Payment of APC

You have received the acceptance note for your article. Now, in order to allow for the Open Access publication of your article, we will need to process the payment of the publication fee (APC) using the payment option at the bottom of this page.

For this, you will need to make the payment through Paypal: either by using your PayPal account or with a credit card.

  1. Chose the correct publication fee: the standard article fee is 350 euro.
  2. Make payment

Please use the below form for making an APC payment for your article. For this:

  • provide your article ID;
  • provide the email of the corresponding author of the article.

Then, click on the 'Pay Now' button and follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have a Paypal account, you can use this account for paying the APC to Atlantis Press.

If you don't have a Paypal account, then use the "guest" option of the Paypal system to pay by creditcard. On the Paypal-screen, just pick "I don't have a Paypal account" and you will automatically see the credit card options. Note that depending on the country you are in, Paypal may even provide other payment options.

If you don't have a creditcard nor a Paypal account, please contact us via the email-address given below. We can always work on alternative solutions like bank transfer or other online payment solutions.

Once your payment has been processed you will see our payment confirmation page. You will also receive a confirmation from PayPal by email. This email should be sent to our production department as a proof of payment. Once we receive this proof, your article will be processed for publication as soon as possible.

Should you need a payment confirmation from Atlantis Press, then please send us arequest incl. the payment confirmation from PayPal.

Thank you for your support for our journal.

The Atlantis Press-IT team

Payment form