Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation Track Accounting and Management Sciences (ICOSIAMS 2021)

110 authors
Ab-Rahim, Rossazana
Four-Way Linkages of Trade Openness, Income Inequality, Environmental Degradation and Economic Growth in Malaysia
Abdurahim, Ahim
Sharia Hotel Management Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study of Namira Sharia Hotel Yogyakarta)
Abdurahim, Ahim
Model of Sharia Hotel Characteristics with Transcendental Dialectics Method to Create Yogyakarta Tourism Competitiveness
Abidin, Ali Zainal
The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Al Hadi, Abu Azam
Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
Alam, Md. Mahmudul
Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
Amalia, Siska Nur
The Influence of the Internal Control System, Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Regional Financial Management System on the Implementation of Good Governance
Amri, Nanda Hasanul
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Anggraini, Ratna Dewi
The Influence of CEO Compensation on Disclosure of Related Party Transactions with Corporate Governance as a Moderate Variable
Anjani, Alfi Muthia
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Anwar, Saiful
The Preliminary Investigation of How Barakah Works
Arifin, Agus
Economic Development Analysis of Three Famous Tourist Destinations in Purbalingga
Burhan, M.Umar
Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
Damayanti, Karisma
Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
Darmawan, Akhmad
Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
Darojat, Priska Auliana
Sharia Hotel Management Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study of Namira Sharia Hotel Yogyakarta)
Dewi, Siwi Setya
A Comparative Analysis State Owned and National Private Bank’s Financial Performance
Dirie, Khadar Ahmed
Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Poverty Gap in Indonesia
Fadilah, Affan Ghaffar
The Effects of Human Resources and Information Technology Utilization toward Transparency of Village Financial Management with Organizational Commitment as a Moderated Variable (Empirical Study in Bantul Regency)
Fauzan, Muhammad
Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
Fauzi, Akhmad
Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
Fitri, Ismi Nisaul
Accountability, Transparency, Supervision, WC And OC On VG And VAPerformance
Ghofirin, Mohammad
KiBlat Analysis for Stock Selection with Growth Earning Lynch Model
Gunawan, Barbara
Analysis Factors Affecting Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
Handayani, Siti Dyah
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Hartam, Wahid
Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Management: Moderating Effect of the Corporate Life Cycle
Hidayat, Bachtari Alam
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Ingratubun, Muhammad Amir
Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
Ismail, Russayani
Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
Jatmiko, Bambang
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Jatmiko, Bambang
The Influence of Human Resource Competency, Internal Control Systems, and Use of Information Technology on Quality of Village Financial Statements
Jatmiko, Bambang
Accountability, Transparency, Supervision, WC And OC On VG And VAPerformance
Jatmiko, Bambang
The Influence of the Internal Control System, Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Regional Financial Management System on the Implementation of Good Governance
Khusniati, Navi’ah
Financial Inclusion and the Role of Governance in Selected ASEAN Countries
Kresnawati, Etik
Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Management: Moderating Effect of the Corporate Life Cycle
Kurniasih, Retno
Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
Laras, Titi
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Lestari, Endah Dwi
The Influence of Knowledge, Income Level, Transparency, and Trust in Muzakki’s Interest to Pay Zakat through The Zakat Organization outside Java and Java Island
Lestari, Sri
Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
Matara, Kusmawaty
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Momon, Momon
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Murtadho, Muis
Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
Nabella, Rihana Sofie
Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
Nabila, Arfeni
Sharia Stock Performance Behavior in the Covid-19 Situation
Nazaruddin, Ietje
Implications of Strategic and Development Purposes on the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisals and Motivation to Improve
Nuryartono, R. Nunung
Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
Prasetyani, Dwi
The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
Pratolo, Suryo
Accountability of Covid-19 Handling Fund: The Role of Internal Control and Quality of Human Resources
Pratolo, Suryo
The Effects of Human Resources and Information Technology Utilization toward Transparency of Village Financial Management with Organizational Commitment as a Moderated Variable (Empirical Study in Bantul Regency)
Primasari, Niken Savitri
KiBlat Analysis for Stock Selection with Growth Earning Lynch Model
Priyono, Rakhmat
Economic Development Analysis of Three Famous Tourist Destinations in Purbalingga
Pudjihardjo, M.
Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
Purnomo, Eko Priyo
Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
Purwidianti, Wida
Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
Putra, Wahyu Manuhara
The Influence of Knowledge, Income Level, Transparency, and Trust in Muzakki’s Interest to Pay Zakat through The Zakat Organization outside Java and Java Island
Putra, Wahyu Manuhara
The Effect of Corporate Financial Pressure on Financial Statement Fraud during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Putri, Gustita Arnawati
Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
R, Anita Fitria
Economic Growth Determinants in Selected ASEAN Countries
Rachmawatie, Dessy
Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
Rachmawatie, Dessy
Economic Growth Determinants in Selected ASEAN Countries
Raharti, Rini
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Rahmawati, Evi
Quality of Accounting Information and Market Value
Rahmawati, Ika Yustina
Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
Rajasegar, Navanita
Four-Way Linkages of Trade Openness, Income Inequality, Environmental Degradation and Economic Growth in Malaysia
Rosalia, Amelia Choya Tia
The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
Rustariyuni, Surya Dewi
Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
Said, Jamaliah
Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
Saksono, Herie
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Saputra, Gati Reditya
Influence of Human Resource Competence, Internal Control System, Participation in Budget Preparation, and Accounting Control on Performance Accountability of Local Government Agencies
Sari, Kartika
Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
Satria, Dias
Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
Sawarjuwono, Tjiptohadi
Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
Sofyani, Hafiez
Implications of Strategic and Development Purposes on the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisals and Motivation to Improve
Sudarman, Bena Balatin
Factors Influencing Financial Accountability in Ciamis Regency
Sulistyani, Adelia
Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?
Suryani, Mawar
The Preliminary Investigation of How Barakah Works
Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
Susesti, Dina Anggraeni
Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
Susilawati, Desi
A Comparative Analysis State Owned and National Private Bank’s Financial Performance
Sutrisno, Triya Aprillia
Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
Tahar, Afrizal
The Effect of Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Local Government Employees with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study on the Regional Government of Bantul Regency
The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Poverty Gap in Indonesia
Tsara’nafisa, Nida’atha’fika
Accountability of Covid-19 Handling Fund: The Role of Internal Control and Quality of Human Resources
Tubastuvi, Naelati
Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
Udin, Udin
The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
Utami, Evy Rahman
The Influence of CEO Compensation on Disclosure of Related Party Transactions with Corporate Governance as a Moderate Variable
Utami, Evy Rahman
Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?
Utami, Yuli
Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
Wahyudi, Setyo Tri
Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
Wahyuningtyas, Endah Tri
Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
Wardana, Linda Kusumastuti
Analysis Factors Affecting Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
Wardani, Dyah Titis Kusuma
Financial Inclusion and the Role of Governance in Selected ASEAN Countries
Wibowo, Sigit Arie
Model of Sharia Hotel Characteristics with Transcendental Dialectics Method to Create Yogyakarta Tourism Competitiveness
Wicaksono, Baskoro
The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
Widagdo, Ari Kuncara
Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
Widarjo, Wahyu
Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
Widiastuti, Harjanti
Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?