Proceedings of the 2022 4th International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2022)

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202 articles
Proceedings Article

Alleys as a Methodology: Urban Space Study in the 1930s Shanghai Leftist Cinema

Xinyi Li
Urban, as a discourse expression in Roland Barthes’ Urban Semiology, not only possesses materiality and functionality, but also conveys the emotional relationship with citizens through specific landscapes. The alley, one of the typical landscapes in Shanghai, has witnessed the significant proceeding...
Proceedings Article

A Study on the Effect of Immersion Experience on the Communication Effect of Intangible Heritage Culture: A Case Study of Nanjing Yunjin Museum

Hongyan Dong, Man Yuan
In order to promote the integration of cultural tourism and improve the effect of museum tourism products on the dissemination of intangible heritage culture, this paper conducted a survey and research using Nanjing Yunjin Museum as a case study. After collecting data through questionnaires, SPSS 23.0...