Proceedings of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering (AIIE 2016)

Session: Intelligent Control, Mechatronics and Robotics

10 articles
Proceedings Article

Remember-All Based Frontier Allocation for Multi-Robot Coverage in Unknown Environments

Sushil Parti, Dan Wu
Robots are being increasingly used for coverage tasks which were earlier considered too dangerous or monotonous to be performed by humans such as interplanetary exploration, search & rescue missions, etc. Out of all the multi-robot coverage approaches, the frontier based approach is one of the most widely...
Proceedings Article

Using the IEEE 802.11 Family of Standards for Communication between Robotic Systems

Andrei Vladyko, Alexander Paramonov, Ruslan Kirichek, Andrey Koucheryavy
The paper analyzes the possibility of using the IEEE 802.11 standards for communication between the elements of robotic systems in terms of radio frequency (RF) channels congestion exterior traffic.
Proceedings Article

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power System

Xiaoyue Zhao, Xinyan Zhang
The purpose of this paper is to research on artificial intelligence in power system operation and on transient protection, through the use of discrete control and the continuous control to increase the stability of the power system; transient protection is through the use of relay protection based on...
Proceedings Article

A Synchronous and Closed-Loop Architecture of BCI-Based Rehabilitation System for Stroke with Robot and Virtual Reality

Chuanqi Tan, Fuchun Sun, Wenchang Zhang, Shaobo Liu
In this paper, we proposed a novel architecture of a scalp electroencephalography (EEG) based rehabilitatoin system via brain computer interface with robotic and virtual reality devices. More and more attentions had been taken to the brain computer interface, because it is the only way for some special...
Proceedings Article

Design of a Smart Home Remote Monitoring System Based on C++ and ZigBee

Xuewen Shi, Qinglan Wang, Guangdeng Zong, Tongdui Zhang
In this paper, a smart home remote monitoring system was designed based on C++ and ZigBee. The system is composed of slave subsystem and host subsystem. The slave subsystem is a wireless sensor network designed by using ZigBee, it performs the real-time detection of temperature and humidity, smog, gas...
Proceedings Article

Temperature Control System Based on SCM

Yuxin Lei
In order to control the indoor temperature in a given range automatically, use SCM(single chip microcomputer) 89C52 as the main part is a simple way. The design of the hardware part is shown as FIGURE I and the software part is compiled by 'Keil'. After simulating the system in 'Protues' then begin the...
Proceedings Article

Developing A Fire Monitoring and Control System Based on IoT

Yi Li, Jianjun Yi, Xiaoming Zhu, Zhuoran Wang, Fangwen Xu
An novel fire extinguishing monitoring and control system is proposed in this paper. The system combines online monitoring of fire extinguishing information based on Internet of things (IoT), early fire warning and alarm system with building safety evaluation, which are designed to acquiring the real-time...
Proceedings Article

An Electric Power System Protocol Conversion Method Based on Embedded Platform

Jiang Zhu, Chong Xie, Tao Yan
In the electric power systems, there are many different types of equipment with a variety of different functions. They need to communicate with each other through all kinds of hardware interfaces and software protocols. With the construction of electric power data network and the improvement of automation,...
Proceedings Article

Energy Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Vehicle Networking Applications in Cloud Computing Platform

Zheng Xiao, Bo Wang
This paper expounds the strategic significance of China car networking industry development, the development of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of domestic and foreign car networking industry, the bottleneck problem of all aspects from the development process of different dimensions...
Proceedings Article

A Preliminary Study for Exploring High-speed Train Driver Fatigue Using Eye-gaze Cue

Ronghui Yan, Cheng Wu, Yiming Wang
High-speed railway is seeking for a higher safety level than other public transports because of more passengers and higher speed. However, sleepiness and fatigue occur more frequently for train drivers due to longer operation time and irregular shift schedule. In the paper, we focus on study the particularity...