Advances in Health Sciences Research

Latest Volumes

Proceedings of the 2nd Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Health Sciences: Midwifery (LSISHS-M 2023)

Editors: Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi; Lia Mulyanti; Ariyani Lutfitasari
Volume 79, July 2024

Proceedings of the 1st Halu Oleo International Conference on Public Health (HOICPH 2023)

Editors: Jumakil Jumakil; Yusuf Sabilu; Ruslan Majid; Suhadi Suhadi; Jafriati Jafriati; Asnia Zainuddin; La Ode Muhammad Sety; Sartiah Yusran; Wa Ode Salma; Nani Yusniar; Devi Savitri Effendy; Fikki Prasetya
Volume 77, May 2024

Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop Public Health (ISWHOPHA 2023)

Editors: Adian Khoironi; Nurjanah Nurjanah; Haikal Haikal
Volume 75, May 2024

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Medical and Health Science Halu Oleo (IMHO 2023)

Editors: Kondwani Joseph Banda; Sri Susanty
Volume 76, April 2024

Proceedings of the Second Makassar International Conference on Sports Science and Health (MICSSH 2023)

Editors: Bustang Bustang; Nurussyariah Hammado; Hasmyati Hasmyati; Arimbi Arimbi; Yade Kurnia Yasin; Mariyal Qibtiyah; Nur Inayah Ismaniar; Muflih Wahid Hamid
Volume 74, January 2024

Proceedings of the 6th Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2023)

Editors: Yudik Prasetyo; Siswantoyo; Soni Nopembri; Novita Intan Arovah; Nurdiana Gaus; Gunathevan Elumalai; Wallapa Choeibuakaew
Volume 73, December 2023

Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMOPHS 2023)

Editors: Tika Dwi Tama; Dian Mawarni; Ema Novita Deniati; Anindya Hapsari; Yulingga Nanda Hanief; Prisca Widiawati
Volume 70, December 2023

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Health Polytechnic Surabaya (ICoHPS 2023)

Editors: Triwiyanto Triwiyanto; Slamet Wardoyo; Ayu Puspitasari; Sari Luthfiyah
Volume 72, December 2023

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Neuroscience, Neurology and Psychiatry Universitas Sumatera Utara (ICONAP 2023)

Editors: Mustafa M.Amin; Elmeida Effendy; Dina Keumala Sari; Kiking Ritarwan; Roger Ho Chun Man; Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman; Zöe Bichler
Volume 71, December 2023

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nano-Neuro-Bio-Quantum (ICAN 2023)

Editors: R. Somashekhar; Preenon Bagchi; Kirthi S. Jawalkar; G. Dhanalakshmi; Richard Hill; Sanjay N. Harke
Volume 69, November 2023

Proceedings of the 19 th Otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery national congress (PERHATIKL 2022)

Editors: Yussy Afriani Dewi; Hamsu Kadriyan; Sinta Sari Ratunanda; Mohamad Razif Mohamad Yunus; Sandeep Uppal; Pongsakorn Tantilipikorn;
Volume 68, October 2023

Proceedings of the Second International Nursing Conference "Nursing Profession in the Current Era" (INC 2023)

Editors: Ahmad Rayan; Nidal Eshah; Ghada Abu Shosha; Latefa Dardas; Kristin Wainwright
Volume 67, October 2023

Proceedings of the 2022 ‘AISYIYAH International Conference on Health and Medical Sciences (A-HMS 2022)

Editors: Luluk Rosida; Kyi Thar; Linda Mc Gowan; Lisa Mc Kenna; Andri Pranolo; Enny Fitriahadi; Astri Wulandari</br></br>
Volume 62, July 2023

Proceedings of the Youth International Conference for Global Health 2022 (YICGH 2022)

Editors: Sunny Ummul Firdaus; Waluyo; Erna Yuliandari; Adji Suwandono; Dona Budi Kharisma</br></br>
Volume 65, July 2023

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology and Health Issues (ICOPHI 2022)

Editors: Izzanil Hidayati; Rizal Kurniawan; Rahmadianti Aulia</br></br>
Volume 66, July 2023

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT 2022)

Editors: Supatmi; Chlara Yunita Prabawati; Diah Priyantini; Septian Galuh Winata; Erfan Rofiqi; Dzakiyatul Fahmi Mumtaz; Ken Siwi</br></br>
Volume 64, June 2023

Proceedings of the International Conference of Medical and Life Science (ICoMELISA 2021)

Editors: Yuyun Yueniwati; Lim Choie Cheio Tchoyoson; Hamzaini bin Abdul Hamid; Putu Moda Arsana; Nobukazu Nakagoshi</br></br>
Volume 57, June 2023

Proceedings of the 1st World Conference on Health and Social Science (WCHSS 2022)

Editors: Anna Suraya; Renan Prasta Jenie; Gama Widyaputra; Bambang Sulistyo; Marina Indriasari; M. Arsyad Subu</br></br>
Volume 63, June 2023

Proceedings of the Joint 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Data Science (ICBDS 2022)

Editors: R. Somashekhar; Preenon Bagchi; T. S. Rajesh; Richard Hill; Kathryn Rossi</br></br>
Volume 58, June 2023

Proceedings of the International Conference on Health and Well-Being (ICHWB 2022)

Editors: Burhanudin Ichsan; Dodik Nursanto; Morita Sari; Firmansyah; Mitoriana Porusia; Dian Hudiyawati; Suryo Saputro Perdana</br></br>
Volume 61, May 2023

Proceedings of the 1st Lawang Sewu International Symposium 2022 on Health Sciences (LSISHS 2022)

Editors: Satriya Pranata; Purnomo Purnomo; Sri Rejeki; Yanuan Ben Olina</br></br>
Volume 60, April 2023

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Neuroscience, Neurology and Psychiatry (ICONAP 2022)

Editors: Mustafa M. Amin; Elmeida Effendy; Dina K. Sari; Kiking Ritarwan; Banthit Chetsawang; Mirko Spiroski; Zöe Bichler; Uttam K. Sharma</br></br>
Volume 59, March 2023

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for Health Research – BRIN (ICHR 2022)

Editors: Ika Nurlaila; Yunefit Ulfa; Hayani Anastasia; Gurendro Putro; Rika Rachmalina; Rozana Ika Agustiya; Novaria Sari Dewi Panjaitan; Rosantia Sarassari; Anna Lystia Poetranto; Sela Septima Mariya</br></br>
Volume 56, March 2023