian teenagers involved were students of a state vocational school in...
Proceedings Article
Development of Critical Thinking Skills Measurement in Socio-Political Context
Miftachur Rohmah, Sri Kusromaniah
Critical thinking is one of the most essential goals in education nowadays. Aside from academics and career settings, the skill is considered important to be implemented in understanding socio-political issues for shaping better civil society by emphasizing consciousness and accountability. This study...
Proceedings Article
Maximizing of Local Community Empowerment Based on Social Capital Coordination Action in Tourism Development
A case in Bunaken Island
Jufrina Mandulangi
The development of the tourism industry on Bunaken Island has opened up employment opportunities which lead to improved welfare of local communities. In the framework of social-based community empowerment, it is necessary to examine constructively the social capital contained in the people on the island....
Proceedings Article
Cultural Contents of an EFL Textbook
How is the Potential for Students’ Intercultural Communicative Competence Development During the COVID-19 Outbreak?
Ahmad Sugianto, Yanty Wirza
Culture constitutes an inseparable part of language teaching and learning process. Using the framework advocated by Cortazzi and Jin (1999) and Yuen (2011), this study aims to scrutinize the potential use of a vocational high school textbook to facilitate students’ intercultural communicative competence...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Students’ Digital Literacy Utilizing Edublogs as a Learning Media
Sari Mubaroh, Linda Fujiyanti, Muhammad Setya Pratama
Most of SMA Negeri 1 Sungailiat students are less enthusiastic about school literacy because they feel bored when they have to read books. In addition, teachers are always the focus of learning makes it difficult for teachers to use literacy in the teaching and learning process. There’s also another...
Proceedings Article
Human Rights in the Age of Pandemics
Ibrahim Kaya
Covid-19, which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), is having very important impacts at the global level. By definition a pandemic concerns all states and therefore a close co-operation between states is essential to combat it in an adequate manner. States, sometimes...
Proceedings Article
Behind the Pattern: Maintaining the Sustainability of Local Cultural Wisdom in Batik Entrepreneurial Sector
Kartika Nuringsih, Cokki Cokki, M. N. Nuryasman, Heni Mularsih
In line with sustainable development, the goal of this research is to identify the people involved toward the meaning of Batik pattern and the action of regional government in arranging the regulation of “Geblek Renteng” innovation at Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Province. The analysis method used...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Protective Measures to Prevent Covid-19 Transmission in Traditional Markets
A Behavioral Perspective
Deti Nudiati, Eko Sulistiono
Covid is the most contagious virus in the world today. It is transmitted through human interaction, making the traditional market as a potential hotspot for Covid-19 transmission. After several months implementing large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the Indonesian government implemented a new policy,...
Proceedings Article
Perception of Millennials Towards the Implementation of Automation Staying in Ciputra World Hotel Surabaya
Lexi Pranata Budidharmanto, Ikhsan Budi Riharjo, Jessica Grace Susanto
The implementation of automation is very much needed for millennials generation because in the middle of year 200, the hotel industry, especially in the city of Surabaya has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, which is shown by the developing digital technology rapidly. This affects a person...
Proceedings Article
Connecting Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices and Mathematical Practices
Trena L. Wilkerson
Learning during the pandemic presents a major challenge for mathematics teachers. In this condition, Teacher must examine effective mathematical teaching practices that support each and every student to develop a deep understanding of mathematics; and developing a positive mathematical identity and strong...
Proceedings Article
Practice of Hybrid Teaching Reform of Project Cost Control Based on Cloud Classroom
Mengbo Zhang
“Project Cost Control” is a basic course for project cost major. It mainly introduces the regulations and methods in the whole process of cost consultation, including valuation of construction, bidding, contract management, financial analysis and evaluation. This course has many knowledge branches, involving...
Proceedings Article
Polite Language in Boyolali Folklore
Ira Prihapsari, Andayani, Sarwiji Suwandi
This study aims to describe the politeness of the language contained in the folklore of Boyolali. This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative with the type of content analysis. The data in this study are in the form of language politeness in the folklore of Boyolali. Through this research,...
Review Article
Deep Learning Methodologies for Genomic Data Prediction: Review
Yusuf Aleshinloye Abass, Steve A. Adeshina
Pages: 1 - 11
The last few years have seen an advancement in genomic research in bioinformatics. With the introduction of high-throughput sequencing techniques, researchers now can analyze and produce a large amount of genomic datasets and this has aided the classification of genomic studies as a “big data” discipline....
Proceedings Article
On Li Dazhao’s Critical Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture
Yu Zhou
Li Dazhao, an outstanding representative of early Marxists, based on the traditional Chinese culture, actively explored and applied the position, viewpoint and method of Marxism, forming a representative traditional cultural view. In the process of criticizing and inheriting, respecting and interpreting...
Proceedings Article
An Experimental Study of Retailer-Brand Collaboration: Duration and Perceived Fit Towards Consumer Behavior
Anindhitya Andriani, Tengku Ezni Balqiah
Indonesian retailers such as department stores tend to use sales promotions by discounting items, which has caused the consumer to be less likely to pay at fu ll price and learn to postpone their purchase. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of limited-edition strategy in a retailer-brand...
Proceedings Article
Ratification of International Convention under Indonesian Law: A Study on CITES 1973 and ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement
Z Zunnuraeni, M Riadhussyah, M Y Fathoni, E S Nurbani
Indonesian national law has defined two mechanisms in the ratification of international conventions, namely in form of an Act and in form of a Presidential decree. As stipulated in the Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 that:” causing broad and fundamental consequences for the lives...
Research Article
Measuring Redundancy Score for Test Suite Evaluation by Using Test Cases Matching Approach
Mochamad Chandra Saputra, Tetsuro Katayama, Yoshihiro Kita, Hisaaki Yamaba, Kentaro Aburada, Naonobu Okazaki
Pages: 1 - 5
Evaluating a test suite that contains redundant test cases is necessary to reduce the cost of testing. The redundant test cases exist when both of the two test cases are executed the same lines of code. This research evaluates the test suite by identifying redundant test cases. Exact match approach is...
Proceedings Article
Linguistic Diversity in the Urban Linguistic Landscape of Sibiu
Adeline-Alexandra Berdie
The aim of this paper is to present, categorize and describe the linguistic landscape of Sibiu, by capturing the visible presence of the languages in that area. It examines the use of different languages in the public space of Sibiu, comparing the use of the state language (Romanian) to the use of the...
Proceedings Article
Predicting the Results of the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election with Google Trends
Analysis of Accuracy, Precision, and Its Opportunity
Ali Ar Harkan, Eriyanto
In electoral competitions, voter behavior research is conducted to develop effective campaign strategies, but survey methods tend to be expensive. By contrast, in the internet era where political campaigns evolve by using digital data and channels, Google Trends offers free services that display search...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Creativity of Students in Higher Education: Innovative Pedagogical Management
Nadzeya Nizhneva-Ksenofontova, Natallia Nizhneva
The article is devoted to innovative pedagogical management as a very important factor of developing creativity of students in higher education. Main functions of management and innovative pedagogical management are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the goal, main tasks, features, effective model...
Proceedings Article
Different Marketing Strategies Between Starbucks and Luckin Coffee and the Impact of the Epidemic
Siyu Wang
COVID-19 spreads and causes a significant negative impact on the global beverage industry. The global coffee market is estimated to be worth $102.02 billion in 2020 with a projected compound annual growth rate of 4.28% for the 2021-2026 forecast period. This paper studies the different marketing strategies...
Proceedings Article
Wedding Procession of Sasak Ethnic Group as Presented in the Cilokaq Text Titled ‘Ngiring Penganten’ (The Bridal Parade): A Review Based on Dilthey’s Hermeneutics
Rapi Renda, Sumaryadi, Hanifa Sa’diyah
This research is aimed at describing the marriage custom procession of Sasak Ethnic group in Lombok, Indonesia which is represented in the modern cilokaq text titled ‘Ngiring Penganten’ (The Bridal Parade). The data on the ethnic wedding procession of Sasak ethnic group in Lombok island which are represented...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Biodiversity Support and Ecotourism for Local Economic Development of Margasari Village – East Lampung District - Indonesia
Endang L. Widiastuti, Henni W. Maharani, Harnes Abrini
Mangrove is known to be a greenbelt of the coast with its function not only for the physical and chemical processes along the coast line affected by sea-and fresh-water current but also functioning as habitat for many animals, including migratory birds. Mangrove in Margasari village or Lampung Mangrove...