Study Of Effectiveness By Using Seawalls With Slopes Of 1:3 And 1:5 On Run Up, Wave Reflection And Overtopping At Selatbaru Beach Of Bengkalis
- 10.2991/978-94-6463-364-1_74How to use a DOI?
- Keywords
- Seawall slope; waves run up; wave reflection; overtopping
- Abstract
Selatbaru Beach is one of the mainstay tourist attractions in Bengkalis Regency after North Rhu Rupat Bay Beach. This beach area is located in the waters of the Melaka Strait, Malaysia. This beach has been built with coastal protection such as Breakwater, Groin and Seawall. The seawall that has been built by the Regional Government is 450 m long to protect the beach from coastal erosion. The current situation is that sea water is overflowing due to high tides, so restaurants along the seawall are affected. So there is a need for a study of this problem to find a solution. Now slope of the seawall is 1:3 with geobag material and geotextile mattress as the outer structure cover of the seawall.
This research wants to carry out experiments on changing the slope of the seawall because this effort is expected to reduce the height of waves that hit the seawall structure, and can reduce wave energy when it hits the structure, and uses data from field measurements and a prototype is made according to the field in the laboratory so that from the test data an analysis is carried out on the effectiveness of changes in seawall slope in reducing wave height.
The wave run up value that occurs at a seawall slope of 1:3 is 0.675, while for a seawall slope of 1:5 it is 0.475. With the freeboard condition of the seawall structure being 0.45, the overtopping at a slope of 1:3 occurs as high as 0.225 m and at a slope of 1:5 the overtopping is only 0.025 so the seawall structure is very safe from overtopping at a slope of 1:5. If there is a rise in sea level due to global warming, the freeboard of the structure will be smaller, namely 0.25 m, with the same run up, the overtopping that occurs at a slope of 1:3 is 0.475 and a slope of 1:5 is 0.275. From the results of the analysis, it is necessary to build seawall slope 1:5 and embankments The recommended embankment height is 0.5 m, so that the land area which is the restorant area is safe from flooding due to overtopping sea water. From the wave test results data, the reflection coefficient value for a slope of 1:3 at 0.45 m freeboard conditions is 0.65, and 0.25 m freeboard conditions is 0.61. Meanwhile, the reflection coefficient value for a slope of 1:5 in the 0.45 m freeboard condition is 0.49, and in the 0.25 m freeboard condition is 0.46. The steeper the slope of the structure, the greater the reflection value, indicating that the structure is able to reduce incoming waves that hit the structure. The results of this research conclude that a safe slope is 1:5 and the addition of embankments 0,5 m at the top of the structure in the restaurant to prevent flooding in the area.
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TY - CONF AU - Zulkarnain Zulkarnain AU - Oni Febriani AU - Lizar Lizar PY - 2024 DA - 2024/02/17 TI - Study Of Effectiveness By Using Seawalls With Slopes Of 1:3 And 1:5 On Run Up, Wave Reflection And Overtopping At Selatbaru Beach Of Bengkalis BT - Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science 2023 (iCAST-ES 2023) PB - Atlantis Press SP - 815 EP - 829 SN - 2352-5401 UR - DO - 10.2991/978-94-6463-364-1_74 ID - Zulkarnain2024 ER -