Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Law, Government and Social Justice (ICOLGAS 2020)

197 authors
Perwira, Candra Putra
Effectiveness of Prisoners’ Online Visit in Penitentiary Class IIA Permisan Nusakambangan
Prakasa, Satria Unggul Wicaksana
Transnational Corruption and Its Impact on Indonesian Jurisdiction
Prananingrum, Dyah Hapsari
The Role of Law in the Improvement of Maternal Health in Central Sumba
Prasetyo, Beny Timor
The Importance of Restorative Justice in the Settlement of Criminal Actions Which Harm an Individual Interest
Pratiwi, Citra Resmi Nanda Putri
Employment Law System in the Covid-19 and New Normal Pandemic Periods
Prayitno, Isnu Harjo
Arrangement of Procurement of Defense Equipment That Supports the Development of the Defense Industry
Prihartinah, Tri Lisiani
The Law Impact on the Inheritance of Nominee Arrangement in Indonesia to the Third Party of Share Buyers
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
Employment Law System in the Covid-19 and New Normal Pandemic Periods
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
Sustainability and Its Responsibility
Purwadi, Hari
Diversion Urgency in Traffic Violations Committed by Minors
Purwanto, Eko
Mapping Effectiveness of Criminal Terrorism in Achieving Deradicalization in the High Risk Pasir Putih Nusakambangan
Purwo, Al Qodar
Authority Dynamic Law of Central and Regional Governments in Managing Natural Resources
Putra, Panca Sarjana
Tracing the Logic Fallacy in Formulating the Norms of “Everyone” and Its Application to Criminal Actions Committed by Corporations
Putranti, Deslaely
Legal Protection Towards Geographical Indication of Meranti Liberika Coffee According to Law Number 20 of 2016 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Putri, Gracia Jasmine Sunaryo
Social Welfare for the Adoption of Displaced Children by Foreign Citizens
Putri, Mery Christian
The Role of the Constitutional Court as a Stimulator of the Amendment of Traffic and Road Transport Act
Putri, Uni Tsulasi
Indonesian Republic Government’s Role in Handling Refugees in Pekanbaru According to the Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 concerning Handling Refugees
Putri, Uni Tsulasi
The Protection of Rights to Education for the Refugee Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Effect of Globalization on the National Legal Policies of Human Rights
Rahayu, Lilik Puja
Legal Protection for Freelance Daily Employee in Salt Pond Madura
Rahayu, Lilik Puja
The Problem of Norm on the Retroactive Patent Certificate
Rahayu, Lilik Puja
Legal Protection of Children Forced to Work
Rahayu, Puji
Autopsy Findings on a Corpse With Blunt Trauma Suspected Murder (Case Report)
Ramadani, Rizki
The Needed but Unwanted Independent Regulatory Agencies: Questioning Their Legitimacy and Control in Indonesia
Sabila, Sharfina
The Role of the Constitutional Court as a Stimulator of the Amendment of Traffic and Road Transport Act
Safira, Armelia
Cyber Attack - The Burden of International Crime Proof: Obstacles and Challenges
Sagala, Chris Ayu Berta Uli
Position of Non-Marital Children in Inheritance Reviewed From Tengger’s Adat Law
Said, Nurfaidah
The Role of “Mantri” in Reporting the Feasibility Data of the Prospective Debtor and Its Effect on the Number of Bad Loans
Sari, Hamdono
Correctional Institution Policy (prison) in Assimilating Covid Virus 19 (Corona)
Sari, Retno Dewi Pulung
Propria Delicht on Indonesian Financial Policy Relating to Covid-19
Satriana, I Made Wahyu Chandra
The Problem of Norm on the Retroactive Patent Certificate
Sayyaf, R. Tanzil Fawaiq
Alternative Dispute Resolution as a Solution to Family Law Issue (Field Study at the Muhammadiyah Branch Leaders in Tegalgondo, Malang)
Schmitz, Thomas
COVID-19 Response and Human Rights - Comments From the German and European Perspective
Setiabudi, Awal
The Effectiveness of Providing Integration in Reducing Overcapacity at the Penitentiary
Sewu, Pan Lindawaty Suherman
The Prospect of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Business Dispute Resolution in the Legal System in Indonesia
Shalihah, Fithriatus
Indonesian Republic Government’s Role in Handling Refugees in Pekanbaru According to the Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 concerning Handling Refugees
Shalihah, Fithriatus
Legal Protection Towards Geographical Indication of Meranti Liberika Coffee According to Law Number 20 of 2016 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Shalihah, Fithriatus
The Protection of Rights to Education for the Refugee Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Shinta, Meinar Ayu Dewi
Problem Analysis of Proposing Parole Relation to Narcotics Prisoners Related to PP Number 99 Year 2012 in Nusakambangan Narcotics Prison
Sidik, Dodik Umar
Arrangement of Procurement of Defense Equipment That Supports the Development of the Defense Industry
Sinaga, Benny Rikardo P.
Fair and Beneficial Tobacco Excise Sharing Funds Regulations for Tobacco Farmers in Indonesia
Sinaga, Henry Dianto Pardamean
Legal Reconstruction of Tax-Sharing Funds in Indonesia: Towards the Progressive and Democratic Tax Function
Siregar, Musa Anthony
The Meaning and Development of State Emergency Laws Based on Constitution in the Indonesian Legal System
Diversion Urgency in Traffic Violations Committed by Minors
Soenaryo, Moch
The Effectiveness of Fostering Independence for Prisoners as a Provision for Community Reintegration
Solichin, Sudjari
Forensic Identification of Workplace Accidents Causing Death (A Case Report)
E-Proxy Implementation in General Meeting of Shareholders for Public Companies in the Pandemic Era Covid-19
Sudra, Rano Indradi
The Urgency of Regulation Regarding Standardization of Documentation in Electronic Medical Records
Sudrajat, Tedi
The Ideals of Pancasila Law in the Process of Forming Legislation
Suganda, Atma
The Meaning and Development of State Emergency Laws Based on Constitution in the Indonesian Legal System
Sugiarti, Yayuk
Legal Protection for Freelance Daily Employee in Salt Pond Madura
Sugiarti, Yayuk
The Problem of Norm on the Retroactive Patent Certificate
Sugiarti, Yayuk
Legal Protection of Children Forced to Work
Political Law Crime Money Politics in General Elections and Regional Head Elections
Social Welfare for the Adoption of Displaced Children by Foreign Citizens
Human Rights and Biological Needs of Prisoners
Sulistyawati, Ni Putu Yunika
The Problem of Norm on the Retroactive Patent Certificate
Sumarna, Boru Dwi
The Study of Natuna Island Dispute Between Indonesia and China, Based on UNCLOS 1982
Review of the Juvenile Justice System for Children With Disabilities as Juvenile Offender in Indonesia
The State of Indonesia Needs Investment to Accelerate Infrastructure Development After New Normal Policies Due to Covid-19
Comparison of Regulations on Human Rights in the Constitution of 1945 and the Constitution of Medina
Suprihanto, Agus
The Legal Protection for the Creditors as the Holders of the Mortgage Rights Towards the Buildings Rights Over the Managements Rights
Supriyo, Agus
Transnational Corruption and Its Impact on Indonesian Jurisdiction
Supriyo, Agus
The Problem of Norm on the Retroactive Patent Certificate
Suryawati, Nany
Criticize the Constitutional Rights of Citizens on Era and Post Pandemic Covid 19 in State of the Republic of Indonesia
Suryono, Hassan
The Effect of Globalization on the National Legal Policies of Human Rights
Legal Protection Urgency of Children’s Rights From Violence Action in Tangerang Selatan Area
Susilo, Sri Herowanti
Reclamation as Land Procurement Efforts for Development for Public Interest
Sutarni, Nanik
Legal Protection Factors for Owner of Land Right in the Land Procurement That is Still Not Giving Justice (Legal Case Study on Semarang-Solo Freeway Construction in Boyolali Regency)
Syahida, Aufi Qonitatus
The Optimization of Halal Certification in Indonesia:Finding Right Balance between Consumer and Businessmen Interest
Tajudin, Amalina Binti Ahmad
The Covid-19 Situation: The Role of Guiding Principles in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in ASEAN Economic Recovery
Tejomurti, Kukuh
Application of the Proportionality Principle in the Credit Restructuring Policy for the SMEs Financial Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Thalib, Prawitra
Company Policy on Termination of Employment at Pandemic Covid-19 From a Fair and Justice Perspective
Tiopan, Demson
Special Electoral Tribunal as a Solution for Fairness and Fulfillment of Human Rights of the Candidates for Membership of the House of Representatives and Regional People’s Representatives Assembly
Triasih, Dharu
Legal Protection of the Parties in the Franchise Agreement
Uyun, Dhia Al
Social Welfare for the Adoption of Displaced Children by Foreign Citizens
Wahanisa, Rofi
Rural Spatial Planning and Public Participation in Preserving Cultural Heritage Site
Wasiska, Asti
The Implementation of Act 29/ 2004 Concerning Medical Practice and Its Implementation Regulations
Wibowo, Ari Tri
The Law Impact on the Inheritance of Nominee Arrangement in Indonesia to the Third Party of Share Buyers
Widjaja, Alia Harumdani
Electronic Voting: Towards Indonesian Democratic Constitutional Election
Widyadarma, Bima Ganesha
Effectiveness of Online Remission Implementation
Widyaningrum, Tuti
Review of the Juvenile Justice System for Children With Disabilities as Juvenile Offender in Indonesia
Wijanarko, Agus
Correctional Revitalization
Wijayanti, Asri
Legal Protection for Freelance Daily Employee in Salt Pond Madura
Wijayanti, Winda
The Role of the Constitutional Court as a Stimulator of the Amendment of Traffic and Road Transport Act
Winandi, Woro
Relevance for the Establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the Enforcement of Human Rights in Indonesia
Winarsi, Sri
Company Policy on Termination of Employment at Pandemic Covid-19 From a Fair and Justice Perspective
Windari, Rusmilawati
Measuring Challenges of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Education at Junior High Schools Level in Madura
Wirawan, Aditya
Fair and Beneficial Tobacco Excise Sharing Funds Regulations for Tobacco Farmers in Indonesia
The Optimization of Halal Certification in Indonesia:Finding Right Balance between Consumer and Businessmen Interest
Arrangement of Sharia Agreement in Hajj Funds Investment With Productive Waqf Schemes
Yanto, Oksidelfa
Legal Protection Urgency of Children’s Rights From Violence Action in Tangerang Selatan Area
Yudianto, Ahmad
Forensic Identification of Workplace Accidents Causing Death (A Case Report)
Yudianto, Ahmad
Autopsy Findings on a Corpse With Blunt Trauma Suspected Murder (Case Report)
Yustitianingtyas, Levina
The Claim of Human Rights Violations Against China in Covid-19 Case of the Opportunity to Use International Court of Human Rights Mechanisms
Ziliwu, Frans Candra
Position of Non-Marital Children in Inheritance Reviewed From Tengger’s Adat Law
karimah, Iffah
The Optimization of Halal Certification in Indonesia:Finding Right Balance between Consumer and Businessmen Interest