Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics

Volume 25, Issue 4, July 2018, Pages 589 - 603

Morphisms Cohomology and Deformations of Hom-algebras

Anja Arfa
Université de Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia,
Nizar Ben Fraj
Université de Carthage, Nabeul, Tunisia,
Abdenacer Makhlouf*
Université de Haute Alsace, IRIMAS, Département de Mathématiques, 6 bis ne des Frères Lumière, 68067 Mulhouse, France,
*Corresponding author
Corresponding Author
Abdenacer Makhlouf
Received 21 April 2018, Accepted 4 May 2018, Available Online 6 January 2021.
10.1080/14029251.2018.1503433How to use a DOI?
Hom-associative algebra morphism; Hom-Lie algebra morphism; cohomology; deformation

The purpose of this paper is to define cohomology complexes and study deformation theory of Hom-associative algebra morphisms and Hom-Lie algebra morphisms. We discuss infinitesimal deformations, equivalent deformations and obstructions. Moreover, we provide various examples.

© 2018 The Authors. Published by Atlantis and Taylor & Francis
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The first instance of Hom-type algebras appeared in physics literature when looking for q-deformations, which consists of replacing the usual derivation by a σ-derivation, of some algebras of vector fields, [1, 3, 13]. The main examples dealt with Witt and Virasoro algebras and used Jackson derivation, defined for a polynomial P by Dq(P(t))=P(qt)P(t)qtt . It turns out that the obtained algebras no longer satisfy Jacobi identity, but a modified version involving a homomorphism. These algebras were called Hom-Lie algebras and studied first, from mathematical viewpoint, by Hartwig, Larsson and Silvestrov in [11,12]. Hom-associative algebras play the role of associative algebras in the Hom-Lie setting. They were introduced by the last author and Silvestrov in [14], where it is shown that the commutator bracket defined by the multiplication in a Hom-associative algebra leads naturally to a Hom-Lie algebra. The adjoint functor was considered by D. Yau [19].

The deformation theory was developed by Gerstenhaber for rings and algebras using formal power series in [7]. It is closely related to Hochschild cohomology. Then, it was extended to Lie algebras, using Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology, by Nijenhuis and Richardson [17]. Deformation theory of associative algebra morphisms have been studied by Gerstenhaber and Schack in a series of papers [810], while deformations of Lie algebra morphisms have been considered by Nijenhuis and Richardson in [17], and more recently by Frégier [4], see also [5,6]. Cohomology and deformations of Hom-associative algebras and Hom-Lie algebras were studied in [2,16]

The purpose of this paper is to provide first a Hom-type Hochschild cohomology of Hom-associative algebra morphisms and a Hom-type Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms, generalizing the cohomology theory associated to deformations of Lie algebra morphisms given by Frégier for Lie algebras in [4] and that introduced by Gerstenhaber and Schack in [9] for associative algebra morphisms. To this end, we need to generalize the algebra valued cohomology theory in [2] to any bimodule. Moreover, we discuss a deformation theory of Hom-associative algebra morphisms and Hom-Lie algebra morphisms. Furthermore, various examples are presented.

1. Preliminaries

We assume that 𝕂 is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, even if most of the results are valid for any field. A Hom-algebra is a triple consisting of a 𝕂 -vector space, or a module, together with a bilinear map (multiplication) and a linear map. These Hom-algebras aim to generalize classical algebraic structures, their main feature is that the identities defining the structures are twisted by homomorphisms. In the sequel, we will write ⊗ for 𝕂,𝒜n𝒜𝒜 and 𝒜×n𝒜××𝒜 .

Definition 1.1.

A Hom-associative algebra is a triple (𝒜,μ,α) consisting of a 𝕂 -vector space 𝒜 , a bilinear map μ:𝒜×𝒜𝒜 and a linear map α:𝒜𝒜 satisfying

μ(α(x), μ(y,z)) = μ(μ(x,y), α(z)), for all x,y,z𝒜 (Hom-associativity).

A Hom-Lie algebra is a triple (𝒧,[,],α) consisting of a 𝕂 -vector space 𝒧, a skew-symmetric bilinear map [,]:𝒧×𝒧𝒧 and a linear map α:𝒧𝒧 satisfying

x,y,z[α(x),[y,z]]=0forallx,y,z𝒧 (Hom-Jacobi identity),

where x,y,z denotes summation over the cyclic permutation on x, y, z.

A Hom-associative algebra or a Hom-Lie algebra is called multiplicative if α is an algebra morphism.

Definition 1.2.

Let (𝒜,μ,α) and (𝒜,μ,α) (resp. (𝒧,[,],α) and (𝒧,[,],α)) be two Hom-associative (resp. Hom-Lie) algebras. A linear map ϕ:𝒜𝒜 (resp. ϕ:𝒧𝒧 ) is called a Hom-associative (resp. Hom-Lie) algebra morphism if


The following theorem provides an easy way to deform a usual associative algebra morphism (resp. Lie algebra morphism) to a Hom-associative algebra morphism (resp. Hom-Lie algebra morphism).

Theorem 1.3.

Let A = (A, μ) and B = (B, v) be two associative algebras (resp. Lie algebras) and ϕ: A → B be an algebra morphism. Consider two algebra morphisms α: AA and β: BB such that ϕα=βϕ . Then ( Aα=(A,μα=αμ,α) and Bβ=(B,vβ=βv,β) are Hom-associative algebras (resp. Hom-Lie algebras) and ϕ: AαBβ is a Hom-associative algebra morphism.

The first assertion was proved in [20] and we have ϕαμ=βϕμ=βv(ϕϕ) .

Now, we discuss concepts of module and representation for Hom-associative algebras and Hom-Lie algebras.

Definition 1.4.

Let (𝒜,μ,α) be a Hom-associative algebra. A (left) 𝒜 -module is a triple (M, f, γ), where M is a 𝕂 -vector space, f: MM and γ:𝒜MM are 𝕂 -linear maps such that γ(μf)=γ(αγ) .

Proposition 1.5 (Left adjoint 𝒜 -module).

Let (𝒜,μ,α) and (𝒜,μ,α) be two Hom-associative algebras and ϕ:𝒜𝒜 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism. The triple (M, f, γ), where M=𝒜,γ=ρl=μ(ϕid) and f = α′, is an 𝒜 -module called adjoint representation of 𝒜 induced by the Hom-associative algebra morphism ϕ.

Proof. Straightforward.

Remark 1.6.

We similarly define the right adjoint module by considering the triple (𝒜,ρr=μ(idϕ),α) . A bimodule structure is given by left and right actions with maps ρr and ρl that satisfy the following additional condition ρr (ρl(x,y), α(z)) = ρl (α(x,y), ρr(y,z)). Left and right modules are special cases of bimodules, one may set ρr = 0(resp. ρl = 0)

Let (𝒧,[,],α) be a Hom-Lie algebra and β𝔤l(V) be an arbitrary linear self map on V, where V is an arbitrary vector space. We denote a left action of 𝒧 on V by the bracket [,]V:𝒧×VV such that (x,v) → [x,v]V.

Definition 1.7.

A triple (V, [ ,·]V, β) is called a left 𝒧 -module with respect to β ∈ 𝔤l(V), if for any x,y𝒧 and vV, we have [α(x), β(v)]V = β([x,v]V) and [[x,y], β(v)]V = [α(x), [y, v]V] V − [α(y), [x,v]V]V.

We say that (V, [ ,·]V, β) is a representation of 𝒧 .

Proposition 1.8.

Let (𝒧,[,],α) and (𝒧,[,],α) be two Hom-Lie algebras and ϕ:𝒧𝒧 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. Let (Π, β, ρl) be a triple, where Π=𝒧,β=α,ρl=[,]V=[ϕ,id] . Then, Π is a left adjoint 𝒧 -module via ϕ.

2. Cohomology of Hom-associative algebra morphisms

2.1. Cohomology of Hom-associative algebras with values in an adjoint 𝒜 -bimodule

We construct a cochain complex Cα,α*(𝒜,M) that defines a Hom-type Hochschild cohomology for multiplicative Hom-associative algebras in an adjoint 𝒜 -bimodule M. Let (𝒜,μ,α) and (𝒜,μ,α) be two Hom-associative algebras over 𝕂 and ϕ:𝒜𝒜 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism. Let M=(𝒜,ρl,ρr) be an 𝒜 -bimodule, where ρl and ρr are defined in Proposition 1.5 (resp. Remark 1.6). Regard 𝒜 as an 𝒜 -bimodule via the adjoint representation of 𝒜 induced by ϕ.

The set of n-cochains on 𝒜 with values in an 𝒜 -bimodule M, is defined to be the set of n-linear maps which are compatible with α and α′. We denote by Cn(𝒜,M) the set of n-linear maps from 𝒜 to M and let Cα,α0(𝒜,M)M and for n > 0 we set


Definition 2.1.

For n ≥ 1, n-coboundary operator associated to the triple (𝒜,M,ϕ) is the linear map δHomn:Cα,αn(𝒜,M)Cα,αn+1(𝒜,M) defined by

δHomnφ(x0,x1,,xn)=μ(ϕ(αn1(x0))),φ(x1,x2,,xn))+k=1n(1)kφ(α(x0),α(x1),,α(xk2),μ(xk1,xk),α(xk+1),,α(xn))+(1)n+1μ(φ(x0,,xn1),ϕ(αn1(xn))). (2.1)

Theorem 2.2.

The pair (Cα,α*(𝒜,M),δHom*) defines a cohomology complex of Hom-associative algebras with values in the 𝒜 -bimodule M.

Remark 2.3.

In the general case, we let 𝒜,𝒜 be two Hom-associative algebras and M=(𝒜,ρl,ρr) be a 𝒜 -bimodule, where ρl and ρr are left 𝒜 -module and right 𝒜 -module respectively. For φCα,αn(𝒜,M) , we set


In the particular case where M=𝒜 and ρl, ρr = μ, the Hom-associative algebra is an 𝒜 -bimodule over itself. We recover the coboundary operator defined in [2]. One considers the previous definition with ρl = ρr = μ and denote Cα,αn(𝒜,M) by CHomn(𝒜,M) .

The space of n-cocycles is ZHomn(𝒜,M){φCα,αn(𝒜,M):δHomnφ=0}, and the space of n-coboundaries is BHomn(𝒜,M){ψ=δHomn1φ:φCα,αn1(𝒜,M)} . The nth Hochschild cohomology group of the Hom-associative algebra 𝒜 with values in an adjoint 𝒜 -bimodule is the quotient HHomn(𝒜,M)ZHomn(𝒜,M)BHomn(𝒜,M) .

2.2. Cohomology Complex of Hom-associative algebra morphisms

The original cohomology theory associated to deformation of associative algebra morphisms was introduced by M. Gerstenhaber in [9]. In this section, we will discuss this theory for Hom-associative algebra morphisms. Let 𝒜,𝒝 be two Hom-associative algebras and ϕ:𝒜𝒝 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism. Regard 𝒝 as a representation of 𝒜 via ϕ wherever appropriate. Define the module of n-cochains of ϕ by


The coboundary operator δn:CHomn(ϕ,ϕ)CHomn+1(ϕ,ϕ) is defined by

where δHomnφ1 and δHomnφ2 are defined in Remark 2.3 and δHomnφ3 is defined by (2.1).

Theorem 2.4.

We have δn+1δn=0 . Hence (CHom*(ϕ,ϕ),δ*) is a cochain complex.

Proof. The most-right component of (δn+1δn)(φ1,φ2,φ3) is ϕ(δHomnφ1)(δHomnφ2)ϕδHomn(ϕφ1φ2ϕnδHomn1φ3)=ϕ(δHomnφ1)(δHomnφ2)ϕn+1δHomn(ϕφ1)δHomn(φ2ϕn) . To finish the proof, one checks that ϕ(δHomnφ1)=δHomn(ϕφ1) and (δHomnφ2)ϕn+1=δHomn(φ2ϕn) . Indeed, ϕφ1 is defined as follows: (ϕφ1)(x0,,xn)=ϕ(φ1(x0,,xn)) and φ2ϕn as φ2ϕ(x0,,xn)=φ2(ϕ(x1),,ϕ(xn)) .

Remark 2.5.

If HHomn(𝒜,𝒜),HHomn(𝒝,𝒝) and Hα,αn1(𝒜,𝒝) are all trivial, then so is HHomn(ϕ,ϕ) . The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.3 in [18].

We define the nth Hochschild cohomology group of a Hom-associative algebra morphism ϕ: 𝒜𝒝 to be


The corresponding cohomology modules of the cochain complex (CHom*(ϕ,ϕ),δ*) are denoted by HHomn(ϕ,ϕ)HHomn(CHom*(ϕ,ϕ),δ) .

Example 2.6.

We consider a 3-dimensional Hom-associative algebra 𝒜 defined in [15], with respect to a basis {e1, e2, e3}, by the multiplication μA and the linear map αA such that

where a, b are parameters.

We consider also a 2-dimensional Hom-associative algebra 𝒝 defined, with respect to a basis {f1,f2}, by the multiplication μ𝒝 and the linear map αB such that

where β is a parameter.

Let ϕ:𝒜𝒝 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism. It is defined, when, α = β = 1, as ϕ(e1)=f1f2,ϕ(e2)=f1f2,ϕ(e3)=0 .

In the following, we compute the second cohomology spaces HHom2(𝒜,𝒜) and HHom2(𝒝,𝒝) . The 2-cocycles ψ:𝒜𝒜𝒜 are of the form

where p1, p2, p3, p4 are parameters.

It turns out that they are all coboundaries. Moreover, we get


3. Cohomology Complex of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms

In this section, we deal with a cohomology of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms. We construct first a cochain complex CHL*(𝒧,Π) that defines a Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology for multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras with values in a left 𝒧 -module Π, then a cohomology complex of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms.

3.1. Cohomology complex of multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras with values in a left 𝒧 -module

Let 𝒧 and 𝒧 be two Hom-Lie algebras and ϕ:𝒧𝒧 be a Hom-Lie morphism. Regard 𝒧 as a representation Π of 𝒧 via ϕ defined by (1.8). The set CHLn(𝒧,Π) of n-cochains on 𝒧 with values in Π is the set of skewsymmetric 𝕂 -linear maps from 𝒧×n to Π. We set C˜α,αn(𝒧,Π){fCHLn(𝒧,Π):αf=fαn} . For n = 0 we have C˜α,α0(𝒧,Π)=Π .

Definition 3.1.

Let (𝒧,[,],α) and (𝒧,[,],α) be two Hom-Lie algebras. Let ϕ:𝒧𝒧 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. Regard 𝒧 as a representation of 𝒧 via ϕ wherever appropriate. For n ≥ 1, the n-coboundary operator associated to the triple (𝒧,Π,ϕ) is the linear map δHIn:CHLn(𝒧,Π)CHLn+1(𝒧,Π) defined by

δHLnφ(x0,,xn)=i=0n(1)i[ϕ(αn1(xi)),φ(x0,,x^i,,xn)]+0i<jn(1)i+jφ([xi,xj],α(x0),,x^i,,x^j,,α(xn)). (3.1)

Theorem 3.2.

The pair (C˜α,α*(𝒧,Π),δHL) defines a cochain complex. The corresponding cohomology denoted by HHL*(𝒧,Π) , is called the cohomology of the Hom-Lie algebra 𝒧 with coefficients in the representation Π.

Proof. The proof of δHLn+1δHLn=0 is straightforward and lengthy. One may view it in the arxiv version of this paper, see arXiv: 1710.07599.

Remark 3.3.

In the case where Π=𝒧 and [,] = [,]′, we recover the coboundary operator defined in [2]. The space of n-cochains is denoted by CHLn(𝒧,𝒧) .

The space of n-cocycles is ZHLn(𝒧,Π){φC˜α,αn(𝒧,Π):δHLnφ=0} , and the space of n-coboundaries is BHLn(𝒧,Π){ψ=δHLn1φ:φC˜α,αn1(𝒧,Π)} . The nth cohomology group of the Hom-Lie algebra 𝒧 with coefficients in Π is the quotient HHLn(𝒧,Π)ZHn(𝒧,Π)BHI (𝒧,Π) .

3.2. Cohomology complex of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms

In this section, we generalize the cohomology theory of Lie algebra morphisms developed by Frégier in [4] to Hom-Lie algebras. We adopt the same notations. Consider the product defined, for λCHomn(𝒧,𝒧) and ϕHom(𝒧,𝒧) , as λϕCHLn(𝒧,𝒧) such that λϕ(x1,,xn)λ(ϕ(x1),,ϕ(xn)), for any x1,,xn𝒧 .

Let ϕ:𝒧𝒧 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. Regard 𝒧 as a representation of 𝒧 via ϕ wherever appropriate. Define the module of n-cochains of ϕ by


The coboundary operator δ(ϕ,ϕ)n:CHLn(ϕ,ϕ)CHLn+1(ϕ,ϕ) is defined by

where δHLnφ1 and δHLnφ2 are defined in Remark 3.3 and δHLnφ3 by formula (3.1).

Theorem 3.4.

We have δ(ϕ,ϕ)n+1δ(ϕ,ϕ)n=0 . Hence (CHL*(ϕ,ϕ),δ*) is a cohomology complex.

Proof. The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.4.

Remark 3.5.

The corresponding cohomology modules of the cochain complex (CHL*(ϕ,ϕ),δ*) are denoted by HHLn(ϕ,ϕ)HHLn(CHL*(ϕ,ϕ),δ*) . If HHLn(𝒧,𝒧),HHLn(𝒧,𝒧) and HHLn1(𝒧,𝒧) are all trivial then so is HHLn(ϕ,ϕ) . The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.3 in [18].

4. Deformations of Hom-associative algebra morphisms

In this section, we study 1-parameter formal deformations of Hom-associative algebra morphisms and Hom-Lie algebra morphisms using the approach introduced by Gerstenhaber [7]. Recall that the main idea is to change the scalar field 𝕂 to a formal power series ring 𝕂t , in one indeterminate t, and the main results provide us with cohomological interpretations. Let At be the set of formal power series whose coefficients are elements of A.

4.1. Deformation of Hom-associative algebra morphisms

First, we recall the definition of a formal deformation of a Hom-associative algebra, then discuss deformations of Hom-associative algebra morphisms.

Definition 4.1.

A 1-parameter formal deformation of a Hom-associative algebra (𝒜,μ0,α) is a Hom-associative 𝕂t -algebra (𝒜t,μt,α) , where μt=i0μiti , which is a 𝕂t -bilinear map satisfying the condition μt(μtα)=μt(αμt) .

The deformation is said to be of order N if μt=i0Nμiti and infinitesimal if N = 1.

Let (𝒜,μ𝒜,α) and (𝒝,μ𝒝,β) be two Hom-associative algebras and ϕ:𝒜𝒝 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism. A deformation of ϕ is given by a triple Θt=(μ𝒜,t,μ𝒝,t,ϕt) where

μ𝒜,t=n0μ𝒜,ntn is a deformation of 𝒜 ,

μ𝒝,t=n0μ𝒝,ntn is a deformation of 𝒝 ,

ϕt:𝒜[t]𝒝[t] is a Hom-associative algebra morphism of the form ϕt=n0ϕntn , where each ϕn:𝒜𝒝 is a 𝕂 -linear map and ϕ0 = ϕ.

Proposition 4.2.

The linear coefficient Θ1=(μ𝒜,1,μ𝒝,1,ϕ1) , called the infinitesimal part of the deformation Θt of ϕ, is a 2-cocycle in CHom2(ϕ,ϕ) .

Proof. Straightforward.

4.2. Equivalent deformations and Rigidity

Let μ𝒜,t and μ˜𝒜,t be two formal deformations of a Hom-associative algebra 𝒜 . A formal automorphism ψt:𝒜t𝒜t is a power series ψt=n0ψntn in which each ψnEnd (𝒜) and ψ0=Id𝒜 such that ψt(μ𝒜,t(x,y))=μ˜𝒜,t(ψt(x),ψt(y)) and ψtα=α˜ψt for all x,y𝒜 . Two deformations μ𝒜,t and μ˜𝒜,t are said to be equivalent if and only if there exists a formal automorphism which transforms μ𝒜,t to μ˜𝒜,t .

Definition 4.3.

Let Θt=(μ𝒜,t,μ𝒝,t,ϕt) and → Θ˜t=(μ˜𝒜,t,μ˜𝒝,t,ϕ˜t) be two deformations of a Hom-associative algebra morphism ϕ:𝒜𝒝. A formal automorphism ϕt:ΘtΘ˜t is a pair (ψ𝒜,t,ψ𝒝,t) , where ψ𝒜,t:𝒜t𝒜t and ψ𝒝,t:𝒝t𝒝t are formal automorphisms such that ϕ˜t=ψ𝒝,tϕtψ𝒜,t1 . Two deformations Θt and Θ˜t are said to be equivalent if and only if there exists a formal automorphism such that ΘtΘ˜t .

Given a deformation Θt and a pair of power series

one can define a deformation Θ˜t which is automatically equivalent to Θt .

In [2], it was shown that if μ𝒜,t and μ˜𝒜,t are, thanks to the automorphism ϕ𝒜,t:𝒜t𝒜t, equivalent deformations of 𝒜 , then the infinitesimals of μ𝒜,t and μ˜𝒜,t belong to the same cohomology class.

Theorem 4.4.

The infinitesimal part of a deformation Θt of ϕ is a 2-cocycle in CHom2(ϕ,ϕ) whose cohomology class is determined by the equivalence class of the first term of Θt.

Proof. In view of Proposition 4.2, it remains to show that if ψt:ΘtΘ˜t is a formal automorphism, then 2-cocycles Θ1 and Θ˜1 differ by a 2-coboundary. Write ψt=(ψ𝒜,t,ψ𝒝,t) and Θ˜t=(μ˜𝒜,t,μ˜𝒝,t,ϕ˜t) . According to [2], we have δ1ψ*,1=μ*,1μ˜*,1CHom2(*,*) for * denoting either 𝒜 or 𝒝 . To finish the proof, we develop both sides of ϕ˜t=ψ𝒝,tϕtψ𝒜,t1 and collecting the coefficients of tn yield for n = 1 the equality ϕ1ϕ˜1=ϕψ𝒜,1ψ𝒝,1ϕ . It follows that a 1-cochain α=(ψ𝒜,1,ψ𝒝,1,0)CHom1(ϕ,ϕ) satisfies δϕ,ϕ1α=Θ1Θ˜1 .

Definition 4.5.

Let (𝒜,μ,α) be a Hom-associative algebra and Θ1=(μ𝒜,1,μ𝒝,1,ϕ1) be an element of ZHom2(ϕ,ϕ) . The 2-cocycle Θ1 is said to be integrable if there exists a family (μ𝒜,t=nμ𝒜,n,μ𝒝,t=nμ𝒝,n,ϕt=nϕn) defining a formal deformation Θt of ϕ.

The integrability of Θ1 depends only on its cohomology class.

Theorem 4.6.

Let (𝒜,μ𝒜,α) and (𝒝,μ𝒝,β) be two Hom-associative algebras and Θt=(μ𝒜,t,μ𝒝,t,ϕt) be a deformation of a Hom-associative algebra morphism ϕ:𝒜𝒝 . Then, there exists an equivalent deformation Θ˜t=(μ˜𝒜,t,μ˜𝒝,t,ϕ˜) such that Θ˜tZHom2(ϕ,ϕ) and Θ˜1BHom2(ϕ,ϕ) . Hence, if HHom2(ϕ,ϕ)=0, then every formal deformation is equivalent to a trivial deformation.

Proof. Define a pair of power series ψt=(ψ𝒜,t,ψ𝒝,t) . According to Definition 4.3, we define an equivalent deformation Θ˜t=(μ˜𝒜,t,μ˜𝒝,t,ϕ˜t)=nΘ˜ntn .

We have μ*,1ZHom2(*,*) and also μ*,1μ˜*,1ZHom2(*,*) for *{𝒜,𝒝}. Moreover, since ϕ1ZHom1(𝒜,𝒝), we have ϕ1ϕ˜ZHom1(𝒜,𝒝) . If Θ˜1BHom2(ϕ,ϕ), then Θ1Θ˜1=δϕ,ϕ1φ for some φCHom1(ϕ,ϕ) .

Remark 4.7.

Let Θt=i0Θiti be a deformation of a Hom-associative algebra morphism, in which Θi = 0 for i =1,…, n and Θn+1 is a coboundary in CHom2(ϕ,ϕ), then there exists a deformation Θ˜t equivalent to Θt and a formal automorphism ψt:ΘtΘ˜t such that Θ˜i=0 for i = 1,…, n + 1.

A morphism of Hom-associative algebras for which every formal deformation is equivalent to a trivial deformation (μ𝒜,0,μ𝒝,0,ψ) is said to be analytically rigid. The vanishing of the second cohomology group, HHom2(ϕ,ϕ)=0, gives a sufficient criterion for rigidity.

4.2.1. Obstructions

A deformation of order N of ϕ is a triple Θt=(μ𝒜,t,μ𝒝,t,ϕt) satisfying ϕt(μ𝒜,t,(a,b))=μ𝒝,t(ϕt(a),ϕt(b)) or equivalently


Given a deformation Θt of order N, it can be extended to order N + 1 if and only if there exists a 2-cochain ΘN+1=(μ𝒜,N+1,μ𝒝,N+1,ϕN+1)CHom2(ϕ,ϕ) such that Θ¯t=Θt+tN+1ΘN+1 is a deformation of order N + 1.

The primary obstruction of a deformation μ𝒜,t=i=0N+1μiti is


An analogous obstruction to an infinitesimal deformation of a morphism ϕ:𝒜𝒝 is obtained by calculating the second order term in the deformation equation of ϕ. Then


Therefore, we get

where for a p-cochain φ1 (resp. q-cochain φ2), we have

Following [2], we express the obstructions for the algebras using the Gerstenhaber bracket. For φCHomp(𝒜,𝒜) and ψCHomq(𝒜,𝒜), where p,q ≥ 0, we define jφαψCHomp+q+1(𝒜,𝒜) to be the composition product given by the operator

and set [φ,ψ]αΔjψα(φ)(1)abjφα(ψ) and let
for the obstruction of a deformation of any Hom-associative algebra 𝒜 . Set
for the obstruction of the extension of the Hom-associative algebra morphism ϕ.

Theorem 4.8.

Let (𝒜,μ𝒜,0,α𝒜) and (𝒝,μ𝒝,0,α𝒝) be two Hom-associative algebras. Let ϕ:𝒜𝒝 be a Hom-associative algebra morphism and Θt=(μ𝒜,t,μ𝒝,t,ϕt) be an order k 1-parameter formal deformation of ϕ. Then 𝒪b=(𝒪b𝒜,𝒪b𝒝,𝒪bϕ)ZHom3(ϕ,ϕ) and Θt extends to a deformation of order k + 1 if and only if 𝒪bϕ is a coboundary.

Proof. The proof is straightforward but lengthy. One may view it in the arXiv version arXiv: 1710.07599.

Corollary 4.9.

If HHom3(ϕ,ϕ)=0 , then every infinitesimal deformation can be extended to a formal deformation of larger order.

4.3. Deformations of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms

In this section, we discuss deformations of Hom-Lie algebra morphisms. We obtain similar results as in previous section. For proofs, see arXiv: 1710.07599.

Definition 4.10.

Let (𝒧,[,],α) be a Hom-Lie algebra. A 1-parameter formal Hom-Lie deformation of 𝒧 is given by a 𝕂t -bilinear map [,]t:𝒧t×𝒧t𝒧t of the form [,]t=i0ti[,]i , where each [,]i is a skewsymmetric bilinear map [,]i:𝒧×𝒧𝒧 (extended to 𝕂t -bilinear map), such that [,]=[,]0 and satisfying


Let ϕ:𝒧𝒧 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. A deformation of ϕ is a triple Θt=([,]t;[,]t;ϕt) in which:

  • [,]t=i0ti[,]i is a deformation of 𝒧 ,

  • [,]t=i0ti[,]i is a deformation of 𝒧 ,

  • ϕt:𝒧t𝒧t is a Hom-Lie algebra morphism of the form ϕt=n0ϕntn, where each ϕn:𝒧𝒧 is a 𝕂 -linear map and ϕ0 = ϕ.

Proposition 4.11.

The linear coefficient, Θ1=([,]1,[,]1,ϕ1), which is called the infinitesimal part of the deformation Θt, is a 2-cocycle in CHL2(ϕ,ϕ) .

Let (𝒧,[,],α) be a multiplicative Hom-Lie algebra. Let 𝒧t=(𝒧,[,]t,α) and 𝒧t=(𝒧,[,)t,α) be two deformations of 𝒧, where [,]t=i0ti[,]i and [,]t=i0ti[,]i with [,]0=[,]0=[,] . We say that 𝒧t and 𝒧t are equivalent if there exists a formal automorphism ψt:𝒧[t]𝒧t , that may be written in the form ψt=i0ψiti , where ψiEnd(𝒧) and ψ0 = id, such that ψt([x,y]t)=[ψt(x),ψt(y)]t .

A deformation 𝒧t is said to be trivial if and only if 𝒧t is equivalent to 𝒧 .

Definition 4.12.

Let (𝒧,[,]𝒧,α),(𝒢,[,]𝒢,β) be two Hom-Lie algebras and ϕ:𝒧𝒢 be Hom-Lie algebra morphism. Let Θt=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕt) and Θ˜t=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕ˜t) be two deformations of a Hom-Lie algebra morphism ϕ.

A formal automorphism ψt:ΘtΘ˜t is a pair (ψ𝒧,t,ψ𝒢,t) , where ψ𝒧,t:𝒧t𝒧t and ψ𝒢,t:𝒢t𝒢t are formal automorphisms, such that ϕ˜t=ψ𝒧,tϕtψ𝒢,t1 . Two deformations Θt and Θ˜t are equivalent if and only if there exists a formal automorphism that transforms Θt in to Θ˜t .

Remark 4.13.

Given a deformation Θt and a pair of power series ψt=(ψ𝒧,t=nψ𝒧,ntn,ψ𝒢,t=nψ𝒢,ntn) , one can define a deformation Θ˜t . The deformation Θ˜t is automatically equivalent to Θt.

Theorem 4.14.

The infinitesimal of a deformation Θt of ϕ is a 2-cocycle in CHL2(ϕ,ϕ) whose cohomology class is determined by the equivalence class of the first term of Θt.

Theorem 4.15.

Let (𝒧,[,𝒧,α) and (𝒢,[,𝒢,β) be two Hom-Lie algebras. Let Θt=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕt) be a deformation of a Hom-Lie algebra morphism ϕ Then there exists an equivalent deformation Θ˜t=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕ˜) such that Θ˜1ZHL2(ϕ,ϕ) and Θ˜1BHL2(ϕ,ϕ) . Hence, if HHL2(ϕ,ϕ)=0, then every formal deformation is equivalent to a trivial deformation.

4.3.1. Obstructions

A deformation of order N of ϕ is a triple, Θt=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕt) satisfying ϕt([x,y]𝒧,t)=[ϕi(x),ϕt(y)]𝒢,t or equivalently


Given a deformation Θt of order N, it extends to a deformation of order N + 1 if and only if there exists a 2-cochain ΘN+1=([,]𝒧,N+1,[,]𝒢,N+1,ϕN+1)CHL2(ϕ,ϕ) such that Θ¯t=Θt+tN+1ΘN+1 is a deformation of order N + 1. Then Θ¯t is said to be an extension of Θt of order N + 1.


be the obstruction of a deformation of the Hom-Lie algebra 𝒧, where [,]α is the Gerstenhaber bracket defined in [2]. Let
be the obstruction of the extension of the Hom-Lie algebra morphism ϕ, where

Theorem 4.16.

Let (𝒧,[,]𝒧,0,α) and (𝒢,[,]𝒢,0,β) be two Hom-Lie algebras and ϕ:𝒧𝒢 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. Let Θt=([,]𝒧,t,[,]𝒢,t,ϕt) be an order k 1-parameter formal deformation of ϕ. Then 𝒪b=(𝒪b𝒜,𝒪b𝒝,𝒪bϕ)ZHL3(ϕ,ϕ) . Therefore, the deformation extends to a deformation of order k + 1 if and only if 𝒪b is a coboundary.

5. Example

We compute in this section a cohomology of a given Hom-Lie algebra morphism and discuss some deformations. Let 𝔤1=(𝔤1,[,]1,α1) and 𝔤2=(𝔤2,[,]2,α2) be two Hom-Lie algebras defined with respect to the basis {e1, e2, e3} (resp. {f1, f2, f3} ) by the following relations

where p1, p2 are parameters.

Let ϕ1,2:𝔤1𝔤2 be a Hom-Lie algebra morphism. We have the following cases

  1. (1)

    If p1 = p2 = 2: ϕ1,21(e1)=λ2,1f2+λ3,1f3,ϕ1,21(e2)=λ2,2f2+λ2,2λ3,1λ2,1f3,ϕ1,21(e3)=0 .

  2. (2)

    If p1 = 2 and p2 = 0: ϕ1,22(e1)=λ2,1f2+λ3,1f3,ϕ1,22(e2)=0,ϕ1,22(e3)=0 .

A 2-cochain is given by a triple (ψ, φ, ρ) where ψ:𝔤1×𝔤1𝔤1,φ:𝔤2×𝔤2𝔤2,ρ:𝔤1𝔤2 . The 2-cochains of the Hom-Lie algebra 𝔤1 are defined by ψ1 for i = 1,…, 8

where a1,…, a8 are parameters.

We obtain the following results

  1. (1)

    If p1 = 0, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=ψ2,ψ3,ψ5,ψ6,ψ7. Hence, dimZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=5 .

  2. (2)

    If p1 = 1, and p2 ∉ {−1, 0, 1}, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=ψ1,ψ2,ψ4,ψ5 .

    1. (a)

      If p2 = 1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ3,ψ6,ψ7,ψ8} .

    2. (b)

      If p2 = 0, then ZHL 2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ3} .

    3. (c)

      If p2 = − 1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ7} .

  3. (3)

    If p1 = − 1, and p2 ∉ {−1, 0, 1}, then ZHL 2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=ψ2,ψ4 .

    1. (a)

      If p2 = 1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ3,ψ6,ψ7} .

    2. (b)

      If p2 = 0, then ZHI 2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ1,ψ3,ψ5} .

    3. (c)

      If p2 = − 1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated in addition by {ψ7,ψ8} .

  4. (4)

    If p1 ∉ {−1, 0, 1}, and p2=1p1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=ψ2,ψ8 .

    1. (a)

      If p2 = 1, then ZHL2(g1,𝔤1) is generated by {ψ2,ψ3,ψ6,ψ7} .

    2. (b)

      If p2 = 0, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated by {ψ1,ψ2,ψ3,ψ4,ψ5} .

    3. (c)

      If p2 = − 1, then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1) is generated by {ψ2,ψ7}.

  5. (5)

    If p1 ∉ {−1, 0, 1}, and p2 ∉ {−1, 0, 1}, such that p21p1 , then ZHL2(𝔤1,𝔤1)=ψ2 .

All cocycles are not coboundaries except ψ2.

Now, we consider the Lie algebra 𝔤2 . The 2-cocycles are defined to be

where k1, k2, k3 are parameters. Therefore, dimHHL 2(𝔤2,𝔤2)=1 and it is generated by

Now, we consider the third component. For the first morphism ϕ1,21, there is only one 1-cocycle corresponding to ψ = ψ2 and φ. It is given by


Therefore HHL1(𝔤1,𝔤2) is 3-dimensional.

For the second morphism ϕ1,22, we have


Therefore HHL1(𝔤1,𝔤2) is 2-dimensional.

Now, we provide examples of deformations. For 𝔤1 , we consider the deformed bracket

where w is a parameter, or

For 𝔤2 , we consider the deformed bracket defined by


Let ϕ˜ be a deformation of the second morphism given by


Then ([,]1,[,]2,ϕ˜) is an infinitesimal deformation of ϕ1,22 .

Let ϕ˜ be an infinitesimal deformation of the first morphism, where


Then ([,]1,[,]2,ϕ˜) is an infinitesimal deformation of ϕ1,21 .


[2]F Ammar, Z Ejbehi, and A Makhlouf, Cohomology and Deformations of Hom-algebras, Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2011, pp. 813-836.
[5]Y Frégier, M Markl, and D Yau, The L∞-deformation complex of diagrams of algebras, N.Y. J. Math, Vol. 15, 2009, pp. 353-392.
[20]D Yau, Hom-algebras and homology, Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 19, 2009, pp. 409-421.
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
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10.1080/14029251.2018.1503433How to use a DOI?
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AU  - Anja Arfa
AU  - Nizar Ben Fraj
AU  - Abdenacer Makhlouf
PY  - 2021
DA  - 2021/01/06
TI  - Morphisms Cohomology and Deformations of Hom-algebras
JO  - Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
SP  - 589
EP  - 603
VL  - 25
IS  - 4
SN  - 1776-0852
UR  -
DO  - 10.1080/14029251.2018.1503433
ID  - Arfa2021
ER  -