Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT-8 2020)

Welcome to the Eighth of the International Conference on English Language and Teaching 2020 (ICOELT-8 2020) is an Annual conference hosted by English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang. The Committee is pleased to present the Proceedings of 2020 ICOELT held by English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The organizing committee believes and trusts the editors and reviewers have been true to the spirit of collegiality reviewed papers, provided feedback and now present a strong body of published work in this collection of proceedings published by Atlantis Press.

Corona Virus Pandemic brings the massive influences in many aspects of our lives especially in English Language Teaching, Linguistic and Literary Studies. In ELT sector, for instance, excessive use of digital media and internet by teachers-students interaction often influences teaching and learning process, even linguistic and literary studies. In line with this, researchers and practitioners keep exploring new ideas for continuous quality improvement and finding solutions to emerging problems through field studies and classroom research. In this case, UNP as higher education institution should become a center of excellence where academics can inform and discuss the result of their studies and classroom best practices, and share ideas.

The ICOELT 2020 conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, teachers, and students from all over the world to share innovations and new trends realized in their experiences and their current research results and learn from each other on several aspects of ELT, linguistic and literary studies. The theme of the ICOELT-8 2020 is “English Language Teaching and Research in the Digital Era: Challenges and Possibilities”. This general theme is intended to accommodate various interests and expertise in the field of ELT, and Linguistic and Literary Studies.

We would like to express our best gratitude to Rector of Universitas Negeri Padang, Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D.; and Dean of FBS UNP, Prof. Dr. Ermanto, M.Hum. for their tremendous support. Furthermore, we are very grateful to have keynote speakers coming from different countries that certainly enhance our knowledge and understanding about research and the teaching on ELT and Linguistic and Literary Studies. We would like to thank the all keynote speakers: Assoc Prof Lee Kooi Cheng (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Dr. Lajiman bin Janoory (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia), Dr. Melissa Barnes (Monash University, Australia), Prof. Dr. Jufrizal, M.Hum. (Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia).

We would like to extend our gratitude to all speakers for their participation and presence at this conference. Hopefully, all participants and other interested readers will benefit scientifically from the proceedings and also find it stimulating in the process. All submitted conference papers were blind-reviewed by competent reviewers.

Padang, 7 November, 2020

Prof. Dr. M. Zaim, M.Hum.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Havid Ardi, M.Hum.
Affandi Arianto, M.Pd.
Ainul Addinna, M.A.