Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications

The fast advance in AI (Artificial Intelligence) studies and the achievements the scientists have made lately have provided good motives for organizing ICAITA 2016 - the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, which is going to be held on January 24 and 25, 2016 in Bangkok, the capital city of the Kingdom of Thailand. Under this background, ICAITA 2016 will turn itself into an international stage and endeavor to accelerate the application of advanced technologies in AI area.

Though the idea of artificial intelligence is long, the experiments of related theories were not so successfully carried out until the second half of the last century. The invention of computers in the 20th century and its development has greatly boosted AI research. For ICAITA 2016, we have been focusing on the major problems of AI research, including reasoning, self-learning/teaching, planning, natural language processing (communication) and perception etc. The included articles have presented a good knowledge on these subjects.

The organizer for ICAITA 2016, the Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC), Hong Kong, China, has made adequate preparations for this conference. The committee members were selected from hundreds of applications, and the chairs are all professors with expertise and profound influence in such subjects. We have also invited experienced scholars and researchers as reviewers for ICAITA 2016.

The reviewing procedures are also strict and anonymous. Each paper submitted to ICAITA 2016, after removing the author information, will be reviewed by 2 reviewers assigned by the chairs. If the paper is recommended to be accepted by both reviewers, then it will be accepted for publication. Papers accepted by one reviewer but is rejected by the other will be reviewed again by the third expert specially assigned by the chair. Recommendations and suggestions will be returned to the contributor for paper-revising regardless of the reviewing results.

The support to ICAITA 2016 is very generous. Until the deadline, 280 contributions have been submitted to us. These articles cover a wide range of topics of AI research. After reviewing all these papers, 87 papers have been accepted for presentation and publication. These papers are put into five chapters according to their research subject.

Chapter 1: Face, Gesture and Speech Recognition Technology
Chapter 2: Intelligent Searching and Genetic Programming
Chapter 3: Automatic Program Design and Application
Chapter 4: Intelligent Algorithms and Simulation Application
Chapter 5: Intelligent Automation and Control Systems in Manufacturing Industry

It is almost certain that ICAITA 2016 will be a great success with the support from so many people. For this, I would like to express my appreciation to them. My thanks go to the SERC as the organizer, the Atlantis Press as the publisher, the committee members and chairs, the contributors, and others who have helped ICAITA 2016.

The ICAITA 2016 Committees