Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culture and Sustainable Development (ICOCAS 2024)
52 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Gani Nur Pramudyo, Izmy Khumairoh, Marta Widyawati
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at The 2nd International Conference on Culture and Sustainable Development (ICOCAS) 2024 during 6–7 August 2024 in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Multicultural Values in Batik Sawunggaling Motifs: A Semiotic and Cultural Pluralism Analysis
Ana Irhandayaningsih
Batik Pekalongan is renowned for its cultural richness and aesthetic beauty. However, there is a lack of comprehensive research on how its motifs, particularly Sawunggaling, reflect multicultural values through cultural pluralism and tolerance. This study investigates the symbolic and cultural integration...
Proceedings Article
Trans Women in the Spectacle Room: Ambiguity Between the Construction of Masculinity and Femininity
Vania Pramudita Hanjani, Dinara Tsafina Asmarani, Rafaela Tiara Devitasari
Society in Java is still related to patriarchal culture which upholds standards of masculinity for men. Because of this standardization, it becomes taboo when men cannot fulfil masculinity standards. In the social reality of Semarang as the capital of Central Java Province, the existence of trans women...
Proceedings Article
The Role of the Kemono Community in Tourism Growth
Kesawa Dimas Kurniawan, Arsi Widiandari
Tourism is about relieving or disconnecting ourselves from the daily crowdedness of life, and it sometimes involves experiencing new things and moving or visiting a new place The popularity of a tourist spot is sometimes based on some factors; one of them is how society offers a unique experience exclusive...
Proceedings Article
Women’s Empowerment Representation in Japanese Anime: A Case Study of Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume
Fajria Noviana
As a part of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 5, which addresses “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”, women’s empowerment has become widely called for worldwide, both in the real world and the literary world, as literary works reflect life. As a reflection of life, portraying...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Capital in The Production of Literary Book in Parist Penerbit (The Field of Cultural Production Analysis)
Fajrul Falah, Dewi Lestari
This research discusses the role of capital in the production process of literary book at Parist Penerbit, a publishing unit of Paradigma Institute in Kudus. The publisher is known for the background of its founders who are mostly journalists, as well as its focus on nonfiction prose. Using Pierre Bourdieu's...
Proceedings Article
Myths About Semarang City Through the Songs Semarang Ceria, Semarang Senja, and Semarang
Muhammad Hamdan Mukafi, Evy Yanti Agustin
Every space has meaning, including a city, which exists through a set of meanings people believe in. For example, Yogyakarta is interpreted as a space for angkringan, rindu, and pulang by Joko Pinurbo's poetry, and the public widely agrees. Similarly, Surabaya is also known by the motto jancuk,...
Proceedings Article
The Islands are Inhabited Only by Women: Ethereal Worlds, Ethereal Others and Selves Depicted in Hikayat Tamīm Al-Dāri and Wonder Woman (2017)
Herpin Nopiandi Khurosan, Aulia Wilda Sholikhah, Muhammad Irham Maolana
Tamīm Al-Dāri is an enigmatic historical figure who is often associated with Islamic eschatology. His story became the basis for various medieval stories in the Arab, European, and Classical Malay worlds. In the hikayat, there is a story fragment that is similar to the film Wonder Woman (2017) related...
Proceedings Article
Close Your Eyes and Relax: Secularizing Meditative Practice among Indonesian Non-Buddhist Youths
Izmy Khumairoh, Maria Gratia Rosarina, Marsella Tri Anjani
The way each person deals with problems in his or her life certainly varies, but in this era of neoliberalism, there is a tendency for individuals to rely on their own abilities, for example through self-care activities. Holding on to religion, which is a traditional product, is not an impossibility...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Interior Design of the Library, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University
Jumino Jumino, Nadya Indri Kusumarini
Interior design has an important role for a library. College libraries are no exception. Interior design in a library can influence the comfort and interest of visitors as well as the impression given to the library. One of the efforts made to achieve good interior design is by renovating the library...
Proceedings Article
Morphological Process of Euphemisms for Nativity, Marriage, and Mortality in Japanese
Yahya Adhar Guswara, Reny Wiyatasari
Humans experience three phases in life, namely birth, marriage, and death. Nativity symbolizes the beginning of life, the moment when a new human being begins to breathe the air of the world. It is an event that brings great joy to the family and community, a symbol of hope and the future. Marriage as...
Proceedings Article
Political Framing and Woman’s Image in Media Coverage During The 2024 General Election
Riris Tiani, Izza Nadiya Hikma
The role of women is often placed in the domestic sphere so that this affects the formation of women's image when participating in the public sector. Women's representation in political contestation in the 2024 elections is a discourse that cannot be missed because this is an important indicator...
Proceedings Article
Simple Steps Documentation of Local Culture through Short Videos for Libraries
Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi
Libraries are producers, preservatories, and communicators of local culture. However, limited funds, infrastructure, and capabilities often need more attention to this role. The research aims to present a straightforward stage in making local cultural documentation using short videos for libraries. This...
Proceedings Article
Elevating the “Sedekah Laut Jepara” Tradition Towards Indonesian International Tourism: A Comparative Study with the “Fête de La Mer” Sea Festival Tradition in the City of Bordeoux, France
Sri Indrahti, Arravi Rizal Firmansyah, Erisca Dwi Putri, Bintang Andini
The Sedekah Laut Jepara tradition or Lomban tradition is a tradition passed down from generation to generation which is still preserved because of its existence as a symbol of gratitude to God Almighty for the abundance of marine products provided. This tradition has the potential to become an international...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Dynamics among Indonesia Migrant Worker in Various Countries: Returned Migrants Point of View
Suyanto Suyanto, Tari Purwanti, Fajrul Falah
As a melting pot of different cultures and backgrounds, host countries often present a challenge for migrants to maintain their cultural identity. This is especially true for Indonesian migrants who leave their home country in search of better opportunities in new lands. However, the journey to adapt...
Proceedings Article
Postmemory: Trauma Inheritance and Testimonial Objects in the Novel Namaku Alam by Leila S. Chudori
Yuniardi Fadilah, Archimedes Attila Puspasari Marcaida
This research aims to analyze the inheritance of memory of the past to the generation after related to the issues described in the novel Namaku Alam by Leila S. Chudori. This inheritance of memory seems to show that the political event of G30S/PKI, which is the background of the story, is a traumatic...
Proceedings Article
A Sociological Analysis of Ideological Constructs in “The Little Prince”
Natasya Amanda Azzahra, Sulistya Ningtyas
In contemporary societal discourse, “The Little Prince,” an allegorical fable by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, highlights its reflection of and critique of societal norms. This paper elucidates these societal norms through the theoretical lens of Slavoj Žižek’s ideological constructs and shows how characters...
Proceedings Article
The Image of Tokyo in BTS’s RM’s Song “tokyo”
Dian Annisa Nur Ridha
K-Pop includes music, choreography, and lyrics that contain meaningful messages. One of its messages is regarding mental health awareness. In this modern era, mental health is essential to fulfilling human health and well-being. However, this aspect has yet to gain attention in society. The K-Pop phenomenal...
Proceedings Article
Preserving Musical Heritage: A Preliminary Study
Gani Nur Pramudyo, Tri Indrawati, Virtu Ozo Fable Tchaikovsky
The study aims to explore the preservation of musical heritage: A preliminary study. Therefore, the study is qualitative with a multi-case study approach. Data collection perform by observation and collect documents. Coding stages (open, axial, and selective code) was used to data analysis. To validate...
Proceedings Article
Magical Realism in the Form of Sexuality at Adia Puja’s Mustika Zakar Celeng (Perspective of Wendy B. Faris’ Magical Realism)
Siti Komariya, Ifroh Alfi Asykariya
Magical realism is a genre that specifically discusses realist and magical forms. One form of real and magical that can be associated with text narratives is sexuality. This is because sexuality is a part of life that is unconsciously divided into magical and real things. The theory used in this research...
Proceedings Article
The Esoteric Meaning of Yusup’s Lontar Text in The Osing Banyuwangi Community
Muhammad Abdullah, Dyah Pamularsih
This lontar’s Yusup is an old literary form of traditional poetry. There is an esoteric aspect to Lontar Yusup. The Lontar Yusup manuscript consists of four basic songs and 12 pupuh. One of the pupuhs is the pupuh Kasmatran Kawitan (Samudana), contains the journey of the Prophet Yusuf when he was his...
Proceedings Article
Expression of Intimacy: Rereading Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “First Time He Kissed Me, He but Only Kissed”
Ariya Jati
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “First time he kissed me, he but only kissed” is unveiling. Yet, it is often overshadowed by her more celebrated poems. This study attempts for a renewed perusal of this sonnet. This study will reveal not only figurative language, but it also historical background of the...
Proceedings Article
The Emergence of Environmentalism Among Urban Coastal Communities: A Case Study of the Tambakrejo Community in Semarang, Central Java
Dani Mohammad Ramadhan
This research investigates the burgeoning environmental consciousness within the Tambakrejo community, an urban coastal populace in Semarang, Central Java. It examines how environmentalism has evolved as a response to the unique challenges faced by this community due to its proximity to the coast and...
Proceedings Article
International Internship Experiences of Japanese Language and Culture Students through a Human Security Approach
Dewi Saraswati Sakariah
This study aims to assess the personal security status and experiences of students from the Bachelor of Japanese Language and Culture Program at Diponegoro University who are participating in an internship program in Japan through the Japan JIPA, using a Human Security approach. Despite Japan's...
Proceedings Article
Myth and Legends of Telaga Warna in Wonosobo: A Literary Tourism Destination
Muhamad Hermintoyo, Anisya Putri Mahardika
Oral literature holds a significant place in Indonesian culture, and legends are a prominent form of folklore. These tales often narrate the origins of places, often intertwined with myths. One such example is the legend of Telaga Warna (“Colorful Lake”) in Wonosobo Regency, Java, Indonesia. This research...
Proceedings Article
Manifestation of Self-image in the Zepeto Avatar
Khothibul Umam, Muhamad Hakim Dwy Putra Kandiyastyanto
Initially online games appeared as video games. As a new media, video games are a representation of reality that is created and transferred through the coding of a reading system through a sign system, coupled with sound. A video console system, defined as a television and console unit, directs the user...
Proceedings Article
Experiencing Jakarta as a Female Resident: The Representation of Young Lower-Class Urban Women in Indonesian Film
Marta Widyawati
Many Indonesian people believe that Jakarta, the capital, can provide a better life for the majority of its residents. It is commonly assumed that an urban environment will offer a superior quality of life compared to a rural one. However, the movie The Day Before the Wedding depicts the experiences...
Proceedings Article
Investigating the Role of Cultural Innovation and Creativity in the Kitakyushu Art Festival for Sustainable Living
Rahma Amorita Maharani, Nisia Nur Dwi Agusta
The Kitakyushu Art Festival tries to represent SDGs points through works of art from various artists. The connection between the Kitakyushu Art Festival and the SDGs raises a question, how do artists present innovative works of art that represent SDGs values at the Kitakyushu Art Festival. The purpose...
Proceedings Article
Identifying the Form of Puji-pujian Ahead of Congregational Prayers Prayer on the North Coast of Central Java
Nur Fauzan Ahmad, Bekti Noviani Maghfiroh
Praise activities before congregational prayers, which used to be a habit of the Muslim community, are now beginning to erode in line with the development of the times. To save this tradition in the midst of the threat of modernization that can erode local cultural values, it is necessary to collect...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Yoko Sato’s Koutarou no Uta Poem in Arigatou no Uta Poetry Anthology Book
Nur Hastuti
This study aims to determine the representation of the actual story events that occurred during the tsunami earthquake that shook Japan in 2011. This research uses Rifattere’s semiotic approach to understand the meaning of the text in the poem more deeply through heuristic reading, hermeneutic reading,...
Proceedings Article
Kartini Kebaya: The Influence of Foreign Culture in Javanese Women’s Clothing
Siti Maziyah, Ratih Kumala Sari
Clothing is one of the results of human culture which always changes as one culture meets another. Kartini kebayais a clothing style for Javanese noblewomen that was popular around the 19th century. The problem discussed in this article is the development of women’s clothing in Java. What cultural influences...
Proceedings Article
Metaphors in Japanese News Coverage of the Middle East Conflict in 2024
Fahma Amalia Hanifa, Sriwahyu Istana Trahutami
Figures of speech that compare one concept to another without using a conjunction are called metaphors. Metaphors are crucial components in the construction of mass media narratives, which have a significant influence on public opinion. The Middle East, a region of strategic importance due to the region's...
Proceedings Article
Critical Discourse Analysis of Tempo News: Uncovering Power Relations in the Corruption Case of PT Timah Tbk Using Norman Fairclough’s Theory
Suharyo Suharyo, Alaina Aisya Fasyya
This research analyzes Tempo’s coverage of corruption at PT Timah Tbk using Norman Fairclough’s approach, involving three dimensions: text, discursive practice, and socio-cultural practice. The study examines Tempo’s article titled “Profile of PT Timah, a State-Owned Subsidiary Involved in the Timah...
Proceedings Article
User Experience in the Library Science Perspective
Yuli Rohmiyati
The understanding of the concept of user experience is different depending on the scientific point of view to study it. User experience design implies a commitment to a user-focused approach to the development of systems, products or services. This article aims to find the state of user experience in...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Values Orientation of African Traditional Society in Ngungi Wa Thiong’o’s A Meeting in The Dark and Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path
Hadiyanto Hadiyanto
This research paper analyzes cultural values orientation of African traditional society in Ngungi Wa Thiong’o’s A Meeting in The Dark and Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the kinds of cultural values orientation reflected in two Anglophone literary works....
Proceedings Article
ChatGPT Potential for Improving Library Services
Gusnaldi Kristiadi Syah, Athanasia Octaviani Puspita Dewi, Heriyanto Heriyanto
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is now rapidly developing in various fields, such as healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and education. With these significant advancements, AI is becoming increasingly important in helping humans perform various complex tasks. One form of AI that is currently...
Proceedings Article
Labeling and Identity Construction in Teenagers
Dwi Wulandari
Labeling is particular term used to refer someone to particular references or meaning. It is part of identity construction as by giving and accepting label, people are putting themselves on categories. Labeling is quite common used by people, especially those of teenagers. This study is designed to reveal...
Proceedings Article
The Construction and Meaning of Compound Nouns in The Short Story “Remon” by Kajii Motojiro
Elizabeth Ihan Rini, Leli Aryani
The most common types of words in Japanese sentence formation are noun vocabulary. Noun compound words are formed by combining two or more words to produce a word in the noun category. The combination of words in compound nouns comprises words with diverse origins and categories when viewed from their...
Proceedings Article
Seeing the Varied Developed Students’ Skills Using the Perspective of IB’s (International Baccalaureate) ATL (Approaches to Learning) Through Teacher Librarian’s Library Activities: A Systematic Literature Review on Tandfonline Database
Yessi Trianda, Ika Krismayani
This research studies the developed skills of students that are participated into the library activities held by teaching librarians, the skills are seen through International Baccalaureate (IB)’s Approaches to Learning skills. The urgency of this research is to see the foundational base of knowledge...
Proceedings Article
The Attitude of Teacher Librarians in Sekolah Dasar Tumbuh in Facing Workloads for Creating Condusiveness of Learning
Mecca Arfa, Rizal Gani Kaharudin
Teacher-librarian (TL) is a general term for librarians in school libraries, where librarians have qualifications as teachers and library managers. One of the implementations of TL is at the SD Tumbuh Library located in Yogyakarta City. TL SD Tumbuh has two main tasks that must be carried out, namely...
Proceedings Article
Diction in the Lyrics of Noah’s Band Song in the Album of Keterkaitan-Keterikatan
Mujid Farihul Amin, Putri Indah Marsudiono, Yohanna Margareta
The purpose of this study is to explain the lexical diction in the lyrics of the Noah Band Group song in the album Keterkaitan-Keterikatan. In this study, data is in the form of song lyrics from the seven songs in the album. A qualitative method is used in this study whose implementation includes three...
Proceedings Article
Elements of Religiosity in The Lyrics of The Song “Menjaring Matahari” by Ebiet G Ade (Semiotic Analysis of Riffatere)
Moh. Muzakka, Syahna Salsabila Rusydi
“Menjaring Matahari” is one of the hit songs by Ebiet G Ade which was launched in 1987. This song explains that humans always need God in their lives. This study aims to describe the meaning of the lyrics of the song “Menjaring Matahari” about the elements of religiosity contained in it. To reveal the...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Conservation in Tugurejo Mangrove Forest, Semarang City in SDG-13 Framework
Slamet Subekti, Hilda Nurmala Risani
Coastal areas bring both advantages and disadvantages. The abundant potential of marine resources benefits local communities, but the potential for disaster cannot be avoided. One of the disasters in coastal areas is abrasion. In this regard, what are local communities doing to overcome the threat of...
Proceedings Article
The Connotative Meaning of Song Lyrics of “Perjalanan Menjaring Matahari” and “Ketegaran Hati Seorang Pengemis dan Anaknya” by Ebiet G. Ade
Sri Puji Astuti, Safira Diniya Azis Sefrizal, Aramuti Bunga Shakila
Ebiet G. Ade has his own notable style in creating songs lyrics. His songs are not only pleasant to the ears, but also contain consequential meaning. The purpose of this research is to analyse the meaning behind the lyrics of “Perjalanan Menjaring Matahari” and “Ketegaran Hati Seorang Pengemis dan Anaknya”...
Proceedings Article
Cultured Democracy: An Effort to Build a Civilized Political Life
Sri Rahayu Wilujeng
Humans are cultural creatures. Human culture develops from simple culture to complex culture in a very diverse life. As cultural creatures, all areas of human life cannot be separated from cultural issues. Nowadays, the political sector is very important and has a strong influence on the lives of people...
Proceedings Article
Traces of Literacy Development in Indonesia the New Order Era: A Case Study of the Library Collection SD Negeri Manyaran 01 Semarang
Tri Handayani
This research is a socio-political historical study that discusses political decisions as part of the New Order era government's efforts to eradicate illiteracy. The discussion is related to the development of the theme of reading books published in Indonesia during that era. The locus of the research...
Proceedings Article
Women: Body, Sexuality and Power in the Novel Sang Tandak by Yit Prayitno
Laura Andri Retno M, Akmal Dwi Pramudya
This article will discuss the representation of women in the novel Sang Tandak by Yit Prayitno, focusing on the themes of body, sexuality, and power. The novel illustrates the complexity of the relationship between women and society, and how women's bodies become a terrain for expressing and negotiating...
Proceedings Article
The Evolution of Ceramic Crafts in Mayong Lor, Jepara: A Historical Perspective
Alamsyah, Vicky Verry Angga
This research aims to reveal the dynamics of the development of the ceramic craft industry in Mayong Lor Village, Jepara, from the time of Ratu Kalinyamat to the modern period. The historical method with the stages of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography is used in this research....
Proceedings Article
The Traumatic Consequences of Becoming a Transgender in Meredith Russo’s If I Was Your Girl
Ratna Asmarani
The issues of transgender is becoming more or more common not only in real life but also in works of literature in the modern and postmodern eras. However, these issues are still vulnerable and controversial ones as well as not being discussed openly among the laymen. The aim of this paper is to analyse...
Proceedings Article
Rebranding “Nasi Uwet” as Pekalongan City Traditional Cuisine for Culinary Tourism as Part of Javanese Culture Maintenance
R. Aj. Atrinawati
Using abundant but wasted raw material as a food source and processing it into decent meals is part of Javanese local wisdom to fulfil their daily need, save their environment, and earn money by selling the meal as a commercial product. This research shows how H. Zarkasi processes goat innard into delicious...
Proceedings Article
Renewable Energy Development Research Trends in Scientific Publications 2013–2022 Based on Bibliometric Analysis
Fadiyah Hanifah Anggraeni, Putut Suharso
The development of scientific literature plays a crucial role in the advancement of science and technology, including the fields of library science and Renewable Energy Development (RED). Research on renewable energy development has been a major focus in recent decades, yet the mapping of RED research...
Proceedings Article
Ethics of Using Social Media in the Global Era: As an Effort to Build a Dignified Young Generation
Sri Sudarsih
This research focuses on ethics in using social media in the global era as an effort to build a dignified young generation. Social media is a communication medium that is very important for human life, but reality shows that these ethical values are often ignored. The aim of this research is to analyze...