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20 articles

Improving Marketing Performance in Construction Companies as a Significant Impact from Value Co-Creation and Business Process Agility

Redi Nusantara, Vincent Didiek Wiet Aryanto, Yohan Wismantoro
The research aims to improve marketing performance as a substantial and positive influence on the relationship between value co-creation and business process agility in Central Java contracting companies. The research approach involved quantitative data collection by sending questionnaires in printed...

Comparative Analysis on the Regulation of Substitute Heir’s Position in the Civil and Islamic Inheritance Law Perspective

Ahmad Redi, Hartini Antasari
Inheritance law is part of family law that plays an important role, even determines and reflects the family system that applies in the society. Inheritance law is closely related to human life as it is related to property and human beings with one another. The study uses the normative juridical research...

Analysis of Income Tax Incentives to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Affected by the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19)

Santi Wulandari, Ahmad Redi
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on people’s social life in all sectors. Social distancing policies have brought about a big change in people’s lifestyles. Deteriorating economic conditions due to the pandemic have made it difficult for people, especially business actors, to make sales, fulfill...

Law Implementation Problem of Duty of Right on Land and Building in Batu City, Malang City. and Malang Regency

Ahmad Redi, Zendy Sellyfio Ardiana
Since the enactment of Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning general provisions and taxation procedures, the Indonesian taxation system absolutely adheres to the self-assessment system which is then marked as policy reform. The change of the taxation system is due to the lack of effectiveness of the procedures...

Analysis of the Government’s Discretionary Policy during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Relation to the Provisions of Article 27 of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1/2020

Ahmad Redi, Fadhil Adrian
Discretion as one of the Government’s legal instruments with various functions and uses, of course, is not carried out arbitrarily, but there are a series of procedures that must be fulfilled. The problem faced in this thesis is how the Government should make discretion in the state of the Covid-19 pandemic...

The Norm Dispute Resolution Through Mediation

Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Ahmad Redi, Shella Felicia
Indonesia has identified itself as the state of law (rechtsstaat). The principle of the rule of law undoubtedly underlies the life of the state and nation by embodying hierarchical legal norms culminating in constitution. However the inconsistency between the laws and regulations is inevitable in constitutional...

Juridical Analysis Towards the Position of Children Born Out of Wedlock Based on Case Decision Number 1/Pdt.P/2018/Pa.Jb And 0269/Pdt.P/2018/Pa.Sda Reviewed from the Decision of The Constitutional Court Number 46/Puu-Viii/2010

Ahmad Redi, Laurent Chandra
Legal protection towards children born out of wedlock is something that needs to be the attention of the family, the State and the community. The State is obliged to provide legal protection towards children born out of wedlock even though the marital status of the parents is still disputed. The unrecognition...

The Effectiveness in the Implementation of Mining License Business in Indonesia (Based on Law Number 23 of 2014 Regarding Region Government)

Kexia Goutama, Ahmad Redi, Amad Sudiro, Gunardi
Mining has gained strong popularity in recent years due to the increase in global demand for metals and other industrial raw material derived from the ground. Therefore, mining is the part of natural recources based on humanity, proved in Article 33 Paragraph (3) Constitution of Republic Indonesia[1]....

Model of Mining and Mineral Mining Exploitation in the Pancasila Perspective and Indonesian Constitution UUD 1945

Luthfi Marfungah, Ahmad Redi, Amad Sudiro, Gunardi
Indonesia has a model of the mineral and coal mining system before independence until now. The arrangement of the mineral and coal mining concession system model was regulated prior to independence with the issuance of Indische Mijnwet Staatsblad of 1899 Number 214 with a concession / permit concession...

Politics of Law Due to the Protection of Land Rights Holders Based on the Rechtsverwerking Principle

Naomi Elvienne Yanto, Gunardi, Ahmad Redi
As is known that legal politics has 2 (two) dimensions. These dimensions include ius constitutum (applicable law) and ius constituendum (the law that is reported). The stigma that law is a political product is true along the das sein if it is based on das sein by conceptualizing the law as a statutory...

The Implementation of Non-Clear and Clean Mineral and Coal Mining Business License Revocation by the Governor of West Sumatera Based on the State Administration Court Decision Number 2 / P / Fp / 2017 / Ptun.Pdg.

Monika Kurnia, Ahmad Redi
In order to control Mining Business Permits, a policy was made regarding the evaluation and procedures for issuing Mining Business Permits and Clear and Clean (CnC) status which is regulated based on Ministerial Regulation Number 43 of 2015. However, even though there are provisions that regulate it,...

Child Gesture as a Form of Non-Verbal Communication

Siti Noor Rochmah, Mutiara Swandhina, Redi Awal Maulana
Child gestures are non-verbal messages that use the body parts such as eyes, mouth, hands that communicate various meanings. Non-verbal communication becomes an integral part of children’s language skills. This paper aims to describe various forms of gesture in early childhood as a form of non-verbal...

The Impact of the Vacancy of Vice-Regent to the Perfomance of Rokan Hulu Regional Government

Ahmad Redi, Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Sugandi Ishak, Tatang Ruchimat, Michael
Indonesia as the state of law must reflect the nature of the rule of law itself. One most important thing to become a rule of law is distribution power. Indonesia doing the distribution with do a separation between Central Goverment and Regional Goverment. Regional goverment taking care of their own...

Analysis Utilization of Forest Area for Palm Oil Plantation for Companies That Do Not Have a Decision Letter for Disclosure of Forest Areas Viewed From Law Regulation (Case Study: PT Kharisma Riau Sentosa)

Ahmad Redi, Astrid Fahmadina
Indonesia is a state law (Rechstaat), that’s why the idea of law must be made commander in chief in the spirit of statehood. The government as a state operator has an important role in the utilization of forest areas for oil palm plantation companies, namely by conducting supervision and control of licensing...

Indonesia’s Commitment to The Paris Agreement Based on Law Number 21 of 2014 Regarding Geothermal Heat

Handi Herawan, Ahmad Redi
The adverse impact of climate change is a major threat to human life and the environment. Therefore, it is the duty of the State to protect its citizens. Indonesia is one of the countries that signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016, The Paris Agreement is in the United Nations Framework Convention...

The Institutional Position of the Corruption Eradication Commission Based on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36/PUU-XV/ 2017 in Terms of the State Institutional Structure

Ahmad Redi, Shintamy Nesyicha Syahril
Corruption Eradication Commission as an anti-corruption institution in Indonesia is a state institution that is independent in carrying out its duties and authority to eradicate corruption. But with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 36 / PUU-XV / 2017, the constitutional judge considers that the...

Politics of Film Needed by National Film Industry in Indonesia

Redi Panuju, Stefanus Rodrick Juraman
This paper discusses the politics of film needed by the national film industry. Indonesia has many periods marked by differing forms of state interference in films. In the Dutch Colonial era, the film was produced solely as entertainment, so the theme was taken from the saga or legend that had previously...

The Effectiveness of Implementing Criminal Sanctions in Mine Business Without Mining Permits in Belitung District

Tantowi Thomas, Ahmad Redi
Bangka Belitung Province was one of the biggest tin producers in Indonesia. According to Bangka Belitung Energy and Mineral Resource Agency, in 2018, Bangka Belitung Province produces 70.418 tons of tin. In Bangka Belitung Province, particularly in Belitung Regency, most of the tin was produced by the...

The Review of Regulations Through Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Ahmad Redi, Shella Felicia
Indonesia has identified itself as the state of law (rechtsstaat). The principle of the rule of law undoubtedly underlies the life of the state and nation by embodying hierarchical legal norms culminating in constitution. However, the inconsistency between the laws and regulations is inevitable in constitutional...

The Role of Local Wisdom in Protecting Mangrove Forest in Bali Province

Ahmad Redi, Tundjung Herning Sitabuana, Fakhrana Izazi Hanifati, Putri Nabila Kurnia Arsyad
One of the Provinces in Indonesia which has its own island and is famous for its special customs is the Province of Bali. Not only are their customs unique, Bali also has abundant natural wealth. One type of natural wealth is Mangrove Forest which is one of the largest mangrove forests in Indonesia as...