Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP 2021)

The increasing modernization process due to the discovery of modern communication tools, communication tools, and current information technology has become global. It has led to a new phenomenon in the form of globalization. This phenomenon demands a change in the structure of the legal relationship (legal system), new substances of legal regulation (legal substance), and legal culture (legal culture). Without this change in the legal system, dangers will arise to a peaceful life in different lives. Globalization encourages rapid social change. Rapid social growth due to the modernization process can cause social anxiety and tension (social unrest and social stress). The rapidly changing value system demands new social life norms to preoccupy legislatures, dispute resolution institutions, and efforts to socialize the law.

One of the efforts to reform the law is to conduct a comparative study. Sudarto (1983: 16) also said that one of the objectives of a comparative analysis is to improve the law. The need for legal reform could be due to globalization, which has had many changing impacts. Comparisons are one significant source of knowledge. Comparison can be said as a technique, discipline, implementation, and method by which the values of human life, relationships, and activities are known and evaluated. The importance of comparison has been rewarded in every respect by anyone in study and research. This importance is reflected in the work and writings of scientists, historians, economists, politicians, jurists, and those involved in investigative and research activities. Whatever the ideas, ideals, principles, and theories, all can be formulated and can be said to be the result of the comparative study method. This is what is called a good law.

The contributions of the authors in these articles are the result of their comparative research approach. Jurisprudence as a science of law, the essence of its specialty lies in specific study methods, not in the rules of one country alone, but in the great ideas of the law itself, namely, laws originating from almost all countries in the world. The jurists and legal philosophers have put forward their points of thought regarding the study of law, philosophy, function, and position after carrying out extensive tasks of their respective legal systems and systems of various other countries globally by comparing one another.

Comparative law using a method based on research on the laws of various countries with comparative techniques. A variety of matters relating to the making, application, and administration of law are also found in this method as a guideline, a tool in work skills, and a design for a situation in which the system can be built into their respective spheres of activity by comparing the laws of their country. With other legal systems by changing, modifying, and adding whatever is needed in the scope of further interest in the content of international law, legal studies, trade and commerce, diplomatic and cultural relations that can be reached and the most important thing is not the problem of the field of course, but a reality in services provided to humanity, society and the nation.

Therefore, it is our duty, especially academics, to reflect, think about solutions to existing problems, and analyze potential issues in the future. In connection with this, we present the International Conference forum The Internasional Confrence on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP) thema “Strengthening Policy Planning and Implementation of Energy, Environment, Epidemiology and Information System as a Respond to Industrial Revolution 4.0”. This academic forum will make a significant and influential contribution in all fields of natural and social sciences. In this case, comparative law has significance for the systematic application of relative techniques to the area of law. That is, comparative law tries to study and research law by using a systematic comparison of two or more legal systems, parts of the law, branches of law, and aspects related to law science.

Hopefully, through this conference, there will be many bright ideas from around the world. The issue of comparative law in the forum and discussed together. So that now we can formulate the right steps so that the potential for crashes that arise in the future due to modernization can be minimized so that there is continuity so that current development continues to be oriented towards the end.

The Internasional Confrence on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP)
Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, S.H.,M.M.