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193425 articles
Proceedings Article
A KSAO Based Solvers’ Competency Model in Crowdsourcing Contests
Qingliang Meng, Guicheng Yu
As typical crowdsourcing innovation, crowdsourcing contests have the characteristics such as clear task objectives, intense timelines, and voluntary participation of solvers. It is critical for improving crowdsourcing contests’ efficiency to evaluate solvers’ competency scientifically and identify appropriate...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Leader in Monarchy Evolution: Morocco Under King Mohammed VI
Renata Salamova
This article is devoted to the analysis of an idea about the nature and essence of the political life of Morocco, based on searching of an appropriate model of democratization while retaining the monarchy presented by the strong personality of Mohammed VI, King of Morocco. The rise to power and the elaboration...
Proceedings Article
The Role of SPEs in the Enron Scandal and Its Implications for China
Shihan Liu, Lingyuan Lu, Yidi Wu
Special purpose entity (SPE) is a type of financial instrument that can legally help companies reduce debt, raise capital, reduce stress, and reduce losses and is widely applied in U.S. companies. However, from Enron Scandal, SPE may also let firms be exposed to certain risks. This paper aims to study...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Vulnerability and Community Preparedness Against Flood Disaster During Covid-19 Pandemic Period in Semarang City
Ananto Aji, Rahma Hayati, Andi Irwan Benardi, Hemy Bayu Laksono, Neza Zakiyah, Wahyu Fauziyah, Bambang Eko Widyatmoko
Semarang is one of the cities with many threats of natural disasters that have an impact on human life, can bring harm and can also be good. One of the natural disasters that often occurs and has a direct impact on human life is flood disaster. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of...
Research Article
The AKNS Hierarchy Revisited: A Vertex Operator Approach and its Lie-Algebraic Structure
Denis Blackmore, Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Pages: 1 - 15
A novel approach — based upon vertex operator representation — is devised to study the AKNS hierarchy. It is shown that this method reveals the remarkable properties of the AKNS hierarchy in relatively simple, rather natural and particularly effective ways. In addition, the connection of this vertex...
Proceedings Article
Investors’ Perspectives on the Financial and Non-Financial Reports
Cacik Rut Damayanti, Adha Prayoga
Reporting both financial and non-financial reports is believed as a positive way to attract investors because investor decisions do not only depend on financial information factors in making their investment decisions. Many non-financial factors might increase firm value, such as disclosure of enterprise...
Proceedings Article
What’s Up and What’s Down for WhatsApp in Medical Education
Noor-i-Kiran Naeem, Zil E Fatima Naeem
WhatsApp is a smartphone messenger that employs the users’ existing internet data plan to connect the user to their social as well as learning community. This study aimed to explore the use of the WhatsApp instant messaging as a source of learning for postgraduate students enrolled in Master of Health...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Study on the Effect of Oil Recovery and Transportability Through the Rock Core Using SiO2 Nanoparticles Fluid for Sandstone
Kazunori Abe, Taisuke Inomata, Shigemi Naganawa, Hikari Fujii
In oil recovery technique using SiO2 nanoparticles, evaluating the transportability of the nanoparticles in various sandstones contributes to controls of fluid behaviour in petroleum reservoirs and improvement of oil recovery factor. In the core flooding test with high-content kaolinite sandstones, the...
Proceedings Article
Comparisons Between International Student Recruitment Strategies in American Universities and Chinese Universities
Yile Shi
Different countries have diversified strategies for recruiting international students due to different national conditions and traditions related to their educational achievements and outputs to a certain extent. This research aims to explore the strategies of Chinese and American universities in recruiting...
Proceedings Article
Mucormycosis in COVID-19 Diabetic Patient
A Review and Case Report
Wassan Nori, Sanaa Norri
Mucormycosis is an unusual and potentially lethal invasive infection of fungi that most commonly affects diabetes and other immunocompromised individuals. This infection showed high morbidity and mortality rate. Furthermore, the rapidity with which mucormycosis spreads is an extraordinary phenomenon;...
Proceedings Article
Restoring What’s Environmental About Environmental Law in the Indonesian Supreme Court
Abdul Kadir Jaelani, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayan, Lego Karjoko, Jaco Barkhuizen
This study aims to discuss the role of the Supreme Court in overcoming environmental pollution and destruction, so that a good and healthy environment can be created. The results show that the Supreme Court has tested 643 times related to the environment which resulted in significant changes related...
Proceedings Article
Design Strategy of Rural Korean Residential Buildings in Yanbian Based on Sustainable Development
Ruiheng Sun
Taking Yanbian Rural Korean folk houses as the research object, through the investigation of the current situation of Yanbian Rural Korean folk houses, find out the shortcomings and problems. Combined with the geographical conditions, climate characteristics and the living customs of Korean residents,...
Proceedings Article
Nationalism Education Based on International Indonesian Schools
Case Study of the Role of Human Resource Teachers and School Culture
Agus Masrukhin, Hari Sriyanto, Rusliansyah, Mario Nugroho Willyarto
This article described nationalism education based on the Indonesian international school Mecca in Saudi Arabia. National education is very important for the awareness of Indonesian citizens, especially among the younger generation who live abroad, with a background and environment far from home. How...
Proceedings Article
Conducting Online Speaking Class: Adjustment and Compensation
Agustina Lestary
Since early 2020, every educational institution has been forced to make major changes in the teaching-learning process. What was once an occasional practice, online learning, now becomes the only option available to transfer the knowledge from the teachers to the students. Everyone tries to adapt to...
Proceedings Article
Bringing Culture into a Foreign Language Class: A Way to Enhance Intercultural Education in Multi-ethnic Groups
Mariya Burlakova, Aleksei Mikhailov, Tatiana Burlakova
Cultural diversity is a contemporary reality. The present-date Russia is a land where different cultures co-exist. The Russian national culture itself is far from being homogenious, and the student society is also multicultural. At the same time, the level of cultural unawareness is quite high. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Education Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Care on Nurse’s Skills in PCI Care at Dr. M.Djamil Padang in 2020
Sila Dewi Anggreni, Reflita, Efira
Nurse skills are very important in treating patients with PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention). If the actions taken are not appropriate, it will have an impact on the patient’s condition and even cause death. In theory, behavior or skills can be improved by the learning process. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Application Interactive Learning Media in Macromedia Flash 8 to Improve Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Lesson
Agus Budiman, Nurul Salis Alamin, Riza Ashari, Putri Hilmiyah Fahirah Absantik
Learning Outcomes is best part of learning process. Optimal learning outcomes the facile from good learning process. The one of important components in the teaching and learning process is the learning media. Learning media program that can be benefited is the application of Macromedia Flash 8 based...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Role of Education in Strengthening the Resilience of Pastoral Systems to Climate Change Adaptation
Altanbagana Myagmarsuren, Mungunchimeg Batkhuyag
The pastoral system in Mongolia is one of the most vulnerable sectors to the adverse effects of ongoing climate change because of its climatic condition, geographical location, and community lifestyle. Therefore, building a resilient socio-ecological system by reducing the sector’s vulnerability and...
Proceedings Article
Differences in Creative Thinking Ability in Fractional Material Between Contextual Learning Based on Learning Styles and Direct Learning in Grade 5th Elementary
Rospita Silaban, Bornok Sinaga, Ramlan Silaban
The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) Is the ability of students to think creatively in the application of a learning style-based contextual learning model higher than direct learning, (2) How is the student’s activity during contextual learning based on learning styles (3) What is the level...
Proceedings Article
NHT-TPS: Experimental Model Based on Scientific Approach Viewed from Learning Activeness
Agung Rosidi, Riyadi, Diari Indriati
The application of certain learning Models should be adapted to the characteristics of students and the environment. This quasi-experimental study aims to identify the effect of the NHT and TPS learning Models using the scientific approach on mathematics learning outcomes viewed from the student’s activeness....
Proceedings Article
Overcoming the Trickle-Down Effect Through Financial Inclusion Towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Building from the Edge
I Putu Gede Diatmika, Gede Adi Yuniarta, Putu Yunartha Pradnyana Putra
High economic growth can encourage income distribution and can reduce poverty. One important factor that needs to be considered is that the skills and competencies of human resources must be consistently improved according to the needs of the growing labor market. The article is going to reveal the role...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Ability in Speech at English Department of UMN Al-Washliyah Medan
Yulinda Oktaviana Harahap, Yenni Rozimela
Speaking is one of the important part in language skill that students should have in order to be able to communicate in English. Speech is one of ways for students to practice their English speaking and build their self confidence, share ideas, and express themselve to audience. The descriptive research...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Deep Breathing Relaxation and Music Therapy as a Pain-Reducing Intervention in Post-Caesarean Section Patients
Furry Puspitaningdyah, Maruli Pardamean Karo Sekali, Ni Gusti Ayu Eka, Windy Sapta Handayani Zega
Post-cesarean section women may experience severe pain due to operative procedure in which most of them might have unpleasant experiences due to inadequate pain management. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments can be used to minimize the pain. A combination of deep breathing relaxation...
Proceedings Article
Women’s Representations in Novel Negeri Perempuan by Wisran Hadi and Novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini: A Study of Literature Sociology
Abdul Mu’is
Novel is a literary work that is long and the heart of a writer is conveyed through writing or works.The novel Negeri Perempuan dan Kenanga are two works by writers of different genders and different regions. This study will discuss and analyze narrative words or sentences, dialogues that represent Minang...
Proceedings Article
“Silver” Age Theater
Liudmila Mikheeva, Magda Dzhichonaia, Julia Gushchina
The article is devoted to the complex ways of theater development in the beginning of the XX century. The article considers the creative ways of theater reformers, the search for realists and modernists, the mutual influence of symbolists and those theater figures who were realists, but were true innovators...
Research Article
Liouvillian Integrability of a Modified Michaelis-Menten Equation
Claudia Valls
Pages: 1 - 8
In this work we consider the modified Michaelis-Menten equation in biochemistry
x˙=-a(E-y)x+by, y˙=a(E-y)x-(b+r)y, z˙=ry.
It models the enzyme kinetics. We contribute to the understanding of its global dynamics, or more precisely, to the topological structure of its orbits by studying the integrability...
Letter to Editor
On Non-Commutative Integrable Burgers Equations
Metin Gürses, Atalay Karasu, Refik Turhan
Pages: 1 - 6
We construct the recursion operators for the non-commutative Burgers equations using their Lax operators. We investigate the existence of any integrable mixed version of left- and right-handed Burgers equations on higher symmetry grounds.
Letter to Editor
The Periodic μ-b-Equation and Euler Equations on the Circle
Martin Kohlmann
Pages: 1 - 8
In this paper, we study the μ-variant of the periodic b-equation and show that this equation can be realized as a metric Euler equation on the Lie group Diff∞(𝕊) if and only if b = 2 (for which it becomes the μ-Camassa–Holm equation). In this case, the inertia operator generating the metric on Diff∞(𝕊)...
Letter to Editor
Some Examples of Algebraic Geodesics on Quadrics
A. M. Perelomov
Pages: 1 - 5
In this note we give the conditions for the existence of algebraic geodesics on some two-dimensional quadrics, namely, on hyperbolic paraboloids and elliptic paraboloids. It appears that in some cases, such geodesics are the rational space curves.
Proceedings Article
Formulation and Antioxidant Effectivity Test of Single Bulb Black Garlic Lotion With DPPH Method (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl)
Abdul Aziz Setiawan, Meta Safitri, Dwi Titan Armiyani, Ghany Herianto, Edy Marwanta
Single bulb black garlic is a fermented product of single-bulb garlic for 30 days with a certain temperature and humidity. It experiences a Maillard reaction and has an increased content of active compounds. Single bulb black garlic contains secondary metabolites in the form of flavonoids, tannins, and...
Research Article
Similarity Measure Based on the Belief Function Theory: Application in a Decision-Making Process
M. Khalaj, F. Khalaj
Pages: 1 - 10
This study considers a new aspect of the belief function theory to define a belief set, which is characterized by truth, uncertainty and falsity belief degrees as a 3D vector representation. Then, based on the implication of a belief set, one of the similarity measures (i.e., Cosine, Jaccard and Dice)...
Research Article
Emoji Use in Computer-Mediated Communication
Emmanouela E. Manganari
Pages: 1 - 11
The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of extant knowledge on emoji use in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). A compilation of 46 empirical studies published between 1998 and 2020 are presented as a critical review and in a Summary Table that reports the methodology, sample, key...
Proceedings Article
Value Co-Creation in the Tunnel Engineering Course Design and Implementation
Jianqin Ma
To meet the requirements of the new curriculum, the syllabus of the course Tunnel Engineering is revised accordingly, with value co-creation in learning and teaching under consideration. The course design and implementation plan development are led by a staff group, but founded on the features and basic...
Proceedings Article
Entrepreneurship Model in Zakat Institution of Muhammadiyah
Case Study in Lazismu Yogyakarta Province
Sutrisno, Razali Haron, Syarif As’ad
This study aimed to explore in-depth the role of zakat institutions in poverty alleviation by distributing zakat funds in various programs, particularly through economic empowerment. This research is focused on Entrepreneurship Economic Development in Lazismu, Yogyakarta Province. Furthermore, this paper...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Halal Labeling and Brand Image Towards Purchase Intention and Purchasing Decision
Sutrisno Wibowo, Audya el Juhara
This study aims to analyze the influence of halal labeling and brand image on purchase intention and purchasing decisions. This study’s object was Wardah’s cosmetics. Meanwhile, this study’s subject was Wardah cosmetics consumers in Yogyakarta. In this study, a sample of 155 respondents was selected...
Proceedings Article
Financial Technology 3.0 Adoption in Financial and Non-Financial Institutions from Modified UTAUT Perspective
Valentina Tohang, Erika Lo, Adilla Anggraeni
In the financial industry, the innovations of financial technology (FinTech) is vital to provide convenience to the public to access financial products and transaction facilities. Nevertheless, FinTech is recently growing in the non-financial industry and has been able to improve financial inclusion...
Proceedings Article
On Value Goals of State Governance Modernization
Xiaodong Li
As the value goals change as per the varying theme of the times, people desired for the unity and harmony during war and unrest years, but fought for democracy and freedom under great empire’s ruling. However, at present, as the social conflicts and economic stagnation occur, people are longing for communion...
Proceedings Article
Travel Experiences and Quality of Destination as Antecedent of Satisfaction of Tourist Visiting Culinary Tourism Destinations
Abd. Hamid, Ummasyroh, Jusmawi Bustan, Heri Setiawan
Culinary is one of the attractions and tourist attractions that attract tourists to visit tourist destinations. Culinary tours offer a variety of unique local culinary delights for tourists to enjoy. This study was triggered to explore the extent to which tourist experiences and destination quality perceived...
Proceedings Article
Radicalism in Maintaining Domination of Islamic Understanding
Case Study of Contestation Between Aswaja versus Muhammadiyah in Samalanga, Bireuen District-Aceh
Nirzalin, Fakhrurrazi, Yogi Febriandi, Rizki Yunanda, M. Nazaruddin
This article discusses the hegemony and domination of Acehnese original Islamic identity in triggering the radicalism of the Aswaja Islamic group against followers of Muhammadiyah in Sangso Samalanga, Aceh. The siding of the government apparatus to the majority understanding group (Aswaja) in this conflict...
Proceedings Article
An Investigation of Health Information Dissemination on Social Media: Content Analysis of CegahStunting Campaign on Instagram
Ida Nursanti, Muhammad Rifqi Ma’arif
Health information dissemination is one of the importance agendas on the public health sector. The effectivity on the way the health information was spread out plays a crucial-aspects on health habits on the society. In the case of stunting, right and concise information dissemination is very important...
Letter to Editor
New Confirmed Deaths Rising Much Less than New Confirmed Cases in the Second Wave of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection in Western Europe
Alberto Boretti
Pages: 1 - 2
Proceedings Article
Root Canal Treatment of Mandibular Molar With Accessory Root Canal: A Case Report
Adi Nugroho Hendro Kusumo, Diatri Nari Ratih, Ema Mulyawati
Root canal treatment comprises of cleaning and shaping, disinfecting, and root canal obturation. The success of treatment depends on the knowledge of the operator regarding root canal morphology. The mandibular first molars usually have two roots with three canals: distal, mesio-buccal and mesio-lingual....
Proceedings Article
A Contribution of Leg Muscle Explosion Power and Flexibility to Football Shooting Accuracy
S Afrizal, Vega Soniawan
The construction of the physical condition of the construction as the dominant factor toward success in reaching the achievements of the summit. This research at the contribution of an explosive limb muscle and flexibility against the accuracy shooting soccer athletes PS UNP. The sample in this study...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Mentoring and Coaching in Teaching Business Planning
The Case of Universitas Andalas
Donard Games
Business plan course has become an essential part of entrepreneurship education in entrepreneurial universities. Universities nowadays are required to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit as a way to adapt to current trends and public demands. Therefore, it is important for universities to work together...
Proceedings Article
Art Learning Using Collage Techniques in Inclusive Education Program
Dian Kencana
This article is based on the results of a literature study on review of fine art learning using collage techniques in inclusive education program. This article is aimed to answer three problems, namely the definiton, elements and uses of fine art using collage techniques in inclusive education program....
Proceedings Article
Load Forecasting in District Heating Systems Using Stacked Ensembles of Machine Learning Algorithms
Till Faber, Matthias Finkenrath
For district heating, heat demand forecasting is playing a key role for an optimised power plant dispatch. Machine Learning can help to significantly improve forecasts of thermal loads. The prediction quality of neural networks is higher than that of decision trees in most cases. However, compared to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Perception of Learning Space at Home on the Learning Motivation of X.1 Grade Students Competency of Geomatic Engineering Expertise in the Vocational School of Vocational School, West Java Province
Nur Hanifah Ramadhani, Tjahyani Busono, Nitih Indra Komala Dewi
The learning environment in the classroom must meet several indicators so that students can be enthusiastic about learning. If it is related to the current pandemic condition, which causes learning to be carried out online from home, then ideally indicators to increase student enthusiasm for learning...
Research Article
Reconstruction: Key to Social Responsibility Risk Assessment for Tourism Investment Projects†
Chen Lv, Xiaoyan Li
Pages: 1 - 9
The strategy of investing large-scale tourism projects abroad has become one of the most important strategies for China to help developing countries to improve their people’s livelihood, provide assistance and practice China’s international responsibility. The proposal and implementation of the Belt...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Digital Citizenship’s Concept in Online Learning of Civic Education
Maftuhin, Abdul Azis, Dadi Mulyadi Nugraha
Online learning applied to citizenship education as a result of a Covid-19 pandemic gives a considerable challenge to the development of the student’s character. With this of course raises a question ̧ how can the character development of students be implemented only through online learning? By using...
Proceedings Article
Theoretical Education: The Core Engine of the Reform of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Higher Education Institutions
Yun Deng, Zhong Guo
As the core course for higher education institutions to implement the fundamental task of fostering character and civic virtue, ideological and political theory courses (hereinafter referred to as “ideological and political courses”) are the main channel and main position to spread Marxism, and the soul...