Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018)

Validity and Reliability Test of Construction of Power Legs Test Measurement

Mona Fiametta F, Firas J, Hadi Sartono, Dudung Hasanudin Cholil
Corresponding Author
Mona Fiametta F
Available Online September 2019.
10.2991/icsshpe-18.2019.102How to use a DOI?
construction measurenemt; leg; power; reliability; test validity

In order to get a maximum of peak performance, we coaches are not allowed to close themselves from the development of the current era because if the coaches close themselves we will lack the creative things we can make for athletes to support the achievements that the coach wants, for example of making measuring instrument. A variety of measuring instrument with their advantages and disadvantages are made to serve as a reference for coaches and many others. Measuring instrument that researchers find is Jump Power Meter, Force Plat, Jump DF which in a fact requires a very high expenditure if done for the test periodically in the periodization of training, with the result that researchers consider having to do research on the construction of power test measurement. The method used in this research is the research and development method. The sample of this research is 30 students of Sport Coaching Education among them 20 males and 10 females. Data retrieval uses the construction of a measuring instrument that has been created in such a way and to determine its validity and reliability of the researchers compared with the vertical jump test. The results concluded that the measurement of power legs tools can be used as a measuring tool of power leg because this power test has validity and reliability with a very strong correlation coefficient.

© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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Volume Title
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018)
Advances in Health Sciences Research
Publication Date
September 2019
10.2991/icsshpe-18.2019.102How to use a DOI?
© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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AU  - Mona Fiametta F
AU  - Firas J
AU  - Hadi Sartono
AU  - Dudung Hasanudin Cholil
PY  - 2019/09
DA  - 2019/09
TI  - Validity and Reliability Test of Construction of Power Legs Test Measurement
BT  - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018)
PB  - Atlantis Press
SP  - 372
EP  - 374
SN  - 2468-5739
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/icsshpe-18.2019.102
ID  - F2019/09
ER  -