Proceedings of the 2016 International Forum on Management, Education and Information Technology Application
529 authors
- Bai, Ming
- A Study on Miniaturized Microstrip Antenna for IoTs Sensor Applications
- Bai, Shengjian
- Robust Object Tracking using Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking and Superpixels
- Bai, Shengjian
- Patch-based object tracking using the local robust histogram and background estimation
- Ban, Cong
- Cultural Routes :Theoretic System And Its Enlightenment To China Heritage Practice
- Ban, Tingqi
- Cultural Routes :Theoretic System And Its Enlightenment To China Heritage Practice
- Ban, Zhewen
- Cultural Routes :Theoretic System And Its Enlightenment To China Heritage Practice
- Bao, Jifeng
- Asymptotic behavior of Nonlinear Euler Equation and Its Application
- Bie, Hongxia
- An FDA-based Stock Exchange Price Curve Feature Recognition and Analysis Method
- Cai, Huali
- Statistical Analysis on the Quality of China’s Key Services in 2014
- Cao, Chengxuan
- Traffic Simulation of Hongqi Elevated Road in Yantai
- Cao, Chenzhong
- Agricultural news service system front page development based on responsive web design
- Cao, Jinxin
- Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Residents’ Travel Behavior Based on the Traffic Safety
- Chang, Hao
- Strategy-Making Processes towards Strategy Transformation: An Analysis of Leading High-tech Corporations in Taiwan.
- Chang, Li-Chung
- Learning to Gain Wisdom: Experience of MNCs Accounting Managers
- Chang, Li-Chung
- Strategy-Making Processes towards Strategy Transformation: An Analysis of Leading High-tech Corporations in Taiwan.
- Chao, Jiang
- Chinese President Chen Xujing’s Academic Management and Christian Lingnan University
- Chen, Bingyang
- The Design of Green Engineering in the Creation of Beautiful Highway
- Chen, Dan
- Some clear policies must be issued to support the internship and practice of full-time professional master
- Chen, Feihu
- Cultural Routes :Theoretic System And Its Enlightenment To China Heritage Practice
- Chen, Fenghui
- Evaluation of the development level of construction industry based on factor analysis in Sichuan province, China
- Chen, Fuqian
- Insertion force of micro-probe into brain phantom
- Chen, Gongliang
- The Problem of State Recovering Attack Against Trivium
- Chen, Guotie
- The Center of Effort and the Countermeasures to Improve the Independent Innovation Ability of Employees
- Chen, Hanchao
- Orbital autonomous inspection robot based on multi-sensor technology
- Chen, Hong
- The Application of the Four-level Skills Training System in the Aviation Equipment Maintenance Practical Teaching
- Chen, Jing
- The research of cold chain logistics management’ effect to the quality of product in China and American
- Chen, Jinhui
- Context Oriented Semantic Model for the Internet of Things
- Chen, Jinhui
- Architecting Semantics-based Publish/Subscribe Applications for the Internet of Things
- Chen, Lei
- Assessing the Impact of Urban Roadway Construction Projects through Leveraging Traffic Surveillance Data
- Chen, Leiting
- A new rank-ordered method for removing random-valued impulse noise
- Chen, Na
- A Satellite’s Temperature Field Reconstruction Method Based on Structural Feature
- Chen, Pin
- Multi-level Practical Teaching System Based on Graduation Design (Thesis)
- Chen, Shanshan
- Assessment method for the impact of truck parking policy in urban areas
- Chen, Shaojiang
- A Three-Dimensional Visualization On-line Monitoring System for Large Buildings with OSG and ProE
- Chen, Ting
- Application of EUVC Algorithm to Evaluate Unconnected Vehicle in A Connected Vehicle Environment
- Chen, Tingting
- Preliminary Study of Teaching Reform on the Course of Water Supply Engineering
- Chen, Xi Ying
- Three standard management system application in research management
- Chen, Xiangjun
- Current research status of forecast criteria for landslide monitoring and forecasting system in China
- Chen, Xingguang
- Assessing the Impact of Urban Roadway Construction Projects through Leveraging Traffic Surveillance Data
- Chen, Xuesong
- Performance and Industry Application Test of A High Power Access Point
- Cheng, Jincheng
- The dynamic scheduling algorithm based on heuristic rule
- Cheng, Yankun
- Application Research Progress of DSA
- Chu, Ming
- Design and Simulation for Brushless DC Motor Speed Control System Based on Fuzzy Control and Active Disturbance Rejection Control
- Cui, Bo
- Design on Framework of Construction Project Management Information System for EPC Contractor
- Cui, Bo
- Materials Purchasing Management Workflow Modeling of Construction Project Based on CPR
- Dai, Junchen
- Research in Layout of Pavement Markings in Freeway Merging Area
- Dai, Yi
- The Study of Regional Teacher Training Mode in the Environment of Guangdong Education Cloud Streaming
- Dai, Yi
- Construction of cloud learning environment for Open Education: the exploration and practice of Zhuhai Radio & TV University
- Dai, Yi
- The Research of video format conversion based on educational video-on-demand
- Deng, Hepu
- Assessing the Impact of Urban Roadway Construction Projects through Leveraging Traffic Surveillance Data
- Di, Weiguo
- Simulation Research on Vehicle Signal in Vehicle Axle Load Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW
- Dong, Biao
- Context Oriented Semantic Model for the Internet of Things
- Dong, Biao
- Architecting Semantics-based Publish/Subscribe Applications for the Internet of Things
- Dong, Guoliang
- The Application of VBA in Data Conversion for Network Platform Database
- Dong, Honghui
- Research of Adaptive Grid Index Map Matching
- Dong, Huifen
- An Effective Method to Detect Moving Objects under PTZ Camera
- Dong, Huifen
- A Fast Lane Detection and Tracking Algorithm
- Dong, Ru-Pin
- Learning to Gain Wisdom: Experience of MNCs Accounting Managers
- Dong, Xiang
- Technique Development on Baking a Novel Pastry with Nuts Application
- Dong, Ying
- Multi-Level Search Algorithm for Roundness Error Evaluation by the Minimum Zone Circle Method
- Dong, Zhen
- Application of virtual Reality Technology in the Experimental Teaching of Machinery Manufacturing Simulation
- Du, Changqing
- A Research on the Four-State Control Strategy Based on the Specific Condition
- Du, Dongxing
- Research and Exploration on the Bachelor Thesis Topic Selection and Guidance of Undergraduate Students
- Fan, Yuliang
- Evaluation of the development level of construction industry based on factor analysis in Sichuan province, China
- Fan, Zhen-Wei
- The Research On The Relationship of APN with Cerebral Infarction
- Fang, Lifeng
- Breakout prediction based on particle swarm optimization back propagation neural network in continuous casting process
- Fang, Yuan
- On the Evolution Mechanism between the Offshore and Onshore RMB Market
- Feng, Hui
- Application of EUVC Algorithm to Evaluate Unconnected Vehicle in A Connected Vehicle Environment
- Feng, Shuhai
- Identification Method for Conductor Measurement Temperature in Dynamic Capacity-Increase of Transmission Line
- Feng, Xiaoming
- The Design of the High Voltage Switch Detection System of the Power System and Research
- Feng, Xiaorong
- A Key Management Scheme based on Cluster Grouping Structure for Mobile Networks
- Gai, Kerong
- Research on home patrol robot
- Gao, Kai
- A design of solid state power controller based on FPGA
- Gao, Weiqiang
- Design and Realization of Open CNC System Based on Software Motion Controller
- Gao, Yanan
- Application Research Progress of DSA
- Gao, Yang
- The Design of the High Voltage Switch Detection System of the Power System and Research
- Gao, Yu
- Petrochemical Enterprises Sudden Environmental Pollution Accident Emergency Monitoring Research
- Gao, Yukai
- Chaos Detection of Rule Weak Periodic Signal
- Ge, Tong
- An FDA-based Stock Exchange Price Curve Feature Recognition and Analysis Method
- Ge, Yan
- The dynamic scheduling algorithm based on heuristic rule
- Gong, Junquan
- The Appraisal Procedure For The Importance Of Node in Corporate Marketing Network
- Gu, Jinfeng
- Research on Co-simulation of Omni-directional Mobile Platform Based on ADAMS and MATLAB
- Gu, Lin
- Forecast research on China’s crude steel output in the new period
- Guo, Haifeng
- Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Forest Fire Detection
- Guo, Jianxin
- The application of intelligent decision support technology in distance education system
- Guo, Min
- The introduction of AOI in PCB defect detection based on linear array camera
- Guo, Qing-Feng
- The Construction Strategies of College Teachers’ Multimodal Electronic Teaching Portfolio
- Guo, Qing-Feng
- On Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent Cultivation Strategies in China Local Colleges
- Guo, Xiaohua
- A New Semantic Similarity Measurement Based on HowNet Concept Tree
- Guo, Xin
- Unmanned driving research of underground scraper based on laser measurement system
- Guo, Xueli
- Multi-level Practical Teaching System Based on Graduation Design (Thesis)
- Han, Baoming
- The experience and enlightenment of the management of Beijing urban rail transit civil communication resources
- Han, Hou
- Construction of cloud learning environment for Open Education: the exploration and practice of Zhuhai Radio & TV University
- Han, Juntao
- A Microscopic Simulation Method to Calculate the Capacity of Railway Station
- He, Chaochao
- Decision Support System for Strengthening Medium and Short Span Concrete Bridges
- He, Juan
- Study on Intelligent Alarm System for Gas Concentration Detection
- He, Na
- Effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage
- He, Yilin
- Study on the Improved Parallel Braking Control Strategy of Range-extended Electric Commercial Vehicle
- He, Yu
- Evaluation studies of Sustainable Development of highway construction based on entropy weight-fuzzy comprehensive method
- Hong, Yin
- The Cultivation of Outstanding Engineers on the Background of “Industrial 4.0â€