Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Sensor Network and Computer Engineering

323 authors
Zhao, Yan
Research on Software Resources Encapsulation Technology Based on Cloud Manufacturing Service
Zhao, Yan
Comparative Study of Data Sharing Based on Network Collaborative Design
Zhao, Zhipeng
Research on Steady Voltage Control Circuit of Small Wind Driven Generator
Zheng, Jigang
Cluster Analysis of Back Type of Denial of Service Attack
Zheng, Xiaohong
The Feeding Rate Optimization Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm
Zheng, Yafei
Modal Analysis of the Numerical Control Machine Based on Grid Technology
Zhong, Jiaming
Research into Intelligent Tourism Architecture Mode Based on TRP
Zhong, Wei
Research on the Optimization Strategy of Accounting and Management in Enterprise
Zhou, Jian
Design and Implementation of Driving School Information Management System Based on Dreamweaver
Zhou, Jian
Introduction to Information Transmission in a Neuron-Astrocyte
Zhou, Lifen
A Comparative Study of Local Image Feature Description
Zhou, Lifen
Fast and Global Minimization Convex Multiphase Active Contours
Zhou, Wu
Review of SLAM Data Association Study
Zhou, Xiaoqing
Research on Mass Image Storage Platform Based on Cloud Computing
Zhou, Zhiyong
Research on Mass Image Storage Platform Based on Cloud Computing
Zhu, Lingli
Research and Design of CAE Technology Service Platform for Small Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises
Zhu, Shangzhen
Improvement Harmony Search Algorithm and Its Application
Zhu, Tailang
Analysis of Interdriver Heterogeneity Based on Trajectory Data with K-means Clustering Method
Zhu, Wenhuan
Evaluation Method of Rolling Bearing Quality (Part I: Theory)
Zhu, Wenhuan
Evaluation Method of Rolling Bearing Quality (Part II: Experiment)
Zhu, Zhenshen
The Research of Leaves Characteristics
Zhu, Zhenshen
Multi-objective Model Selection for Extreme Learning Machine
Zou, Ziyao
Summary of Power Grid Research in Smart Home Environment