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193425 articles
Proceedings Article

Characterization of Blending Composition Variations in Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) Biofuels With Diesel to Biodiesel

Yusabri, Muhammad Yerizam, Aida Syarif
The increase in national fuel consumption has an impact on the decline in fossil energy reserves. Therefore, one of the solutions to overcome this problem is to look for alternative fuels, such as biosolar or biodiesel. This biodiesel is environmentally friendly, has no effect on health, can be used...

Practical Teaching Research Based on the Evaluation of the Principal Component Analysis

Haima Yang, Yan Jin, Mingyu Ma, Jun Li, Dawei Zhang, Jin Liu
In this paper, the Principal Component Analysis method is introduced into the curriculum evaluation system of teachers for students. Taking Proteus measurement and control circuit simulation application course as an example, we use PCA method to describe the calculation method of multi index weight in...
Proceedings Article

Effect of the Right Turning Movement to Road Urban Performance

Don Gaspar Noesaku da Costa, Egidius Kalogo, Donatus Arakian, Mauritius I.R. Naikofi, Christiani Chandra Manubulu, Oktovianus Edvict Semiun
Although right turning movement frequency due to exiting- entering vehicles from or to the social-economic area, particularly located nearby an intersection, could influence travel delay and/or vehicle queuing but it has not been considered when determining both the roadway and intersection capacity...

Parents in the Quality Culture

Why do They Become Involved?

Nuphanudin, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady, Nada S. Rekinta Putri, Olga Reisha Azzahra, Nikolas Sirilis
The current study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the parents’ involvement in a quality culture system in SMK 7 Bandung. It was a case study method. The result showed: interpersonal communication in SMK 7 Bandung is the result of a good engagement between teachers and parents. Parents understand...

E-government as an Effective Way of Interaction Between Government Authorities and the Population

Aleksey Ruchkin, Tatiana Kruzhkova, Olga Rushitskaya, Gulnara Dyuzelbayeva
The issue of interaction between citizens and businesses with authorities during the pandemic has become particularly relevant in the context of self-isolation. E-government has become the only window of opportunity to receive state aid, appeals, and benefits. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly...

Using Architectural Runtime Verification for Offline Data Analysis

Lars Stockmann, Sven Laux, Eric Bodden
Pages: 1 - 14
Analyzing runtime behavior as part of debugging complex component-based systems used in the vehicle industry is an important aspect of the integration process. It is a laborious task that involves many manual steps. One reason for this is that, as of today, the analysis is usually not performed on the...
Journal: eFood
Review Article

Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) Based Analytical Techniques for Food Safety Evaluation

Yan Xue, Yao Peng, Zhao Geng, Yitao Wang, Carolina Oi Lam Ung, Hao Hu
Pages: 1 - 12
As the supply chain of food around the world has become more and more globalized and complicated, food safety issue has attracted considerable concern owing to the widespread pollution of the whole ecosystem and the extent of their impact on the well-being of human beings. Correspondingly, a variety...

The Effect of Services Quality on Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Loyalty

Neffi Sulkaisi, Idris, Felia Siska, Irwan
This study explores the influence of service quality variables, tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty. This study involved 156 tourists who visited the Aditywarman Museum, then analyzed using the SEM method. The results showed that there is a direct influence between the variable service quality on...

Configurations of Capitals of an Innovative Ecosystem in the Economy of Knowledge

Daria Lanskaya, Boris Ryakhovsky, Anastasiya Yakovlenko
The paper examines the problem of configuring tangible and intangible capitals in the internal space of the innovation ecosystem of the knowledge economy, adequate to the strategy being implemented. The purpose of the paper is to study the relationship between tangible and intangible capitals and a fractal...

Role of Independent Commissioner in Moderating Factors That Affect Earnings Response Coefficient

Siti Azizah, Linda Agustina, Kuat Waluyo Jati
This research aims to examine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), accounting conservatism, growth opportunities, and default risk on Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC) with independent commissioners as moderating variables. The population of this research is the manufacturing companies...

The Influence of the Watering System on Pasang Surut Rice in Sungai Sahurai Village, Kecamatan Rantau Badauh, Barito Kuala District, 1980-2000

Badrudin, Dina Purnamasari, Rahmad, Riky Murtono
Rice is an agricultural crop and until now it is the main crop in the world. Since ancient times, among food crops, rice has been the main crop of Indonesian farmers. Rice can be planted in dry land or wet land or commonly called rice fields. The majority of farmers in Indonesia are small farmers or...

Analysis of the Industry Specialization of Russian Monotowns (On the Example of the Arkhangelsk and Vologda Regions)

E.V. Akinfeeva, O.P. Ivanova, M.A. Nikonova
The article is a continuation of a series of publications devoted to the analysis of the industry specialization of Russian monotowns. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the sectoral structure of the industry of a monotown and assess its importance for the economic development of a monotown. The...

Cultural Policy and National Culture in the Arctic Region of Russia (On the Example of the Activities of Cultural Institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

Nurgun Vyacheslavovich Afanasev, Lyudmila Stepanovna Efimova
The article analyzes and examines the current state of national culture on the example of the activities of cultural institutions in the Tompon, Oymyakon, Ust-May districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) based on the results of the research work “Assessment, main trends in the natural and socio-economic...

CALL in Asia During Covid-19 and Models of E-Learning

Vu Phi Ho Pham, Thao Nguyen Da Vo
Corona Virus’ pandemic (Covid-19) has affected all of the world’s aspects, such as economics, lifestyles, culture, education, etc. Most schools and universities have been shut down for the safety of students. Then e-learning has been employed in many schools and universities to keep education going on....

Character Education Values in the Basic Movement of Tuping Dance

Armayyeni Nurillia Marsim, Mulyanto, Sudiyanto
Tuping dance is a dance originating from South Lampung which depicts army troops. This dance is usually performed during traditional celebrations in the South Lampung area, especially in Kuripan village, Penengah sub-district, South Lampung district. Tuping dance consists of 14 types of movements consisting...

The Student Management System Applied by Aisyiyah Rejang Lebong Creative Middle School to Improve Students’ Non-Academic Achievement

Abdul Sahib, Sandya Sucilarasati
This study aims to determine how the management of students carried out at Aisyiyah Rejang Lebong Creative Middle School, the efforts of student management to improve non-academic achievement, the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of student management. This qualitative research...
Proceedings Article

Policy Analysis and Development Strategy of Cocoa Agribusiness in Lebak District, Banten

Andjar Astuti, Ratna Mega sari
More than 70 percent of cocoa plantation in Banten Province is smallholder farming. Most of them are located in Lebak district. The aims of this study is to analyze and formulate the best development strategy of cocoa agribusiness in Lebak District, Banten Province. Data used is primary and secondary...

Social Media in the Constituent Interaction and Mobility: Case Study in the 2017 Jakarta-Indonesia Governor General Election Campaign

Yunila Laras Ismawani, La Mani, Muhamad Aras
The use of social media in general election campaign in the third world countries, especially in Indonesia, becomes more common but the relationship between social media existence in political campaign and the final vote result still need to be scrutinized. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse with...

Potential Roles of Extracellular Traps in the Progression of Coronavirus Disease (Covid)-19

Kartika R Pertiwi
Millions of people have suffered from coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 worldwide with diverse clinical presentations, ranging from asymptomatic to severe pneumonia leading to respiratory failure and even death. In critical phases, thrombosis and inflammation are considered as the important contributors...

Usability, User Experience and Self-Determination Theory Motivation Analysis of Pregnancy Application for Antenatal Care Support Information System Requirements

Dianti Eka Aprilia, Albarda
One of the information technology uses in the health sector is to improve antenatal care, which can reduce early pregnancy complications the risk of stillbirths. Antenatal care (ANC) information system should be personal because pregnancy is unique for every woman. This research proposed a non-technical...

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Work Stress of Employees

Hardani Widhiastuti, Gusti Yuliasih, Yudi Kurniawan
This study aims to determine the extent to which employees experience Work Stress, coupled with the Covid-19 Pandemic that is hitting Indonesia. To find out and control the employee’s Work Stress, use an online workshop on Stress Management caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used in...

The Role of Millennials in the Development of Creative Industries as a Poverty Reduction Effort in Bengkulu City

Veny Puspita, Fauzan, Deni Triyanto
In this paper, we propose a solution to reduce poverty in Bengkulu City through the role of the millennial generation in development of creative industry. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that directly points to the potential of the millennial generation in developing creative industries....

Communicative Competence as the Priority in Professional Language Training

Sviatlana A. Dubinka, Lizaveta A. Dubinka-Hushcha
Key provisions of the previous approaches to professional language training were mainly based on reproductive concepts of education, assimilating certain knowledge and skills. The priority in modern education lies on cognitively active methodology, which presupposes the development and disclosure of...

An Introduction: Legal Regulation of the Digital Economy and Digital Relations in the 21st Century

Aida Guliyeva, Elena Korneeva, Wadim Strielkowski
This paper constitutes a short introduction to the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference “Legal Regulation of the Digital Economy and Digital Relations: Problems and Prospects of Development” (LARDER 2020) that was organized by the Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement in...
Research Article

Regional Integration and Trade: The Case of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Free Trade Area

Grace Gondwe
Pages: 1 - 12
This paper examines the factors influencing intra-Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) trade by empirically investigating whether the Free Trade Area (FTA) contributed to trade growth from 1997 to 2015. Gravity models for exports and imports were estimated to identify the factors influencing...

Financial Model Innovation of Agricultural Product Supply Chain Based on Integrated Operation

Li Chunhua, Wang Peng
There are many small and medium-sized enterprises in the agricultural product supply chain. These enterprises are faced with financing difficulties and high financing costs for a long time, and there are widespread trust crises and poor information transmission in the supply chain. Based on the integrated...

Methodical Approach to Assessing Food Safety of Ukraine

Iryna Mihus, Mykola Denisenko
The article discusses the views of scientists on the assessment of Food safety of Ukraine and the threats that affect it. The main indicators on the basis of which the state of food safety of the state is assessed have been systematized. The proposed factors that determine the degree of food safety are...

Using Multicultural and Global Picturebooks to Enhance Practices in Early Childhood Education

Rhoda Myra Garces-Bacsal, Najla Sultan AlOwais, Hind Tuaib Ghufli
Research indicates that early childhood educators have been making use of diverse books and stories to expand the global consciousness of young readers inside the classroom [1], [2]. Children are meaning-making beings. As young architects of their worlds, they attempt to make sense of their reality through...

Intent and Meaning of Information About Corona Virus on Social Media: Forensic Linguistic Study in the Case of Spreading Hoax

Krisanjaya, Erfi Firmansyah, Aulia Rahmawati
This research aims to apply semantic theory in analyzing the intent and meaning of information about the Corona Novel Virus or COVID-19 on social media in the case of spreading fake news or hoax. Predicative verbs that are studied include: 1) structure/construction of verbs in social media, 2) behavior...

Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of Prospective Biology Teachers of Malang State University Through Learning Journal on Lesson Study-Based Learning

Tesa Manisa, Dias Setyawan, Herawati Susilo
This research aims to find out the metacognitive awareness portrait of prospective teacher students after learning with lesson study and assignment in the form of learning journals. The type of research is a pre-experiment research with one-group pretest-posttest design. Research sample consists of 30...

Macroeconomic Indicators’ Implementation for State Marketing Activity: Azerbaijan Case

Samira Abasova, Rashad Safarov, Yahya Sanan
This article considers the macroeconomic indicators in different types of state marketing activity of the Azerbaijan Republic in 1991-1999, in 2000-2003, in 2003-2014 and 2014-2018 years by statistic dates. Authors have analysed and gave their expert assessment to state marketing policy of Azerbaijan...

Research on the Innovation and Development of Visual Communication Design in the New Media Era

Ziyan Zhang, Wenbo Hu, Zhe Yang
With the continuous development of modern society and the emergence of various new technologies, people have gradually entered the new media era. In the era of new media, visual communication design has countless innovative ideas, but it also faces the test given by the development of the times. Visual...

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Stay-Two Stray and Pair Checks Cooperative Learning Models Towards Primary School Mathematics Learning Outcomes

I Nyoman Laba Jayanta, Gusti Ngurah Sastra Agustika
This research is an experimental study that aims to compare the effectiveness of the Two Stay-Two Stray and Pair Checks cooperative learning models on Mathematics learning outcomes. This study uses a quasi-experimental approach with a non-equivalent control group design. This design uses 3 groups, each...
Proceedings Article

Green Space Based on Oxygen Needs Post-Disaster in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Abdul Wahid, Annisa Triutari, Budi Setiawan
The problem of green open space (RTH) in terms of quantity and quality was currently experiencing a significant decline. It impacted the decreasing quality of the living environment of urban residents. It should not have happened because of the existence of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning....

An Internet of Intelligences with Geospatial Information Diffusion Model for Inferring Disasters in Information Isolated Islands

Chongfu Huang
An internet of intelligences constructed with “model-view-controller” frameworkis composed of six functional modules: data declaration, data review, data query, disaster assessment, user management, and system management. There are four user role permissions: data declarer, daily administrator, disaster...

Information Systems Behavior on System Security in the Perspective of “Theory of Reasoned Action”

Benih Hartanti, Anas Romadon, Nur Anisah, Langgeng Prayitno Utomo
The increasing number of Cooperatives and MSMEs in Jombang, East Java is accompanied by the main challenges that arise generally from internal organizations, especially human resources for supervisors and administrators in supporting an operating system that is fast, easy, transparent, and has high accountability...

Snack Bar Catfish Bone Meal and Red Bean Flour For Malnourished Children: Nutritional Content and Sensory Properties

Yuli Hartati, M. Ridhoi
Lack of Protein Energy is a nutritional problem that occurs throughout the world, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. One of strategy to overcome the problem of Lack of Protein Energy is to provide foods that are high in energy and high in protein such as snack bars. Food ingredients...

Determinants Intellectual Capital of Banking Companies in Indonesia

Prasetyono, Elvia Anggraeni, Ardi Hamzah, Frida Fanani Rohma, Erfan Muhammad
This research examines the effect of ownership concentration, audit committee, and company performance on intellectual capital disclosures in banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research is descriptive quantitative research, and research data uses the financial statements of the IDX on banking...

Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking Skills in Elementary School Learning

Ni Luh Sakinah Nuraini, Puri Selfi Cholifah, Putri Mahanani, Andini Mukharoma Meidina
Various information is often circulating around us. We are accustomed to trusting information right away and rarely question its truth. In order not to get caught up in this, we must be able to criticize the information obtained. This ability needs to be developed in all circles, both prospective teachers...

The Study on Deleveraging of State-Owned Enterprises

Based on the Perspective of Regional Financial Risk

Xi Chang, Yiteng Hu
The rise of China’s macro leverage has become one of the main factors inducing financial risks. How to reduce the leverage level of the soft budget constraint sector, especially the leverage level of the state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector, is the key link to prevent systemic risks. Based on the panel...

A Local Qur’anic Scholar and His Critique on Religious Practices of the Javanese Muslims

Aunillah Reza Pratama, Masruchin
This article delves into the Islamic thoughts of Misbah Mustofa, a Qur’anic Muslim scholar living in coastal area of Java, Indonesia. Generally speaking, Mustofa belongs to a circle of traditionalist ulama (Muslim scholars), yet his thoughts have a purifying nature in character. Considering the widespread...
Review Article

Does Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Improve Arterial Stiffness? Evidence from Randomized Clinical Trials on Carotid-femoral Pulse Wave Velocity

D. Marcon, L. Faconti, B. Farukh, R. McNally, C. Fava, M. Pengo, P. Chowienczyk, J.K. Cruickshank
Pages: 1 - 6
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a breathing disorder characterized by narrowing of the upper airway that impairs normal ventilation during sleep. OSA is a highly prevalent condition which is associated with several Cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and CV diseases. Despite this clear association, Randomized...

Innovation of Public Service Based on E-Government:

A Study on SMS Gateway Website Application of Pulosari Village, Bareng Sub-District, Jombang District

Aizzatun Nabilah
Indonesia’s development has now been centered on rural communities. It is proven by the Village Law, which was passed by the government on January 15, 2014. One of the articles in the Village Law, Article 86 No. 6, 2014, discussed that the village information system is managed by the Village Government...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Different Types of Smart Dustbins System in Smart Campus Environments

Arifin N. Asyikin, Aulia A. Syahidi, Subandi
In Indonesia, waste is still a very serious problem. Garbage causes bad odors, air pollution, disease, and even flooding. Whenever and wherever each individual produces waste, waste can come from households and industries which have various types and forms. Public awareness to dispose of trash in the...

The Effect of Learning Methods and Learning Interests on Music Playing Skill Ensembles in State Junior High School 6 Academic Year 2019–2020

Tommy Supermard, Harun Sitompul, Muhammad Badiran
This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of ensemble music playing skills taught by drill and demonstration methods on music playing skills, (2) the effect of ensemble music playing skills who have high learning interest with ensemble music playing skills who have low learning interest, 3) the interaction...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Spiritual Care Towards Diet Compliance in Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients

Baiq Nurainun Apriani Idris, Hapipah, Melina Ariyanti, Zainal Arifin, Supriyadi, Zainatul Mardiyah
The increasing of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 caused by several factors, such as lack of diet compliance of patients. Spiritual care is non -pharmacological treatment that has not been widely applied to improve dietary compliance in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2. This research aims to determine...

Relationship Between Self-Compassion and College Self-Efficacy Among First-Year College Students

Alvida Syifa Madita, Pratiwi Widyasari
College self-efficacy is an important factor to be considered in the first year of college because it can determine student persistence and success. College self-efficacy is defined by Solberg et al. (1993) as a college student’s level of confidence in their competency to complete college-related tasks....

Flexible Working Arrangement and Job Satisfaction in Mitigating Burnout: A Literature Review

Dian Fitria Handayani, Dewi Pebriyani
Burnout is a chronic syndrome resulting from stress in the workplace that has not been successfully managed. Burnout has three dimensions like feeling of exhausted, low personal accomplishment, and depersonalization which reduce professional efficacy. In accounting, burnout is often experienced by auditors...

Research on Logistics Talents Cultivation Strategy Against the Background of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

Yuxing Dong
The development of China’s logistics industry shows a trend of specialization and intelligentization. The quality of logistics practitioners has become an important factor hindering the development of China’s logistics industry. This paper uses the empirical analysis method, through the logistics industry...