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193197 articles
Proceedings Article
Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Vague and Inapplicable?
Yuetong Zhou
The principle of the Golden Mean, according to which “every virtue of character lies between two correlative faults of vices”[1], presented in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, is one of the most controversial concepts among philosophers. Some appreciate it to be a substantive theory on virtue, while others...
Proceedings Article
Response of Insects to the Light and Coloured Sticky Traps
A. Kardinan, P. Maris
Research regarding response of insects to the light and coloured sticky traps have been done in fruit and red chili garden in Sumedang and Lembang area. The coloured sticky traps consisted of transparent, grey, brown, black, red, yellow, green, blue, and white were placed at fruit and red chili garden,...
Proceedings Article
Inputs Acquisition Process in Spiritual-Based MCS
A Study in a Chinese Indonesian Company in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Charoline Cheisviyanny, Sany Dwita, Herlina Helmy
This research aims to explore the inputs acquisition process in spiritual-based MCS. It was an interpretive case study in a Chinese Indonesia company in Padang which produces cassava chips and pure coconut milk. The data collection methods were interviews, observations, and documentations. We interviewed...
Proceedings Article
Digital-Era Government (DEG): Policy Analysis in Government West Bandung Regency, Indonesia
The main problem of implementing e-government in West Bandung Regency: technically the website through its features cannot be accessed perfectly; Human resource competence is still limited, and community response is still limited. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the implementation,...
Proceedings Article
Healthcare Information System Based on Patient Service Quality
Ari Yulianti, Muhardi
Similar as any other hospitals, the aim of Al-Mulk Hospital is to provide service on its patients with the best quality. One consistent effort practiced by this hospital is to provide technological advance and hospital management information system. Based on that, the objective of this research is to...
Proceedings Article
Money Attitudes in Monetary and Non-Monetary Criminals in China
Yuxuan Chen
The current investigation examined the difference in money attitudes between inmates who committed monetary crimes and those who committed non-monetary crimes. Monetary inmates (N = 219) and non-monetary inmates (N = 174) responded to a questionnaire that included the Money Attitude Scale (MAS). Results...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Work Culture and Work Quality on Service Quality:
Study at Padang City Government, West Sumatera Province
Aldri Frinaldi, Jumiati, Nora Eka Putri
This research aims to analyze the current state of knowledge about work culture and work quality on service quality that found in regional schema organizations in Padang city. The Research used a quantitative approach. The Sampling technique used purposive random sampling. The number of respondents in...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Farming Business Density, Area Density, and Economic Density of Beef Cattle to Supports Human Welfare in the Fulfillment of Animal Protein in 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era in Gorontalo District
Andi Yulyani Fadwiwati, Surya
This study aims to analyze farming business density, area density and economic density of beef cattle to support human welfare in the fulfillment of animal protein in 4.0 industrial revolution era in Gorontalo District. This research uses a literature study and survey methods. The data obtained were...
Proceedings Article
The Application of TAM on Utilization of Financial Information Technology in South Sulawesi
Ibrahim, Sri Rahayu Syah
In the industrial revolution era and information technology advancement, TAM must align with development and progress. TAM is believed able to fulfill the needs of relevant technology users. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the utilization of regional financial information systems...
Proceedings Article
Strategy for Implementation of Domestic Waste Water Management Policy in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company, Bandung City
Rahmat, Boy Tagajagawani, Bambang Heru Purwanto
This research is focused to discuss strategy for implementation of domestic waste water management in the Tirtawening Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bandung City. The research aimed to talk about the policy implementation, get to know factors which caused inefficiency of the policy implementation and...
Journal: Human-Centric Intelligent Systems
Human-Centric Intelligent Systems: A Welcome Note from Editor(s)-in-Chief
Tianrui Li, Guandong Xu
Pages: 1 - 2
Proceedings Article
Psychometric Properties of Indonesian Version of Athletes Psychological Condition Scale
Kadek Yogi Parta Lesmana, Kadek Suranata
Psychological conditions are one of the aspects that can affect the achievements of athletes by sports in every competition that’s allows athletes to achieve glorious performance. This study aims to examine the feasibility and validity of the psychological scale of the Indonesian version of athletes....
Proceedings Article
A Stepwise Regression Analysis of the Risk of Corporate Debt Default
Wang Zeyang
Nearly three years, the number of defaulting corporate on the Chinese bond market has risen sharply, and some bonds issued by state-controlled companies that are generally considered to be creditworthy have also defaulted, which all shows that the domestic bond market is changing. This paper selects...
Proceedings Article
Regional Wealth as a Universal Criterion for Spatial Development of Territories
Vladislav Anichin, Yury Kitaev, Natalia Smurova, Alina Dobrunova
The spatial development of the territory is subject to the management of the responsible public authority. Voters expect positive changes in the economic, social and environmental spheres of the territories in which they live, work and spend their leisure time. The activities of the regional authorities...
Proceedings Article
Modeling and Optimization Scientific Products Quality Using POP-SDM Method
Sri Setyaningsih, Lina Novita, Soewarto Hardhienata
The scientific work of lecturer is an important element related to the lecturers’ career development and ranking universities at the national and international levels. Lecturers’ scientific work can be in the form of scientific publication or intellectual property rights of research results conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of School Culture and Organizational Commitment to Performance Teachers in the SD Negeri Keluang District
Siti Munajah, Yasir Arafat, Mulyadi
The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of school culture and organizational commitment on the performance of public elementary school teachers in the Keluang District of Musi Banyuasin Regency. This research was carried out on teachers in the Keluang Subdistrict, Musi Banyuasin Regency....
Proceedings Article
User Resistance in the Implementing E-Budgeting
Atik Andhayani, Sutrisno, Rosidi, Djamhuri
Local government has an essential role to play in delivering services to the city. Several local governments still have relatively low performance, particularly on the budget. There have been several barriers to the duty to introduce e-government in local governments. Researchers see if there is a connection...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of pH on the Activity of Bacteriocin from Lactobacillus acidophilus on the Growth of Salmonella typhi
Siska Telly Pratiwi, Alexander Siagian, Elizabeth Noviana Lumban Raja
Typhoid fever is one of the most serious infectious diseases in Indonesia. Antibiotic resistance is one of the problems associated with the treatment of typhoid fever. Bacteriocin is an antimicrobial substance produced by L. acidophilus. Bacteriocin has bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity. The aim...
Proceedings Article
Developing Information System Strategic Planning for Smarter Regional Development in Ternate Smart Island
AR Minhajuddin Kasman, Farisya Setiadi
Regional development is a foundation of successful national development. In order achieve better regional development process, Ternate has been preparing their capability for smart city transformation with the title of Ternate Smart Island. However, the challenges faced by the government regarding ICT...
Proceedings Article
Ecological Innovations of Materials in Art Objects to Create a Comfortable Human Environment
Oksana Pylypchuk, Olga Krivenko, Andrii Polubok, Andrii Zapryvoda, Vitalii Zapryvoda
The study developed and proposed an innovative approach based on the use of ecological materials in art objects to create a healthy and comfortable environment. As a result of the analysis of the research, the main structural characteristics of the materials were revealed. Methods for assessing the aesthetic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Corporate Competition Strategies and Marketing Strategies in English Training Market in China
Taking New Oriental Education and Wall Street English as Examples
Peng Wei
Due to thirty years of reform and opening up, the market dividends have promoted the rapid rise of English education industry in China. Nowadays, with the global economic integration and the accelerated development of the knowledge economy, the industry will face new market challenges and opportunities....
Proceedings Article
Teaching Reform of Building Material Experiment Course Based on the Improvement of Students’ Comprehensive Quality
Wei Chen, Huiyan Jia, Jiansheng Shen, Jian Geng
In order to strengthen the effectiveness of building materials experimental teaching, this paper based on the teaching content, teaching methods, evaluation system of these three levels of experimental teaching reform, and then summed up a more practical experimental teaching mode. Based on the trend...
Proceedings Article
The Application of Law Number 22 of 2001 Concerning Oil and Natural Gas Against People’s Oil Mining in the Village of Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, Bojonegoro, East Java
R. Rahaditya, Agoes Dariyo
This research conducted in order to find out the related cases of distillation and illegal sales of crude oil mining products in the Bojonegoro East Java Province area remain in Wonocolo village. Whereas according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution that all natural resources should be controlled...
Proceedings Article
Research on School-enterprise Cooperation Teaching of Accounting Under the Integration of Production and Education Based on Information Technology
Guirong Wang, Sufen Wang
The development of Internet information technology provides more choices for modern teaching methods and modes. The teaching method of accounting major has changed greatly with the school-enterprise alliance model. This article introduces that under the Internet information technology, enterprises can...
Proceedings Article
Research on the Influence of University Science and Technology Innovation on Enterprise Performance
Taking Universities and Enterprises in the Yangtze River Basin as an Example
Yanan Ren, Qingmei Tan
This paper establishes a two-stage DEA model for the output and transformation of scientific and technological(S&T) achievements, selects 19 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Basin as the research objects and analyzes the impact of S&T innovation efficiency of Universities on enterprise...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Smart Survey Model of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for Pavement Planning and Monitoring
Arthur Daniel Limantara, Tjahjaning Tingastuti Surjosuseno, Bambang Subiyanto, Fauzie Nursandah, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan, Nawir Rasidi
Daily traffic volume surveys for the planning and supervision of manual paving require work, time and are not cheap. Furthermore, the accuracy and speed of data collection are not timely. This study aims to bring a smart survey model that automatically collects and processes data on the daily volume...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Synbiotic in Cobb-strain Broiler Performance Challenged with Campylobacter jejuni as a Substitute for Antibiotic Growth Promotor (AGP)
A E T H Wahyuni, T E M Nahak, M C C Malelak, V C Prakasita, S L Adrenalin
One of the feed additives that have long been used is Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP). But nowadays, the use of AGP as a growth promoter has been banned because it has negative impacts such as antimicrobial resistance. Campylobacter jejuni is a pathogenic bacterium that often infects birds, especially...
Proceedings Article
Specifics of Modern Culture and Arts Management and the Models of Its Functioning in Europe, the USA, and Russia
Alexandr N. Yakupov
The present article focuses on understanding and substantiating the specific features of culture and arts management in comparison with general production management. It presents the analysis of the most effective models of interaction between culture and arts and the state on the issue of financing...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Assessing Students’ Reading Skills at Senior High School
M. Zaim, Refnaldi, Yetty Zainil, Syifa Fauziah Irsyad
The 2013 curriculum required authentic assessment to assess students’ achievement in any subjects, including reading skills as one of the four language skills in achieving English as a foreign language in Indonesia. However, teachers still have problems in using authentic assessment to assess reading...
Proceedings Article
Physical Education Teacher’s Understanding of the Learning Model Personal Social and Responsibility
Mu’arifin, Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan
collection of information related to the understanding of Physical Education teachers on the Teaching Personal Social and Responsibility learning model so that researchers can develop this learning model which aims to improve students’ social skills through Physical Education teachers who apply affective...
Proceedings Article
Fraud Hexagon and Fraudulent Financial Statement: Comparison Between OMI and Beneish Model
Dwiyanjana Santyo Nugroho, Vera Diyanty
The leading cause of financial statement fraud (FFS) is a “poor tone” carried out by top parties. This study examines the effect of elements in Hexagon Fraud on FFS. This study uses logistic regression analysis and a random effect regression model. The data used are all non-financial companies in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Management of the Development of a Modern Teacher’s Digital Competencies
Olga V. Alekseeva, Natalya V. Alexandrova, Tatyana P. Skvortsova, Elena M. Zorina
Motivation is the basis for managing the development of teachers’ competencies in the modern education system. The motivational component in the study is considered as a set of internal and external motives of the teacher to use modern digital technologies, accompanied by the processes of forming an...
Proceedings Article
Oral and Clinical Manifestation Experience Among Covid-19 Patients in Kampung Nelayan, Padang, Indonesia
Abu Bakar, Valendriyani Ningrum
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had rapidly spread across the globe. In Indonesia, above four million people were infected by COVID-19 by 134 thousand people were died caused by the disease. This study was aimed to explore the clinical and the oral manifestation of COVID-19. This study was employed...
Proceedings Article
Gender Equality From Islamic Perspective
Sakinah Ab. Rahim, Raudahtul Farhah Ab. Rahim, Siti Aisyah Panatik, Siti Norlina Muhammad
Islam is the way of life, a comprehensive and perfect guidance in completing the incomplete or shortage in every aspect of a human being. Islam never underestimated nor mistreated any living thing incredibly human as the most incredible creature created by Allah The Almighty. Human being was created...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Jun Yang, Anuranjan Misra, Bijay Kumar Kandel
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM 2022) during June 17–19, 2022 in Qingdao, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers]...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Syamsuriansyah Syamsuriansyah, Hardani Hardani
All of the articles in this proceedings volume would be have been presented at The 1st International Conference on Medical Technology (ICoMTech 2021) during 29–30 May 2021 virtually. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Vishnu Agarwal, Rupika Sinha, Joyabrata Mal
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Biosangam 2022 during March 10–12, 2022 in Prayagraj. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Review Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Arifah Sri Wahyuni, Lilla Prapdhani Agni Hajma, Refsya Azanti Putri
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 4th ICCBP 2022 (International Conference of Current Breakthrough in Pharmacy 2022 during 14–15 January 2022 in Surakarta Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [UPINCESS] during [Wednesday, 15 June, 2022] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [UPINCESS Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Nadihah Wahi, Muhammad Aslam Mohd Safari, Roslan Hasni, Fatimah Abdul Razak, Ibragimov Gafurjan, Anwar Fitrianto
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Zehui Zhan, Ding Zhou, Honglin Wu
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 2nd International Conference on Education, Information Management and Service Science (EIMSS 2022) during July 22–24, 2022 in Changsha, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
I. G. A. Lokita Purnamika Utami, Ni Putu Era Marsakawati
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at The 2nd International Conference on Languages and Arts across Cultures (ICLAAC) conference on 28–29 September 2022 in Singaraja. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Youbin Chen, Marcus T. Anthony, Yan Ke
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Manufacturing System (ICAMTMS 2022) during July 22–24, 2022 in Xi’an, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Adhi Kusumastuti, Samsudin Anis, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Sita Nurmasitah, Atika Atika, Delta Apriyani, Taofan Ali Achmadi, Sudiyono Sudiyono
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Diana Lukitasari, Agus Hendriyanto, Riyadi Muslim, Sani Sahara
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st International Conference on Demographics and Civil-Registration (INCODEC) 2021 during November 11–13, 2021 in Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Daniel Barredo-Ibáñez, Farrah Bérubé, Paulo Carlos López-López, Daniel H. Mutibwa
All of the articles in this proceedings volume were presented virtually on 28th and 29th July 2022 at CISOC 2022, Québec à Trois-Rivières
. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Chew Fong Peng, Helen S. Du, Teh Sin Yin, Hongbo Li, Jose Prabhu
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 7th International Conference on Modern Management and Education Technology (MMET 2022) during September 23–25, 2022 in Xiamen, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committees and reviewers]...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Yulia Pogrebnyak, Runan Hou
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICLCCS 2022 during August 12–13, 2022 online. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description of the...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Aurora Jillena Meliala, Davilla Prawidya Azaria, Jennifer Lydia, Adibæv Açet Maratovich, Collie Brown, Christopher Cason
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the International Conference on Law Studies during 22–23 April 2022 at Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the International Conference on Law Studies reviewer committee...
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Amrullah Amrullah, Lovy Herayanti, Tesha Sengupta-Irving, Yeo Sook Fern, Fathoroni Fathoroni, Imran Imran
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the Third Annual Conference on Education and Social Sciences (3rd ACCESS 2021) during 19th–21st of November 2021 in Mataram, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief,...