Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2017)

Session: Innovation on Teaching and Learning

17 articles
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization (SECI) Through EDMODO Application to Improve Student Group's Learning Outcomes

Agustian Prasetya, Kamang Taroreh
The purpose of this study is to implement SECI through ED-MODO in classroom learning as well as to improve student group's learning outcomes in terms of their cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This study utilized an application program named EDMODO as an assisting media in the process of...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach on Students' Mathematical Representation Ability

Ahmad Fauzan, Edwin Musdi, Riri Yani
In this research, the researchers compared mathematical repre-sentation ability between the students who were taught using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and those who were taught using conventional approach, according to their gender and learning styles. This quasi experimental research was carried...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Contextual Teaching and Learn-ing-Based Comic as a Learning Media for Elementary School Students

Ais Rosyida, Mr. Mustaji, Waspodo Subroto
The research aimed at developing and testing the validity, practi-cality, as well as the effectiveness of learning a learning media in the form of comic based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Social studies. Observation model and development model (R&D) of Borg and Gall used were the research....
Proceedings Article

The Use of Project-Based Learning Using Visual Art to Increase Students' Interest and Creativity

Ajin Prianji, Wahono Widodo, Tjandra Kirana
The aim of this study was to produce a valid, practical, and effective learning material for project-based learning using visual art to increase the elementary school students' interest and creativity. This research was conducted through three stages of 4-D model contrived by Thiagarajan et al. The results...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Discovery Learning Model With SETs Approach For Science Learning in Junior High School

Ani Hidayati, Yatim Riyanto, Luthfiyah Nurlela
This study aimed at developing the discovery learning model with SETs approach for science learning. This research used research and development (R&D) design proposed by Borg and Gall's model that was modified into nine steps. The subjects of the try-out were the eighth-grade students in junior high...
Proceedings Article

The Ability of Math Teachers to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Tasks

Mr. Burhanuddin, Mr. Sugiman
This study aims to describe the ability of junior high school math teachers to develop higher-order thinking tasks in Kutai Timur district. The kind of research was a survey with documentation method. A number of respondents were 34 math teachers of jun-ior high school which certified in Kutai Timur...
Proceedings Article

Inquiry / Discovery-Based Instruction to Improve Critical Thinking Skills and Mastery of Physics Concepts

Choirul Huda, Sudi Aji, Muhammad Hudha, Mr. Wartono, F. Gamat
Inquiry/discovery-based instruction is a teaching model that en-ables students actively and independently discover and acquire their knowledge. The role of the teacher is only as a facilitator that guides them to discover and solve the problems they encounter. Using one group pretest and postest design,...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model of Think Pair Square with Problem Posing Task on Students' Mathematics Learning Outcome

Mr. Darsono
This study aims to look into the influence of coperative learning model of think pair share (TPS) with problem-posing task on students' learning outcomes as well as analyze the students' responses toward the learning model and the effectiveness of the learning model after the treatment on the topic of...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Self-Regulated Learning to Wards on The Ability to Understand A Concept of Pratical Chemical Engineering Operation

Dwi Lestariningsih, Lutfiyah Nurlaela, Andi Mariono
The purpose of this research is to reveal the impact of self-regulated learning on the result of a learning, especially the ability to understand the concept of practical chemical engineering oper-ation. Self-regulated learning is an ability that can be measured through the level of participation, it...
Proceedings Article

Problem based learning model assisted edmodo

Fitriana Sari, Mr. Supana, Sarwiji Suwandi
This qualitative descriptive research aimed to (1) describe the content of character education value viewed from the philosophical meaning of Javanese script, (2) improve the character of students through Javanese script. Semiotic system approach of Pierce was used to analyze the objects of research...
Proceedings Article

Primary Literacy Program: Integrating Reading and Writing in The Classroom

Ida Dewi, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Luh Artini
This study aims at describing literacy program which integrates reading and writing in English for young learner classes in North Bali Bilingual Schools. The study follows a descriptive qualitative design, involving 4 teachers, school principal and 56 students of grade 4, 5, and 6. The data are collected...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Paikem Learning Model within Direct Instruction and Cooperative Learning Setting towards 9th Graders Learning Mastery

Khusniatus Shobikhah
One of primary reasons of learning in the curriculum 2013 is based on strategy which is principled on PAIKEM learning. This study aimed at knowing students' learning mastery and students' response. Type of this research is Classroom Action Research that consists of 2 cycles with formative test and questionnaire...
Proceedings Article

Exploring The Use of Literacy Strategies in Junior High School Level

Kisyani Laksono, Pratiwi Retnaningdyah
The 2013 Indonesian curriculum requires that literacy be incorporated into teaching learning process. This paper aims to (1) identify literacy strategies that have and not have been planned in learning steps; (2) identify literacy strategies that were used in teaching practice sessions. The data were...
Proceedings Article

Collaboration in EFL Classes: Listening to Teachers' and Students' Voices

Luh Artini, Ni Nyoman Padmadewi
The 21st century learning is characterized by the 4Cs: Collabora-tion, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Communication. Peda-gogical practices, therefore, should accommodate interactions and active thinking among students. Putting students into groups is one strategy that can be expected to encourage...
Proceedings Article

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat: Learning Mathematics Based on Ethnomathematics

Maulida Yulianti, Ilania Andari, Dwi Nurhayati
This research aims to explore mathematics and make the steps of learning mathematics that exist in some objects in the Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Yogyakartan Palace). Some objects had been analyzed based on Realistic Mathematics Education scheme and the learning stage was made with scientific...
Proceedings Article

Techniques for Building Character and Literacy for 21st Century Education

Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Luh Artini, Putu Putu Kerti Nitiasih
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze techniques of building character and literacy needed for 21 century at school. The research was conducted at North Bali Bilingual School in Bali, involving 5 teachers, the school principal, and 56 students from Grade 4, 5, and 6. The data were collected...
Proceedings Article

Problem-based learning in static fluid topic of physics module

Sudi Aji, Muhammad Hudha, Choirul Huda, Qorirotul Aini
This research was intended to develop a physics module based on problem-based learning in static fluid topic to improve eleventh grade students' critical thinking skills. This study was Research and Development (R&D) based on Brog and Gall. The instrument of this research is in the form of quality assessment...